Attachment 1990Geostar Oppositi

1990Geostar Oppositi

OPPOSITION submitted by Geostar

Opposition to Comments


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19900518-00032 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


|                              3                               ~ o         RECEIVED
    t';\       ‘            e          Before the                             NoV 2 8 1990
      |                          WASHINGTON, D.C.     20554             Federal Communications Commission
                                                j                             Office of the Secretary

           In the Matter of                    File Nos. 43—DSS—MP/ML—90,
                                               44—DSS—MP/ML—90, 45—DSS—                     ‘g
                                               MP/ML—90, 46—DSS—P/LA—90,             RECE?’VED
           GEOSTAR POSITIONING                 5s2—DSS—EXT—90, 53—DSS—EXT—90,
                CORPORATION                    Css—90—012 (ML), Ccss—90—013   Hily s a
                                               (ML), CSS—90—014 (ML),                          CC
           For Modification of the             CSS—90—015 (ML)                    C'O'nesfir,ra.,;lites Divigig
           Geostar RDSS Space                                                       Saléliite Aadip Branch N
           Station Authorizations

                     OoPPOSTTION TO COMMENTS OF MOTOROLA,        INC.

                                       GEOSTAR POSITIONING CORPORATION

                                       T.    Stephen Cheston
                                       Executive Vice President of
                                            Governmental Affairs
                                       1001 22nd St., N.W.
                                       Washington, DC 20037

                                       (202) 887—0870

             November 28,   1990

                                  TABLE OF_CONTENTS

I.     INTRODUCTION AND SUMMARY                       e   0e   e   e   e    e    e    e   e    e   e   e   s       1

       PETITION FOR RECONSIDERATION AND SHOULD BE DENIED                                                   .       4

III.   GEOSTAR IS NOT MONOPOLIZING SCARCE SPECTRUM                                             .   .   .   .       8

       OF ITS RDSS SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . .                                            s   s   .   .       9

        A.   Geostar Has Successfully Made the
             Transition from a Start—Up Venture to
             a Fully Operational Company . . . . . .                                           .   .   .   .       9

       B.    The Success of Geostar‘s Service Offerings
             Evidence the Existence of a Viable RDSS
             Marketplace .            .   .   .   .   .   .    .   .   k    o«   o«   k   o«   &   s   k   s—_—   12

       C.    Geostar Has Made Substantial Progress
             Towards the Implementation of Its Full
             RDSS    System       ®   L   ®   *   ®   e   ®    ®   ®   ®    &    ®    &   ®    ®   L   ®   ®      l 6

       RECONSIDER ITS COMMITMENT TO RDSS SERVICE. .                                            .   .   .   .      21

VI e   CONCLUS ION    &   e   *   &   e   *   &   e   #   «    a   ®   e«   a    e    ®   ®    &   *   *   *      25

                                   Before the                            Nov 2 8 1990
                    FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                     i Communications Commission
                         WASHINGTON, D.C. 20554                      "*088 iCce of the Secratary

In the Matter of                   )    File Nos. 43—DSS—MP/ML—90,
                                   )    44—DSS—MP/ML—90, 45—DSS—
                                   )    MP/ML—90, 46—DSS—P/LA—90,
GEOSTAR POSITIONING                )    52—DSS—EXT—90, 53—DSS—EXT—90,
     CORPORATION                   )    CSSs—90—012 (ML), CSS—90—013
                                   )    (ML), CSS—90—014 (ML),
For Modification of the            )    CSS—90—015 (ML)
Geostar RDSS Space                 )
Station Authorizations             )


        Geostar Positioning Corporation ("Geostar"), hereby

files its Opposition to the Comments filed on November 5,
1990,       by Motorola,   Inc.   on Geostar‘s above—referenced



        Geostar is currently the sole licensee in the Radio—

determination Satellite Service ("RDSS").              Geostar is cur—

rently operating an interim RDSS system using special RDSS

relays carried on host domestic fixed satellites together

with conventional 4/6 GHz transponders.}>            However, Geostar

has already begun construction of three space stations for

initiation of its permanent RDSS system, as authorized by the

        1      See GTE Spacenet Corporation,        1 FCC Red 1163
(1986), Mimeo 5175         (June 16,   1986),   DA 88—1265   (Aug.   15,
1988) and DA 89—1506 (Dec. 6, 1989); Geostar Positioning
Corporation, FCC 89—142 (May 25, 1989).

Commission.*          The applications under consideration here pro—

pose technical modifications to two of Geostar‘s currently

authorized RDSS sateilites, the construction and launch of

two new ones, and a modest delay in their launch and opera—,

tion.       As demonstrated herein, Geostar has made substantial

progress in the implementation of its RDSS service and is

currently providing valuable services to its customers.

        According to Motorola, Geostar‘s applications reflect

its "latest effort to keep its satellite authorizations alive

while it attempts to obtain financing and identify a market

for its RDSS service"*> and that grant of the extension would

"merely lock up valuable frequency spectrum which could

otherwise be used for more economic and spectrally efficient

satellite—based mobile services."*          In essence, Motorola

seeks to have Geostar‘s applications denied, and its licenses

revoked, so that additional spectrum might be made available

for Motorola‘s proposed IRIDIUM satellite system.          Geostar

urges the Commission to reject these comments.

        To begin with, Motorola‘s attempt to have the 1610 MHz

to 1626.5 MHz band reallocated is misplaced in this

        2      Geostar Corp.,    for Authority to Construct, Launch
and Operate Space Stations in the Radiodetermination
Satellite Service, 60 R.R.2d 1725 (1986).

        3      Comments of Motorola, Inc., filed Nov. 5, 1990 at 1

        *    . IGg.

proceeding.     If Motorola disagrees with the Commission‘s

allocation decisions in this band, it should have petitioned

the Commission for a reconsideration of its decision within

30 days of when the allocation was made.           Alternatively,

Motorola could have filed a Petition for Rulemaking,° asking

the Commission to reexamine the situation in light of new

circumstances.     However, Motorola‘s attempt to have this

portion of the spectrum reallocated through its comments in

this docket is procedurally incorrect,           and should be dis—

missed by the Commission as an untimely petition for recon—

sideration. .

     Notwithstanding this fatal flaw, Geostar agrees with

Motorola that valuable spectrum space should be put to its

most efficient use.     However, such goals are furthered by the

Commission‘s existing RDSS plan.        As the Commission well

knows, current RDSS spectrum is designed to be shared by

multiple entrants,    and the FCC is considering a proposal for

further spectrum sharing.      This proposal —— unlike Motorola‘s

apparent plan —— will be compatible with existing and planned

RDSS operations.                                        |

     Geostar‘s current RDSS system makes significant use of

the FCC‘s RDSS spectrum.      Indeed, while Motorola intimafies

that there may be no market for RDSS,° Geostar‘s current

     5     See 47 C.F.R.    § 1.429   (1989) .

     6     Comments at 1.

customers would dispute otherwise.     In addition, Ellipsat

Corporation recently filed an application seeking Commission

authorization to construct its own RDSS system claimed to be

compatible with Geostar RDSS.   Surely,   if there was no market

for this service, other applicants would not be interested in

spending the enormous amount of time and money involved in

constructing their own RDSS systenm.

      Finally, because Motorola has not filed an application

to construct its IRIDIUM system, not enough information is

available to even determine whether the system will present

the Commission with the prbspects of a viable, innovative

service.   Therefore, since there is no pending proposal

before the Commission, it cannot properly deny Geostar‘s

applications on the basis of this possible service, which may

never come to fruition.   Geostaf urges the Commission to dis—

miss the comments filed by Motorola and grant its applica—



      To the best of Geostar‘s knowledge, Motorola does not

compete with Geostar in the provision of RDSS service.

Furthermore, Motorola did not submit an original application

to provide RDSS service, nor did it file a Petition for

Reconsideration of the Commission‘s 1985 Order allocating 33

MHz of spectrum to RDSS.‘            Moreover, because the Commission

is currently considering the possibility of adding additional

services to the RDSS bands on a compatible basis," Motorola

cannot legitimately claim that it is harmed by not being able

to make use of this portion of the spectrum.                Indeed,

Motorola has failed to show any injury which will befall it

as a result of the Commission‘s grant of the Geostar applica—,


       Nevertheless, Motorola is asking the Commission to deny

the Geostar applications and to reallocate this portion of

the spectrum for its proposed IRIDIUM satellite service.

There is no evidence that Motorola was denied the opportunity

to challenge the Allocation Order through proper use of the

Commission‘s reconsideration procedures —— by filing a peti—

tion for reconsideration.             Alternatively,   it could have

raised its concerns by petitioning the Commission for a

rulemaking.         It has chosen, however, to voice its objections

to the Commission‘s allocation decision by filing an opposi—

Vtion to Geostar‘s applications.              Such a request constitutes,

in essence, a petition for reconsideration of the

       7     >   Radio Determination Satellite Service, 58 R.R.2d
1416 (1985).
       8 —       See Second Notice of Inquiry, Gen. Docket No. 89—
554,   FCC 90—316      (Oct.   1,   1990)   at {€ 70—72.   See infra for a
discussion of this issue.

Commissién's Allocation Order,    and as such should be dis—

missed as untimely.

     As repeatedly noted by the Commission,    "the proper

method of contesting a final Commission action is to file a

timely petition for reconsideration."°    The Commission‘s

Rules require that a petition for reconsideration be filed

within 30 days from the date of public notice of the Com—

mission‘s action.""   Any interested person may file a peti—

tion for reconsideration."    There is nothing requiring that

a party participate in any of the earlier proceedings.        The

purpose of this rule is to ensure that "long—settled and

unappealed matter[([s] should not be reopened."‘"
     It is a well settled principle that spectrum capacity is

scarce and that the demand for spectrum exceeds the avail—

ability of usable frequencies.    Because spectrum allocation

decisions generally involve preferring one potential user

over another, the Commission must constantly reexamine how to

partition this valuable resource, and must balance a number

of competing concerns in making such decisions.      Moreover,

there will always be parties who believe that the public

     9    Investigation of Equal Access Rate Elements Filed
Pursuant to Waivers of Part 69,    5 FCC Red 2573   (1990).

     10   47 C.F.R. §1.429 (1989).

     11   I@.

     12   Charles Smithgall, 29 F.C.C.2d 89 (1971).

 interest would be best served by different services.              How—

 ever, the requlatory process simply cannot withstand attacks

 on every application filed at the Commission because a party

 might seek to use the spectrum for another purpose.            More—

 over,        there are appropriate procedural remedies available for

 parties seeking Commission review of an earlier decision.

         Indeed, the FCC has already faced this precise issue

 regarding the RDSS allocation.           In 1987,   a company called

 Starfind presented the agency with similar speculative clains

 that it had a developed a "better mousetrap" for RDSS and

 petitioned the FCC the authorize its system even though it

_was not compatible with the RDSS spread spectrum sharing

 rules.        The FCC refused:

                    To the extent that Starfind‘s petition ques—
                    tions the Commission‘s decisionmaking in
                    adopting the spread spectrum transmission mode
                    for the RDSS and in granting four RDSS
                    licenses based on such a system design, it is
                    not a timely request for reconsideration of
                    those actions pursuant to 47 C.F.R.
                    § 1.106."

Motorola‘s plea should be similarly treated.

         In sum, Motorola‘s comments, urging the Commission to

deny Geostar‘s applications and "fine—tuning"‘* its rules to

allow non—compatible systems in the RDSS spectrum, in reality

         13         Letter from James R. Keegan, Chief, Domestic
Facilities Division, to Richard A. Halavais, Starfind, Inc.
 (Sept.       29,    1987),   at 2.

         14         Comments at 8.

constitute a petition for reconsideration of the Commission‘s

earlier RDSS orders.        Because Motorola has failed to comply

with any of the Commission‘s procedural.rules, its comments

should be dismissed by the Commission as an untimely petition

for reconsideration.


       According to Motorola, grant of the Geostar applications

would "merely lock up valuable frequency spectrum'which could

otherwise be used for more economic and spectrally efficient

satellite—based mobile services.""              This is simply untrue.

The Commission‘s innovative RDSS licensing policies permit

other parties to obtain an authorization to provide RDSS

service in competition with Geostar.            The Commission always

envisioned the RDSS marketplace to be "a competitive industry

with minimal reqgulation""" and established a multiple entry

policy for RDSS which remains in effect."

       5 _    comments at 2.

     16   Policies and Procedures for the Licensing of Space
and Earth Stations in the Radiodetermination Satellite
Service,     Gen.   Docket No.   84—690,   60 R.R.2d 298,   311   (1986)
("Licensing Order").

       17     Indeed, three parties, besides Geostar, filed
applications to provide RDSS service.  IG@. at 299. Other
parties receiving RDSS authorizations were Omninet
Corporation, MCCA American Radiodetermination Corporation and
McCaw Space Technologies, Inc.

        Furthermore, the Commission is currently considering the

possibility of adding additional services to the RDSS bands

on a compatible basis to increase the flexibility and effi—

ciency of spectrum use."*      Should the Commission adopt such

a proposal, Motorola would be free to use the spectrum for

other purposes, as long it does not interfere with RDSS


        Thus, Geostar is not attempting to “fiarehouse“ spectrum

for some later use.       Furthermore, the mere existence of

Geostar‘s license does not squander use of valuable spectrunm

space.       Other parties remain free to obtain authorizations

from the Commission to provide RDSS service, and possibly ——

in the future —— other services as well.      Motorola‘s con—

cerns, therefore, simply have no basis in fact.


        A.    Geostar Has Successfuilylnade the Transition from a
              Start—Up Venture to a Fully Operational Company

        When the Commission issued Geostar its authorizations in

1986,    it was clear that Geostar was a start—up company,     and

that Geostar did not then have the financial assets of a

large corporation that could readily afford to construct and

launch a new satellite system.      However, the Commission‘s

        is    Second Notice of Inquiry, Gen. Docket No. 89—554,
FCC 90—316 (Oct. 1, 1990), {€ 70—72.

                              —   10   —

regulatory response to applications can change with time and

changed circumstances.     In particular, the Commission should

take into account when considering whether to grant the pro—

posed applications, the substantial progress made by Geostar

since 1986.

     When Geostar filed its application and petition for

rulemaking in 1983, Geostar‘s financial status was similar to

that of many other nascent satellite applicants.       Geostar

could demonstrate innovative technical and service concepts,

but not the cash on hand for full system implementation.

Nevertheless, the Commission has consistently issued satel—

lite systenm afithorizations to such start—up companies allow—,

ing them to proceed subject to a series of milestone require—,

ments in order to demonstrate due diligence in system imple—


     Geostar started out with seed capital of just over

$100,000 from initial shareholders and was conducting a first

round private placement to raise an additional $500,000.*°

Since then,    Geostar has obtained $125 million in funds from

service revenues,    equity and debt placements,   and other

revenue and income.     These funds have been expended towards

the construction of both the interim"" and dedicated RDSS

     19      See Geostar‘s March 31, 1983 Application at 9.

     20      The RDSS relays were an integral part of Geostar‘s
interim RDSS system since 1985 since the authorization for
the GSTAR II relay, which failed in orbit in 1986, was

                                — 11 —

facilities, including the funding of losses from operations

since 1983.    Such fundraising cannot be viewed as insubstan—

tial or used to demonstrate any asserted lack of commitment

by Geostar to the RDSS marketplace.

      It is notable that, within 2 years of the grant of

Geostar‘s system authorization, Geostar began receiving

revenue from an interim service using an RDSS relay operating

in the 1610—1626.5 MHz band allocated by the Commission to

RDSS.*"*   In developing its interim service, Geostar has made

effective use of the frequencies allocated to RDSS in a man—

ner that will allow efficient implementation of its full RDSS

system architecture and transmission format.

      Geostar‘s ability to raise these funds and develop its

interim and dedicated RDSS facilities did not rely on any

form of Commission reqgulatory preference or protection.

Geostar pioneered the concept of a multiple entry policy for

RDSS, which allowed the Commission to grant four initial RDSS

system authorizations without comparative evaluations.      Even

today, the Commission‘s Rules provide for the routine pro—

cessing of new RDSS system applications.

released in 1985.      ee GTE Satellite Corporation, Mimeo No.
1181 (Dec. 2, 1985).
      21    Geostar could have begun operations two years
earlier in 1986 had the RDSS relay on GSTAR II not failed in
orbit.  Launch of the next RDSS relay on board the Spacenet
III satellite was delayed until 1988 because of the launch
problems encountered during the 1986—1987 period by the
Shuttle and Ariane progranms.

                              — 12 —

        B.   The Success of Geostar‘s Service Offerings
             Evidence the Existence of a Viable RDSS Marketplace

        Geostar is currently providing an interim RDSS service

using RDSS relays inétalled at Geostar‘s expense on board the

GTE Spacenet III and GSTAR III satellites.       These RDSS relays

opefate in the 1610—1626.6 MHz band allocated to RDSS and use

the same transmission format that willlbe used in Geostar‘s

full RDSS system.     These inbound relays are currently being

uséd togetfier with conventional 4/6 GHz transponder capacity

to provide a two—way interim service that provides much of

the functionality that Geostar‘s full RDSS system will pro—


        Motorola asserts that Geostar "has not found a market"

for its service."     The facts, however, belie this clain.

Today, Geostar has over 130 customers and close to 4,000

units in operation, with another 6,000 on backlog order.

Numerous new units are installed each day.       Geostar provides

over 155,000 position fixes per day (62 million since

beginning service) and any messaging is and will remain

ancillary to the positioning function.

        Current and prospective customers demand positioning as

an integral part of the service.       Geostar has two RDSS relays

in orbit and leases redundant 4/6 GHz transponders to provide

service to these customers.     Geostar‘s own staff currently

        22   Comments at 5.

consists of 68 personnel, while another 100 people are

directly involved with Geostar‘s service in various vendor

organizations manufacturing, installing and supporting user

terminals in the field.

     Geostar‘s interim system users are obtaining valuable

benefits.    For example, users of the Geostar system in the

long—haul trucking industry can save from $3,400 to $5,500

per year per truck in increased asset utilization, reduction

of deadhead miles,    shortened biiling cycles;       reduced com—

munications costs to track vehicle location and status,

reduced driver recruitment and retention costs,          and reduction

of insurance rates and premiums.            In addition to these

quantifiable benefits, use of Geostar‘s service provides

improved help in emergency conditions and allows trucking

companies to improve the reliability and efficiency of the

service they provide their customers.

     Geostar is developing many other applications of its

service, particularly in the maritime and aeronautical

areas."     For example,   Geostar‘s current system is being

used by the Coast Guard to track some of its vessels,              and the

     23     Standards have been adopted for RDSS use in the
maritime and aeronautical areas by the Radio Technical Com—
mission for Maritime Services (RTCM) and the Radio Technical
Commission for Aeronautics        (RTCA).    See RTCM Recommended
Standards for Maritime Applications of the Radiodetermination
Satellite Service (RDSS), RTCM Special Committee No. 108,
August 1, 1990; Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards
for Radiodetermination Satellite Service (RDSS), Document No.
RTCA/DO—206, March 21,     1990    (Prepared by SC—161).

                               — 14 —

Bureau of Land Management for aircraft tracking and emergehcy


     Geostar‘s system has already provided examples of life

saving messages.     For example,   in June 1989,   Geostar‘s systenm

was the only reliable means of monitoring the status of the

Gentry Eagle speedboat in the North Atlantic after a storm

knocked out all of its other radio equipment.         Geostar‘s

system has also been used to summon help in life threatening

situations.     In February 1990, a student driver was pinned

underneath a Geostar—equipped truck as a result of an acci—

dent in a remote area.     The Geostar system was used to summon

an ambulance which arrived in a fraction of the time it nor—

mally would have, and in so doing saved a life."
     Geostar‘s success in providing service to the long—haul

trucking industry, which comprises the bulk of Geostar‘s cur—

rent customer base today,     as well as its efforts to develop

new markets, has been a necessary step in the development of

its full RDSS system.      Grant of the subject applications will

allow Geostar to provide satellite ranging with better than

50 meter accuracy within the system, as well as increased

satellite capacity, lower cost vehicle terminals, and the

satellite power to support handheld user terminals.         With the

     24      Additional details of these incidents are provided
in Appendix A to Geostar‘s March 20, 1990, Comments filed in
PR Docket No.    89—599.

                               —=   19   —

lower cost of such user terminals the market for Geostar‘s

RDSS services will of course expand.

     Indeed,   additional evidence of the flaw in Motorola‘s

reasoning comes in the recent filing of a new satellite

venturer called "Ellipsat."         This start up company —— which

unlike Motorola has actually applied to construct a satellite

system"" —— proposes to offer mobile voice, data and RDSS

positioning in a fashion somewhat similar to Motorola‘s

IRIDIUM plan.*"   Unlike Motorola, however, Ellipsat proposes

to offer these services in a fashion that it clains is

compatible with the CDMA transmission scheme adopted by the

FCC for the RDSS allocation."

     The Ellipsat filing demonstrates two things:         First,

entrepreneurs other than Geostar agree that a need exists for

radiodetermination services:         "RDSS clearly constitutes a

publicly beneficial service,— as evidenced by the many

instances where lives have been saved, stolen vehicles found

and hazardous cargo controlled by means of satellite—based

     25   Application of Ellipsat for Authority To Construct
an Elliptical Orbit Satellite System (filed Nov. 2, 1990) .

     26   See infra for a discussion of IRIDIUM.

     27   Ellipsat‘s plan is now being analyzed by Geostar
engineers to ensure that the two systems are compatible.   At
the moment their investigation requires further technical
information.  ~When the investigation is concluded, Geostar
will provide its results to the Commission.

                               —   16   —

radio—d@etermination."*    Second, Ellipsat‘s application

promises full compatibility witfi other RDSS systems, accord—

ing to the Commission‘s CDMA sharing rules.         Thus, for

Ellipsat, unlike Motorola,    spectrum is not a zero sum game:

innovative companies need not seize spectrum from existing

RDSS providers to meet their own service goals.

     The satellite facilities under consideration in

Geostar‘s request are needed in order to continue to serve

existing customers, to meet growth in service requirements,

and to extend the applications to the full range possible

with RDSS.     Motorola, which has neither customers nor a

satellite, would strand existing RDSS users and ask them to

await implementation of a system that has not even been

applied for, much less licensed,        constructed and launched.

Geostar‘s current customers would not hesitate to label this

a bad deal and neither should the FCC.

     C.      Geostar Has Made Substantial Progress Towards
            _ the Implementation of Its Full RDSS System

     Geostar has made considerable progress in its dedicated

satellite construction program.         Detailed engineering and

     28      Ellipsat Application at 24.      In addition to
Ellipsat,    other recent satellite applicants have proposed to
offer some positioning services.  See Application of Orbital
Communications Corp., FCC File No. 22—DSS—MP—90(20) ;
Application of Starsys, Inc., FCC File No. 33—DSS—P—90(24) .
Such interest in RDSS flies squarely in the face of
Motorola‘s unsupported assertion that RDSS rule changes are
necessary to encourage market entry.  See Comments at 9.

                              =   17   —

design work has been completed with respect to its multi—bean

satellites.""    One of the outgrowths of this work was the

modified design proposal that provides switchable spot beams

to cover virtually all of the western hemisphere and to

extend coverage to other countries for both commercial and

government customers."

     Geostar has constructed an operational hub facility at

its Washington, D.C. operating center consisting of two 5.5

meter antennas, a radio frequency hub facility comprised of

sophisticated spread spectrum acquisition and demodulation

equipment built to Geostar‘s unique specifications,

uninterruptable power supplies and backup generator capacity,

and redundant computer networking facilities to assemble,

route, and process position reports and ancillary messages

within Geostar‘s operating center, and sophisticated data

terminal equipment to provide a variety of interfaces with

its customers.     Appendix A provides photographic evidence of

the extent of Geostar‘s currently operational central earth

     29   Oover $10 million has been expended to date on these
satellites.  Tasks completed include the System Definition
Review to establish the final baseline design requirements,
definition of preliminary spacecraft configurations and sub—,
system interfaces, trade—off studies to optimize S/L—band
antennas and power amplifiers, preliminary launch vehicle
(shuttle/PAM—D—II) interfaces, and vendor selection for the
power amplifiers and S/L—band antennas.

     30   See Application of Geostar Positioning Corporation,
filed April 4, 1989, File Nos. CSS—89—003(3) and 1145/1146/

                             — 1g —

station facilities.   Most of the facilities now in operation

form a necessary part of the central earth station facilities

that will be required for operation with Geostar‘s dedicated

RDSS satellites.

     Geostar has made other technical progress in achieving

the implementation of its RDSS éervice.   One of the key bene—

fits and promises of RDSS as originally envisioned was the

ability of RDSS satellites to provide positioning and

ancillary two—way messaging to handheld RDSS terminals."

Geostar has already demonstrated a working,   engineering model

of a handheld RDSS user terminal to various government agen—,

cies."    This transceiver is 22 cubic inches and weighs 22

ounces including a keyboard/display and integrated antennas,

but not including battery pack, and is the result of an R&D

investment of more than $20 million.   All of the dedicated

RDSS satellites proposed in the applications under

     31    Licensing Order at 304.

     32    This unit transmits signals that are received at
Geostar‘s central earth station facilities over Geostar‘s in—
orbit RDSS relays at 1618.25 MHz.  Since the receivers in
these units are tuned to the 2491.75 MHz RDSS downlink fre—
quency, two—way transmissions are not currently possible.
However, all of this development effort will be wasted if
Geostar is not permitted to construct and launch its
dedicated RDSS satellites in these bands.

                             _19   «a

consideration, including the single beam satellites, will

support these handheld user terminals."

     Moreover,   during January 1990, Geostar conducted a

demonstration —— using its interim system —— of the satellite

ranging techniques it will use in its full RDSS system.      This

demonstration tracked a van as it drove across Florida.      The

results of that demonstration show that Geostar will be able

to provide an accuracy of 50 meters or better once its full

RDSS system is in ofieration.“

     Geostar‘s activities have not been limited to the United

States.   It has expended extensive efforts to support the

Commission and other government agencies to obtain inter—

national recognition of the Commission‘s domestic allocation

of frequencies to RDSS at the 1987 Mobile World Administra—

tive Radio Conference ("WARC").     RDSS was considered one of

the successes of the United States delegation to that confer—


     Geostar has licensed its patented technology overseas to

enable the development of a European»RDSS system known as

     33   The link budgets presented in the May 18, 1990
applications are premised on serving these handheld

     34   Geostar has not yet published an account of this
demonstration, but will be glad to provide a copy of its
internal proprietary report to the Commission on a non—
disclosure basis.

     35   See, e.qg., Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, Gen.
Docket No. 89—103, FCC 89—125 (May 5, 1989), % 13.

                            —   20   —

Locstar.   In addition, Geostar currently holds an 8.9 percent

interest in Locstar whose first two satellites will be _

capable of providing RDSS service in Europe, northern Africa,

and the Middle East.   Locstar has already entered into

contracts for the cbnstruction and launch of these L— and

S—Band multi—beam satellites,   the construction of central

earth station facilities, and user terminal manufacture.       The

first launch of an Ariane rocket is scheduled for April 1992.

The Locstar system will be interoperable with the Geostar

RDSS system to provide the same level of RDSS service within

the combined coverage areas of the two systems.    Geostar‘s

experience with its interim RDSS system and its efforts to

develép its dedicated RDSS satellites have and are con—

tributing directly to the development of the Locstar systen.

     Geostar is also working to extend the scope of its

system coverage throughout the western hemisphere.    These

activities include the addition of a Caribbean coverage bean

to its GSTAR III RDSS relay, the establishment of Canadian

and Mexican affiliates to resell Geostar‘s services, and

marketing efforts throughout Latin America.""   It would be

ironic indeed if, at the very time that a U.S. entrepre—

neurial company such as Geostar is succeeding in marketing

     36    Additional details on Geostar‘s activities to
extend the coverage of RDSS services are provided in
Geostar‘s international service application, note 30, supra.

                              — 231 —

U.S. high technology abroad, the FCC undercuts the its

allocation at home.

     These accomplishments and ongoing activities are not a

sign of a company whose "short term survival appears to be in

doubt""" or that is about to cease operations.    Rather, they

are part of a comprehensive program to develop RDSS tech—

nology and services in both the United States and throughout

the world.     Grant of the applications under consideration

here is necessary for Geostar to continue these developments

in a practical and prudeht manner.


     In its Comments, Motorola states that its prinmary

interest in Geostar‘s application

     is predicated upon a desire to have the Commission
     utilize the limited frequency spectrum available for
     mobile satellite communications in a spectrally
     efficient manner and not to have one license tie up
     valuable bandwidth.*"

     A more careful reading, however, will reveal that

Motorola‘s underlying purpose in filing these comments is to

secure spectrum space for its IRIDIUM system —— a proposed

satellite system that remains only at the discussion phase at

     37      Comments at 6.

     38      Comments at 3.

                              —   22   —

this point in time.    While Geostar fully supports efforts to

develop technologically new and innovative services, it

respectfully objects to Motorola‘s use of this proceeding to

promote its new service and respectfully submits that the

Commission should not deny its applications simply because

Motorola will possibly construct a new satellite system

sometime in the future.

     Motorola‘s IRIDIUM service remains highly speculative at

this time.     To begin with, no application has been filed with

the Commission seeking authority to begin construction of the

system.   Indeed, without such an application, the Commission

cannot even properly assess whether provision of this service

is in the public interest, and thus worthy of consideration.

Furthermore,   Geostar and other parties cannot properly

determine whether the IRIDIUM system would be technically

compatible with other proposed uses of the RDSS spectrum, and

RDSS service itself.     In essence, there is simply not enough

technical definition to date to allow outside evaluation of

the IRIDIUM systen.

     From what little is know about IRIDIUM, however,          it does

not seem to be sufficiently developed to even warrant Commis—

sion consideration at this timé.           For example, Geostar has

learned, from press reports, the following information about

the IRIDIUM system.    The system would consist of 77 low orbit

satellites intended to provide mobile telephone service

                                   — 23 —

worldwide.     According to Motorola, the system could provide

"enhanced RDSS services to tens of thousands of users,

employing only a portion of the RDSS allocation .           .   .   ."*°

Service would be provided by handheld equipment estimated to

cost approximately $3,500 each."*"          By most recent accounts,

Motorola does not expect to havé system construction com—

pleted until 1996.          Of course, Motorola will need to complete

and launch a large percentage of the total 77 satellites

before it could be assured of continuous coverage.

     The éurrent projected cost of the system appears to be

at least $2.4 billion," only 20 percent of which would be
financed by Motorola.         Moreover, while Motorola seems to

question Geostar‘s "long term viability"" the press is full

of recent accounts of Motorola‘s unsuccessful attempts to

obtain financing for its system.*"           Indeed, Japanese

     39   Comments at 9.  Of course, Motorola admits that
while only a portion of the RDSS spectrum would be used, the
"limited bandwidth would pose certain capacity limitations on
the overall IRIDIUM system which could be met by allocations
elsewhere in the L—band." I@. at n.12.

     40      Data Communications, The Gods Must Be Crazy,
August,    1990,   at 23.

     A41     Satellite Week, Oct. 29, 1990 at 9.

     42      Comments at 6.

     43      See Japan Economic Journal, Motorola Seeks
Satellite    ‘Boosters‘; Japan Firms Show Little Interest in
Joining Global Communications Net, October 20, 1990 at 15;
Satellite Week, Oct. 29, 1990, at 9.    —

                              — 24 —

executives have questioned whether sufficient demand exists

to support the IRIDIUM systenm.*"*

     In contrast, as described in more detail in Section IV,

RDSS service is much more than an "exotic‘"‘*‘" speculative
service.     Geostar has made substantial and demonstrable

progress in the implementation of its RDSS service and it

today providing valuable services to its customers.        The

system,    upon fulllconstruétion, will be able to serve

millions of users at approximately $0.05 per position'and a

100 character message (as opposed to $3 per minute of voice

proposed by the IRIDIUM system).        Finally, the cost to build

an RDSS system is far more competitive, with each region

costing approximately $200—$300 million.

     Motorola is, and continues to be, a pioneer in the

provision of telecommunications products and services.

Indeed, Motorola is the leading manufacturer of cellular

phones and paging equipment.     Geostar commends Motorola for

continuing to advance mobile and satellite communications

and, when the time is appropriate and the proper applications

have been filed, the Commission should give serious consid—

eration to Motorola‘s proposed system.        That time, however,

nas not yet arrived.     Furthermore,   the potential merits of

     A4     Japan Economic Journal, Oct. 20, 1990.

     45     See Business Week, Motorola:      How Much Will It Cost
To Stay No.    1?, October 20, 1990, at 96,    (describing IRIDIUM
as Motorola‘s most exotic wireless project).

                            — 25 —

Motorola‘s IRIDIUM project, and its possible use of spectrunm

already allocated to RDSS, do not provide a sufficient basis

for denial of Geostar‘s applications.


      As demonstrated herein, Geostar has fully pursued the

implementation of its RDSS system to the best of its ability.

Geostar has devoted significant amounts of capital and human

resources to development of a viable RDSS system, and has met


the Commission‘s imposed deadlines for beginning construction

of its RDSS system.

     For the foregoing reasons,     grant of Geostar‘s

application would be in the public interest,     and Motorola‘s

Comments   should be dismissed.


                            GEOSTAR POSITIONING CORPORATION

                               SZ 2.4..
                            By :                          Ta,
                            T. Stephen CHYeston
                            Executive Vice President of
                            Governmental Affairs
                            1001 22nd St., N.W.
                            Washington, DC 20037

                            (202)   887—0870

November 28,   1990

                                               Before the
                                         Washington, D.C.                                 20554

In the Matter of                                                                        File Nos. 43—DSS—~MP/ML—90

                                                      n ho Nt ue Ne Nt Nt ut Nt Ns Nt
                                                                                        44—DSS—MP/ML—90, 45—DSS—
                                                                                        MP/ML—90, 46—DSS—P/LA—90,
                                                                                        48—DSS—P/LA—90, 51—DSS—
GEOSTAR POSITIONING                                                                     EXT—90, 52—DSS—EXT—90, 53—
CORPORATION                                                                             DSS—EXT—90, CSS—90—012
                                                                                        (ML), CSS—90—013 (ML),
For Modification of the                                                                 CSS—90—014 (ML), CSS—90—~
Geostar RDSS Space Station                                                              015 (ML)

City of Washington                             )
District of Columbia                           )

                              AFFIDAVIT OF ROBERT D.                                       BRISKMAN

        I, Robert D. Briskman, being duly sworn, depose and

        1.         I am the General Manager of Geostar Positioning

        2.         I make this affidavit in support of Geostar‘s
                   Opposition to Motorola‘s Comments in the above—,
                   referenced proceeding.

        3.         I have read the attached Opposition and state that
                   all the facts contained therein are true to the
                   best of my knowledge and belief.

        DATED this <#‘~day of November, 1990

                                                      ReQZ_tK, i hnsc
                                                            Robert D. Briskman
                                                              General Manager
                                                              Geostar Positioning Corporatlon

Swornrto before me
thlq day of November,                              1990

 /;%;:;7/7             /67 1//{////
Notary PuEl c                //

            Viviang N. Leary
   Notary Public, District of Columbig
 My CGommission Expires Feb. 28, 1993

                      CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

     I hereby certify that on this 28th      day of November,

1990, caused copies of the foreéoing "Opposition To Comments

of Motorola, Inc." to be mailed via first—class postage

prepaid mail to the following:

          Jill Abeshouse Stern, Esq.
          Miller & Holbrooke
          1225 19th Street,   N.W.
          Washington, D.C.    20036

            Counsel for Ellipsat

          Philip L. Malet, Esq.
          Steptoe & Johnson
          1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
          Washington, D.C.    20036

            Counsel for Motorola,     Inc.

          Veronica M. Ahern, Esq.
          Nixon, Hargrave, Devans & Doyle
          One Thomas Circle, N.W.
          Suite 800
          Washington, D.C.    20005

            Counsel for Qualcomm

                                     VZlimey. d PaZtine!
                                        Napty A. Betters

Document Created: 2014-09-04 13:51:21
Document Modified: 2014-09-04 13:51:21

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