Attachment 1990Commission ltr n

1990Commission ltr n

LETTER submitted by CCB,FCC

Nov 1 1990 Commission letter


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19900518-00031 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      OV    1 1990


Hiley, Rein & Fielding
1776 & Scgreet, H.Y.

Atteutiont       Michael Toursharw

Beferencer       Gsostar    FPositioning    Corporst:ion   HMotioen   for Extension of Tizme
                 (File Kos,. 43/44/!4b—DSS—MP/ML~95, 46/4&—DS8—P/LA~9%0,          §1/82/53/—
                 BES—LXT~§#8, COSS~SQ—O1LZ/013/G14/015(HL»}]

Desar Hr. Tourshay:

Thisa     is in resporse to your requsest, filed on pehaif of Geostar Positioning
Corporeation      (Geostard,       for a two—week esronsion of frimes until Covember 14,
1990 ro file reply comments in the sbove—csptiqned procesding. You indicsts
that sn extension is necossoary to sliow Seoster to prepsare an sdequate reply
k4 the Petition to BDeny filed by Qusicomn, inc. ons QOctober 10, 1990 and
would    sorve the Commission‘s interest in procesdiuag efficieatiy and
econoni¢gailiy. You state that Qusicome‘s counsel has sgdvised you that
Qualcomm does not object to Ceoster‘s extengsion request.

Section 1.46 of the Comwsission‘s rules, 47 C.P.R. & 1.4§, states that                 "lil:
is      the   policy   of   othe    Commission   that   esxrensions     of time shaell sot be
routinsly granted." ‘Gepstar has not shownwhy it cannot prepare an adequate
respouse to Qnsicomm‘s potitiun in the three—weck pericd initislliy provided.
Heverthecless, because of any scheduling problems Geostiar‘s connsel may haveo,
ve will grant s shorter one—week extension in which co reply to GQualcown‘s
patition.      Thes, pursuant to Section 8.232%1 of the Commission‘s rules on
deilsgationas of suthority, 47 C.F,R. $ 0.2%1, the dato for filing e roply to
Qquaicomm‘s Petitioun to Deny is exstendsd to Hovember 7, 199G.


                                                     James R. Hesegan
                                                     Chief, DBomestic Feciiities Division
                                                     Common Carrier Burscsau

Document Created: 2014-09-02 15:38:35
Document Modified: 2014-09-02 15:38:35

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