Attachment 1990Comments of Moto

1990Comments of Moto

COMMENT submitted by Motorola



This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19900518-00031 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                       Beforgllxae,)                                                       NOV 5 — 1990
                            Washington, D.C.
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                                          Nn n n n n N N Nn y yz
 In the Matter of:                                                                                               Domestic Facilities Division
                                                                                                                   Satellite Radio Branch
 GEOSTAR POSITIONING CORP.                                         File Nos.
                                                                   43 thru 45—DSS—MP/ML—90;
                                                                   46, 48—DSS—P/LA—90;
                                                                   51 thru 53—~DSS—~EXT—90;
                                                                   CSSs—90—012 thru 015 (ML)
 For Modification of its
 RDSS Space Station

                          COMMENTS      of MOTOROLA,                             INC.

              Motorola,   Inc.,       by its attorneys,                               hereby comments on

 the above—captioned applications of Geostar Positioning

 Corporation ("Geostar") to modify its authorizations in the

 Radiodetermination Satellite Service (RDSS), and to extend the

 deadlines for construction and launch of its dedicated satellite

 system. *‘    These applications reflect Geostar‘s latest effort to

 keep its satellite authorizations alive while it attempts to

 obtain financing and identify a market for its RDSS service.                                                           To

A/  These comments are being filed timely within the 60—day
period prescribed by Section 25.392(b) of the Commission‘s rules.
47 C.F.R. § 25.392(b).   The above—captioned applications were
placed on Public Notice by the Chief of the Common Carrier Bureau
 in Report No.    DS—999,    DA 90—1156,                           released September 4,              1990.                     In
 that Public Notice, the Bureau did not accept for filing
~Geostar‘s application for authority to construct,                                              launch and
operate an RDSS transmit/receive communications payload on an
unidentified "host satellite." See File No. 47—DSS—P/LA—90.
Motorola reserves its right to further comment, petition or
otherwise file an application in response to a public notice.

date, Geostar has only been able to offer "interim" RDSS—like

service to a small number of users.       Further extensions of time

and delays merely lock up valuable frequency spectrum which could

otherwise be used for more economic and spectrally efficient

satellite—based mobile services.


          As the Commission is well aware, Motorola is one of the

world‘s leading manufacturers of electronic equipment,      systems,

and components.   Its products are distributed worldwide and

include two—way radios,    pagers,   cellular telephone systens,

integrated circuits,   and data and information processing and

handling equipment.    Motorola also is in the forefront of

research and development of new and improved mobile

communications equipment and systens.

          This past June, Motorola announced the development of

its IRIDIUM satellite system which envisions the use of 77 low

earth orbit satellites to provide worldwide cellular personal

communications services.     Subscribers to this system will use

portable or mobile transceivers with low profile antennas to

reach a constellation of satellites.      These satellites will be

interconnected to one another as they traverse the globe in polar

orbits.   Principles of cellular diversity are used to provide

continuous line—of—sight coverage from and to virtually any point

on the earth‘s surface, with spot beams providing substantial

frequency reuse.*

           Motorola‘s interest in Geostar‘s applications is

predicated upon a desire to have the Commission utilize the

limited frequency spectrum available for mobile satellite

communications in a spectrally efficient manner and not to have

one licensee tie up valuable bandwidth.


           As recent history aptly demonstrates,     Geostar‘s concept

of a domestic fixed satellite system designed primarily to

provide radiodetermination services to mobile users is not

economically viable.   It has now been more than seven years since

Geostar first proposed a dedicated RDSS system and requested the

Commission to reallocate a portion of the L—band for this

service.   Geostar‘s dedicated RDSS system is no closer to reality

today than when it was first proposed.     A brief review of recent

events is instructive for purposes of demonstrating how far

removed Geostar‘s current concept of RDSS is from the one which

it presented to the Commission in 1983.

           In its Report and Order,   58 R.R.   24 1416   (1985),

reconsideration 104 FCC 24 637   (1986)   (Allocation Order),

allocating 33 MHz of spectrum to RDSS,    the Commission noted the

apparent need for a private radiodetermination service,        including

2/  Utilizing Doppler frequency shift measurement techniques,
such a low earth orbit satellite system can provide accurate
radiodetermination service.

specific applications for safety of life, law enforcement,

aviation,       navigation,   transportation,    and resource management.

In addition, the Commission indicated that the proposed RDSS

offering would provide certain capabilities that were not then

available by means of other radio services.

                One year later,   the Commission released its Second

Report and Order,       104   FCC 2d 650,    60 R.R.   2d 298   (1986)

(Licensing Order), establishing licensing policies and procedures

for RDSS.        At that time,    the Commission had before it four

applications for fixed satellite system authorizations, three of

which were based upon Geostar‘s wide—band spread spectrum design

using dedicated RDSS satellites, and Omninet‘s narrow—band

frequency division multiple access proposal which envisioned both

RDSS (employing the GPS) and other thin—route mobile satellite

services (including two—way voice).             In keeping with its multiple

entry policies in the domestic satellite field,*‘ the Commission

chose to accept Geostar‘s concept based upon the perceived demand

for a dedicated RDSS service. *‘            The Commission also questioned

the accuracy and cost of a GPS based radiodetermination system.

The Commission was told by Geostar that its spread spectrum

&    The Commission stated that "[{al design permitting only one
system to operate would have to be unquestionably superior to
justify a departure from this [open entry] policy."                  Licensing
Oorder,   104    FCC 2d at 654.

/    The Commission did not prohibit "auxiliary or incidental"
message services from being provided over these RDSS systems;
however, it indicated that primary messaging, paging or other
non—voice mobile services "would be inconsistent with our
allocation for RDSS and would impede meaningful competition in
the provision of RDSS." Licensing Order, 104 FCC 2d at 662—63.
See also,       47 C.F.R.   § 25.392(d)   ("may not render other services
except as ancillary to the radiodetermination service.")

concept could accommodate up to twelve separate fixed satellite

systems in the allotted bandwidth.          Licensing Order,    104 FCC 24@

at 663 n.44.     All future applicants for new RDSS systems were

required "to demonstrate compatibility with licensed RDSS

systems."    Id@. at 667.    And finally,    in order to ensure that

authorized RDSS systems would be implemented in a timely manner,

strict construction and launch milestones were established as

conditions to each satellite license.         Id. at 665.      Licensees

were reminded that the "[fljlailure to fulfill these conditions

will render the authorization null and void ...."              Id.

             Soon thereafter,    the Commission licensed Geostar to

construct,    launch and operate four satellites to be located at 70

degrees W.L.,    100 degrees W.L.    and 130 degrees W.L.,      with one

satellite to be used as an in—orbit spare."          GeostarCorp.,         60

R.R.   2d 1725   (1986).    This authorization was conditioned upon the

standard RDSS construction and launch milestones,           which required

completion of Geostar‘s first satellite by August 1990,                and full

system implementation by August 1992.         Id.    In 1989,        the

Commission granted Geostar a one year extension of its milestone

requirements due to modifications to the Shuttle launch manifest.

             As demonstrated by the above—captioned applications, it

is obvious that Geostar‘s original concept of launching three

satellites in geosynchronous orbit for the primary purpose of

providing radiodetermination services has not found a market.

The current proposed modifications are substantial with radical

3/  Geostar subsequently relingquished its authorization for an
in—orbit spare when it chose not to begin construction by the
required milestone date.

changes to system design and vastly reduced transmission

capacity.     For example,   Geostar proposes to reduce the number of

original spacecraft spot beams from eight to one which will

result in a significant decrease in frequency reuse.          Geostar

concedes as much when it states that its proposed modifications

are "a financially prudent approach to system implementation that

better matches in—orbit capacity with actual market

development."*"     Such downsizing of Geostar‘s system concept,

combined with the requested further extension of construction and

launch milestones, raises serious questions as to Geostar‘s

technical approach to radiodetermination and long term viability.

Indeed, as demonstrated by QUALCOMM in its petition in this

proceeding,   Geostar‘s short term survival appears to be in doubt.

            Nor should the Commission accept,   as implied in these

applications,*‘ that Geostar‘s interim authorizations are

equivalent to full RDSS system implementation or are otherwise

indicative of the viability of its authorized system concept.

Geostar‘s interim operations hardly resemble the dedicated RDSS

system concept proposed in its original application, as amended,

and approved by the Commission.      The two L—band payloads

currently operating on GTE Spacenet satellites merely relay

LORAN—C/GPS data from user terminals inbound to subscriber

central control points.* 1     Neither L—band payload, however, uses

&‘   Applications, at 8.
2/   Applications, at 7.

&/   GTE Spacenet Corp., 1 FCC Red. 1163 (1986); GTE Satellite
Corp., Mimeo Nos.    5175 & 1181 (released June 16,   1986,   and
December 2, 1985,    respectively).

the propagation characteristics of the radio systems themselves

to determine the location of mobile units as contemplated by the

Commission in its Licensing Order and the RDSS rules."
Moreover, both payloads are highly spectrally inefficient with

severe capacity limitations.        Geostar also provides outbound

links to receive only mobile units using C—band transponders on

Spacenet III.       Such use of the C—band in not in conformity with

the Commission‘s Table of Allotments.

           This is not the first time that Geostar has attempted

to convert an interim authorization into more permanent status.

In 1987, Geostar applied for authority to substitute its proposed

transmit/receive payload on GSTAR IV for its first dedicated RDSS

satellite.4*‘   The Commission rejected that portion of Geostar‘s
application,    finding that:

           The payload‘s basic characteristics differ
           substantially from the proposed dedicated RDSS
           satellites.  The payload‘s traffic loading capacity
           will be much more restricted than a dedicated RDSS
           satellite....   Furthermore,      both Geostar and GTE
           Spacenet have represented that this will be an interinm
           system pending completion of the dedicated RDSS systenm.

GTE Spacenet Corp.,    2 FCC Red.   5312,    5314    (1987).   The same

finding is equally applicable today.

=   Licensing Order,    104 FCC 24@ at 650 n.l;         47 C.F.R.   §   2.1.

     GTE Spacenet Corp.,    4 FCC Rod.      4538    (1989) .

     See File No.   1705—DSS—MP/ML—87.


            RDSS has not developed to the extent that the

Commission hoped when it allocated bandwidth for this new

service.     Satellite radiodetermination, however, can become a

reality in this decade with some fine—tuning of the Commission‘s

procedures and a willingness to waive certain portions of the

rules.     Such relatively minor modifications will provide the

needed flexibility for processing future applications which are

based on today‘s emerging technologies      (such as Motorola‘s

IRIDIUM system)    rather than those put forth at the time the

Commission was establishing its quidelines for RDSS.

            The Commission no longer should require that all future

RDSS applicants demonstrate their system compatibility with other

licensed systems.     Geostar is the only remaining RDSS licensee

and it has failed for the past seven years to bring its system

concept to the market.     In fact,   to Motorola‘s knowledge,    Geostar

has taken no concrete action to construct and operate an RDSS

system which remotely resembles its licensed facilities.          Under

such circumstances,    there no longer is any basis for considering

Geostar‘s system as the model or baseline for future

coordination.     Of course, should the Commission deny Geostar‘s

pending applications and cancel its authorizations, no

coordination would be required under the Commission‘s rules, and

future applicants could receive primary status.

            The Commission also should consider waiving its

technical rules to allow applicants to propose L—band utilization

schemes which are more spectrally efficient than those

contemplated when the rules were adopted.    For example, Motorola

believes that if sufficient flexibility were to be introduced

into the RDSS rules, its IRIDIUM technology could provide greatly

enhanced RDSS services to tens of thousands of users,    employing

only a portion of the RDSS allocation, the 1610 MHz to 1626.5 MHz

bana.+*‘   such an approach would free the 2483.5 MHZz to 2500 MHz
band for other primary uses.

            Motorola submits that such flexibility would more

closely serve the original intent of the Commission when it

allocated spectrum for RDSS; i.e.,   increased capacity, multiple

entry and spectrum efficiency.    These modifications also will

provide the appropriate incentive for Motorola and possibly

others to expend the tremendous energy and financial resources

needed to make RDSS a reality.


            For the foregoing reasons, Motorola respectfully

requests that the Commission no longer use Geostar‘s RDSS systenm

as the baseline for future coordination, and that should the

4*‘   of course, this limited bandwidth would pose certain
capacity limitations on the overall IRIDIUM system which could be
met by allocations elsewhere in the L—band.

                             =—   10   —

Commission deny Geostar‘s pending applications,         it declare that

future applicants will have primary status in the allotted band.

                              Respectfully submitted,

                              MOTOROLA, INC.

                              By :
                                       Philip L. Malet
                                       Steptoe & Johnson
                                       1330 Connecticut Avenue,   N.W.
                                       Washington, D.C.  20036
                                       (202) 429—6239
                              Its Attorneys

November 5,   1990

                                Before the
                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS                             COMMISSION
                          Washington,                          D.C.     20554

                                     Nnz n s n n N m mz yz
In the Matter of:

GEOSTAR POSITIONING CORP.                                       File Nos.
                                                                43 thru 45—DSS—MP/ML—90;
                                                                46, 48—DSS—P/LA—9%0;
                                                                51    thru   53—DSS—EXT—90;
                                                                CSsSs—90—012 thru 015 (ML)
For Modification of its
RDSS Space Station

City of Washington            )
Dbistrict of Columbia         )


            I,   Donald L. Walker,                           hereby declare under penalty of

perjury as follows:

            1.      That I am the Director,                             Technical Programs,   for

Motorola,   Inc.,    and have over thirty years of experience as a

radio communications engineer.

            2.      That the attached Comments of Motorola to the

pending applications of Geostar Positioning Corporation were

reviewed either by myself or under my supervision.

            3.      That all of the facts contained in said Comments

are true and correct to the best of my knowledge,                                    information and

belief .

            Dated this 5th day of Novmber,                                   1990.

                                              Donald L.                  WaIlTker

                        CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

          I, Philip L. Malet, hereby certify that copies of the
foregoing Comments of Motorola,          Inc.     have been served via first—
class mail, postage prepaid, on this 5th day of November,              1990,
to the following parties:

          Robert D. Briskman
          General Manager
          Geostar Positioning Corporation
          1001 22nd Street,        NW,   Suite 500
          Washington, DC 20037

          Michael Yourshaw, Esq.
          Wiley, Rein and Fielding
          1776 K Street,     NW
         Washington, DC 20006

         Veronica M. Ahern
         Albert Shuldiner
         Nixon,    Hargrave,      Devans    & Doyle
         One Thomas Circle, NW,            Suite 800
         Washington, DC 20005

         Richard M. Firestone
         Chief, Common Carrier Brueau
         Federal Communications Commission
          1919   M Street,   NW,    Room    500
         Washington, DC 20554

         James R. Keegan
         Chief,    Domestic Facilities Division
         Common Carrier Bureau
         Federal Communications Commission
         2025 M Street, NW, Room 6010
         Washington, DC 20554

         Cecily C. Holiday
         Chief, Satellite Radio Branch
         Common Carrier Bureau
         Federal Communications Commission
         2025 M Street, NW, Room 6324
         Washington, DC 20554

         Fern J.    Jarmulnek
         Satellite Radio Branch
         Federal Communications Commission
         2025 M Street, NW, Room 6324
         Washington, DC 20554


Document Created: 2014-09-02 15:36:54
Document Modified: 2014-09-02 15:36:54

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