Attachment 1990Application for

1990Application for

APPLICATION submitted by GTE

Application for Modification


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19900518-00028 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                   i7 SaenL P   h W1

                                                          GTE                   MAY 1 8 1990
                                                                           Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                  Office of the Secretary

                                                          GTE Spacenet Corporation
                                                          1700 Old Meadow Road
      Termn B. Natoli®                        )           McLean. VA 22102
      Industry Relations Manager                          (703) 848—1515

                                                          s                — y P/ML—290
May 18, 1990

Donna R. Searcy
                                                  4i wes moe/Mme— 10
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 222
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:        GTE Spacenet Corporation Application For Modification of Licenses for the
           RDSS Payloads Aboard the SPACENET III and GSTAR III Satellites
           File No:    1553 —DSS—MP/ML —86
                       650—DSS —MP/ML —86
                       829—DSS —MP/ML —88

Dear Ms. Searcy:

Transmitted herewith on behalf of GTE Spacenet Corporation is an original and
required copies of its Application for Modification of the above referenced

Should any questions arise, please contact the undersigned at 703—848—1515.


es . HKatetui
Terri B. Natoli

Enclosure —

      A part of GTE Corporation

                                                                               MAy 1 8 1990
                                                                           Faderal Communications Comm
                                                                                   Office of the Secretary

                                              Before the
                              FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                      )
GTE SPACENET CORPORATION                              ) File Nos: 1553—D0S5S—MP/ML—86
                                                      )           650—DSS —MP/ML —86
For Modification of Licenses for the RDSS             )           829—DSS—MP/ML—88
Payloads Aboard the SPACENET III and                  )
GSTAR III Satellites

                         Application for Modification of Licenses

           GTE Spacenet Corporation ("GTE Spacenet") pursuant to Title III of the

Communications Act of 1934, as amended, 47 C.F.R. § 301 et. seq. hereby requests

that       the   Commission   modify    the   licenses     for the three   Radiodetermination

Satellite Service         ("RDSS")     payloads aboard the SPACENET III          and GSTAR III

satellites to enable these payloads to receive signals from RDSS user terminals

located at any foreign point within the nominal service area of these relays.

           1.     GTE Spacenet has been authorized to carry RDSS receive—only relays

aboard its SPACENET III and GSTAR III satellites‘ to enable its customer Geostar
Positioning.Corporation ("Geostar") to provide interim RDSS service to the public

pending th;.operation of Geostar‘s dedicated RDSS facilities.                       Two of these

payloads af; currently authorized to receive signals from domestic U.S. points

       1          GTE Spacenet Corporation 1 FCC Red. 1163 (1986), Mimeo 5175 (June
                  16, 1986), DA 88—1265 (August 15, 1988) and DA 89—1506 (December 6,
                  1989) .

only,° while the third is authorized to receive signals from ROSS stations in

South American and Caribbean areas as well.>
                .On April 4, 1989, Geostar filed an application*               requesting inter

alia authority to provide service to land, air and water users located in Alaska,

Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean Islands and Central and South America over both

its interim and dedicated facilities.               This application is still pending.         On

May   15,      1990,   Geostar    filed   an    application‘"   requesting    Special   Temporary

Authority ("STA") to provide interim RDSS service to Canada via the GTE Spacenet

facilities it uses to provide its interim domestic RDSS service.                    In order for

Geostar‘s STA and pending permanent application to extend the service area of

the RDSS payloads to be granted, it is necessary that GTE Spacenet obtain the

requisite Commission authority to permit the SPACENET III and GSTAR III RDSS

payloads to receive L—Band signals from all those extended coverage area foreign

locations within         the     predicted     service   area of the   RDSS    payloads.     (See

Attachment 1)

          2.     GTE Spacenet hereby requests that the Commission modify the licenses

for the SPACENET III and two GSTAR 111 RDSS payloads to permit these payloads

      2          GTE Spacenet Corporation 1 FCC Red. 1163 (1986) and Mimeo No. 5175
                 (June 16, 1986).

      3         ’;GTE Spacenet Corporation, DA 88—1265 (August 15, 1988) and DA 89—
                  1056 (December 6, 1989).

      4          Geostar Positioning Corporation, File Nos. 1145/1146/1147—O0SS—MP—89
                 and CSS—89—003—(3), April 4, 1989.

                 Letter from Robert D. Briskman, Geostar Positioning Corporation, to
                 John J. Coles, International Facilities Division, Re:       Special
                 Temporary Authorization For Provision of Interim RDSS Services to
                 Canada — Application File No. 1145/1146/1147—DSS—MP—89 and CSS—89—
                 003(3) .

to receive signals from RDSS mobile units located within the entire extended

coverage area of these payloads.         These signals will be transmitted from the

RDSS mobile unit at 16§18.25 MHz (L—Band) and then relayed to Geostar‘s domestic

U.S.   receiving earth station in the 11.7 — 12.2 GHz band.            Grant of this

application will allow Geostar to extend the benefits of its interim RDSS service

to a wider range of users currently seeking to obtain this service.

       3.         Grant of this application requires no modification to the technical

parameters of the SPACENET 111 or GSTAR III satellites, nor does it alter the

interference environment to adjacent domestic satellite operators or users.

       4.         As stated by Geostar in its May 15, 1990 STA request, grant of this

application will        not require any additional   consultations with Intelsat or

Inmarsat.   Consultations have been completed under Article XIV(e) of the Intelsat

Agreement and Article 8 of the Inmarsat Agreement for the RDSS payloads aboard

SPACENET III and GSTAR III.© Because this extension of Geostar‘s service via the

RDSS payloads to Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean and Central and South America

involves no material change from previously supplied technical parameters and

does not alter the interference environment to or from Intelsat or Inmarsat

satellites, no additional consultations are necessary.


       5.         Grant of this application to permit facilities to be used for

"Transborder" RDSS is consistent with the policies articulated by the Commission

                  See, GTE Spacenet Corporation, Mimeo No. DA 89—1506 (December 6,
                  1989); see also, Letter from Director, Office of Satellite and Cable
                  Policy, Department of State to Chief, International Facilities
                  Division, FCC (August 30, 1989).


in Transponder Satellite, 88 FCC 2d. 258 (1981) wherein the Commission authorized

domestic   satellites   to   provide   a   wide   range   of   fixed—satellite   services

throughout North and Central America and parts of South America which fell within

the natural footprint of the satellite.

      Wherefore, for the foregoing reasons GTE Spacenet Corporation submits that

the proposed modification request will serve the public interest and requests

that the Commission grant this application.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  GTE SPACENET CORPORATION

                                                  __\_g/\l&% & Matsetu
                                                  Terri B. Natoli
                                                  1700 O0ld Meadow Road
                                                  Mclean, Virginia 22102
                                                  (703) 848—1515

                                                  Troy D. Ellington
                                                  Vice President, Engineering
                                                   and Development
                                                  1700 Old Meadow Road
                                                  Mclean, Virginia 22102
                                                  (703) 848—1515

May 18, 1990

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I, Karen M. Cameron, hereby certify that copies of the foregoing

Application were hand carried this 18th day of May, 1990, to the following:

Cecily C. Holiday, Esq.
Satellite Radio Branch
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6324
Washington, D.C. 20554

John M. Coles
International Facilities Division
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 530
Washington, D.C. 20554

Fern J. Jarmulnek, Esq.
Satellite Radio Branch
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6324
Washington, D.C. 20554

Thomas Tycz
Deputy Chief
Domestic Facilities Division
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
2025 M Street, N.W., Room 6010
Washington, D.C. 20554

Joel Pearlman
International Policy Division
Common Carrier Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
1919 M Street, N.W., Room 534
Washington, D.C. 20554

Ronald J. Lepkowski
Geostar Positioning Corporation
1001 22nd Street, N.W.
8th Floor
Washington, D.C. 20037

                                         A((L k. 'C/fl’[,/éé/(,glf(/\
                                           [   Karen M. Cameron

                           2—wWAY COVERAGE


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Document Created: 2014-08-29 14:54:14
Document Modified: 2014-08-29 14:54:14

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