Attachment 1997Order DA 97-2275

1997Order DA 97-2275

ORDER submitted by IB, FCC

DA 97-2275


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19900508-00020 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


DA—97—2275A1.pdf                                                    —97—2275¥1 .pd

                                                                                                     DA 97—2275

                                                      Before the
                                       FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                                Washington, D.C. 20554

            In the Matter of                                                      f             2
                           .                                                     | File Nos. 12/13—DSS—P—93
            Digital Satellite Broadcasting Corporation                                        28—DSS—LA—93
            Application for Authority to Construct, Launch, and                               60—DSS—AMEND—93
            Operate Satellites in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio                           129—SAT—AMEND—96

            Primosphere Limited Parmership                                          File Nos. 29/30—DSS—LA—93
            Application for Authority to Construct, Launch, and
            Operate Satellites in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio


           Adopted: October 28, 1997                                              Released: October 28, 1997

           By Chief, International Rureau:

                  1.    With this Order, we dismiss Digital Satellite Broadcasting Corporation ("DSBC")
           and Primosphere Limited Partnership‘s ("Primosphere") applications to launch and operate
           satellite systems in the geostationary—satellite orbit ("GSO") to provide satellite digital audio
           radio service (hereinafter referred to as "satellite DARS" or "SDARS").‘

                       2.     On March 3, 1997, the Commission adopted service rules for SDARS, including
           rules to auction two 12.5 MHz SDARS authorizations in the 2320—2332.5 MHz and 2332.5—2345

                   !    Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (sarellite "DARS") is a radiocommunication service in which audio
                        programming is digitally transmitted by one or more space stations directly to fixed, mobile, and/or
                        portable stations, and which may involve complementary repeating terrestrial transmitters. 47 C.F.R. §


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            MHz frequency bands. On March 28, 1997, the Commission received the required
            Supplemental Information applications and upfront payments from the four eligible applicants.
            Participation in this auction was limited to the four pending applicants: American Mobxle Radio
            Corporation ("AMRC"), Satellite CD Radio ("CD Radio"), DSBC and Primosphere." All four
            applicants participated in the SDARS auction, which began on April 1, 1997. On April 2, 1997,
            ‘AMRC and CD Radio submitted winning bids for licenses to launch and operate satellite DARS
            systems.* AMRC and CD Radio subsequently made post—auction down payments.‘ On October
            7, 1997 the Commission issued a public notice announcing that it was prepared to grant the
            SDARS authorizations and set forth payment instructions," and shortly thereafter AMRC and CD
            Radio submi}ted their final payments. The Commission has issued both authorizations to launch
            and operate.

                        3.         Since DSBC and Primosphere were unsuccessful bidders in the SDARS auction,
            and because there are no further licenses available in the allocated spectrum, we find that their
            applications should be dismissed. Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED, pursuant to Section 0.261 of
            the Commission‘s rules on delegation of authority, 47 C.F.R. § 0.261, that the applications of —
            Direct Broadcasting Satellite Corporation, File Nos. 12/13—DSS—P—93, 28—DSS—LA—93, 41—D8SS.—
            AMEND—93, 60—DSS—AMEND—93, 129.SAT—AMEND—%6, and Primosphere Limited Partnership,
            File Nos. 29/30—DSS—LA—93, 1§/17—DSS—P.—93, ARE DISMISSED.

                                                                          Federal Communications Commission

                                                                          Chief, International Bureau

                    *    License No. (EBNOO1) and License No. (EBNOO2). See also Digital Audio Radio Satellite Servige in
                         the 2310—2360 MHz Frequency Band, Report and Order, Memorandum Opinion and Order and Further
                         Notice of Proposed.Rulemaking, IB Docket No, 95—91, Gen Docket No. 90—357, J 165 (March 3, 1997)
                         (CSDARS Order‘). These rules limited auction participants to the four applicants on file.

                    1    See Public Notice, "Auction ofSatellite Audio Radio Service (Auction No. 15): Bidders Qualified to
                         Participate in the DARSAuction," released March 28, 1997.

                    *    CD Radio bid $83,346,000 for use of the 2320—2332.5 MHz and AMRC bid $89,888,888 foruseofflle
                         2332.5'2343 Miiz frequency band.

                    *    Id. {instructing winning bidders to bring their total deposits up to 20 percent of their winning bids by
                         April 16, 1997); See also SDARS Order at € 165.

                    $    FCC Announces it is Ready to Grant Satellite Digital Audio Radio Authorizations to American Mobile
                         Radio Corporation and Sateilite CD Radio Inc., DA 97—2164 (released October 7, 1997).

                         See In the Matter ofAmerican Mobile Radio Corporation Applicationfor Authority to Construct,
                         Launch, and Operate Two Satellites in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, DA 97—2210 (released
                         October 16, 1997); In the Matter ofSatellite CD Radio, Inc. Applicationfor Authority to Construct,
                         Launch, and Operate ITwo Satellites in the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service, DA 97—2210 (released —
                             October 10, 1997).


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Document Created: 2014-08-20 17:48:28
Document Modified: 2014-08-20 17:48:28

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