Attachment 1990extension of tim

1990extension of tim


Extension of Time Request


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19900508-00020 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           LATHAM & WATKINS                                            MAY 8 — 1990
                                                 ATTORNEYS AT LAW                                 Federal Communications Commission
          CHicaGo OoFFicE                    1001 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, N.W.                 PAUL A. wa TRiiss ohtbe Sereiay
     SEARS TOWER, SUITE 5800                                                                  DANA LATHAM (1898—1974)
      CHICAGO, ILLINOIS sosos                          SsUITE 1300
     TELEPHONE (312) 876—7700                 WASHINGTON, D.C. 20004—2505
         FAX (312) gaa—o767                                                                   ORANGE COUNTY OFFICE
                                                TELEPHONE (202) 637—2200
                                                                                              650 TOWN CENTER DRIVE
     633 WEST FIFTH, SUITE 4000                    FAX (202) 637—2201                            TWENTIETH FLOOR
                                                                                         COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA 92626—1918
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA s0071—2007                     TLX 590775
                                                                                             TELEPHONE (714) 540—1235
      TELEPHONE (213) 485—1234                        ELN 62793269                               FAX (714) 755—8290
          FAX (213) sa1—s763
        NEW YORK OFFicE                                                                          sAN DiE@o orrice
                                                                                             701 °B" STREET, SUITE 2100
    s3RD AT THIAD, SUITE 1000                      May 8,      1990                      SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA s2101—s197
        885 THIRD AVENUE
  NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10022—4802                                                              TELEPHONE (819) 236—1234
     TELEPHONE (212) 9086—1200                                                                   FAX (619) sae—7419
        FAX (212) 751—4864

        BY MESSENGER                                                        P4 Et h ul

        Ms. Donna R. Searcy
        Federal Communications Commission
         1919 M Street,              NW
        Washington, DC 20554

                          Re:        Galaxy VI (Formerly Westar VI—S)
                                     File No. 1983—DSS—EXT—88, (as modified
                                     by Erratum, FCC 88—1876 (Dec.     1988) )
                                                                                ’X?’ DSS’ M L/{ C /0
        Dear Ms.        Searcy:

                          On behalf of Hughes Communications Galaxy,                          Inc.
         ("HCG"),        licensee of the C band domestic communications satellite
        known as Galaxy VI                (formerly known as Westar VI—S),                  I am writing
        to request an extension of time within which to launch the Galaxy
        VI satellite, which is currently required to be launched by the
        end of May 1990.

                          HCG has had a binding contract with Arianespace to
        launch Galaxy VI since July of 1989.  Although the launch date
        was originally set for the second quarter of 1990, Arianespace
        was forced to delay that date indefinitely due to the Arianespace
        launch failure earlier this year.  After assessing the situation,
        Arianespace has recently advised HCG that the Galaxy VI launch
        has been rescheduled for September 18, 1990, but Arianespace has
        cautioned that that date is "soft" and likely to slip until      j
        October.  In HCG‘s experience, further delays under these
        circumstances are not out of the question, and the launch could
        be further rescheduled until later in 1990.

                  Accordingly, HCG respectfully requests that the current
        requirement that it launch Galaxy VI by May 1990 be changed to
        December 1990, in order to accommodate the launch plans and
        uncertainties described above.

[ —a>


        Ms. Donna R.   Searcy
        May 8, —1990
        Page 2

                   We will keep the Commission apprised should there be
        further developments.     If you have any questions,   please call me.

                                         Very truly yours,

                                               F. Rogers
                                             ATHAM & WATKINS

        cc:   Cecily C. Holiday
              Fern J. Jarmulnek

Document Created: 2014-08-20 17:47:29
Document Modified: 2014-08-20 17:47:29

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