Attachment 1990Application for

1990Application for

APPLICATION submitted by AT&T

Application for Modification


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19900416-00014 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           Jr1** nEcevEeDp
                          Before the
             FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION            APR 1 6 1990
                   Washington,   D.C.   20554
                                                     Federal Communications Commission
                                                           Office of the Secretary

                                                 ASfa ¢lz»— DsS—pt.—90
In the Matter of the Applications of            sarmob—#90o¥/e — 60013
                                                 File Nos.
                                                 6029—DSS—P/LA—8 7
For Authority to Construct, Launch and           6030—DSS—P—87
Operate Space Stations in the Domestic
Fixed—Satellite Service


                            Karl R. Savatiel
                            Director — Satellite Communications

                            Routes 202/206 North
                            Room 4A115
                             Bedminster,   New Jersey     07921
                             (201)   234—7219

Dated: April 13,   1990


            In respbnse to customer requests for 27 MHz

transponders and additional 54 MHz transponders, ATS&T

requests modification of its    license for its TELSTAR 4

series satellites to make technical modifications designed

to satisfy these customer needs.      AT&T also requests

extensions of a few months in which to complete

construction and launch these satellites,       in large part to

accommodate the construction schedule for these technical

changes .

            None of the technical modifications will change

any of the significant technical parameters       (i.e.   power

flux densities and receive sensitivities)       already on file

with the Commission,    and thus no additional interference

with adjacent satellites    is anticipated.

            The delay requested in the remaining milestone

dates —— 5 months to launch TELSTAR 401,      three months to

launch TELSTAR 402,    and four months to complete

construction of TELSTAR 403    (ground spare)   —— is modest

and should be granted.     There is no issue of AT&T‘s

"warehousing" orbital locations, because it has already

started construction of these satellites,       and because it

must launch TELSTAR 401 and 402    in time to ensure

customers‘   service continuity from the TELSTAR 301 and 302

satellites they are intended to replace.    Under these

circumstances,   the Commission should grant the modest

license modifications requested by AT&T .

                                TABLE OF CONTENTS


TABLE OF CONTENTS                                    iii


          1.   Ku~—Band Bandwidth Changes

          2.   Optional 27 MHz Transponders

          3.   Extension of Power Boost Capability


CONCLUSION     .    .   .   .                         11

                                    — iii —

                                Before the                                            APR 1 6 1990
                       Washington,    D.C.    20554                             Federal Communications Commission
                                                                                      Office of the Secretary

In the Matter of the Applications of

                                                      Nn N N N N Nt Nt Nt
                                                                            File Nos.
AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY                                    6028—DSS—P/LA—87
                                                                            6029—DSS—P/LA—8 7
For Authority to Construct,          Launch   and                           6030—DSS—P—87
Operate Space Stations in the Domestic
Fixed—Satellite Service


            Pursuant to Sections 214, 308, 309 and 319 of the

Communications Act of 1934 as amended, 47 U.S.C. §§ 214,

308,    309 and 319,   American Telephone and Telegraph Company

("AT&T")    hereby requests modification of the licenses for

its TELSTAR 401,       402 and 403    (ground spare)                        satellites to

permit certain technical changes to be made to those

satellites to respond to the demands of AT&T‘s satellite

customers,    and to extend by a few months the "milestone"

dates to complete construction and launch those

satellites.      Construction of the satellites has already

been commenced in compliance with the applicable

"milestone" dates.

            The licenses were issued in InreApplicationof

AT&T,    3 FCC Rced.   6980   (1988), which granted AT&T authority

to construct all three,        and launch and operate the first

two,    TELSTAR 4 series space stations in the domestic

fixed—satellite service.      AT&T‘s TELSTAR 401 and 402

satellites   represent   replacements of    the TELSTAR 301   and

302 satellites currently in operation.*


          The Commission has observed:

     "Given the two to three year construction period
     for a satellite, the Commission often receives
     requests from licensees to modify the technical
     design of their satellites while they are being
     built.   If the proposed modification does not
     present any significant interference problems and
     is otherwise consistent with the Commission
     policies, it is generally granted."**

This policy benefits not only the licensee,        but also

customers whose satellite needs may either evolve or be

differently identified during the long satellite planning

and construction period.      Since its June 29,    1989

modification request, AT&T has        received requests from both

existing and potential customers for further technical

modifications of its satellites.        These include requests

for more 54 MHz and 27 MHz transponders,        in preference to

*    AT&T‘s initial application for the TELSTAR 4 system
     was filed with the FCC on September 15, 1987.  An
     amendment to the application was requested on June 29,
     1989, which proposed certain modifications to the
     Ku—band frequency plan, the addition of a downlink
     spotbeam to Hawaii, and the introduction of an uplink
     interference control subsystem.  Those modifications
     were authorized in American Telephone and Telegraph
     Company, Order and Authorization, DA 90—279 (March 2,
     1990)("Modification Order").

**   Modification Order,    at " 7.

the 36 MHz transponders which AT&T had planned

previously.      Incorporating these changes will cause only

modest delay in completing construction and subsequent

launch of these satellites.         AT&T requests the Commission

to authorize the following technical modifications to the

TELSTAR 4 application.

           1.    Ku—           wi

           AT&T requests a change in the Ku—band frequency

plan at 12/14 GHz to include sixteen transponders with

54 MHz bandwidth channels,      in lieu of the previous plan

which included eight 54 MHz transponders and twelve 36 MHz

transponders.       The new plan will have the 54 MHz

transponders in both the vertical_and horizontal antenna

polarizations . *

           Cross—strapping capability between the Ku—band

and C—band frequencies would be retained,        although only 16

combinations of transponders would be cross—strapped

becéuse of the reduction in the total number of

transponders in the Ku—band.        Filtering and switching

would be modified appropriately to permit cross—strapping

between Ku—band and C—band transponders of different

bandwidth . **

*     A frequency plan is attached as Figure 1 hereto.

**—   A cross—strapping schematic is attached as Figure 2

            This modification to the frequency plan would

result in increased flexibility in coordinating TELSTAR 4

Ku—band services with adjacent satellite operators.

Sseveral carriers have already applied for licenses to

build,   launch,      and operate satellites with 54 MHz Ku—band

transponders.         These include the Hughes GALAXY—IV

(formerly GALAXY C),           assigned adjacent to TELSTAR 401 at

99° W.L.,     and GTE‘s SPACENET—IIIR,         proposed for future

assignment        adjacent    to TELSTAR 402   at   87° W.L.*   AT&T has

previously commented on the coordination benefits that

could be derived from a standardization of the Ku—band

frequency plan.**            AT&T expects its proposed frequency

plan, which is more compatible with other satellites in

the nearby orbital arc, will be easier to coordinate than

the existing,        approved plan.

            2 .     QOptional27MHzTransponders

            AT&T seeks authorization to incorporate the

capability to convert independently any of the upper four

*    See Opinion Order, FCC 89—364
     (January 11, 1990) at 10; ofApplication
     for               Authoriy
      Sateli in Fixed—Satellite Service,
     File No. 6020—DSS—P/LA—87 (September 15, 1987).  AT&T
     anticipates that SPACENET—IIIR, when launched, will be
     located at the same orbital position as the
     SPACENET—III satellite it is to replace.

**     mm                  i         1    n                           ny,
     Report No.      DS—684     (January 19,   1988),   at 26—27;   Reply
     Telephone Company,
     Report No. DS—684, File Nos. 6028—DDS—P/LA 87,
     6029—DSS—P/LA, and 630—DSS—P—87 (February 23, 1988)
     at 17—18 n.**.

Ku—band 54 MHz tfansponders in either polarization into

two transponders of 27 MHz each.*       Allowing independent

27 MHz channels,   rather than requiring a customer to place

two carriers in a single 54 MHz channel,      affordas more

efficient use of power resources because intermodulation

does not occur.

           In order to provide more qguard bandwidth to allow

AT&T to enhance overall filter characteristics where the

dual 27 MHz transponder feature would be available,       the

guard bands between the upper four 54 MHz Ku—band

transponders of each polarization would be set at 8 MHz.

The guard bands between the lower four 54 MHz transponders

of each polarization would be fixed at 6 MHz,      and those

between transponders 7 and 9,      and between transponders 8

and 10,   would be set at 7 MHz.

           Because this change would allow capacity tp be

used either as 54 MHz transponders or as 27 MHz

transponders,   it should give AT&T additional flexibility

to meet the evolving needs of its customers.       Moreover,

the change will allow AT&T to better coordinate services

with adjacent satellite operators such as Hughes and GTE,

both of whose applications propose the inclusion of

similarly sized transponders    in the upper Ku frequency

band .

*    This feature would be accomplished via onboard
     switching under ground control.

             3.         ion      Pow

            AT&T seeks authorization to modify the power

boost capability of its TELSTAR 4 satellites to include

all   24   C—band transponders   and the upper six 54 MHz

Ku—band transponders of each polarization.        Previously

this feature was proposed for six C—band and six Ku—band

transponders.      The purpose of the requesged modification

is to make the power boost capabilities of the satellite

consistent with the revised frequency plan,       and provide

additional capabilities to customers.

            At C—band, this capability would provide for
increasing the power allocated to each transponder from

the nominal 10 watt level to a maximum of 20 watts.         At

Ku—band,    power could be similarly increased from 60 watts

to 120 watts.     The high power mode would make use of

excess power derived from transponders carrying traffic

that does not require the nominal transponder power.

Total power consumption on the TELSTAR 4 satellites would

remain unchanged.     When a 54 MHz Ku—band transponder is

replaced by two 27 MHz channels,       one of the channels could

be operated in the power boost mode at up to 120 watts,

while the adjacent channel could be operated

simultaneously at 60 watts.

            None of these alterations would change any of the

significant technical parameters already on file and

approved by the Commission, because no changes are

proposed in the power flux densities or receive

sensitivities associated with interference between the

TELSTAR 4 system and other satellite networks.

                               at           L

           Construction of the TELSTAR 4 series satellites

was timely commenced in July 1989.*         AT&T requests an

extension of the "milestone" date to complete construction

of TELSTAR 401 from September 1992 to March 1993,           and an

extension of the "milestone"        launch date from December

1992 to May 1993.** |
           AT&LT also requests an extension of the remaining

"milestone" dates for TELSTAR 402 and 403.            It requests

that the Commission extend (i)        the "milestone" date to

complete construction of TELSTAR 402 from September 1993

to January 1994;   (ii)   the "milestone"       launch date from

December 1993 to March 1994;        and (iii)   the "milestone"

date for completed construction of the TELSTAR 403

satellite from March 1993 to July 1993.

*     Affidavit of Jeffrey M. Friedman dated March 1, 1990,
      attached to Letter from Leonard J. Monize (AT&T) to
      James R. Keegan (Chief, FCC Domestic Facilities
      Division), dated March 2, 1990.

**—   The vendor has a contractual obligation to review with
      AT&T the detailed workplan schedule after it is
      prepared, for the purpose of reducing the delay.

               The extensions   are necessary in part because

AT&T‘s satellite vendor requires additional time to

incorporate the technical changes to the satellite,

described above,       in response to marketplace demand,         and in

part because of unanticipated schedule delays since AT&T

first filed its milestone dates with the Commission

2    1/2 years ago.*     The schedule changes for TELSTAR 402

and 403       are necessary because testing and quality

inspection schedules for TELSTAR 402 and 403 are affected

by the delayed construction and launch of TELSTAR 401,                    as

the same technical personnel        that   are   responsible   for

TELSTAR 402 and 403 are also responsible for the

construction and launch of TELSTAR 401.

              The rationale underlying the Commission‘s policy

of requiring adherence to the milestone schedule is to

"prevent[]      orbital locations from being       ‘warehoused‘      by

licensees who have not yet decided whether to proceed with

their plans."**        In this case, AT&T has already commenced

construction of the satellite and is contractually

obligated to pay its satellite vendor.            In addition, AT&T

is contractually obligated to provide continued satellite

service to a large customer after the end of the useful

*     AT&T did not quantify these delays until after the
      prior modification request was filed in June 1989.

**    MCI Communications Corp.,      2 FCC Rcd. 233 (1987),          at
      41 5.

life of the TELSTAR 301 and 302 satellites.*           Thus,   there

is no doubt that AT&T will proceed with its satellite

plans,   and the few months requested delay do not amount to

"warehousing" orbital    locations to the detriment of other

satellite operators.     Rather,   this modest delay will

permit AT&T to incorporate technical features requested by

actual and potential customers,       and accommodate

appropriate time for testing,      thus serving the public

interest.     In similar situations where,    as here,

"warehousing" was not an issue,       the Commission has granted

licensees much    longer delays.**

            In keeping with its overall policy,       the

Commission has traditionally granted requests for

milestone extensions "when delay in implementation is due

to circumstances beyond the control of the licensee."***

In this case,   much of the requested delay is caused by

changes in marketplace demand,       as evidenced by requests

*    TELSTAR 301 (which TELSTAR 401 is to replace) will run
     out of fuel as early as fall 1993; TELSTAR 302 (which
     TELSTAR 402 is to replace) will run out of fuel as
     early as the fall of 1994.  AT&T‘s requested schedule
     revisions will allow its TELSTAR 301 and 302 customers
     to transfer to TELSTAR 401 and 402 without loss of
     continuous service.

«*   For example, Contel‘s ASC—2 satellite was granted a
     four—year launch delay (from 1987 to 1991) when the
     licensee had difficulty contracting for launch
     services, after the satellite was constructed.  See
     Letter from James R. Keegan (Chief, Domestic Facilities
     Division) to Joan M. Griffin (CONTEL ASC) dated
     December 29, 1987, concerning File No. 765—DSS~MP/ML—88.

x«* Communications Corp., supra,           at "% 5.

                              — 10 —

for   a   changed fréquency plan by potential customers.      Such

changes, which are beyond AT&T‘s control,     require

additional work (and associated delay)     in the

manufacturing process.      The remainder of the delay was

caused by schedule slippage due to unforeseen events,

including the unexpected length of time the satellite

manufacturer needed to construct the satellite*® and the

unexpected length of Giscussions with the satellite vendor

and the launch provider     (the latter still in progress),

which have been complicated as a result of recent launch

failures .

             AT&T provided its best projections of

construction and launch dates when‘ it filed its
application 2 1/2 years ago;     the delays now requested are

modest.      They represent the best balance of schedule

management and feature enrichment requested by the

marketplace,     and are consistent with the Commission‘s

commitment,     recently affirmed by Chairman Sikes,    "to

providing licensees the flexibility to respond to changes

in the market."**

*     Despite the bids of the vendors which were consistent
      with AT&T‘s scheduled milestone dates, as stated in
      the Letter from Kenneth G. Ingram (AT&T Network
      Architecture & Technology Planning) to Donna R. Searcy
      (Commission Secretary) dated December 22, 1988, the
      satellite vendor has since required a construction
      schedule going beyond the milestones for TELSTAR 401.

**    Satellite News, January 15, 1990, p. 4.

                                     — 1ll —


          For   the   reasons    stated above,        the Commission

should authorize      a modification of AT&T‘s              license to

incorporate the technical changes requested herein,                      and

should extend the milestone dates as requested.

                                               Respectfully submitted,

                                AMERICAN TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY

                                By         ()(ji ‘LOJkC§~“4
                                                araQ . Savapyfel
                                           Dbird@tor    —     tellite Communications

                                           Routes 202/206 North
                                           Room 4A115
                                           Bedminster, New Jersey              07921
                                           (201) 234—7219

Dated:   April 13,    1990

                        5945            5985              6025           6065        6105           61450        6185        6225           6265          6305         6345     6385
                        3720            3760              3800           3840        3880           3920         3960        4000           4040          4080         4120     4160
Upilink (H)             1              3                 5              7            3            11            13          15              17            19         21         23
Downlink (V)

Uplink (V)          po|2                        4               6            8               10        12            14          16              18             20        22           24
Downlink (H)
                                 5965  6005                     6045          6085           6125       6165         6205             6245       G285           6325      63650      6405
                                 3740  3780                     3820          3860           3900       3940         3980             4020       4060           4100      4140       4180
                        4         § .&
                        E         €        &E
                        &         f&        A

                        14030                   14090                   14150                14210           14271                14333                 14395              14457
Ku—Band                 11730                   11790                   11850                11910           11971                12033                 12095              12157
                    1                      3                        5                    7                  ga | 9e              main18               134 13B             15A 15B
Uplink (H)
Downlink (V)

Uplink (V)
                            2                       4                    6                   8                   10A o8               |1za i4128           haa i14aB          hea l168
Downlink (H)
                                14043       |           14103                14163                14223 | | 14284                   14346                      14408      j 14470
               I                11743       ||          11803                11863                11923 | | 11984                 | 12046             |        12108      j | 12170
               I                            Je                                                              ba                    i          I        i                   i
                   a             ks        2                                                                3                          N         N                        2
                   fo            f         f                                                                #                          fo        f                        #
                                                                                                                                       C         %

                                                                                                                                                          Frequencies In MHz

                                           Figure 1: TELSTAR 4 Transponder Frequency Plan

                                         14030                              14090                                         14150                             14210
                                         11730                              11790                                         11850                             11910
              1                                           3                                             5                                 7
                                          5945                              6005                                          6065                              6125
                             1           11730                  4           11790                             7           i1850                10           ji9i0
                                 2                                   4                                                6                             8
                                                  5965                                    6025                                    6085                               6145
          j                               2       i1750                             5     i1810                             8     11870                      11      11930
          |                                       14043                                   14103                                   14163                              14223
          |              |                        11743                                   11803                                   11863                              11923
          I       ‘-‘s
                         ;                       g            :; :

                  a                              g             C
_ ZHW 2

                                                                                                | M |
                                      14271                               14333                 Iod                       14395                         14457
                                      11971                               12033                 Do                        12095                         12157
                                                          11                                            13                                15
                                      6185                                6245                                    .       6305                          6365
                         13           1070                     16         12030                              19           12090           22            12150
                                 10                                  12                                           14                            16 _
                                                 6205                                   6265                                      b3as                              . 6385
                                        14       11990                            17 12050                                 20     12110                     23      12170
                                                 14284                               14346                                        14408                             14470
                                                 11984                                  12046                                     12108                              12170

                                                                                                                                                    Frequencies in MHz

                                                                                                                                                    C—band Transponders Shown In
                                                                                                                                                    Interior of Ku—band Tran       der
                                                                FIGURE 2                                                                                A                      sponders
                         TELSTAR 4 C—to—Ku Band Cross—Strapping Plan
                                              60 & 62 MHz Transponder Spacing

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Document Modified: 2014-08-20 17:54:31

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