Attachment 1990NPR Informal Com

1990NPR Informal Com

COMMENT submitted by National Public Radio Inc.

Informal Comment


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19900105-00001 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 Before the
                   FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS       COMMISSION            MAR 1 — wqo
                        Washington, D.C.        20554
                                                                 Federat Communications Commission
                                                                        Office of the Secretary

In the Matter of

HUGHES COMMUNICATIONS                    File Nos.      1—DSS—MP/ML—89
GALAXY, INC.                                            2—DSS—MP/ML—89
                                                        3 =DES—ML—B89
Request for Authority                                i?f;(‘o'~
to Modify Authorizations                                 mdi]%7 Ey
for Galaxy A and Galaxy IV                                      El}

In the Matter of


Request for Interim
Assignment of the Galaxy VI
Domestic Fixed—Satellite
to the 99° Orbital Position

                          INFORMAL COMMENTS OF
                         NATIONAL PUBLIC RADIO

          National Public Radio,       Inc.   ("NPR")   hereby submits

informal comments on the above captioned Requests by Hughes

Communications Galaxy,    Inc.    ("Hughes").     Hughes requests

authority to modify its existing authorizations for the Ku—band

satellite Galaxy A and the C—band satellite Galaxy IV by

constructing,   launching,   and operating a single hybrid satellite

("Galaxy IV")   at 99° W.L.,     with service to commence in 1993.                  In

addition, Hughes requests an interim assignment of its C—band

satellite Galaxy VI to 99° W.L.       for the period between the end—

of—life of Westar IV in 1991 and the beginning—of—service of

Galaxy IV in 1993    (the "interim period").

          NPR is a nonprofit,       noncommercial organization which

provides programming and interconnection services to 384      full—

service public radio stations,   and represents them in developing

and maintaining a viable and diverse public radio service for the

American public.

            NPR‘s interest in these proceedings arises from the

fact that the Public Radio Satellite Interconnection System

("PRSIS")   is the owner of one transponder on the satellite

currently located at 99° W.L.,   Westar IV.   NPR manages the PRSIS

for the benefit of participating public radio stations under the

legislated authority of the Corporation for Public Broadcasting.

            NPR has recently concluded an extensive process of

identifying replacement space seqgment capacity for the period

following the end—of—life of Westar IV,   and has contracted with

Hughes for the purchase of two transponders for the public radio

system on Galaxy IV,   contingent upon Hughes obtaining the

necessary authority to construct,   launch,   and operate Galaxy IV.

This service is scheduled to commence in 1993.      In addition, NPR

has entered into a lease arrangement with Hughes for transponder

capacity at 99° during the interim period,    contingent upon the

ability of Hughes to provide such capacity.

            The PRSIS currently consists of more than 300 receive

earth terminals located at public radio stations serving all

fifty states,   as well as twenty—two transmit—capable earth

terminals which permit immediate access to the system from widely

diverse geographic locations.    The existing intact and fully

functioning ground system of more than 300 C—band earth

terminals,    combined with the inability of existing or planned Ku—

band satellites to provide adequate full fifty—state coverage,

has contributed in large part to NPR‘s decision to continue

operations at C—band.

               Ssome public radio stations are geographically located

in areas that cannot be served by satellites located East of 99°

wW.L.,   such as those on the North Slope of Alaska.    Thus,   a major

portion of the domestic satellite arc is precluded from use by

the public radio system.     In addition,   replacement or costly

major modifications would be required to many of the system‘s

existing receive antennas if the replacement satellite was

located West of the 125° W.L. position.      These factors confirm

that the 99° W.L. position is particularly well suited for public

radio‘s continued use.

             Uninterrupted program delivery to the nation‘s public

radio stations and the listening public will,      therefore,   be best

served by the availability of continuous service at the 99° W.L.

position,    both during the interim period and upon delivery of

permanent replacement satellite capacity.       While NPR has taken

all steps possible to assure continuity of service in the future,

there is still a degree of uncertainty remaining,      caused by

Hughes!‘   present lack of governmental authority to provide both

the interim and permanent service.     Since the availability of

service at the 99° position is not completely assured during the

interim period, NPR has made arrangements for alternative

capacity on another satellite should it be required.       Major

disruption to the Public Radio Satellite System would be caused

by the necessity of repointing all of the transmit and receive

antennas twice,      as well as providing parallel service on two

satellites during two separate transition periods.

            NPR believes that the public interest will be best

served by the favorable and timely resolution of the two

outstanding Hughes Requests,         so that the planning for the future

of the Public Radio Satellite Interconnection System can continue

with the knowledge that the requlatory issues relating to the

availability of space seqgment have been settled.         Continuity of

service at 99° W.L.      for the PRSIS would provide real and valuable

benefits to a large segment of the American public.

           NPR respectfully requests that the Commission consider

the benefits to the Public Radio Satellite Interconnection System

in its decision on the matters raised by the Hughes Requests and

rule on these matters favorably and expeditiously.

Respectfully submitted,

2025 M Street, N.W.
Washington,   D.C.    20036

By : 7)717Z       w/\;{:“%
   Peter @f Loewensteln
   Vice—President for Distribution

              /Cé,‘l{:«./                  By “ZZMWW
   EKdren ChrfiStensen                        Mary fou Joéeph 7    _
   Agting General Counsel                     Representati@n Division

March 1,   1990

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

            I,    Ethyl L.    Tiller,      hereby certify that on this ist day

of March,   1990,    copies of the foregoing were mailed,         first class

mail,   postage prepaid to the following:

            Cecily C. Holiday,            Esq.*
            Chief, Satellite Radio Branch
            Common Carrier Bursau
            Federal Communications Commission
            2025 M Street, N.W.
            Room 6324
            Washington,       D.C.     20554

            Fern J. Jarmulnek, Esq.*
            Common Carrier Bureau
            Federal Communications Commission
            2025 M Street, N.W.
            Room    6324
            Washington,       D.C.     20554

            Gary M.       Epstein,    Esq.
            James    P.    Rogers,    Esq.
            John P.       Janka,   Esq.
            Latham and Watkins
            1001 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
            Suite    1300
            Washington, D.C.           20004
            Counsel for Hughes Communications Galaxy,            Inc.

            Joan M.       Griffin,    Esq.
            Contel Corporation
            555    13th Street,       N.W.
            Suite 480 West
            Washington, D.C.           20004
            Counsel for American Satellite Company
            ("Contel ASC")

            Karl R. Savatiel
            Director, Satellite Communications
            Room 4A115
            Routes 202/206 North
            Bedminster, NJ  07921

            Carl J.       Cangelosi
            GE American Communication,            Inc.
            Four Research Way
            Princeton, NJ          08540                 W/%‘J

                                                          Ethy¥ L. Tiller
*Hand Delivered

Document Created: 2014-08-19 14:20:52
Document Modified: 2014-08-19 14:20:52

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