Attachment 1990Ltr from Keegan

1990Ltr from Keegan

LETTER submitted by Chief, Domestic Facilities Division, Commom Carrier Bureau; FCC

Jan 11 1990 letter from CCB


This document pretains to SAT-MOD-19891219-00049 for Modification on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         JAN 1. 1. 199Q,


 CTE Spacenet Corporation
 1700 Old Meadow Road
 McLean, VA     2210%w

 Attention:     Terri B. Natoli

 Keference:     Request      for   Section 319(d) Waiver for GSTAR—4 (File No. 12—DSS—
                STA—20)                                                                              ,
 Dear Ms. Natoli:

 This is in respounse to your December 15, 1989 request for a waiver pursuant to
 Section     319(4)    of    the   Communications         Act, 47 U.S.C. § 319(d4), in order to
 allow CGTE Spacenet Corporation (GTH Spacenet) to implement a proposed design
 modification to the GSTAR—4 domestic fixed—satellite. In your application
 to modify GSTAR—4‘s license, which included the waiver request, you propose to
 substitute a 27 watt traveling wave tube amplifier (TWIA) for a 20                           watt       TWTA
 on one GSTAR—4 transponder. You state that this modification will not result
 in any increased potential for adjacent satellite interference and that it can
 be implemented at no cost to CGTE Spacenet. You seek a Section 319(d) waiver
 to allow the proposed modification to be incorporated without delaying CSTAR—
.&‘s construgtion completion or launch dates.        Finally, you state that
 implementation        pursuant    to a Section 319(d) waiver will be at CTE Spacenet‘s
 own risk.

 We grant your request in view of the time frame involved and the fact that                               no
 additional expenditures are necessary.      We expect, as you state in your
 request,   that   any action GTE Spacenet takes before the modification
 application is acted upon will be at GTE Spacenet‘s own risk.

 Accordingly,         pursuant     to   Section        0.291     of     the    Commission‘s    rules       on
 delegations of authority, 47 C.F.R.              §     0.291,        GTE     Spacenet   Corporation       is
 granted & waiver pursuant to Section 319(d) of the Communications Act, 47
 U.S.C. § 319(4), to implement the modification to its GSTAR—4 satellite as
 described     in     its   application to modify GSTAR—4‘s license. (File No. 11—D8S—
 MP/ML—90). This action is without prejudice to future                          Commission    action       on
 the pending modification application.


                                                      James R. Keegan
                                                      Chief, Domestic Facilities Division
                                                      Common Carrier Burcau

Document Created: 2014-08-15 15:19:48
Document Modified: 2014-08-15 15:19:48

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