Attachment Legal Narrative

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20190328-00020 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                 Before the
                                        Washington, D.C. 20554

Application of                           )
MYRIOTA PTY. LTD.                        )                 File No. _________________
Petition for Declaratory Ruling Granting )                 Call Sign _____
Access to the U.S. Market for Non-Voice, )
Non-Geostationary Satellite System       )

                           PETITION FOR DECLARATORY RULING

        Myriota Pty. Ltd. (“Myriota”), pursuant to Section 25.137 of the Commission’s rules,1

submits this Petition for Declaratory Ruling (“PDR”) requesting access to the U.S. market for

Myriota’s planned non-voice, non-geostationary orbit (“NVNG”) Mobile-Satellite Service

(“MSS”) system. Myriota’s network of small satellites will communicate with low-power NVNG

modules and employ advanced signal processing to provide connectivity to a new generation of

Internet of Things (“IoT”) devices.          As demonstrated in this PDR and the accompanying

materials, 2 Myriota is legally, technically, and otherwise qualified; its proposed facilities and

operations comply with all applicable rules, regulations, and policies; and grant of this PDR will

serve the public interest, convenience, and necessity. Accordingly, the Commission should grant

the PDR expeditiously.

    47 C.F.R. § 25.137.
    A completed Form 312, accompanying Schedule S, Technical Attachment, and Waiver Request are associated
    with this application, consistent with the information required by the Commission’s rules in support of the
    requested authorization.


        A. Myriota Will Provide Low-Cost, Spectrum Efficient Connectivity for IoT Devices
        Myriota is a private Australian company founded in 2015 to commercialize breakthrough

communications technology developed during a three-year research project at the University of

South Australia. Myriota enables secure low-cost communications for IoT devices anywhere on

the planet using patented techniques for massive scale direct-to-orbit communications. Myriota

will deliver global coverage by transmitting directly from and to satellites in low-Earth orbit

(“LEO”), which removes the need for almost all ground-based infrastructure.

        Myriota has overcome significant technical challenges to realize this direct-to-orbit

capability, as follows:

    Long communications range: Myriota’s communications receiver employs powerful
     synchronization and error correction to ensure that messages are correctly received, even
     at low elevation with link distances greater than 2,000 km.
    Massive multiuser communications: The field of view of a LEO satellite is around 5,000
     km in diameter and may contain millions of devices. Myriota’s communications receiver
     is able to synchronize and decode messages from a massive number of devices at once even
     when these messages substantially overlap each other in time and frequency. This provides
     highly efficient use of spectrum.
    Long battery life: Myriota connected devices have multi-year battery life. Myriota
     enables this by using radio waveforms designed for reliable low power transmission;
     intelligent transmit scheduling algorithms; and low energy IoT electronics.
    Security: Myriota provides encrypted and authenticated access via AES-GCM-256, with
     unique per-module keys, while also providing secure private device identity.

The ability to provide such ubiquitous, low-cost, spectrum-efficient connectivity for IoT devices

will support a wide range of applications, including:

    Environment: Weather monitoring; water flow sensing; oceanography; soil monitoring;
     natural resource management.


     Agriculture: Water security and irrigation; livestock tracking; sensor telemetry; soil
      moisture probes; weather stations; logistics & asset management; preventative
      maintenance; infrastructure monitoring; fuel stores.

     Resource sector: Asset tracking and monitoring; equipment inventory and tracing;
      predictive maintenance; process optimization.

     Utilities: Smart grid; meter reading; infrastructure management; remote alerts and

     Transport and Logistics: Asset tracking and monitoring; end-to-end freight; route
      planning and optimization; intelligent transport.

Myriota is already delivering its direct-to-orbit IoT service commercially in Australia using

satellites owned by Canadian operator exactEarth. Customers span a range of government and

industry sectors including agriculture, defense, environmental management, asset management,

and maritime. Myriota-enabled deployments have been active in Australia for more than 18

months, and over 250,000 messages have been delivered to customers. These customers are

leveraging Myriota’s module and developer toolkit hardware and software, now in its second

generation, to open new markets for their products.

        In addition, Myriota is using a payload on the BRIO satellite, launched in December 2018

by U.S. satellite provider SpaceQuest, 3 to validate Myriota’s next generation software-defined

radio technology, including advanced on-orbit signal processing, firmware upgradability, and link

budgets, in preparation for deployment of Myriota’s next generation satellites. The system

proposed in this application will enable Myriota to take the next step in developing and deploying

its NVNG network, with the launch of its first three satellites currently anticipated by the end of

this year.

    See Experimental License File Number 0220-EX-CN-2018.

          B. The Proposed NVNG System

          Myriota will operate its NVNG system in the United States using the 399.9-400.05 MHz

    (Earth-to-space) and 400.15-401 MHz (space-to-Earth) frequency bands. Both bands have

    been allocated to non-Federal MSS on a primary basis and are specifically identified as being

    available for NVNG MSS operations. 4 Myriota can configure the length, interval, data rate,

    bandwidth, and frequency of transmissions from satellites and earth stations in its system. The

    various space and ground facilities composing the Myriota system are described below and in

    more detail in Schedule S and the Technical Attachment (Attachment A) accompanying this


                     1.       Space Segment

          The Myriota system will consist of 26 LEO satellites operating in 18 planes that target an

initial altitude of no greater than 600 km, 5 with orbital inclination at either 97.7 degrees (sun

synchronous) or 54 degrees. The satellites will circle the Earth approximately every 97 minutes.

Its first generation of satellites will not have active propulsion, but collision avoidance maneuvers

will be trialed using differential drag techniques to characterize differential drag maneuvering.

The upgraded generation of satellites will have propulsion capability to enable in-orbit maneuvers

for constellation station keeping, and to avoid potential collisions.6 In either case, Myriota

satellites will utilize disposal via atmospheric re-entry in less than 25 years from deployment. The

      See 47 C.F.R. §§ 2.106, 25.202(a)(3). See also 47 C.F.R. § 2.106 n.US320 (the use of the 399.9-400.05 MHz and
      400.15-401 MHz bands by the MSS is limited to NVNG satellite systems).
      Ideally, Myriota would deploy all of its satellites at a 600 km altitude. However, in some cases, these satellites
      may be secondary rideshare payloads and therefore somewhat subject to initial orbital parameters dictated by
      launch providers. Accordingly, Myriota requests authority to deploy and subsequently replenish its constellation
      on launches with parameters within inclinations from equatorial to polar, and apogee and perigee from 400-600
      Myriota also seeks authority to communicate with technically identical follow-on satellites launched to replenish
      its constellation as satellites reach end of life, in order to ensure continued operations.

minimum operational altitude at which Myriota satellites will be used for commercial

transmissions will be approximately 400 km. The nominal operational lifetime of a Myriota

satellite is between three and five years, with an orbital lifetime not exceeding 25 years from

launch, consistent with the international standard. No spacecraft components are expected to

survive re—entry or reach the Earth‘s surface.

        Myriota will operate its constellation under an International Telecommunication Union

("ITU") filing made by Australia for the "MNSAT" satellite network, which is currently submitted

for coordination. Myriota requests authority to communicate with follow—onsatellites launched to

replenish its constellation as satellitesreach end oflife, as necessary, to maintain its on—orbit fleet

of 26 satellites.

                    2.   Ground Segment

        The Myriota system includes three broad categories of earth stations:

     > IoT modules (see picture below) provide Myriota‘s advanced nanosatellite transceiver

         for secure data transfer and a system for sophisticated power management. They allow

         Original Equipment Manufacturers to add global ToT connectivity and reliable, long

         battery life to their devices for a wide range of mobile applications.

      International ground stations backhaul data to and from the NVNG constellation to

         provide connectivity to the Internet, and also perform telemetry, tracking, and control

         (“TT&C”) functions.

      Low-cost micro-gateways also backhaul data to and from the NVNG constellation,

         augmenting the international ground station network and providing low latency in-

         country connectivity to the Internet. Each micro-gateway includes a Myriota radio for

         nanosatellite connectivity which operates at low transmit power.

Myriota seeks access to the U.S. market only for communications with IoT modules and micro-

gateways, as the international ground stations will be operated in other countries. As appropriate,

Myriota and/or its partners will submit applications to the Commission requesting blanket licenses

for earth station operations in the United States, pursuant to Sections 25.115 and 25.130 of the

Commission’s rules. 7

                  3.       System architecture

        Myriota’s system architecture and data flow is illustrated in Figures 1 and 2 below.

                        Figure 1. Myriota System Architecture Within U.S.

    See 47 C.F.R. §§ 25.115, 25.130.


        Figure 1 shows the communication pathways between IoT devices and micro-gateway

earth stations in the U.S. Data from IoT devices is uplinked to a Myriota satellite that passes within

range. The satellite captures signals from large populations of devices, each having an integrated

Myriota module. Myriota’s advanced multiuser receiver decodes these signals, simultaneously

providing access to massive numbers of devices. The receiver allows the module to transmit open-

loop, i.e., without the need for instruction from the satellite. Decoded data is stored on the satellite

until it can be forwarded to a micro-gateway for delivery to Myriota’s cloud-based hub over a

secure Internet connection, and ultimately delivered to a cloud-based service portal that can be

accessed by Myriota customers. Conversely, data from the service portal can be uplinked to a

satellite via the cloud-based hub for later delivery, allowing customers to push data to their IoT

devices in the field.

                Figure 2. Myriota International Ground Station Architecture

        Figure 2 shows how Myriota satellites communicates with the international ground station

network that operates outside of the U.S. Like the micro-gateways discussed above, these ground

stations have the ability to receive data from and transmit data to IoT devices via the satellites.

However, they also provide the link used for TT&C functions. Myriota has contracted with Tyvak


Nanosatellite Systems Inc. (“Tyvak”) to coordinate operations of the Myriota NVNG system from

Tyvak’s satellite network command center in Irvine, California. Myriota will deliver commands

to, and receive data from, the satellite network command center, which is connected to an

international ground station network operated by a range of international partners. Data is fully

encrypted between the satellite network command center and the spacecraft.


          According to one forecast, worldwide IoT spending will reach $745 billion in 2019, an

increase of 15.4% over 2018, and will maintain a double-digit growth rate through 2022, at which

point it will pass the $1 trillion mark. 8 Analysts predict that interest in the sort of remote

monitoring involved with IoT devices will continue to rise quickly because it tends to be an easily

integrated or standalone application. 9 Myriota’s satellite network will support this growth by

providing massive scale connectivity virtually anywhere on Earth. Moreover, as discussed above,

the Myriota NVNG system will bring a range of innovative services to the IoT market, especially

for those in areas underserved or completely unserved by terrestrial networks. It will do so in a

low-cost, spectrum-efficient manner that can create new opportunities for individuals and

businesses across the U.S. and around the world. Clearly, these new services and capabilities

would benefit the American public.

          In addition, the Commission has established a framework for considering requests for

    See INTERNATIONAL DATA CORPORATION, IDC Forecasts Worldwide Spending on the Internet of Things to Reach
    $745 Billion in 2019, Led by the Manufacturing, Consumer, Transportation, and Utilities Sectors (Jan. 3, 2019),
    See Ann Bosche, et al., Unlocking Opportunities in the Internet of Things at 2, 4, BAIN & CO., (2018),


non-U.S. licensed space stations to access the U.S. market. In order to be approved, the applicant

must demonstrate that grant of its request would serve the public interest. 10 In making that public

interest determination, the Commission considers: (1) the effect on competition in the United

States; (2) spectrum availability; (3) national security, law enforcement, foreign policy, and trade

considerations; and (4) eligibility and operational requirements. 11 We address each of these

considerations below, and demonstrate that granting Myriota’s PDR would serve the public


         A. Effect on Competition in the United States

         An applicant seeking access to the U.S. market for a non-U.S. licensed satellite system is

entitled to a presumption in favor of entry if it is licensed by a World Trade Organization (“WTO”)

member country to provide satellite services covered by the WTO Basic Telecommunications

Agreement (the “WTO Agreement”). 12                As noted above, Myriota’s NVNG system will be

authorized by Australia, a member of the WTO. In addition, Myriota seeks authority to provide

only satellite services that are covered by the WTO Agreement. 13 Therefore, Myriota is entitled

to a presumption that market entry for its NVNG satellite system will satisfy the competition

component of the public interest analysis. 14 This presumption is further supported by the fact that

     See Amendment of the Commission’s Regulatory Policies to Allow Non-U.S. Licensed Space Stations to Provide
     Domestic and International Satellite Service in the United States, 12 FCC Rcd. 24094, ¶ 29 (1997) (“DISCO II
     Order), on reconsideration, 15 FCC Rcd. 7207, ¶ 5 (1999).
     See id.
     See DISCO II Order, ¶ 39.
     See, e.g., id., ¶ 30 (noting that MSS is a WTO-covered service); Globalstar Licensee LLC, 26 FCC Rcd. 3948, ¶
     21 (IB 2011) (“the Commission adopted a policy that granting market entry for provision of FSS or MSS via
     satellites licensed by a WTO-member country will be presumed to be beneficial for competition in the United
     States”). Myriota does not seek authority to provide direct-to-home, Digital Audio Radio Service, or Direct
     Broadcast Satellite Service in the United States.
     Accordingly, Myriota is not required to make an effective competitive opportunities showing. See 47 C.F.R. §


Myriota, a new MSS entrant, will enhance competition by providing new and innovative services

to the burgeoning market for IoT devices and connectivity.

         B. Spectrum Availability

         The Commission also considers spectrum availability as a factor in determining whether

authorizing a foreign-licensed satellite system to serve the U.S. market is in the public interest.15

In doing so, the Commission evaluates whether grant of access would create the potential for

harmful interference with U.S.-licensed satellite and terrestrial systems.

         As discussed above, Myriota proposes to operate its NVNG system in a manner consistent

with the U.S. Table of Frequency Allocations. Moreover, it will comply with all applicable

Commission and ITU technical limits and sharing requirements, including power flux-density

provisions designed to protect terrestrial systems and time-sharing procedures adopted to protect

Meteorological Satellite Systems operated by the Department of Defense. 16 Myriota recognizes

that it must protect GSO satellite systems from harmful interference, 17 and will do so.

         Myriota’s system also has the flexibility and spectral efficiency to operate harmoniously

with other NVNG systems in this band. For example, Myriota’s satellites can vary the bandwidth

of their emissions through on-board processing and organize their emissions to accommodate

sharing arrangements with other users of the band. Myriota downlink transmissions can range in

bandwidth anywhere between 10 and 80 kHz, and operate anywhere within the entire 850 kHz

allocated to MSS, or within any portion thereof that may be assigned. They can employ frequency

hopping to move throughout the assigned band, or operate with a defined channel plan, either using

     See DISCO II Order, ¶ 149.
     See 47 C.F.R. §§ 2.106 n.5.264, 25.260.
     See id. § 25.289.

multiple contiguous channels or a fragmented channel arrangement. These downlink

communications will typically operate at 10% duty cycle, further decreasing their potential to

cause interference.

           In the uplink band, Myriota NVNG modules operate with less than 5 dBW EIRP. This

would be within the limit currently proposed under Agenda Item 1.2 to be considered at the World

Radio Conference later this year. 18 The majority of these transmitters will operate with a typical

duty cycle less than 0.02%, and occasionally up to 0.5%, and employ frequency hopping across

the intended band, with an emission bandwidth of just 2 kHz. These operating characteristics give

Myriota the ability to share the entire 150 kHz range with other NVNG systems also operating in

the 399.9-400.05 MHz band, as well as the ability to operate in any portion of the band to which

it is assigned.

           C. National Security, Law Enforcement, Foreign Policy, and Trade Issues

           The Commission has stated that the issues of national security, law enforcement, foreign

policy, and trade will be considered in evaluating requests for market access, but are likely to arise

only in “rare circumstances.” 19 Further, Commission policy is to defer to the expertise of the

Executive Branch in identifying and interpreting issues of this nature. 20 Myriota’s request for

authority to access the U.S. market with its NVNG system raises no such issues. Thus, this element

of the Commission’s public interest analysis is satisfied as well.

     ITEM 1.2 (2019).: to consider the in-band power limits for earth stations operating in the mobile-satellite service,
     meteorological-satellite-service, and Earth exploration-satellite service in the frequency bands 401-403 MHz and
     399.9-400.05 MHz, in accordance with Resolution 765 (WRC-15).
     See DISCO II Order, ¶ 180.


         D. Eligibility and Operational Requirements

         Under Section 25.137, applicants seeking U.S. market access for non-U.S. licensed satellite

systems must provide the same information concerning legal and technical qualifications as is

required of applicants for space station licenses issued by the Commission.21 The information set

forth in this narrative application, the supporting Technical Attachment, Schedule S, and the

accompanying FCC Form 312 demonstrates compliance with these requirements. In addition,

Myriota hereby confirms that it will comply with the following Part 25 rules that warrant special

attention: (1) Myriota has no right that would run afoul of the prohibition in Section 25.142(d) of

the Commission’s rules, 22 nor will it acquire any such right in the future; (2) it will post a surety

bond as required under Section 25.165 of the Commission’s rules; 23 (3) it will comply with the

Commission’s milestone requirements under Section 25.164; 24 (4) it does not have any other

application for an NGSO-like satellite system license on file with the Commission, or any other

licensed-but-unbuilt NGSO-like system, in any frequency band involved in this application; 25 and

(5) it will not provide voice services with its NVNG systems. 26

     See 47 C.F.R. 25.137. See also Amendment of the Commission’s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, 18
     FCC Rcd. 10760, ¶ 288 (2003).
     See 47 C.F.R. § 25.142(d) (“No license shall be granted to any applicant for a non-voice, non-geostationary
     mobile-satellite service system if that applicant, or any companies controlling or controlled by the applicant, shall
     acquire or enjoy any right, for the purpose of handling traffic to or from the United States, its territories or
     possessions, to construct or operate space segment or earth stations in the non-voice, non-geostationary mobile-
     satellite service, or to interchange traffic, which is denied to any other United States company by reason of any
     concession, contract, understanding, or working arrangement to which the licensee or any persons or companies
     controlling or controlled by the licensee are parties.”).
     See id. § 25.165(a)(1).
     See id. § 25.164(b).
     See id. § 25.159(b).
     See id. § 25.142(b).


          For the foregoing reasons, and for the reasons set forth in the accompanying materials,

Myriota requests that the Commission find that granting the PDR such that the NVNG system

proposed herein may access the U.S. market would serve the public interest, and issue such grant


                                                Respectfully submitted,

                                                MYRIOTA PTY. LTD.

                                                By: _/s/ Dr. David Haley________
                                                    Dr. David Haley
 William M. Wiltshire                               Chief Technology Officer
 Paul Caritj
 1919 M Street, N.W.                            Level 1, Eleanor Harrald Building
 Suite 800                                      Frome Road, Adelaide
 Washington, DC 20036                           South Australia 5000
 202-730-1300 tel                               61-8-722-4787 tel
 202-730-1301 fax

 Counsel to Myriota


Document Created: 2019-04-28 11:48:04
Document Modified: 2019-04-28 11:48:04

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