Attachment ODAR

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20180910-00069 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Orbital Debris Assessment Report
           Hiber 1 & Hiber 2

             Revision nr1

             Author:   Aurelie Cocheril
                       Mechanical and System Engineer Intern
               Date:   16/08/18

           Reviewed:   Name

           Approved:   Name

                                                       Revision nr | Page 2

Revision Description                   Date            Approval
   1     Initial release                  16/08/2018   Name

                                                                                                                          Revision nr | Page 3

Table of Contents
1      Introduction .................................................................................................................... 4
    1.1       Purpose ................................................................................................................................ 4
    1.2       References ........................................................................................................................... 4
2      General Review .............................................................................................................. 5
3      Orbital Debris Assessment ........................................................................................... 6
    3.1       Program Management and Mission Overview ...................................................................... 6
    3.2       Spacecraft Description .......................................................................................................... 6
    3.3       Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal Operations ............................... 8
    3.4       Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for Explosions ...................... 8
    3.5       Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit Collisions.................................................. 9
    3.6       Assessment of Spacecraft Post-mission Disposal Plans and Procedures ............................ 9
    3.7       Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards ....................................................................... 10
    3.8       Assessment of Spacecraft Hazardous Materials ................................................................. 11
    3.9       Assessment for Tether Missions ......................................................................................... 11

List of Tables
Table 1: List of referenced documents ................................................................................................. 4
Table 2 : ODAR review check sheet ..................................................................................................... 5
Table 3 : Battery failure modes ............................................................................................................. 9
Table 4 : Description of spacecraft components ................................................................................. 10
Table 5 : Hazardous materials found on spacecraft............................................................................ 11

List of Figures
Figure 1 : Hiber's satellite ..................................................................................................................... 7

                                                                                      Revision nr | Page 4

1 Introduction
1.1 Purpose
The scope of this document is to assess the different causes and risks related to orbital debris. Only
the risks related to Hiber’s satellite, and not the launcher, are being investigated in this report. This
study was conducted in concordance with the requirements stated in NASA-STD-8719.14A.

In order to determine risk probabilities, NASA’s DAS software, version 2.0, was used.

1.2 References
Ref # Document                                                                           Version
 1    NASA-STD-8719.14A
 2    DAS                                                                                2.0
                                 Table 1: List of referenced documents

                                                                                         Revision nr | Page 5

            2 General Review
            The following table summarizes the different requirements recommended by NASA. As can be seen,
            Hiber’s spacecrafts meet all requirements.

                                 Launch Vehicle                                  Spacecraft
Requirement                                            Standard
                               Not                                  Compliant     Not                        Comments
     #          Compliant                 Incomplete     Non                                  Incomplete
                             Compliant                               or N/A     Compliant
  4.3-1.a                                      X                        X
  4.3-1.b                                      X                        X
   4.3-2                                       X                        X
   4.4-1                                       X                        X
   4.4-2                                       X                        X
   4.4-3                                       X                        X                                    intentional
   4.4-4                                       X                        X                                    intentional
   4.5-1                                       X                        X
   4.5-2                                       X                        X
  4.6-1.a                                      X                        X
  4.6-1.b                                      X                        X
  4.6-1.c                                      X                        X
   4.6-2                                       X                        X
   4.6-3                                       X                        X
   4.6-4                                       X                        X
   4.7-1                                       X                        X
                                                                                                                No tether
   4.8-1                                       X                        X
                                           Table 2 : ODAR review check sheet

                                                                                    Revision nr | Page 6

3 Orbital Debris Assessment

3.1 Program Management and Mission Overview
• Identification of the Headquarters Mission Directorate sponsoring the mission and the
Program Executive

• Identification of the responsible program/project manager and senior scientific and
management personnel

• Identification of any foreign government or space agency participation in the mission and a
summary of NASA’s responsibility under the governing agreement(s)

• Clear schedule of mission design and development milestones from NASA mission selection
through proposed launch date, including spacecraft PDR and CDR (or equivalent) dates

• Brief description of the mission : The first two 6U satellites of the Hiber constellation will be
deployed on a 600 km high circular orbit. The rest of the constellation is composed of 3U satellites,
which will not be studied here but in a separate report as their design differ.

• Identification of the anticipated launch vehicle and launch site

• Identification of the proposed launch date and mission duration

• Description of the launch and deployment profile, including all parking, transfer, and
operational orbits with apogee, perigee, and inclination : the satellites will be deployed on a 600-
km circular orbit, with a 97.8° inclination. They will then naturally decay because of atmospheric drag

• Reason for selection of operational orbit(s) (such as ground track, SSO, GEO sync,
instrument resolution, co-locate with other spacecraft, …) : this orbit was chosen because it is

• Identification of any interaction or potential physical interference with other operational
spacecraft (Note: This does not include potential for RF interaction unless it affects the risk of
generating orbital debris.) : None

3.2 Spacecraft Description
• Physical description of the spacecraft, including spacecraft bus, payload instrumentation,
and all appendages, such as solar arrays, antennas, and instrument or attitude control booms:
The spacecraft is a typical 6U CubeSat, with outside dimensions of 100 mm x 200 mm x 340.5 mm.
There are two large solar panels (200 mm x 340.5 mm) and two smaller ones (100 mmx 340.5 mm),
which will deploy once in orbit. Two antennas (550 mm long) serve for TTC, and two other ones (one
330 mm long deployable antenna and one patch antenna) for payload functionalities.

• Detailed illustration of the entire spacecraft in the mission operation configuration with
clear overall dimensional markings and marked internal component locations :

                                                                                        Revision nr | Page 7
                                                  0.2 m

                     0.3405 m

                     0.330 m

                                        Figure 1 : Hiber's satellite

• Total spacecraft mass at launch, including all propellants and fluids : 7.23 kg

• Dry mass of spacecraft at launch, excluding solid rocket motor propellants : 7.23 kg

• Description of all propulsion systems (cold gas, mono-propellant, bi-propellant, electric,
nuclear) : NA

• Identification, including mass and pressure, of all fluids (liquids and gases) planned to be
on board and a description of the fluid loading plan or strategies, excluding fluids in sealed
heat pipes. Description of all fluid systems, including size, type, and qualifications of fluid
containers such as propellant and pressurization tanks, including pressurized batteries : NA

• Description of all active and/or passive attitude control systems with an indication of the
normal attitude of the spacecraft with respect to the velocity vector : The satellite is controlled
via 3 reaction wheels and 3 magnetorquers. The normal attitude of the spacecraft consists of the long
axis nadir-aligned, and the 3U face velocity-aligned. This is the naturally stable attitude of the satellite.

• Description of any range safety or other pyrotechnic devices : NA

• Description of the electrical generation and storage system : Li-ion battery cells provide energy,
and are recharged by GaAs solar cells.

                                                                                     Revision nr | Page 8

• Identification of any other sources of stored energy not noted above : NA

• Identification of any radioactive materials on board or make a positive statement that there
are no radioactive materials onboard : there are no radioactive materials onboard.

3.3 Assessment of Spacecraft Debris Released during Normal Operations
No object will be released intentionally.

3.4 Assessment of Spacecraft Intentional Breakups and Potential for
• Identification of all potential causes of spacecraft breakup during deployment and mission
operations : there is no credible scenario which would lead to a spacecraft breakup.

• Summary of failure modes and effects analyses of all credible failure modes which may
lead to an accidental explosion :
The only potential source of explosion on the satellite is from the Li-ion battery cells. Explosion can be
due to overheating or venting.

Metal scraps (left during manufacturing), shocks, damages, over-discharging and overcharging, fast
charging and use of batteries outside of recommended temperatures could lead to these events.

• Detailed plan for any designed spacecraft breakup, including explosions and intentional
collisions : NA

• List of components which are passivated at EOM. List includes method of passivation and
amount which cannot be passivated : no items will be passivated. The batteries don’t need to be
passivated because, as the failure mode analysis shows, they don’t present a high or credible risk for
the mission.

• Rationale for all items which are required to be passivated, but cannot be due to their
Design : NA

• Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.4-1 through 4.4-4

Requirement 4.4-1: Limiting the risk to other space systems from accidental explosions during
deployment and mission operations while in orbit about Earth or the Moon: For each spacecraft and
launch vehicle orbital stage employed for a mission, the program or project shall demonstrate, via
failure mode and effects analyses or equivalent analyses, that the integrated probability of explosion
for all credible failure modes of each spacecraft and launch vehicle is less than 0.001 (excluding small
particle impacts)

The following failure modes were assessed regarding the battery cells. They can all potentially lead to

Failure mode     Effects of        Causes of failure        Recommended action
Short circuit    Overheating       Metal scraps, shock,     Quality check, vibration test, shock test,
                                   physical damage,         charge and discharge cycling tests,
                                   over-discharge,          discharge and overcharge protection, short
                                   overcharge, external     circuit protection on external circuits
                                   system failure

                                                                                        Revision nr | Page 9

Overcharging      Overheating         No overcharging         Overcharging protection
                                      protection              Charge cycling test
Overpressure      Venting             Ultra-fast charging     Nominal charging
Lithium           Physical            Use below               Thermal analysis
plating on        damage /            recommended             Thermal cycling tests
anode             venting / short     temperatures
Gas               Venting             Use above                 Thermal analysis
generation                            recommended               Thermal cycling tests
                                        Table 3 : Battery failure modes

The above-mentioned tests and analysis were conducted and it was concluded that the probability of
a failure mode was less than 0.001.

Requirement 4.4-2 : Passivate to limit probability of accidental explosion after EOM : NA

Requirement 4.4-3 : Limiting the long-term risk to other space systems from planned breakups : NA

Requirement 4.4-4: Limiting the short-term risk to other space systems from planned breakups : NA

3.5 Assessment of Spacecraft Potential for On-Orbit Collisions
• Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with space objects larger than 10 cm in
diameter during the orbital lifetime of the spacecraft (compliance with requirement 4.5-1) :
Probability for one satellite : 0

Probability for both satellites : 0

Hiber’s satellites are compliant with requirement 4.5-1.

• Calculation of spacecraft probability of collision with space objects, including orbital debris
and meteoroids, of sufficient size to prevent post-mission disposal (compliance with
requirement 4.5-2) : Post-mission disposal is done naturally, via drag forces. Therefore, there are no
vital systems needed to ensure it. Similarly, no systems will be passivated, so once again there will be
no vital systems needed to ensure it.

3.6 Assessment of Spacecraft Post-mission Disposal Plans and Procedures
• Description of spacecraft disposal option selected : the spacecraft will decay because of
atmospheric drag and de-orbit naturally via atmospheric re-entry

• Identification of all systems or components required to accomplish any post mission
disposal operation, including passivation and maneuvering : NA

• Plan for any spacecraft maneuvers required to accomplish post mission disposal : NA

• Calculation of area-to-mass ratio after post mission disposal, if the controlled reentry option
is not selected : The mass of the satellite will be 7.23 kg at the end of life.
At the end of life, the satellite won’t be controlled anymore and will automatically align its longest axis
with nadir. This means the cross-sectional area will be either 0.03405 m2 or 0.0681 m2, depending on
which side is oriented with the velocity axis.

This means the area to mass ratio will vary between 4.71 x 10-3 m2/kg and 9.42 x 10-3 m2/kg.

                                                                                     Revision nr | Page 10

• If appropriate, preliminary plan for spacecraft controlled reentry : NA

• Assessment of spacecraft compliance with Requirements 4.6-1 through 4.6-4

Requirement 4.6-1 : Disposal for space structures passing through LEO : compliant

Requirement 4.6-2 : Disposal for space structure near GEO : NA

Requirement 4.6-3 : Disposal for space structures between LEO and GEO : NA

Requirement 4.6-4 : Reliability of post-mission disposal operations in earth orbit

Because the disposal operation is natural and will happen automatically, it is entirely reliable.

3.7 Assessment of Spacecraft Reentry Hazards
• Detailed description of spacecraft components by size, mass, material, shape, and original
location on the space vehicle, if the atmospheric reentry option is selected

Group      Name           Quantity    Material       Shape      Mass       Diam /     Length        Height
                                                                (kg)       width      (m)           (m)
EPS        PCCM +         1           FR4            Box        0.429      0.100      0.100         0.050
           PDM                        (fiberglass)
           BM             3           Li-ion         Box        0.220      0.100      0.100         0.033
           depSPA s       2           GaAs           Box        0.279      0.100      0.3405        0.00015
           depSPA l       2           GaAs           Plate      0.557      0.200      0.3405        0.00015
CDHS       iOBC           1           FR4            Box        0.096      0.100      0.100         0.014
PDHS       PDHU           1           FR4            Box        0.099      0.100      0.100         0.014
           TXS-2          1           FR4            Box        0.068      0.090      0.096         0.033
           S-Patch        1           Ceramic        Cylinder   0.420      0.084      x             0.0148
TTC        TRXVU          1           FR4            Box        0.077      0.090      0.096         0.015
           ANTs +         1           Aluminum       Box        0.204      0.098      0.098         0.007
           cover plate
AOCS       RW             3                          Box        0.153      0.046      0.046         0.0315
           ADCS           1           FR4            Box        0.278      0.090      0.096         0.075
           STR            1           PCB,           Box        0.067      0.035      0.050         0.100
                                      lens, baffle
           CSS            10                                    0.015
           MTM            1                                     0.015
           MTM (red)      1                                     0.071
Payload    HCT            1           NiTinol        Cylinder   0.290      0.100      0.100         0.330
           BEE            1           FR4            Box        0.500      0.100      0.100         0.100
MECH       Structure      1           Aluminum       Box        1.155      0.100      0.200         0.3405
MISC       IGIS           1                                      0.105
           MISC           1                                      0.500
                              Table 4 : Description of spacecraft components

Location : all components are inside the spacecraft, except for the antennas and the solar arrays.

• Summary of objects expected to survive an uncontrolled reentry, using NASA Debris
Assessment Software (DAS), NASA Object Reentry Survival Analysis Tool (ORSAT), or

                                                                                 Revision nr | Page 11

comparable software : No object is expected to survive reentry.

• Calculation of probability of human casualty for the expected year of uncontrolled reentry
and the spacecraft orbital inclination (compliance with requirement 4.7-1) :
Casualty : 0

The casualty probability is compliant with requirement 4.7-1, which demands a probability lower than
1/10 000.

Note : this is compliant with the requirements but not all the systems were modeled (see table above,
systems in orange) due to lack of information, and some were modeled using approximations.

3.8 Assessment of Spacecraft Hazardous Materials
• Summary of the hazardous materials contained on the spacecraft :

Chemical       Description    Estimated       Estimated     Estimated     Estimated     Estimated
and            of how it is   state,          state,        state,        state,        state,
commercial     a hazard to    quantity,       quantity,     quantity,     quantity,     quantity,
name of the    humans         activity,       pressure on   pressure at   pressure at   pressure to
material                      pressure at     orbit         EOM           end of        survive
                              launch                                      passivation   reentry
Li-ion         Toxic gases    Solid       Solid          Solid            Solid         None
battery cell   released       0.66 kg     0.66 kg        0.66 kg          0.66 kg
Panasonic      when
NCR18650A      exploding
                         Table 5 : Hazardous materials found on spacecraft

3.9 Assessment for Tether Missions
There are no tether systems in the mission.

Document Created: 2018-09-09 17:53:02
Document Modified: 2018-09-09 17:53:02

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