
REPLY submitted by Terra Bella Technologies Inc.

2016-09-01 Terra Bella Reply Comments


This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20160428-00041 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                             Before the
                               FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554

    In the Matter of
    WorldVu Satellites Limited
    Petition for a Declaratory Ruling                            IBFS File No.
    Granting Access to                                           SAT-LOI-20160428-00041
    the U.S. Market for the
    OneWeb System


            Opponents and commenters on OneWeb’s petition rightly emphasize that the petition

    cannot be considered in isolation. Rather, as the Commission recognized in​ its ​Public Notice,

    OneWeb’s application to provide service in the United States using its proposed

    non-geostationary-satellite orbit (NGSO) constellation must be viewed in the overall context of

    other “NGSO-like satellite operation[s]” that may use, or seek to use, Ka-band frequencies.1

            Use of the Ka-band for NGSO Earth Exploration Satellite Service (EESS) systems is an

    important part of that overall context. Supporting the development of satellite imaging and

    other services that can boost economic growth, increase agricultural productivity, speed

    disaster response, and further other critical missions, should be part of the Commission’s

    policy for utilization of the Ka-band. In particular, the Commission should identify the

    frequencies between 25.5 and 27.0 GHz as well-suited to EESS space-to-Earth

      Public Notice, ​Satellite Policy Branch Information: OneWeb Petition Accepted for Filing (IBFS File No.
    SAT-LOI-20160428-00041) and Cut-Off Established for Additional NGSO-Like Satellite Applications or Petitions
    for Operations in the 10.7-12.7 GHz, 14.0-14.5 GHz, 17.8-18.6 GHz, 18.8-19.3 GHz, 27.5-28.35 GHz, 28.35-29.1
​   GHz, and 29.5-30.0 GHz Bands,   ​ , DA 16-804,​ at 2 (rel. July
                                                                ​ 15, 2016)​ (​Public Notice); ​see, e.g., Comments of
    ViaSat, Inc., IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20160428-00041, at 1-2 (filed Aug. 15, 2016) (noting that “consideration
    of [OneWeb’s] waiver requests is based in part on public interest considerations related to the other NGSO
    applications expected to be filed in this processing round. Thus, OneWeb’s waiver requests cannot be
    considered in isolation”).

communications, and between 29.3 and 29.5 GHz as well-suited to EESS Earth-to-space

communications, and incorporate those identifications into its management of the band.

        Although Terra Bella Technologies Inc. (Terra Bella) 2 is not yet at the stage of applying

for a spectrum authorization within the scope of the ​Public Notice, Terra Bella has developed

plans to utilize Ka-band frequencies for space-to-Earth satellite payload data downlinks and

Earth-to-space satellite control uplinks to support its non-Federal NGSO EESS system. Terra

Bella specifically anticipates seeking authorization for satellite payload data downlinks

between 25.5 and 27.0 GHz, and for satellite command and control uplinks between 29.3 and

29.5 GHz. Terra Bella’s interest illustrates the growing demand for these frequencies in the

United States and internationally, which should inform the Commission’s evaluation of

currently pending applications.


        I.       Terra Bella’s EESS Service

        Terra Bella currently operates three commercial remote sensing satellites, SkySat-1

through SkySat-3, as part of a NGSO EESS high-resolution imagery satellite system under FCC

Call Sign S2862.3 The Commission has authorized 12 additional satellites, SkySat-4 through

SkySat-15.4 The satellites in the system are authorized to use​ 8075, 8200, and 8325 MHz for

imagery data downlinks and 8375 MHz for telemetry downlinks. These frequencies are within

the 8025-8400 MHz (X-band) range where EESS has a primary spectrum allocation.

        There is, however, a growing community of users—Federal, non-Federal, and

international—in the X-band, leading to a high density of data downlink transmission

    Terra Bella is wholly owned by Google Inc., which offers online users access to satellite imagery and other
online mapping resources.
  ​See IBFS File No. SAT-LOA-20120322-00058 (grant issued Sept. 20, 2012) (SkySat-1 and SkySat-2); IBFS
File No. SAT-MOD-20150408-00019 (grant in part issued June. 6, 2016).
   ​See IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20150408-00019 (grant issued Aug. 31, 2016).

operations. This is particularly true for Earth stations in the preferred polar regions.5 As a

result, coordination between missions and interference mitigation are becoming increasingly

challenging. In recognition of this growing congestion, the International Telecommunications

Union (ITU) provided guidance in ITU-R SA.1810, suggesting consideration of the Ka-band for

future EESS missions.6 As the ITU explains, “the use of the 25.5-27 GHz band by Earth

exploration-satellites should be considered in particular if [other techniques recommended in

SA. 1810] cannot adequately resolve potential spectrum-sharing and/or unwanted emission

issues, once suitable ground infrastructures are available.”7

        In addition to the X-band, NGSO EESS missions commonly use the S-band (2025-2110

MHz) for satellite command and control uplinks (Earth-to-space). But use of the S-band faces

substantial constraints as well. S-band EESS uplinks have a primary allocation in the

International Table of Frequency Allocations (​International Table), but only a secondary

allocation in the Commission’s U.S. Table for non-Federal users, pursuant to footnote US347.8

In the United States, primary status is given to Television Broadcast Auxiliary Services. Thus

it is generally difficult to share the S-band near significant television markets, while areas

distant from major markets often have insufficient Internet connectivity to support command

uplink Earth stations also used for satellite payload data downlinks.

        II.      Suitability of Ka-Band Frequencies for EESS Links

        In light of these challenges, Terra Bella has developed plans to use Ka-band spectrum

for both space-to-Earth data downlinks and Earth-to-space satellite control uplinks on some of

its future NGSO EESS satellites. This plan, which is suitable for EESS systems generally and

  ​See, e.g., Space Frequency Coordination Group, X-Band Database​ (updated July 20, 2015)​,
  See Int’l Telecomm. Union,​ System Design Guidelines for Earth Exploration-satellites Operating in the Band
8025-8400 MHz, Rec. ITU-R SA. 1810​ (approved June 22, 2007)​, available at
   ​Id. at 3.
    ​See 47 C.F.R. § 2.106.

can serve as a model for other operators, avoids the current density of operations in the

X-band as well as restrictions by terrestrial services in the S-band.

               A.     25.5-27 GHz Band (Space-to-Earth)

       Under the Commission’s Table of Frequency Allocations, the 25.5-27.0 GHz range in

the Ka-band is allocated on a primary basis to EESS for federal and (pursuant to footnote

US258) non-Federal users. For all global regions, there is a primary allocation for EESS in the

International Table. Because Terra Bella’s high-resolution imagery satellite system is an EESS

pursuant to the Commission’s rules (47 C.F.R. § 2.1), Terra Bella’s intended operations are

consistent with the U.S. Tables and ​International Table. Terra Bella is interested in employing

wideband Ka-band transmitters in this band on future satellites for the downlink of satellite

payload data. The characteristics of such transmitters would be compliant with the

recommendations in ITU-R SA.1862.

               B.     28.5-30 GHz Band (Earth-to-Space)

       For Earth-to-space transmissions, the ​International Table allocates 28.5-30.0 GHz to

EESS on a secondary basis in the United States and the rest of Region 2. The U.S. Tables do

not provide a corresponding allocation specific to EESS, but they do allocate generally for

Earth-to-space transmissions. Terra Bella is interested in a specific region of the band,

29.3-29.5 GHz, for the purpose of EESS Earth-to-space satellite command and control

consistent with footnote 5.541. More particularly, Terra Bella contemplates narrowband links

with typical bandwidths of 100 KHz to 1 MHz for the command and control of its satellites

and to optimize mission data downlinks.

       Given the secondary allocation for EESS Earth-to-space transmissions in the band,

these applications require a frequency range that is not overly congested or contested by


other systems and services. The Ka-band meets this need and, as explained below, its use for

this purpose is both technically feasible and compatible with other services.

       Technical Feasibility. The Ka-band offers exceptional bandwidth for high downlink

data rates for EESS missions, which are becoming increasingly necessary as new

technologies enable more complex and higher resolution remote sensing instruments. The

Ka-band, however, has greater susceptibility to rain and other link fade conditions. This can

be overcome with adaptive downlink rate control schemes such as Adaptive Coding and

Modulation (ACM) mechanisms. For optimal performance, though, these mechanisms

require an uplink (Earth-to-space) control channel to inform the space transmitters of link

conditions or otherwise control the downlink system. For a Ka-band Earth station dedicated

to the mission data downlink, also utilizing the Ka-band for the channel control uplink offers

system simplicity (single-band operation), weight savings, and cost efficiency for both the

space and ground segments.

       Satellite command and control uplinks are by nature narrowband, with typical

bandwidth requirements between 100 KHz and 1 MHz. A band segment of just 200 MHz has

the potential to support hundreds of these narrowband transmissions simultaneously if

spaced appropriately in the band. For instance, in the case of downlink-only control channels

where 100 KHz may be sufficient, as many as 1000 simultaneous uplink channels can be

supported within 200 MHz of spectrum even with generous 100 KHz guard bands between

those channels. With 1 MHz channels separated by 250 KHz guard bands, 160 simultaneous

channels can be supported. In practice, even more simultaneous users can be supported in

light of the rare conjunction of NGSO orbits and the use of high-gain directional ground

antennas. Therefore, only a small portion of the Ka-band would be necessary to meet the

foreseeable needs of the entire NGSO EESS community.


        Compatibility with Other Services. Use of the Ka-band for EESS Earth-to-space

transmissions is particularly compatible with other services in the band. Although any

frequency in the currently allocated range of 28.5-30 GHz could be used, the range of

29.3-29.5 GHz is especially suitable. Recent filings and Commission actions related to

Iridium,9 O3B,10 and Spectrum Frontiers,11 as well as the OneWeb petition, involve hundreds of

satellites and potentially thousands of ground terminals in parts of the band, particularly

27.5-29.3 GHz and 29.5-30 GHz. These plans create new challenges for NGSO EESS

coordination and shared use of the Ka-band as an Earth-to-space satellite control channel. By

contrast, the 29.3-29.5 GHz range continues to have a lower density of users and therefore

greater potential for use by the NGSO EESS community on a non-interfering, shared basis with

Fixed, Fixed-Satellite, and Mobile services.

        III.     Preservation of the 25.5-27 GHz and 29.3-29.5 GHz Bands

        For the foregoing reasons, Terra Bella requests that the Commission give weight in its

spectrum planning to future use of the 25.5-27 GHz and 29.3-29.5 GHz bands by non-Federal

NGSO EESS systems. In particular, Terra Bella urges the Commission to consider the future

use of these bands by NGSO EESS missions, along with compatible services that are present

at densities low enough to facilitate simple coordination or simultaneous use. Even more

specifically, Terra Bella urges the Commission to accommodate 25.5-27 GHz space-to-Earth

EESS uses, where minimal active coordination is currently needed. In addition, Terra Bella

urges the Commission to identify a selection of frequencies within the range of 28.5-30 GHz,

  ​ In the Matter of Iridium Constellation LLC Application for Modification of Big LEO License to Change the
Orbital Debris Mitigation Plan, Order and Authorization, 29 FCC Rcd. 9422 (2014)​.
       Letter from Jose P. Albuquerque, Chief, Satellite Division, International Bureau, FCC, to Suzanne Malloy,
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs, O3b Limited, 31 FCC Rcd. 342​ (Jan. 29, 2016), ​available at
    ​ ​In the Matter of Use of Spectrum Bands Above 24 GHz for Mobile Radio Services, et al., Report and Order
and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, GN Docket No. 14-177​, et al. (July 14, 2016).

such as 29.3-29.5 GHz, that will be available for use by NGSO EESS missions for satellite

command and control purposes, on a shared basis with other compatible services.

                                           Respectfully submitted,

                                           Austin C. Schlick
                                            Director of Communications Law, Google Inc.
                                           Stephanie Selmer
                                            Counsel, Google Inc.
                                           Terra Bella Technologies Inc.
                                           25 Massachusetts Avenue NW
                                           Ninth Floor
                                           Washington, DC 20001

September 1, 2016


Document Created: 2019-04-14 10:51:12
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 10:51:12

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