Petition to deny One

PETITION submitted by Telesat Canada

Petition to Deny


This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20160428-00041 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                  )
WorldVu Satellites Limited                        ) File No. SAT-LOI-20160428-00041
Petition for Declaratory Ruling                   )
Granting Access to the U.S. Market                )
for the OneWeb System                             )


        In the above-referenced Petition for Declaratory Ruling (“Petition”), WorldVu

Satellites Limited, doing business as OneWeb (“OneWeb”), seeks access to the U.S.

market for OneWeb’s planned low earth orbit (“LEO”), non-geostationary satellite orbit

(“NGSO”) satellite system.1 Telesat Canada (“Telesat”) hereby petitions to deny

OneWeb’s Petition.

        In its Petition, OneWeb requests authority (among other things) to operate in the

United States on Ka-band frequencies that overlap with frequencies Innovation, Science

and Economic Development Canada (“ISED”) has authorized Telesat to use for its

NGSO network,2 the first two satellites of which will be launched in 2017.3 As

discussed below, transmissions via OneWeb’s large constellation of NGSO satellites

1 See Public Notice, OneWeb Petition Accepted for Filing, DA 16-804, File No. SAT-LOI-20160428-00041 (July
15, 2016) (“Public Notice”).
2 Telesat Approvals in Principle, ISED file 3150-1 (557203 AT) dated June 26, 2015, and ISED file 3150-1

(565832 SS) dated June 26, 2015, for the 27.5 – 29.1, 29.5 – 30, 17.8 – 19.3, and 19.7 – 20.2 GHz bands.
3 Telesat has ordered two NGSO satellites that are scheduled for launch next year. See Press Release,

Telesat Procures Two Prototype Satellites for Global Ka-band Low Earth Orbit Constellation: Launches
scheduled for 2017, Telesat, Ottawa, Canada (Apr. 27, 2016), available at


would interfere with Telesat’s NGSO operations on these frequencies. As also

discussed below, the ITU filings associated with OneWeb’s NGSO constellation have

lower priority than the ITU filings associated with Telesat’s NGSO constellation. Given

the interference to Telesat’s NGSO constellation and OneWeb’s inferior ITU priority,

Telesat is submitting this Petition to Deny.

       Telesat recognizes that the Commission will be developing rules to address

constellations of NGSO-like satellites and that OneWeb will be given an opportunity to

amend its filing to conform to the new requirements.4 If the rules the Commission

adopts or a future OneWeb amendment address Telesat’s concerns, it will withdraw its

objection. If the rules that apply in this processing round take interference or ITU

priority into account, however, then OneWeb’s filing should be denied.

              OneWeb’s NGSO system would interfere with Telesat’s NGSO operations

because the two systems would operate in overlapping geographical areas on

overlapping Ka-band frequencies. The interference to Telesat would be substantial.

Based on the definition in Section 25.261(b) of the rules, and OneWeb5 and Telesat6 ITU

filed parameters, Telesat has determined there would be thousands of in-line

interference events every day that would last a minute or more on average and would

subject Telesat’s NGSO system to significant interference from OneWeb’s NGSO


4 See Public Notice at 2.
5 L5 network published as API/A/8111 MOD-3, CR/C/3413 MOD-6, and CR/C/3413 MOD-7.
6 COMMSTELLATION network published as CR/C/3313, and CANPOL-2 network published as

CR/C/3474 MOD-1.


        Apart from general statements that comprise less than two pages of OneWeb’s

lengthy application,7 OneWeb is silent on how it proposes to address interference to

other NGSO satellite systems. OneWeb states it “is confident that it can achieve the

necessary coordination with other NGSO satellite,”8 but it never explains on what basis

it believes co-frequency coordination would be possible. OneWeb’s showing is facially


        Telesat agrees with OneWeb in one critical respect. OneWeb states that the rules

the Commission develops for addressing interference between large NGSO

constellations should not simply divide spectrum among applicants.9 Telesat concurs.

Band-splitting will provide too little spectrum to each of the applicants, resulting in no

systems being launched.

        If the Commission does not divide spectrum among NGSO applicants, it needs

an alternative mechanism to address circumstances in which NGSO networks will

interfere with each other. One option is to look to the ITU’s rules for guidance. As

OneWeb acknowledges, the ITU’s rules require that systems with lower priority

coordinate their operations with systems that have date priority: “According to ITU

procedures (RR 9.12), for all of the Ku-band and Ka-band frequency ranges to be used

by OneWeb, coordination amongst NGSO systems is on a first-come, first-served basis,

7 Id. at 35-36.
8 Id. at 35.
9 See Legal Narrative at 17-21.


depending on the ITU date priority of the relevant ITU filings.”10 Telesat believes the

FCC’s rules for NGSO systems should build upon the foundation of the ITU’s

procedures and require that systems with lower date priority coordinate their

operations (and insure they do not interfere) with systems with higher date priority.

      The Canadian ITU filings that are associated with Telesat’s NGSO system have

date priority over OneWeb’s UK ITU filings. Although OneWeb identifies a number of

UK publications as associated with its L5 network, 11 only a few of those publications12

involve the Ka-band frequencies that overlap with Telesat’s frequencies. These

publications show the earliest ITU filing date priority for OneWeb is January 18, 2015.

By contrast, the Canadian ITU filings associated with Telesat’s Ka-band NGSO system13

date back to 2012 and January 6, 2015, giving Telesat clear ITU priority.

      As the later filer at the ITU, it is incumbent on OneWeb to coordinate with

Telesat internationally, and Telesat believes ITU priority should be taken into account

domestically, too. At a minimum, any grant of OneWeb’s Petition should be

conditioned on satisfying coordination requirements.

      Although there is no physical overlap between OneWeb’s NGSO orbital planes

and Telesat’s NGSO orbital planes, some of the orbital planes are in relatively close

proximity. This proximity could give rise to an unacceptable risk of collision among the

10 Technical Narrative at 35.
11 See Technical Narrative at 44.
12 L5 network published as API/A/8111 MOD-3, CR/C/3413 MOD-6, and CR/C/3413 MOD-7.
13 COMMSTELLATION network published as CR/C/3313, and CANPOL-2 network published as

CR/C/3474 MOD-1


parties’ operating satellites. Given this potential, Telesat suggests that the Commission

consider the extent to which the relative positions of NGSO orbital planes should be

taken into account under its orbital debris mitigation policies.


       OneWeb’s NGSO system would interfere with Telesat’s NGSO system, and the

ITU filings associated with Telesat’s system have date priority vis-à-vis the ITU filings

associated with OneWeb’s system. Accordingly, if the rules the Commission adopts for

processing applications for NGSO-like satellites are based on avoiding interference and

requiring coordination based on ITU priority, and Telesat believes the Commission

needs to require coordination based on ITU priority (and not divide the available

spectrum among qualified applicants), then OneWeb’s application should be denied.

At a minimum, OneWeb should be required to satisfy coordination requirements.

                                   Respectfully submitted,

                                   TELESAT CANADA

                                   Elisabeth Neasmith
                                    Director, Spectrum Management and Development
                                   1601 Telesat Court
                                   Ottawa, Ontario
                                   Canada, K1B 5P4
                                   (613) 748-0123

August 15, 2016

                             CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      I hereby certify that on this 15th day of August, 2016, a copy of the foregoing

Comments of Telesat was sent by first-class, United States mail to the following:

             Kalpak S. Gude
             WorldVu Satellites Limited
             1400 Key Boulevard
             Arlington, VA 22209

             Jennifer D. Hindin
             Colleen King
             Wiley Rein LLP
             1776 K Street, NW
             Washington, DC 20006

             Dara A. Panahy
             Phillip L. Spector
             Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP
             1850 K Street, NW, Suite 1100
             Washington, DC 20036

                                               Katia Carty

Document Created: 2016-08-15 17:02:06
Document Modified: 2016-08-15 17:02:06

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