Attachment Technical Narrative

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20150416-00026 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.



                            Exhibit A

                      TECHNICAL NARRATIVE

               (Response to Form 312 Question 43)



           Section                                                                                                                       Page
1 - GENERAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION ..................................................................................... 4	

2 - SPACE SYSTEM OPERATING CHARACTERISTICS ......................................................... 5	

   FREQUENCY AND POLARIZATION PLAN ......................................................... 5	

   COMMUNICATIONS PAYLOAD ........................................................................... 6	

   Transponder Channel Characteristics - Uplink Antennas
                                 and Channel Filters .................................................................................... 6	

   Downlink Channel Characteristics .............................................................. 8	

                      2.2.3       Transmit Beams and Antennas ................................................................... 8	

                         CONUS+ Beam .............................................................................. 8	

                    SUBSYSTEM.......................................................................................................... 9	

                      2.3.1 Command Subsystem ................................................................................... 9	

                      2.3.2 Telemetry Subsystem ................................................................................. 10	

                      2.3.3 Link Margins for GSO Operation................................................................ 12	

3 - SERVICES ............................................................................................................................... 12	

4 - LINK ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................... 12	

5 - EARTH STATIONS ................................................................................................................ 13	

6 - SATELLITE ORBIT CHARACTERISTICS .......................................................................... 13	

7 - POWER FLUX DENSITY ...................................................................................................... 13	

   CONUS+ OPERATION (NATIONAL BEAMS).................................................... 13	

   PFD VALUES OUTSIDE CONUS ......................................................................... 15	

8 - PHYSICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SPACE STATION .......................................... 15	

9 - SPACECRAFT BUS SUBSYSTEM ....................................................................................... 16	

10 - SCHEDULE ........................................................................................................................... 16	

11 - INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS ............................................................................................. 16	

           EXHIBIT A
           TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                                               2


12 - ORBITAL DEBRIS MITIGATION ...................................................................................... 17	

          12.1 ORBITAL DEBRIS AND ORBITAL STORAGE .................................................. 17	

          12.2 SPACECRAFT HARDWARE DESIGN ................................................................. 18	

          12.5 SATELLITE COLLISIONS WITH LARGE OBJECTS ......................................... 21	

13 - SAFE FLIGHT PROFILES ................................................................................................... 22	

14 - POST-MISSION DISPOSAL ................................................................................................ 23	

14 - CONCLUSION ...................................................................................................................... 24	

APPENDIX A - SERVICE CHANNELS LINK BUDGETS ...................................................... 26	

APPENDIX B - TT&C (ON-STATION) LINK BUDGETS ....................................................... 31	



          EXHIBIT A
          TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                                             3


                              1 - GENERAL SYSTEM DESCRIPTION

           BSSNET2A-115W will consist of a geostationary satellite located at

the115.0° W.L. orbital location and associated ground station equipment. Since this

orbital location is located exactly on the presumptive “on-grid” slot at 115° W.L.

established in Appendix F of the BSS R&O 1 (an “Appendix F slot”), SPECTRUM

FIVE proposes to operate at full power and with full interference protection, as

contemplated in Section 25.262(b) of the Commission’s rules.

           BSSNET2A-115W is designed to provide DTH service in the "Reverse

Band" frequency ranges of 17.3-17.7 GHz (Space-to-Earth) and 24.75-25.15 GHz

(Earth-to-Space). The Telemetry, Tracking and Control (“TT&C”) functions will also

be provided at the edges of these same frequency bands.

           The BSSNET2A-115W satellite is capable of supporting 26 "17/24"

uplink/downlink "national" transponders (13 LHCP and 13 RHCP channels of 26

MHz nominal bandwidth) providing coverage via a "CONUS+" national beam of all

50 states (CONUS, Alaska and Hawaii), and Puerto Rico. All national

programming material will be aggregated and uplinked from the SPECTRUM

FIVE broadcast center to be located in the Southwest U.S.

    See Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Broadcasting Satellite Service at the 17.3-17.7 GHz
      Frequency Band and at the 17.7-17.8 GHz Frequency Band Internationally, and at the 24.75-25.25 GHz
      Frequency Band for Fixed Satellite Services Providing Feeder Links to the Broadcasting-Satellite Service
      and for the Satellite Services Operating Bi-directionally in the 17.3-17.8 GHz Frequency Band, 22 FCC
      Rcd. 8842 (2007) (“BSS R&O”).

           EXHIBIT A
           TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                                 4


       The available 400 MHz of spectrum in CONUS on the downlink will be

channelized into 26 transponders (13 channels for each polarization) of 26 MHz

nominal bandwidth each, with 29.16 MHz spacing between co-polar channel

center frequencies. The cross-polar transponders are not offset relative to the co-

polar ones in order to provide the maximum utilization of the operating bandwidth.

The uplink is also channelized into 26 transponders (13 channels for each

polarization) of 26 MHz nominal bandwidth for each polarization, with 29.16 MHz

spacing between channel center frequencies. The national broadcast uplink will

use the corresponding lowest 400 MHz in the 24.75-25.25 GHz band for

distribution of national channels. Full frequency use of both the uplink and

downlink spectrum is achieved through the use of the two orthogonal circular




       Table 2-1 shows the frequency and polarization plan of the BSSNET2A-

115W satellite, including the on-station command and TT&C bands for Telemetry

and Command. National programming is broadcast using 400 MHz of each

polarization, with a frequency translation of 7,450 MHz between the uplink and

downlink center frequencies.

       EXHIBIT A
       TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                     5

          Transponder    DL Freq     UL Freq             Transponder   DL Freq      UL Freq
            Channel       (MHz)       (MHz)                Channel      (MHz)        (MHz)
                           LCP         RCP                               RCP          LCP
        Command 1                     24,753.00
        Command 2                     24,755.00
               1         17,325.00    24,775.00                 2      17,325.00    24,775.00
               3         17,354.16    24,804.16                 4      17,354.16    24,804.16
               5         17,383.32    24,833.32                 6      17,383.32    24,833.32
               7         17,412.48    24,862.48                 8      17,412.48    24,862.48
               9         17,441.64    24,891.64                10      17,441.64    24,891.64
              11         17,470.80    24,920.80                12      17,470.80    24,920.80
              13         17,499.96    24,949.96                14      17,499.96    24,949.96
              15         17,529.12    24,979.12                16      17,529.12    24,979.12
              17         17,558.28    25,008.28                18      17,558.28    25,008.28
              19         17,587.44    25,037.44                20      17,587.44    25,037.44
              21         17,616.60    25,066.60                22      17,616.60    25,066.60
              23         17,645.76    25,095.76                24      17,645.76    25,095.76
              25         17,674.92    25,124.92                26      17,674.92    25,124.92
                                                      Telemetry 1      17,303.00
                                                      Telemetry 2      17,306.00

                Table 2-1. Frequency Plan for Transponders and TT&C.

        Table 2-2 below illustrates the connection of each national programming

uplink channel to its corresponding downlink channel.

        As can be seen from Table 2-1 and Table 2-2, the sixteen transponders that

support national coverage are frequency translated from the 24.75-25.15 GHz

satellite receive band by 7,450 MHz for re-transmission in the 17.3-17.7 GHz

downlink band.


2.2.1    Transponder Channel Characteristics - Uplink Antennas and Channel

        The maximum receive antenna gain, receive system noise temperature,

and maximum G/T of the BSSNET2A-115W satellite are specified in the

accompanying Schedule S.

        EXHIBIT A
        TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                       6


                         Table 2-2. BSSNET2A-115W CONUS+
                           Coverage Uplink/Downlink
       Downlink     Freq        Downlink       Uplink      Freq       Uplink         Trans
       Channel     (MHz)       Polarization   Channel     (MHz)     Polarization    (MHz)
          1,2     17,325.00     LCP,RCP          1,2    24,775.00    RCP,LCP        7,450.00
          3,4     17,354.16     LCP,RCP          2,4    24,804.16    RCP,LCP        7,450.00
          5,6     17,383.32     LCP,RCP          5,6    24,833.32    RCP,LCP        7,450.00
          7,8     17,412.48     LCP,RCP          7,8    24,862.48    RCP,LCP        7,450.00
         9,10     17,441.64     LCP,RCP         9,10    24,891.64    RCP,LCP        7,450.00

      BSSNET2A-115W employs 1.1m diameter uplink receive antennas with a

gain of 47.0 dB and a receive G/T of 17.5 dB / oK. Note that the G/T will decrease,

dB-for-dB, from the maximum as the uplink location moves away from beam peak.

BSSNET2A-115W will employ input multiplexer (“IMUX”) and output multiplexer

("OMUX") filters to limit the bandwidth of received signals. The specified

performance for these filters is shown in Table 2-3.

                              Table 2-3. IMUX / OMUX Filtering

      TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                       7


2.2.2    Downlink Channel Characteristics

        The national coverage downlink beam uses "dual" combined output

amplifiers (TWTAs) with power amplifier output power of 150 Watts (300 Watts

combined). This produces a maximum EIRP in CONUS of 60.2 dBW in the South

Florida area. The resultant output power from each of these amplifier assemblies is

shown in Table 2-4.

                                      Transmit Transmit      Output   Transmit    Peak
                                       Output                         Antenna    Transp
                                       Power Output Power    Losses     Gain      ERP
                                                                        (dBi)    (dBW)
                                       (dBW)       (W)        (dB)      Peak
        CONUS + Beam                    23.1       300.0       1.7      37.1      60.2

                          Table 2-4. TWT Powers and ERPs

2.2.3    Transmit Beams and Antennas CONUS+ Beam

        BSSNET2A-115W will employ a dual 2.6m diameter multiple-beam transmit

antenna system for 17/24 GHz BSS service to provide U.S. national coverage (the

CONUS+ beam), and Puerto Rico. The CONUS+ beam will be capable of

transmitting across the frequency band 17.3-17.7 GHz using both LCP and RCP.

The peak transmit gain of the CONUS+ beam is 37.1dB, and the antenna gain

contour of the two polarization beams in GXT format, are given in the

accompanying Schedule S. The gain contours for the CONUS+ beam is also

graphically depicted in Figure 2-1 below.

        EXHIBIT A
        TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                    8


                       Figure 2-1. CONUS+ Antenna Gain Contours


2.3.1 Command Subsystem

      The satellite command function receives, demodulates, processes,

decodes, and executes commands.         Command signals from the TT&C control

center are received via a dual antenna system: (1) a narrow beam antenna located

in the Southwest U.S, for GSO operation, and (2) an omni antenna for transfer

orbit operations. The outputs of this system are cross-strapped to dual command

decoders. The command system performance is given in Tables 2-7 and 2-8.

                       Parameter                                Performance
        Modulation                                PCM/PSK/FM
        Carrier Deviation                         ± 400 kHz
        Command Sub-Carrier Frequency             16 kHz
        Bit Rate                                  ≥250 bits per second
        Telemetry Verification                      Each command verified via telemetry
                                           prior to execution
        Polarization                              RHCP

      TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                     9


                       Table 2-7. Command Subsystem Performance
                  Parameter                                    Performance
        Receiver #1                               24,753 MHz
        Receiver #2                               24,755 MHz
        Polarization                              RHCP
        Carrier Modulation                        FM, deviation ±400 kHz
        Baseband                                  16 kHz subcarrier or ranging tones
        Dynamic Range                             ≥ 52 dB
        Ranging                                   Routed to the associated telemetry
                                          transmitter on command for turn-around ranging

               Table 2-8. Command Subsystem Receiver Performance

2.3.2 Telemetry Subsystem

      Two redundant telemetry signals can be transmitted from the satellite, with

routing of either or both of these signals through the CONUS+ antenna for nominal

GSO operation, or through an omni antenna for transfer orbit operations. The

telemetry subsystem also includes a ranging mode with multiple ranging tones that

can be modulated onto the uplink command carrier, demodulated by the satellite

command receiving subsystem, and re-modulated and transmitted to the control

facility via the downlink telemetry carriers. The telemetry subsystem performance

requirements are summarized in Tables 2-9 and 2-10. Each satellite shall have a

unique telemetry address assigned and transmitted in each frame.

      TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                    10


                Parameter                                   Performance
Data Word Size                                 8 bits
Frame Format                                   256 Words per Frame, 32 Minor
Bit Rate                                       4800 bits per second
Carrier Stability                              ≤ ±10 PPM
Subcarrier Stability                           ≤ =/- 30 ppm
Output Data:
Nominal Telemetry                              Bi-Phase L on 48 kHz Subcarrier
Dwell Telemetry                                Bi-Phase L on 72 kHz Subcarrier
Polarization                                   RHCP

                    Table 2-9 Telemetry Subsystem Performance

                    Parameter                                 Performance
    Transmitter #1                              17,303 MHz
    Transmitter #2                              17,306 MHz
    Modulation Characteristics
    Type                                      Phase
    Indices                                   1.0 radian, peak, for single subcarrier
                                              0.7 radians per subcarrier for 2
                                              0.6 radians per subcarrier for 3
    Control Functions                           Transmitter On/Off
                                                Ranging Modulation On/Off
                                                Telemetry Modulation On/Off
    Omni (Transfer Orbit)                       > 0 dBW
    CONUS+ Beam (GSO)                           > 12 dBW
    Spurious Outputs                          -62 dBc in-band (excluding DC/DC
                                      converter frequencies, < -50 dBc out-of-band
    Stability                                   < 2.0 dB, P-P, over life

                Table 2-10 Telemetry Subsystem RF Performance

TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                       11


2.3.3 Link Margins for GSO Operation

          The key parameters for the command and telemetry links in normal GSO

operation are shown in Appendix B and in the attached Schedule S.

                                      3 - SERVICES

          SPECTRUM FIVE will use the BSSNET2A-115W satellite to retransmit

digital    video   and   audio   entertainment,    educational   and   informational

programming to subscribers throughout the United States, including Alaska,

Hawaii, and the Puerto Rico.

                                   4 - LINK ANALYSIS

          Representative communication link budgets for the BSSNET2A-115W

satellite are shown in Appendix A (Tables A-1 to A-4). There is one link budget for

a city in each of the CONUS downlink power flux density (“PFD”) regions defined

by the Commission’s rules, and one for a non-CONUS region (Hawaii). These

budgets include an entry for adjacent satellite interference (“ASI”) from neighboring

17/24 GHz BSS satellites nominally spaced at -8.0º, -4.0, +4.0º, and +8.0º relative

to BSSNET2A-115W at 115.0º. The link budgets also take into account station

keeping accuracies of +- 0.05º for both satellites which reduces the worst case

spacing by 0.1º.

          SPECTRUM FIVE will utilize station antennas with equivalent circular

diameter in the 65 cm range, providing shows availability exceeding 99.7% over a

majority of CONUS, and > 99.5% throughout CONUS when operating the link with

a high spectral efficiency modulation scheme. Outside CONUS, a slightly larger

          EXHIBIT A
          TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                     12


antenna may be used. This includes the effects of adjacent satellites operating at

maximum power per Commission rules at the four locations discussed above.

                                  5 - EARTH STATIONS

         There are three types of earth stations to be used with the BSSNET2A-

115W satellite: subscriber terminals with small antennas (45-65cm), large feeder-

link stations using for uplinking the video content (9m), and a large TT&C station

antenna (9m). Subscriber terminals for reception outside CONUS may need to be

somewhat larger, typically 1 meter.


         The BSSNET2A-115W satellite will be maintained in geosynchronous orbit

at the 115.0º W.L. orbital location with a maximum North-South drift of ± 0.05°, and

a maximum East-West station keeping of ± 0.05.

                              7 - POWER FLUX DENSITY


         The allowable PFD levels in the 17.3-17.7 GHz band are defined in Section

25.208(w) of the Commission’s rules on a regional basis for all conditions, including

clear sky, and for all methods of modulation as:

      1. In the region of the contiguous United States, located south of 38º North
         Latitude and east of 100º West Longitude: -115 dBW/m2/MHz;

      2. In the region of the contiguous United States, located north of 38º North

         EXHIBIT A
         TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                     13


       Latitude and east of 100º West Longitude: -118 dBW/m2/MHz;

   3. In the region of the contiguous United States, located west of 100º
      West Longitude: -121 dBW/m2/MHz; and

   4. For all regions outside of the contiguous United States including Alaska
      and Hawaii: -115 dBW/m2/MHz.

       As discussed in Section 2.2.2 above, the maximum downlink EIRP for

BSSNET2A-115W will be 60.2 dBW / 25.8 MHz channel. The maximum power

flux density/MHz on the Earth’s surface from this emission is calculated as


       Peak PFD (dBW/MHz) = EIRP(dB) - Spreading Loss (dB) - BW(dB)

       where the bandwidth factor BW(dB) corresponds to the allocated

bandwidth of the 8PSK downlink emissions for a transponder (25.8 MHz). The

maximum EIRP of 60.2 dBW for the CONUS+ beam occurs in South Florida. The

maximum allowed PFD in this region for "non-offset" operation is -115.0

dBW/m2/MHz. This would allow a maximum ERP value of (-115.0 + 162.4 +

10*log(25.8)) = 61.5 dBW for a slot with no offset from the 115º WL grid location.

The maximum EIRP of BSSNET2A-115W is 60.2 dBW, well below the FCC

maximum value for a non-offset slot at 115º West Longitude.

             As discussed in Section above, the downlink national beam

antenna gain pattern for BSSNET2A-115W shows (1) that the antenna gain north

of 38º North latitude and east of 100º W.L. is at least 3 dB below peak gain, and

(2) that the antenna gain west of 100º W.L. is at least 6 dB below peak gain. As a

result, the maximum PFD for the CONUS+ beam on the earth’s surface complies

       EXHIBIT A
       TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                    14


with Section 25.208(w) for the national beams in each of the applicable regions

within CONUS defined in the Commission’s rules.


      Schedule S requires a presentation of PFD maximum values at low

elevation angles. These values may be conservatively calculated by using the

maximum ERP for the CONUS+ beam and calculating the spreading loss at each

elevation angle, as shown in Table 7-1 below. In all cases the maximum PFD

values are below the required -115.0 dBW/m2/MHz limit for operation outside

CONUS with elevation angles between 0º and 25º.

                                    25M8G7W (US CONUS+ Beam)

      Elevation Angle (deg)        0          5         10        15       20        25
      Peak EIRP (dBW)           60.2       60.2       60.2      60.2     60.2      60.2
      Spreading Loss (dB)      163.4      163.3      163.2       163    162.9     162.8
      Occupied BW (MHz)         25.8       25.8       25.8      25.8     25.8      25.8
      Max EIRP Spectral
      Density (dBW/m2/MHz)     -117.3     -117.2     -117.1    -116.9   -116.8    -116.7
      FCC Max pfd
      (dBW/m2/MHz)              -115       -115       -115      -115     -115      -115
      Margin (dB)                2.3        2.2        2.1       1.9      1.8       1.7

        Table 7-1. Maximum PFD Outside CONUS at Low Elevation Angles


      SPECTRUM FIVE has not yet settled upon exact specifications for the

physical characteristics of the satellite as it has not yet contracted for the

construction of the BSSNET2A-115W satellite. Accordingly, the payload envelope

has been estimated to allow more than one spacecraft currently available with

      TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                     15


extensive heritage and fully qualified technology to serve as the design platform.

SPECTRUM FIVE anticipates that the key spacecraft characteristics for

BSSNET2A-115W are as summarized in the appropriate sections of the

accompanying Schedule S.

                       9 - SPACECRAFT BUS SUBSYSTEM

       As discussed above, SPECTRUM FIVE has not yet contracted with a

manufacturer for the construction of the BSSNET2A-115W satellite and does not

wish to show a preference by providing data specific to any one manufacturer. As

such, it is difficult to discuss any specific characteristics of what may comprise the

spacecraft bus subsystem beyond that already specified in the accompanying

Schedule S.

       SPECTRUM FIVE will provide the Commission with full spacecraft physical

characteristics one a final spacecraft design has been adopted.

                                    10 - SCHEDULE

       SPECTRUM FIVE will contract for, begin construction of, and launch and

operate BSSNET2A-115W in accordance with the milestones specified in Section

25.164(a) of the Commission’s rules.

                         11 - INTERFERENCE ANALYSIS

       In order to achieve maximum compatibility between diverse networks, the

Commission has established coordination thresholds for earth station off-axis

EIRP density and spacecraft PFD in Sections 25.223 and 25.208, respectively.

       EXHIBIT A
       TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                      16


SPECTRUM FIVE has assumed for the purposes of this application regional

maximum downlink PFD values from neighboring systems consistent with Section

25.208(w), maximum feeder link earth station off-axis transmit power density

consistent with Section 25.223, and receive earth station compliance with Section

25.224 (Recommendation ITU-R BO.1213). The interference analyses that are

included in this application were performed in conjunction with the end-to-end link

performance analyses. Abbreviated link budgets are presented in Tables A-1

through A-4 in Appendix A, i.e., one budget for each of the PFD regions defined in

Section 25.208(w). In each case, the analysis includes the effects of adjacent

satellite interference from satellites nominally located "on-grid" at -7.9º, -3.9.º,

+3.9º, and +7.9º relative to BSSNET2A-115W (located at 115.0º) to account for

station keeping in evaluating whether the system accommodates the various data

rates at acceptable C/(N+I) thresholds. The adjacent satellite interference

calculated (including +-0.05° station-keeping of the interfering satellites)

demonstrates that the BSSNET2A-115W satellite design described in this

application is compatible with the aforementioned transmission parameters and

interference environment. Accordingly, the proposed 17/24 GHz BSS satellite

would operate successfully in such an environment

                       12 - ORBITAL DEBRIS MITIGATION


      This section is consistent with the requirements specified in the FCC’s

Second Report & Order, IB Docket 02-54, Released June 21, 2004, Part 25.114 of

the FCC Rules and Public Notice DA –2698 “Disclosure of Orbital Debris

      TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                     17


Mitigation Plans, Including Amendment of Pending Applications”. Spectrum Five’s

spacecraft procurement will be initiated during 2008, and have a construction

contract in one year after license award. The new spacecraft, BSSNET2A-115W, a

Satellite Operations Center, SOC, Network Operations, Center, NOC and

feederlink earth stations will be fully defined by specifications, statement of work,

test plans and contract. These documents will contain the FCC requirements and

objectives described in the Orbital Debris Second Report and Order. In addition,

design reviews will include consideration of these requirements and how they will

be specifically implemented by the manufacturer and by the SOC operator,

including a requirement to cooperate and exchange vital information with both

operators and the SOCs of neighboring satellites.


      The Spectrum Five satellites will not be a source of debris either during the

launch, drift or operating mode; no debris is planned to be released. All separation

and deployment mechanisms, and any other potential source of debris will be

retained by the spacecraft or launch vehicle. The spacecraft TT&C system, vital for

orbit raising, will be extremely rugged with regard to meteoroids smaller than 1 cm,

by virtue of its redundancy, shielding, separation of components and physical

characteristics. Omni-directional antennas are mounted on opposite sides of the

spacecraft. These antennas, each providing greater than hemispherical coverage

patterns are extremely rugged and capable of providing adequate coverage even if

struck and bent or otherwise damaged by a small or medium sized particle. Either

omni-directional antenna, for either command or telemetry, is sufficient to enable

      TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                      18


orbit raising. The command receivers and decoders and telemetry encoders and

transmitters will be located within a shielded area and will be totally redundant and

physically separated.    A single rugged thruster and shielded propellant tank

provide the energy for orbit raising. Otherwise, there are no single points of failure

in the system. Spectrum Five will continue to review these aspects of on-orbit

operations with the spacecraft manufacturer and will make such adjustments and

improvements as appropriate to assure that its spacecraft will not become sources

of debris during operations or become derelicts in space due to a collision with a

small, medium or large object.

       To accomplish these and the following objectives Spectrum five plans to

incorporate the material of this document into its satellite Technical Specifications,

Statement of Work and Test Plans. The Statement of Work will include provisions

to review orbit debris mitigation as part of PDR and CDR and to incorporate its

requirements, as appropriate, into its Test Plan, including a formal Failure Mode

Verification Analysis, FMVA, for orbital debris mitigation involving particularly the

TT&C, propulsion and energy systems.

       At the appropriate time, Spectrum Five intends to contract with an

appropriate agency which can supply information regarding large orbital debris that

may pose a threat to Spectrum Five’s satellites. With the situation as described in

this paragraph, only normal station-keeping regimens are necessary to avoid

collisions. Frequency and physical coordination during orbital drift cannot be

undertaken until license authorization and until the spacecraft and launch vehicle

manufacturers are selected and a Launch Plan, launch vehicle and launch

       EXHIBIT A
       TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                      19


scenario developed. No pre-operational orbits requiring STA authority are now





       Spectrum Five has assessed the likelihood of the release of debris during

normal operations and, based on the present design, believes that there will not be

any planned release of debris during normal operations of the Spectrum Five

satellites.    The spacecraft will be designed with full redundancy for all active

components, with shielding where appropriate. Location of critical components will

minimize exposure to small debris or meteoroids that might cause catastrophic

failure of the spacecraft control system or prevent orbital storage at the end of

spacecraft life. Spectrum Five will continue to review these aspects of on-orbit

operations with the spacecraft manufacturer and will make such adjustments and

improvements as appropriate to assure that the spacecraft is not the source of

debris during operations or becomes derelict in space due to collision with a small

object. The following items are those which will be embodied in the procurement,

launch and operational documents.


       Spectrum Five will contract for a spacecraft design that limits the probability

of accidental explosions that might fragment the satellite during and after

completion of mission operations. All batteries and fuel tanks will be monitored for

       EXHIBIT A
       TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                      20


pressure and temperature.      Excessive battery charging or discharging will be

limited by a monitoring and control system which will automatically limit the

possibility of fragmentation. Corrective action, if not automatically undertaken, will

be immediately undertaken by the SOC to avoid destruction and fragmentation.

Thruster temperatures, impulse and thrust duration are carefully monitored; any

thruster may be turned off via redundant valves.         Consequently, there is no

possibility of explosion during the operating mission. All TWTAs will be outgassed

prior to post-mission disposal. After post-mission disposal all residual fuel is will

be consumed, all fuel latch valves will be placed in an “open” position and any

pressurized system will be vented.       Spacecraft battery trickle charge and all

automatic battery charging sequences will be disabled. Consequently, via its

spacecraft documentation, design reviews, FMVA, test plans and testing,

Spectrum Five will assess and limit the possibility of accidental explosions during

mission operations and assure that all stored energy at the end of the spacecraft’s

mission operation will be removed.


       Spectrum Five has considered the possibility of its spacecraft becoming a

source of debris by collisions with large debris other than spacecraft. Extensive

damage may be done, perhaps rendering it inoperative with respect to its

communications mission yet enabling the TT&C and propulsion systems to

function sufficiently to permit the achievement of a parking orbit. This capability is

due to the inherent ruggedness, shielding and redundancy of the TT&C and

propulsion system.    The preservation of this capability will be emphasized in

       EXHIBIT A
       TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                      21


Spectrum Five’s procurement documents, design reviews, test plans and FMVA,

as described above. Through these methods, Spectrum Five intends to limit the

probability of its spacecraft becoming a source of debris by collisions with large

debris or other operational space stations.

                           13 - SAFE FLIGHT PROFILES

         SPECTRUM FIVE will assess and limit the probability of BSSNET2A-115W

becoming a source of debris by collisions with large debris or other operational

space stations through detailed and conscientious mission planning. In addition to

reviewing the existing on-orbit operational satellites or near-operational near 115°

W.L. (VIASAT-1 at 115.1° W.L., EUTELSAT 115W at 114.9, MEXSAT C/Ku/Ka at

114.9° W.L., and AMC-1 at 115.0° W.L.) SPECTRUM FIVE has also reviewed the

list of licensed systems and systems that are under consideration by the

Commission near (within +-0.4°) the nominal 115.0° W.L. orbital location it has

requested. No existing operational systems would operate within +-0.05 degrees of


         The ITU has also published requests for coordination for the following

satellite networks:

   •     CAN-BSS54 at 114.9° W.L. (Canada)

   •     LUX-G7-38B at 115.0° W.L. (Luxemburg)

   •     N-SAT-A-114.9- at 115.0° W.L. (Canada)

         EXHIBIT A
         TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                  22


   •   RAGGIANA-20 at 115.0° W.L. (Papua New Guinea)

       SPECTRUM FIVE can find no evidence that satellite construction contracts

have been awarded for any of these networks, nor does the most recently available

Federal Aviation Administration Commercial Space Station Report show any

pending satellite launches for these networks

       Given the current absence of a construction contract for BSSNET2A-115W,

it is difficult to assess what future satellites will actually be operating at the nominal

115° W.L. position at the time that the satellite is to be launched. As such,

SPECTRUM FIVE will certainly revisit this issue once a satellite construction

contract is in place. However, it does appear at this time that there will not be a

need for physical coordination with other satellite systems at 115.0° W.L .

                           14 - POST-MISSION DISPOSAL

       Consistent with the requirements of Section 25.283(a) of the Commission’s

rules, at the end of the operational life of the satellite, SPECTRUM FIVE will

maneuver BSSNET2A-115W into a disposal orbit with an altitude no less than

that calculated using the IADC formula:

                              36,021 km + (1000·CR·A/m).

       SPECTRUM        FIVE     anticipates   that,    once   the   satellite’s   actual

characteristics have been determined, this calculation will lead to a disposal orbit

with a minimum perigee of somewhat less than 300 km above the normal GSO

       EXHIBIT A
       TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                        23


operational orbit. Accordingly, SPECTRUM FIVE currently anticipates that it will

maneuver BSSNET2A-115W to an altitude 300 km above GSO orbit at the end

of its operational life, which should provide additional margin above the results of

the IADC formula.

       SPECTRUM FIVE currently intends to allocate and reserve approximately

10 kg of propellant for final orbit raising maneuvers to this altitude. In addition,

SPECTRUM FIVE has assessed fuel gauging uncertainty and this budgeted

propellant provides an adequate margin of fuel reserve to ensure that the disposal

orbit will be achieved despite such uncertainty.

                                  14 - CONCLUSION

       The proposed space station will provide SPECTRUM FIVE with a highly

capable 17/24 GHz BSS satellite that will enhance its ability to provide high quality

multichannel video service to millions of Americans. For these reasons,

SPECTRUM FIVE submits that the proposed satellite will serve the public interest

and respectfully requests that the Commission expeditiously grant this request

       EXHIBIT A
       TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                      24


                      Respectfully submitted,

                      SPECTRUM FIVE LLC

                      By:    /s/

                             Dr. Thomas E. Sharon







Downlink :                LA                          CONUS                          99.9%
Satellite Location:       115.0   WL

Uplink                            Clear      Rain     Downlink                       Clear      Rain
UL Freq                   GHz        25.0      25.0   DL Freq               GHz         17.5      17.5
ES Ant Dia                m            9.0      9.0   ES Ant Dia            inches      26.0      26.0
ES Ant Gain               dBW        65.2      65.2   Satellite EIRP        dBW         52.6      52.6
ES Tx Power w/ -3dB OBO dBW            7.4     13.7   ES ptg loss           dB           -0.2      -0.2
ES Output Losses        dBW            1.2      1.2
ES ptg loss               dB           0.5      0.5   Atmos/Scint loss      dB           0.5       0.5
ES EIRP                   dBW        70.9      77.2   Rain & Other loss     dB           0.0       3.1
Free space loss           dB        211.8     211.8   Wetting loss          dB           0.0       0.5
Sat G/T                   dB/K       17.5      17.5   Total loss            dB           0.5       4.1
Atmospheric+Rain Losses dB             2.0      8.3   ES G/T                dB/K        18.0      15.3
Bandwidth               dB-Hz        73.4      73.4   Bandwidth             dB-Hz       73.4      73.4
C/N (thermal)           dB           29.4      29.4   C/N (thermal)         dB          16.4      10.1
UL Spot Beam Interf C/I   dB         60.0      60.0   DL Spot Beam Interf   dB          50.0      50.0
Adj Carr Interf C/I       dB         30.0      30.0   Adj Carr Interf       dB          30.0      30.0
Adj Sat Interf C/I        dB         49.2      49.2   Adj Sat Interf        dB          23.4      23.4
Cross Pol, NPR C/I        dB         25.0      25.0   Cross Pol             dB          25.0      25.0
Total UL C/I              dB         23.8      23.8   Total DL C/I          dB          20.6      20.6

Clear                                                 Rain
UL C/N (thermal)          dB         29.4             UL C/N (thermal)      dB          29.4
DL C/N (thermal)          dB         16.4             DL C/N (thermal)      dB          10.1
Total UL C/I              dB         23.8             Total UL C/I          dB          23.8
Total DL C/I              dB         20.6             Total DL C/I          dB          20.6
Total C/(N+I)             dB         10.1             Total C/(N+I)         dB           9.5
Req'd C/(N+I)             dB           7.5            Req'd C/(N+I)         dB           7.5

                                       Table A-1

TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                            27


Downlink :                New York                    CONUS                          99.7%
Satellite Location:       115.0   WL

Uplink                            Clear      Rain     Downlink                       Clear      Rain
UL Freq                   GHz        25.0      25.0   DL Freq               GHz         17.5      17.5
ES Ant Dia                m           9.0       9.0   ES Ant Dia            inches      26.0      26.0
ES Ant Gain               dBW        65.2      65.2   Satellite EIRP        dBW         57.2      57.2
ES Tx Power w/ -3dB OBO dBW           7.4      13.7   ES ptg loss           dB           -0.2      -0.2
ES Output Losses        dBW            1.2      1.2
ES ptg loss             dB             0.5      0.5   Atmos/Scint loss      dB           0.7       0.7
ES EIRP                   dBW        70.9      77.2   Rain & Other loss     dB           0.0       3.1
Free space loss           dB        211.8     211.8   Wetting loss          dB           0.0       0.5
Sat G/T                   dB/K       17.5      17.5   Total loss            dB           0.7       4.3
Atmospheric+Rain Losses dB            2.0       8.3   ES G/T                dB/K        18.0      14.7
Bandwidth               dB-Hz        73.4      73.4   Bandwidth             dB-Hz       73.4      73.4
C/N (thermal)           dB           29.4      29.4   C/N (thermal)         dB          20.4      11.8
UL Spot Beam Interf C/I   dB         60.0      60.0   DL Spot Beam Interf   dB          50.0      50.0
Adj Carr Interf C/I       dB         30.0      30.0   Adj Carr Interf       dB          30.0      30.0
Adj Sat Interf C/I        dB         49.2      49.2   Adj Sat Interf        dB          23.4      23.4
Cross Pol, NPR C/I        dB         25.0      25.0   Cross Pol             dB          25.0      25.0
Total UL C/I              dB         23.8      23.8   Total DL C/I          dB          20.6      20.6

Clear                                                 Rain
UL C/N (thermal)          dB         29.4             UL C/N (thermal)      dB          29.4
DL C/N (thermal)          dB         20.4             DL C/N (thermal)      dB          11.8
Total UL C/I              dB         23.8             Total UL C/I          dB          23.8
Total DL C/I              dB         20.6             Total DL C/I          dB          20.6

Total C/(N+I)             dB         16.4             Total C/(N+I)         dB          11.0
Req'd C/(N+I)             dB          7.5             Req'd C/(N+I)         dB           7.5

                                       Table A-2

TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                            28


Downlink :                ORLANDO                     CONUS                          99.5%
Satellite Location:       115.0   WL

Uplink                            Clear      Rain     Downlink                       Clear     Rain
UL Freq                 GHz          25.0      25.0   DL Freq               GHz         17.5     17.5
ES Ant Dia              m             9.0       9.0   ES Ant Dia            inches      26.0     26.0
ES Ant Gain             dBW          65.2      65.2   Satellite EIRP        dBW         59.2     59.2
ES Tx Power w/ -3dB OBO dBW            7.4     13.6   ES ptg loss           dB          -0.2      -0.2
ES Output Losses        dBW            1.2      1.2
ES ptg loss               dB           0.5      0.5   Atmos/Scint loss      dB           0.6      0.6
ES EIRP                   dBW        70.9      77.1   Rain & Other loss     dB           0.0      6.2
Free space loss           dB        211.8     211.8   Wetting loss          dB           0.0      0.5
Sat G/T                 dB/K         17.5      17.5   Total loss            dB           0.6      7.3
Atmospheric+Rain Losses dB            2.0       8.3   ES G/T                dB/K        18.0     14.4
Bandwidth               dB-Hz        73.4      73.4   Bandwidth             dB-Hz       73.4     73.4
C/N (thermal)             dB         29.2      29.2   C/N (thermal)         dB          22.8     12.4
UL Spot Beam Interf C/I   dB         60.0      60.0   DL Spot Beam Interf   dB          50.0     50.0
Adj Carr Interf C/I       dB         30.0      30.0   Adj Carr Interf       dB          30.0     30.0
Adj Sat Interf C/I        dB         49.2      49.2   Adj Sat Interf        dB          23.2     23.2
Cross Pol, NPR C/I        dB         25.0      25.0   Cross Pol             dB          25.0     25.0
Total UL C/I              dB         23.8      23.8   Total DL C/I          dB          20.5     20.5

Clear                                                 Rain
UL C/N (thermal)          dB         29.2             UL C/N (thermal)      dB          29.2
DL C/N (thermal)          dB         22.8             DL C/N (thermal)      dB          12.4
Total UL C/I              dB         23.8             Total UL C/I          dB          23.8
Total DL C/I              dB         20.5             Total DL C/I          dB          20.5

Total C/(N+I)             dB         17.2             Total C/(N+I)         dB          11.4
Req'd C/(N+I)             dB          7.5             Req'd C/(N+I)         dB           7.5

                                       Table A-3

TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                            29


Downlink :                Hawaii                      CONUS                          99.0%
Satellite Location:       115.0   WL

Uplink                            Clear      Rain     Downlink                       Clear     Rain
UL Freq                 GHz          25.8      25.8   DL Freq               GHz         17.5     17.5
ES Ant Dia              m            65.2      65.2   ES Ant Dia            inches      36.0     36.0
ES Ant Gain             dBW           0.1       0.1   Satellite EIRP        dBW         50.2     50.2
ES Tx Power w/ -3dB OBO dBW            7.4     13.6   ES ptg loss           dB          -0.2      -0.2
ES Output Losses        dBW            1.2      1.2
ES ptg loss             dB             0.5      0.5   Atmos/Scint loss      dB           0.7      0.7
ES EIRP                 dBW          70.9      77.1   Rain & Other loss     dB           0.0      3.3
Free space loss           dB        211.8     211.8   Wetting loss          dB           0.0      0.5
Sat G/T                 dB/K         17.5      17.5   Total loss            dB           0.7      4.5
Atmospheric+Rain Losses dB            2.0       8.3   ES G/T                dB/K        20.9     17.6
Bandwidth               dB-Hz        73.4      73.4   Bandwidth             dB-Hz       73.4     73.4
C/N (thermal)             dB         29.4      29.4   C/N (thermal)         dB          16.3      7.9
UL Spot Beam Interf C/I   dB         60.0      60.0   DL Spot Beam Interf   dB          50.0     50.0
Adj Carr Interf C/I       dB         30.0      30.0   Adj Carr Interf       dB          30.0     30.0
Adj Sat Interf C/I        dB         49.2      49.2   Adj Sat Interf        dB          25.9     25.9
Cross Pol, NPR C/I        dB         25.0      25.0   Cross Pol             dB          25.0     25.0
Total UL C/I              dB         23.8      23.8   Total DL C/I          dB          21.7     21.7

Clear                                                 Rain
UL C/N (thermal)          dB         29.4             UL C/N (thermal)      dB          29.4
DL C/N (thermal)          dB         16.3             DL C/N (thermal)      dB           7.9
Total UL C/I              dB         23.8             Total UL C/I          dB          23.8
Total DL C/I              dB         21.7             Total DL C/I          dB          21.7

Total C/(N+I)             dB         14.5             Total C/(N+I)         dB           7.6
Req'd C/(N+I)             dB          7.5             Req'd C/(N+I)         dB           7.5

                                       Table A-4

TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                            30






 SPACE STATION to LA                 GSO        Common Parameters
 TT&C CENTER                        CONUS+
 SS Tx Power, dBW                        -8.0   Freq, GHz                17.30
 OBO                                     -3.0   Wavelength, in            0.68
 Output Loss, dB                         -2.0   Bandwidth,MHz             0.80
 SS Tx Pwr, dBW                         -13.0   Bandwidth,dB-Hz          59.03
 SS Tx Pwr, W                            0.05   Slant Range,kM          40,100
 SS Peak Antenna Gain, dBi               28.7
 SS Tx EIRP, dBW                         15.7
 Pointing Loss, dB                       -0.5
 Eirp, dBW                               15.2
 Pwr Density, dBW/Hz                    -72.0
 Spreading Loss, dB                   -163.05
 PFD, dBW/m^2/MHz,                     -148.2
 Space Loss, dB                        -209.3
 Ptg Loss, dB                            -0.5
 Rain & Atmos Atten, dB, 99.9%           -3.4
 Total Loss, dB                        -213.2
 ES Dia, m                                9.0
 ES Gain, dB                             61.2
 ES Rx Temp, deg K                      100.0
 G/T, peak, dB/K                         41.2
 C/T, dB/K, Clear                      -156.2
 Bandwidth,MHz, dB                       -1.0
 DL C/I, dB (obj)                        25.0
 DL C/N, dB                              13.3
 DL C/N+I, dB                            13.1
 DL C/N (req), dB                        10.0
 Margin, dB                               3.1

                                 TABLE B-1

TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                   32



LA TO SPACE STATION                GSO         GSO         Common Parameters
                                   Clear       Rain
ES Transmitter Power,per ch, dBW        30.0        30.0   Freq, GHz           24.75
OBO                                    -23.0        -4.0   Wavelength, in       0.48
Output Loss, dB                         -1.5        -1.5   Bandwidth,MHz        0.80
ES Tx Pwr, dBW                           5.5        24.5   Bandwidth,dB-Hz     59.03
ES Tx Pwr, W                             3.5      281.8
ES Antenna, meters                       9.0         9.0   Slant Range,kM      40,100
ES Peak Antenna Gain, dBi               64.4        64.4
ES Tx EIRP, dBW                         69.9        88.9
Pointing Loss, dB                       -0.5        -0.5
Eirp, dBW                               69.4        88.4
Pwr Density, dBW/Hz                    -53.5       -34.5
SFD, dBW/m^2,                          -83.7       -83.7
Space Loss, dB                        -212.4     -212.4
Ptg Loss, dB                            -0.5        -0.5
Rain & Atmos Atten, dB, 99.99%          -1.0       -20.0
Total Loss, dB                        -212.9     -232.9
G/T, peak, dBi/K                        18.7        18.7
Sat. Temp., K                           28.1        28.1
Sat Antenna Gain, 1m, dBi               47.7        47.7
C/T, dB/K                             -124.3     -125.3
Bandwidth,MHz, dB                       -1.0        -1.0
Uplink C/I, dB (obj)                    25.0        25.0
Uplink C/N, dB                          45.2        44.2
Uplink C/N+I, dB                        25.0        24.9
Uplink C/N threshold (dB)               13.3        13.3
Margin (dB)                             11.7        11.6
Sat Received Signal, dBW               -95.8       -96.8
Rx Losses, dB                          -20.0       -20.0
Input to RX, dBm                       -85.8       -86.8

                                           Table B-2

       EXHIBIT A
       TECHNICAL NARRATIVE                       33

Document Created: 2015-04-08 16:21:47
Document Modified: 2015-04-08 16:21:47

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