Attachment 2015 07 29 Ltr from

2015 07 29 Ltr from

LETTER submitted by Spectrum Five LLC



This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20150416-00025 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         July 29, 2015

Dr. Jose P. Albuquerque
Chief, Satellite Division
International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:    Spectrum Five LLC
              IBFS File No.: SAT-LOI-20150416-00025
              Call Sign: S2940

Dear Dr. Albuquerque:

        Spectrum Five LLC (“Spectrum Five”) respectfully responds to your June 29, 2015
request for additional information regarding Spectrum Five’s Letter of Intent to provide service
to the United States using a 17/24 GHs broadcasting-satellite service (BSS) space station
authorized by the Netherlands, to be known as BSSNET2A-111W, from the 110.9º W.L. orbital
location. The answers to your questions are as follows:

       1. The maximum EIRP density value for transmitting beam CONTL is 46.1 dBW/MHz.
          The maximum EIRP density value for transmitting beam CONTR is also 46.1

       2. At the peak of the uplink receive beams, the maximum saturation flux density is -104
          dBW/m2 + 20 dB (max attenuator setting) = -84 dBW/m2 for both polarization uplink

       3. Consistent with Sections 25.114(d)(18) and 25.264(h)(2) of the Commission’s rules,
          Spectrum Five will maintain the maximum orbital eccentricity to less than 3.1 x 10-4.

       4. 110.9º W.L. is the intended orbital location. The reference to 115º W.L. was an error.

       5. After consultation with leading spacecraft manufacturers, Spectrum Five withdraws
          its statement that all TWTAs will be outgassed prior to post-mission disposal.

       6. Spectrum Five has reviewed the current FCC-authorized satellite networks that
          potentially overlap the station keeping volume of the BSSNET2A-111W satellite at
          110.9° W.L., as well as pending applications published by the FCC. In addition,
          networks for which a request for coordination has been published by the ITU within
          ±0.15° of 110.9° W.L. have also been reviewed. With respect to currently authorized

           FCC networks, ANIK F21 (S2646) and WildBlue-12 (S2355) operate at 111.1° W.L.
           Terrastar-13 (S2633) have been authorized to operate at 111.0 W.L. The ITU has also
           published no requests for coordination for new satellites operating within ±0.15° of
           110.9° W.L. There is one new network (F-SAT-N4-111W) for which an Advance
           Publication Notice (API) has been submitted. However, no further filings have been
           published for this network and Spectrum Five can find no evidence that a satellite
           construction contract has been awarded for this network.

       7. Spectrum Five will establish a contact point for receiving Joint Space Operations
          Center conjunction notifications and describe any further measures with respect to
          collision avoidance procedures. Other additional measures to mitigate collision
          avoidance issues will begin once a spacecraft manufacturer has been selected. These
          will be detailed in the technical specification, statement of work and other program
          requirement documents.

       8. When the satellite parameters are finalized, Spectrum Five will assess fuel gauging
          uncertainty and ensure that the budgeted propellant, taking into account such
          uncertainty, provides an adequate margin of fuel reserve so that the disposal orbit will
          be achieved.

       9. The BSSNET2A-111W TT&C sub-system provides for communications during pre-
          launch / transfer orbit and spacecraft emergencies, and on-station operations. The
          TT&C sub-system will operate at the edges of the 17/24 GHz BSS frequency bands.

           During transfer orbit and on-station emergencies, TT&C signals will be received and
           transmitted by the satellite using a combination of antennas on the satellite that create
           a near omni-directional gain pattern. During normal on-station operation, TT&C
           signals will be transmitted to and received from a primary TT&C center on the
           Netherlands island of Curacao. A large earth station will transmit a command link to
           the satellite. The satellite will receive this signal through a high gain spot beam
           (CBRR) receive antenna. Telemetry signals will be transmitted to the TT&C center
           through the same high gain spot beam antenna (CBRT). A second TT&C site in the
           Southwest U.S. will receive telemetry signals transmitted across the CONUS+ service
           area through the CONTR transmit antenna. Command signals to the satellite will be
         See IBFS File No. SAT- PPL-20041004-00194, January 19, 2005, Conditions of
Authorization (Call Sign 2646) for the operation of ANIK F2 at 111.1° W.L. with E/W station-
keeping tolerance of ±0.05°.
           See SES-AMD-20110505-00555. WildBlue-1 is a Canadian licensed satellite at 111.1°
W.L. with E/W station- keeping tolerance of ±0.05°. WB Holdings has a blanket earth station
license to under Call Sign E050033 to operate earth station antennas in the U.S. and is on the
FCC Permitted List of Approved Space Stations for U.S. Market access
         See IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20070529-00075 (Call Sign 2633), November 28, 2008,
and FCC Oder DA-12-332 (Issued March 2, 2012 re Terrestar Licensee, Inc. debtor in


transmitted to the satellite from a large earth station antenna, and received by a
second high gain transmit spot beam antenna (SWUR), pointed toward the southwest
U.S. uplink. A summary of the TT&C subsystem characteristics is given in the
following table.

                                    Command Links
Command Modulation                        PCM/FSK
Command/Ranging Frequencies               24,753.0 MHz 24 / 2755.0 MHz
Uplink Flux Density                         Between -80 and -60 dBW/m2 (LEOP).
                                            Between -93 and -83 dBW/m2 (on-
Satellite Receive Antenna Types             Pseudo-omni antenna during transfer
                                            orbit and on-station emergencies.
                                            High gain spot antenna during normal on-
                                            station mode (CBRR and SWUR beams)
                                            from Curacao and SW US TT&C Center.
Polarization of Satellite Receive           RHCP for all antennas
Peak Deviation                              ± 400 kHz
                                   Telemetry Links
Telemetry/Ranging Frequencies              17,303.0 MHz / 17,306.0 MHz
(Launch and Early Operations Phase and
Satellite Transmit Antenna Types           Pseudo-omni antenna during transfer
                                           orbit and on-station Emergencies.
                                           High gain spot antenna during normal on-
                                           station mode (CBRT beam) to Curacao
                                           TT&C Center.
                                           CONUS+ coverage antenna during
                                           normal on-station operations to SW US
                                           TT&C Center (CONTR beam).
Polarization of Satellite Transmit         RHCP for all antennas
Maximum Downlink EIRP                      10 dBW (pseudo-omni antenna for
                                           16 dBW CONUS coverage antenna
                                           (CONTR) for TLM to SW US TT&C
                                           41 dBW (Spot antenna) for TLM to
                                           Curacao TT&C Center.


10. The Kingdom of the Netherlands made ITU filings on behalf of Spectrum Five to use
    the nominal 111° W.L. orbital location and associated frequencies in the 17/24 GHz
    BSS band and is the responsible Administration for coordination. The Netherlands
    Antilles had been a part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, and all of its former
    territory remained part of the Kingdom after it dissolved, with some territory (the
    islands of Bonaire, Saba, and Sint Eustatius) joining the pre-existing country of the
    Netherlands and some territory (the islands of Curacao and Sint Maarten) acquiring
    separate status within the Kingdom. Dutch authorities have informed Spectrum Five
    that its authorization remains effective as granted by the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
    Similarly, although the Netherlands Antilles previously agreed to provide all
    necessary licenses for Spectrum Five’s telemetry, tracking, and command operations,
    Dutch authorities have informed Spectrum Five that the Kingdom of the Netherlands
    (which, as noted above, includes all of the territories that were part of the Netherlands
    Antilles) will provide such licenses.

      The FCC previously found that Spectrum Five’s use of a Netherlands-authorized
      satellite to provide DTH services to the U.S. satisfies the ECO-Sat test.4 Grant of this
      Petition also satisfies the Commission’s ECO-Sat test, under which the agency
      examines opportunities for U.S.-licensed satellites to serve the home market of the
      non-U.S. satellite seeking access to the United States. In particular, the Commission
      examines whether there are any de jure or de facto barriers to entry for the provision
      of analogous services in the non-U.S. satellite’s home market.5 The relevant foreign
      markets are (1) the market of the authority licensing the satellite and (2) the markets
      in which communications with the U.S. earth stations will originate or terminate.6

      As the FCC concluded in 2006, there are no de jure or de facto barriers to entry for an
      entity proposing to use a U.S.-licensed satellite to deliver DTH services to the
      Netherlands, including Bonaire, Saba, and Sint Eustatius, which are now part of the
      State of the Netherlands. Several foreign satellite operators already provide DTH
      services in the Netherlands. The only Dutch regulation applicable to the provision of
      satellite services requires that a license be obtained from the Radiocommunications
      Agency Netherlands for the use of frequencies for a satellite earth station.7 There are
      no restrictions regarding the nationality of the applicant for a license, and in practice,
      licenses are generally issued within eight weeks, for a (renewable) period of five
      years. U.S. operators would receive the same treatment as any other operator in this

      Although Curacao and Sint Maarten are now members of the Kingdom on their own
      behalf — as the Netherlands Antilles had been — Spectrum Five is not aware of any
      de jure or de facto barriers to entry for an entity proposing to use a U.S.-licensed

    Spectrum Five 2006 Authorization at 14030-31 (¶¶ 10-13).
    DISCO II Order, 12 FCC Rcd at 24137 (¶ 99).
    Id. at 24129-133 (¶¶ 76-88).
    No license is required for receive-only terminals.


           satellite to deliver DTH services to those islands. Indeed, DIRECTV appears to offer
           DTH services in both islands using the U.S.-licensed satellite Intelsat 30 (call sign
           S2887).8 Moreover, as recently as 2012, the Commission recognized that these
           territories remained open to entry from U.S.-licensed satellites seeking to provide
           fixed-satellite service.9

       Please let us know if you have any additional questions.

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                    Spectrum Five LLC

                                                       David Wilson
                                                       SPECTRUM FIVE LLC

         See (last visited July 27, 2015) (offering
service in Curacao and Saint Martin, which includes Sint Maarten); Press Release, DIRECTV
Latin America Continues to Extend Entertainment Leadership with Successful Satellite Launch
(Oct. 16, 2014), available at
Successful-Satellite-Launch/default.aspx (last visited July 27, 2015) (noting Caribbean service to
be delivered via Intelsat 30); Policy Branch Info. Actions Taken, 29 FCC Rcd 9710 (2014)
(announcing grant of authority to launch Intelsat 30).
         See IBFS File No. SAT-MPL-20120215-00017 (Dec. 10, 2012) (granting, with
conditions, petition of New Skies Satellites, B.V. to provide between the United States and,
among other places, “the Netherlands Antilles”).


Document Created: 2015-07-29 14:57:04
Document Modified: 2015-07-29 14:57:04

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