2014-07-02 HNS Licen

PETITION submitted by HNS License Sub, LLC

20140702 Hughes Petition re Inmarsat LOI


This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20140326-00034 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


July 2, 2014


Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, SW
Washington, DC 20554
ATTN: International Bureau

        Re:     Hughes Petition concerning Inmarsat Hawaii Inc. Letter of intent
                (IBFS File No. SAT‐LOI‐20140326‐00034, Call Sign S2923)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On 9 June 2014, HNS License Sub, LLC (“Hughes”) filed a Petition regarding the Letter of
Intent submitted by from Inmarsat Hawaii Inc. (“Inmarsat”) to operate a Ka band satellite at 63
WL.1 The Petition identifies the fact that in its application to operate at 63 WL, Inmarsat
included maximum power levels at the antenna flange of its earth stations that could lead to
adjacent satellite interference greater than those specified in Section 25.138(a) of the
Commission’s Rules.

        In its response to the Hughes Petition, 2 Inmarsat indicates that the higher power levels
are only to be used during faded conditions and that the limits in 25.138(a) would be met in
clear sky conditions. On that basis, Hughes withdraws its Petition.

Respectfully submitted,

Steven Doiron
Senior Director, Regulatory Affairs
Hughes Network Systems

  Hughes Petition, File No. SAT‐LOI‐20140326‐00034 (dated 9 June 2014).
  Inmarsat letter, “Re: Supplemental Submission of Inmarsat Hawaii Inc. to Letter of intent Application,
IBFS File No. SAT‐LOI‐20140326‐00034, Call Sign S2923” (dated 20 June 2014).

                                      Certificate of Service

I, Steven Doiron, do hereby certify that on this 2nd day of July 2014, a copy of the foregoing
letter was sent by U.S. mail to:

       Mr. Chris Murphy
       Vice President, Government Affairs
       Inmarsat Hawaii, Inc
       1101 Connecticut Avenue NW
       Suite 1200
       Washington, DC 20036

                                                                    Steven Doiron


Document Created: 2014-07-02 10:48:54
Document Modified: 2014-07-02 10:48:54

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