Petition to Deny 10.

PETITION submitted by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

Petition to Deny


This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20081119-00217 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                             Before the
                                    Washington, D.C. 20554

Application of

    SPECTRUM FIVE LLC                                                              File No. SAT—LOI—20081119—00217

                                                   Ne Nes Nn Nes Nat! Nent! Nus!
Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Serve
The U.S. Market from the 103.15° W.L.
Orbital Location in the17/24 GHz BSS

                                      PETITION TO DENY

          DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") hereby requests that the International

Bureau deny the above referenced application filed by Spectrum Five LLC ("Spectrum

Five") for authority to serve the U.S. market from a 17/24 GHz BSS space station

operating at the nominal 103° W.L. orbital location. That application is patently

inconsistent with a license already issued to DIRECTV. The Commission has clearly

stated that, in such a situation, it "will deny applications that conflict with previously

granted applications.”1 In accordance with that policy, DIRECTV requests that Spectrum

Five‘s application be denied.

          Just three months ago, the Commission licensed DIRECTV to operate a 17/24

GHz BSS space station at the same nominal 103° W.L. orbital location using the same

frequencies to serve the same coverage area as currently proposed by Spectrum Five.

\     Amendment of the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, 18 FCC Red. 10760, €
      113 (2003) ("FCFS Order").

2     See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, 24 FCC Red. 9393 (Int‘l Bur. 2009) ("DIRECTV Authorization

DIRECTV has posted the required performance bond," and is proceeding to satisfy the

other milestones applicable to its license. The system licensed to DIRECTV and that

proposed by Spectrum Five plainly cannot both operate from this slot. Nonetheless, the

Bureau recently accepted Spectrum Five‘s application for filing.*

        Commission precedent compels the Bureau to dismiss the application, not accept

it. In adopting the first come, first served methodology for processing geostationary

space station applications, the Commission created a system under which such

applications — including requests for authority to serve the U.S. market from a non—U.S.

licensed space station® — are placed in a queue according to their date of filing. Those

applications are then generally considered in the order in which they are filed. If for any

reason the earliest—filed application cannot be granted, comment is solicited on the next

application in the queue, with the process repeating until a license is granted.© In

adopting this system, the full Commission specifically considered and resolved the

question of how to deal with later—filed applications remaining in the queue that are

inconsistent with a license that has been granted.

        We decide not to keep subsequently filed applications on file. In other
        words, if an application reaches thefront of the queue that conflicts with

3   See Public Notice, DA 09—2036 (rel. Sep. 11, 2009).

*   See Public Notice, Rep. No. SAT—00641 (rel. Oct. 23, 2009).

5   See FCFS Order, § 294.

6   See id., §§ 108—10 (describing first come, first served processing). The Commission adopted the
    first come, first served processing methodology for 17/24 GHz BSS space station applications. See
    Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Broadcasting Satellite Service at the 17.3—17.7
    GHz Frequency Band and at the 17.7—17.8 GHz Frequency Band Internationally, and at the 24.75—
    25.25 GHz Frequency Bandfor Fixed Satellite Services Providing Feeder Links to the Broadcasting—
    Satellite Service andfor the Satellite Services Operating Bi—directionally in the 17.3—17.8 GHz
    Frequency Band, 22 FCC Red. 8842, [ 8 (2007).

        a previously granted license, we will deny the application rather than
        keeping the application on file in case the lead applicant does not construct
        its satellite system. We agree with Teledesic that keeping applications on
        file would encourage speculative or "place holder" applications. . .. In
        summary, we will deny applications that conflict with previously granted
        applications because it is more likely to result in faster service to the
        public, and it will not disadvantage any party that may wish to apply for
        that orbit location if it becomes available."

The Commission‘s policy is clearly stated and unequivocal." Once a license is granted,

conflicting applications remaining in the queue are to be denied. DIRECTV has been

granted the license to use the 17/24 GHz BSS band from the nominal 103° W.L. orbital

location, and Spectrum Five‘s application to use the same band from the same nominal

orbital location to serve the U.S. clearly conflicts with that license.

        Accordingly, DIRECTV requests that the Bureau implement the Commission‘s

policy by denying Spectrum Five‘s application.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,
                                                     DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC

                                                     By:          [s/
Susan Eid                                                     William M. Wiltshire
Senior Vice President, Government Affairs                     Michael Nilsson
Stacy R. Fuller
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs                    WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP
DIRECTV, Inc.                                         1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.
901 F Street, NW, Suite 600                           Washington, DC 20036
Washington, DC 20004                                  202—730—1300
(202) 383—6300

?   _FCFS Order, § 113 (emphasis added).

5   Spectrum Five has filed a petition for reconsideration of the DIRECTV Authorization Order.
    However, there is no indication in the FCFS Order that dismissal of later—filed applications should be
    delayed pending resolution of such petitions — much less accepted for filing. Moreover, if the
    simple filing of such a petition were sufficient to override the Commission‘s directive, such petitions
    would become a matter of course — adding to the burden on Commission resources and undermining
    the processing efficiency that the Commission‘s dismissal policy was designed to achieve.

                   Counsel for DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
October 28, 2009

                           CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that, on this 28th day of October, 2009, a copy of the foregoing

Petition to Deny was served by hand delivery upon:

              Richard E. Wiley
              Todd Stansbury
              Wiley Rein LLP
              1776 K Street, N.W.
              Washington, DC 20006

              David Wilson
              Spectrum Five LLC
              1776 K Street, N.W.
              Suite 200
              Washington, DC 20006

                                                   Meagan Lewis

Document Created: 2009-10-28 13:58:36
Document Modified: 2009-10-28 13:58:36

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