Attachment Schedule S GXT

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20081119-00217 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Downlink:             ta         conus                          saov
Satetite Location    10318 w
Uplink                           Downlink                    Clear Rain
ut.Ereq               one aso    Oc.Freq               ore      is is
es antoin              m  iso    es antoin             inctos 1so 1so
s anGain              am urs     siome im®             aw       saa sat
8 Txponer             ww ire     E5 pigtons                      o1 o
es oso                ww so      Free space oss                aser ase?
s Ouput Looses        ww as      AtmoniScintows                  as as
E5 pig ons            w   as     Raln & Oherions                  so s1
es amp (clean         ww .ms     Wating oss                       so as
Free space ons        w ns       Totatfoss                     ama ane
swor                  ax it      ssom                           164 iss

                                                     66 &
                                                         & a
CMthermat             @0  ue     Banowath                       ma ma
Contt                 w    s     C (therman                     iss    ss
UL.Spot ieam Intot     w   sso   01 Spot ean Intrt               soo   se

                                                     6 8B 6 6
d Carrinort            w   mo    d Carrinter®                    we    e
Ad Satntrt             w   m     Ad Satntet                      mo    ms
Cross Pot              ®©  mo    Cross Pot                       zo    zo
Touucor                o   m     Teo. on                         is1   is1
Clear                       Rain
U%.cM themat          w  us U%.cM themat                         ws
0.N themat            «iss 01.CM themat                           as
Touucor               o  m Touucor                               ms
Teo. on               @0 on Teo. on                              181
Touon                 &    ar Touon                               so
negaommen             e     on negaomen                           11

Downlink :           ny         conus                      s99%
Satelite Location   103.15 WL
Uplink                          Downlink                    Clear Rain
UL.Freq             one 2so     Oc.Freq                        is is
s anvn               m  1so     s anon                incnos mo mo
s anGain            ww ore      snote ce              aw       sar ser
8 tponer            «m rzo      E5 pigtons                      o2 o2
ss oo               am a        Free space ons                anso asso
E3 OuputLonses      W as        AmoniScnt ons                   or ar
E5 pig ons           w  os      Raln & Oherions                  so 21
es amp (cioan       cow ras     Woting toss                      so as
Free space ons       w ans      Totatfoss                     ces ans
swor                ax is       ssom                  «on      183 161
Chi(therma)          @0 se      Banowath              w ra ma
Contl                w   es     C thermat                      Lo     se
UL Spot ieam Int an     350     01. Spot icam Intrt           seo   soo
Ad Carrinort       w    se      Ad Carrinort                  300   we
Ad Satntrt         w    soo     Ad Satntrt                    mm    ms
Cross Pot          m    o       Cross Pot                     zso   zo
Touucor            w    ies     Teo. on                       zoo   me
Clear                           Rain
uL. CM themai      as   ons     U%.cM themat                  sas
0. CM themai       .    ros     0..cM themat                   se
Touucor            w    res     Touucor                       2s
Teo. on            w    me      Teo. on                       zoo
Touon                w     ies Touon                           sa
negaommen            0      n negaommen                        11

Downlink :        MIAMI           conus                     sos%
Satelite Location 103.15   WL
Uplnk                             Downlink                   Cloar Rain
ulig               one      aso   Oc.Freq               on      ins is
is anDia            m       iso   es anoin              inchs 2s0 mo
& inGain           ww       ars   snote ce              ww      ms sos
8 Te on            «m       ire   E5 pigtons                     o2 o2
ssoro              am       as    Free space ons               amo amo
E5 Ouput Lonses W           as    AmoniScnt ons                  as as
E5 m ons            w       as    Raln & Oherions                 so ar
es anp (cloan      cow      res   Woting toss                     so as
roospace ons        w      ns     Totatfoss                    ama anms
swor               ax       it    ssom                  ax      is iss
Cnthermat           @0      ue    Banowath              w« m ma
Contot              w        s    C thermat                     is2 n2
UL Spot Ream Int in    350        01. Spot icam Intrt          soo   soo
Ad Carrinort      w    mo         Ad Carrinort                 we    we
Ad Sat nrt        w    m          Ad Satntrt                   mz    mz
Cross Pot         a    mo         Cross Pot                    zo    zo
Towucor           Ees             Teo. on                      mo    mo
Cloar                             Rain
ULCN themai       as   ae         U%.cM themat                 ws
D. 0N thema       .    2s         0.N themat                   n2
Towucor           a    m          Touucor                      ms
Teo. cr           w    mo         Teo. on                      mo
Towcuh             w        is Touon                           10e
negs ctnen         @0        on negaommen                       11

Downlink          HONOLULU        conus                 s90%
Satelite Location 103.15. WL
uplink                            Downlink               Clear Rain
uurng              ons 280.       Duime            on       ns ars
es Ant Di            m     f10.   Esamoa           inches 360. 360
ES AntGain         com ors.       seemetin®        w        moa sos
ES TxPower         ww rre         ES pigioss                 oa o«
es oo              dW 30          Froospaceions            qoi css
E8 Ouput Losses @W 15             AmosScintions              as os
ES pigioss          w      95.    Raing Oberiois              so 50
E3 ERP(Coar..      cow 746.       Wiotingioss                 se as
Pree space tows     w ans         mullms                   210 2o
stom               wr im          ssor             w        me nz
c ghemat                   sas    Banaviah         w m m
Contet                      65    ciiheman                  162.   so
Ut Spot Boam niet          350    0t SotBoaminit           soo   o
Ad Carrintet               300    Ad Curintet              xo    mo
ad Satinert                s00    ag Sitiner               ma    rme
Cous Pot                   s00    CssPot                   mso   iso
Totuc or                   m      remiouor                 ns    m
Cioar                             Rain
u. on ghemat               sas    ut on ghema)             ws
o. on ghomat)              162    01. OM thoma)             so
Totuc or                   m3     remiucor                 ms
Tota o. or                 ms     temiouor                 mns
Tot ornen                  1« tornen                        1s
regacuien                   71. regacmen                    11

Document Created: 2008-11-12 10:28:38
Document Modified: 2008-11-12 10:28:38

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