This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20081113-00216 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                                     MAYER+B ROW N
                                                                                                                                  Mayer Brown LLP
                                                                                                                                1999 K Street, N.W.
                                                                                                                       Washington, D.C. 20006—1101
                                                                                                                          Main Tel +1 202 263 3000
                                                                                                                          Main Fax +1 202 263 3300
January 8 , 2010                                                                                                      

BY MESSENGER                                                                                                              Howard W. Waltzman
C           CCC                                                                                                          Direct Tel +1 202 263 3848
                                                                                                                         Direct Fax +1 202 762 4238
Ms. Marlene Dortch                                                                                              
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re:    Notice of Ex Parte Presentation _

       DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
       File No. SAT—STA—20091202—00136 (Call Sign $2796)
       File No. SAT—LOA—20090807—00085 (Call Sign $2796)
       File Nos. SAT—AMD—20080321—00077; SAT—AMD—20080114—00014; SAT—LOA—2006—
                 0908—00100 (Call Sign 2712)
       DISH Operating LL.C.
       File Nos. SAT—LOA—20090518—00053; SAT—AMD—20090604—00064 (Call Sign
       Spectrum Five LLC
       File No. SAT—LOI—20081113—00216 (Call Sign $2777)
       File No.      SAT—LOI—20081119—00217 (Call Sign $2778)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

       On January 7, 2010, David Wilson and Tom Sharon of Spectrum Five LLC ("Spectrum
Five"), Chris Putala of Putala Strategies, and the undersigned counsel met with Mindel De La
Torre, Roderick Porter, Karl Kensinger, Andrea Kelly, Robert Nelson, Steven Spaeth, and Tom
Sullivan of the International Bureau ("the Bureau") and discussed the above—referenced
applications of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV"), DISH Operating L.L.C. ("DISH"),
and Spectrum Five. The content of Spectrum Five‘s presentation, to the extent it specifically
emphasized, supplemented or elaborated upon arguments already raised in written filings in
these proceedings, is set forth in the attached materials, of which two copies are hereby
submitted for each referenced file number.

                   Mayer Brown LLP operates in combination with our associated English limited liability partnership
                                 and Hong Kong partnership (and its associated entities in Asia).

Mayer Brown LLP

    Ms. Marlene Dortch
    January 8, 2010
    Page 2

             Pursuant to Section 1.1206(b) of the Commission‘s rules, a copy of this notice is being
    filed in the above—noted proceedings.

    Respectfully submifted,

    Howard W. Waitzman
    Counsel to Spectrum Five LLC

    co:      Mindel De La Torre
             Roderick Porter
             Karl Kensinger
             Andrea Kelly
             Robert Nelson
             Steven Spacth
             Tom Sullivan
             Pantelis Michalopoulos (counsel to DISH)
             William M. Wiltshire (counsel to DIRECTY)

        DISH‘s application to launch and operate the EchoStar 14 satellite‘ should be conditioned
to require DISH to operate the satellite in accordance with the technical parameters of the Region
2 Broadcasting—Satellite Service ("BSS") Plan unless and until coordination has been completed.
The Bureau‘s failure to impose such a condition would thwart the coordination process by
permitting DISH to operate EchoStar 14 beyond the technical parameters permitted by the
Region 2 BSS Plan in the absence of coordination. DISH has still not responded to Spectrum
Five‘s February 9, 2007 request for coordination of Spectrum Five‘s satellite network at the
114.5° W.L. orbital location, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit A, and has asserted
that DISH does not need to coordinate with Spectrum Five because the latter‘s network will not
be put into use prior to the expiration of its International Telecommunication Union ("ITU")
priority rights."

       The Netherlands Radio Communications Agency ("RCA") has formaily requested that
the EchoStar 14 satellite be coordinated with the 114.5° W.L. satellite network. A copy the
RCA‘s letter to the International Bureau is attached hereto as Exhibit B. The RCA has expressed
its concern that DISH has sought authorization to operate EchoStar 14 prior to coordination, and
that coordination consistent with the ITU rules should begin before the Commission grants DISH
permission to operate EchoStar 14.

        With respect to DIRECTV‘s application to construct, launch, and operate a 17/24 GHz
BSS space station at the 102.825° W.L. orbital location, as previously argued by Spectrum Five,
the Commission‘s maximum PFD limits required DIRECTV to calculate the minimum possible
atmospheric loss, so as to guarantee that,. even when losses are slight, the signal at the earth‘s
surface will not be too strong. Instead, DIRECTV used link budget values at the point of signal
failure, which calculate maximum possible atmospheric loss, so as to guarantee that, even in the
face of high losses, the signal will remain available. The result is that DIRECTY‘s satellite
signal will exceed the PFD limits in all but the most extreme weather conditions. Adoption of
DIRECTV‘s scheme would in effect eviscerate the power limits established by the Commission
rules and enable any Reverse Band applicant to essentially unilaterally set its own power limits.

        Despite DIRECTV‘s protestations to the contrary, the Commission‘s rule on this subject
is clear: applicants must demonstrate compliance with the PFD limits "for all conditions,
including clear sky" and adbere to quantifiable PFD limits" It is indisputable what "all
conditions, including clear sky" means: if any atmospheric conditions would leave DIRECTYV‘s
signal too strong, its proposed space station would violate the rule. By using link budget values
to purportedly demonstrate compliance with Section 25.208(w)—as well as by including an
adjustment for clouds—DIRECTV guaranteed that its proposed space station would routinely
and substantially exceed the maximum PFD limits.

‘ EchoStar Satellite Operating LL.C. Application for Minor Modification of DBS Authorization and Authority to
Launch the EchoStar 14 Satellite and to Operate it at 118.9° W.L., File Nos. SAT—LOA—20090518—00053, SAT—
AMD—20090604—00064 (Call Sign $2790) ("EchoStar 14 Application").
* EchoStar 14 Application, Appendix 1 to Attachment A, at A1—2.
>47 C.F.R. § 25.208(w).

         With respect to DIRECTYV‘s request for special temporary authority ("STA") for in—orbit
testing ("IOT") of DIRECTV RB—2A at the 76° W.L. orbital location," Spectrum Five has no
objection to DIRECTV conducting IOT of DIRECTV 12‘s Ka—band payload at the 76° W.L.
orbital location. However, Spectrum Five contends that it is premature to grant DIRECTV
permission to conduct IOT of its 17/24 GHz communications payload during the pendency of
Spectrum Five‘s Petition for Reconsideration of the Bureau‘s grant to DIRECTV of
authorization to construct, launch, and operate the RB—2 satellite at the 103° orbital location." In
addition, the Bureau has not granted DIRECTV authorization to operate the RB—2A satellite, for
which DIRECTV now seeks STA to conduct IOT.

       Spectrum Five also disputes DIRECTV‘s contention that IOT for the 17/24 GHz payload
cannot occur at the 103° W.L. orbital location. DIRECTV appears to have made a business
decision to test the 17/24 GHz payload using DIRECTV‘s Northwest Uplink Facility located in
Moxee, Washington. However, DIRECTV could test the 17/24 GHz payload by utilizing other
testing scenarios. For example, since there a very limited number of spot beams, the spot beam.
coverage areas could be instrumented with test antennas and receivers to show that the radiated
signals are received as expected.

       Testing DIRECTV RB—2A in this manner would have no adverse impact on DIRECTV
12‘s Ka—band payload, or its ability to use such payload to enhance its offering to subscribers.
As a result, the Bureau should withhold action on STA for IOT of RB—2A until the resolution of
Spectrum Five‘s Petition for Reconsideration, and until the Bureau grants DIRECTV
authorization to operate RB—2A.

* DIRECTYV Enterprises, LLC Request for Special Temporary Authority for In—Orbit Testing ofDIRECTV RB—24 at
76° W.L., File No. SAT—STA—20091202—00136 (Call Sign $2796).
* Petition for Reconsideration of Spectrum Five LLC, In re DIRECTY Enterprises, LLC, Application for
Authorization to Launch and Operate DIRECTYV RB—2, a Satellite in the 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite Service at
the 102.85° W.L. Orbifal location, File Nos. SAT—LOA—20060908—00100, SAT—AMD—20080114—00014, SAT—
AMD—20080321—00077 (Call Sign $2712) (Aug. 27, 2009).

                                Exhibit A

          Letter of Spectrum Five to DISH, dated February 9, 2007


                                      Spectrum Five LLC
                                        2001 K Street
                                    Washingtom D.C. 20006

                                                                     February 9, 2007

Richard Blair
Echostar Communications Corp.
9601 S. Meridian Blvd
Englewood, CO 80112

Dear Mr. Blair,

I have been retained by Spectrum Five LLC to initiate coordination negotiations relating
to Spectrum Five‘s satellite to be located at 114.5W and BSS satellites at 110W and
119W. It is our intention to review your satellite networks and to present a proposed
technical plan for a coordination settlement.

The first Spectrum Five satellite is expected to be launched during 2010. Therefore, we
request that you identify the satellites and transponders that you intend to operate at the
nominal locations of 110W and 119W in 2010 and beyond.

We would appreciate any additional information concerning these networks that you
would care to provide to us.

You may reach me at the letterhead address or 610—644 0444 (Philadeiphia) or


                                                             John D. Kiesling
                                                             Consultant to Spectrum Five
       CC R. David Wilson
           Richard Barnett

                                      Exhibit B

 Letter of Netherlands Radio Communications Agency to the International Bureau, dated
                                  December 10, 2009


                                                                                        Telecormt)  Redio
                                                                                         Agency Netherlande

                                                                                               Emmasingel 1
                                                                                               PQ box 450
To                                                                                             §700 AL Groningen
Robert G. Nelson                                                                               The Netherlands
Chief, Satelfite Division                                                                      T +31 50 587 75 65
International Bureau                                                                           F+31 50 587 74 00
Federal Communications Commission                                                              www.agentschap—telecom.n!
236 Massachusetts Avenue, N.E
Washington, DC 20002

Contact            : J.G. Kroon                          Date              : 10 December 2009
Telephone          : +31 50 5877 344                     Yaur reference
Ourreference       : AT—EZ/6349420/S—NE                  Number of pages   : 1 of 2
Enclosure(s)       :n
Subject            : Spectrum Five LLC, 119° West Orbital Location

Dear Mr. Nelson,

With this letter the Netherlands administration formally requests coordination of its satellite network filings at
114.5° West filed at the ITU, with the proposed Echostar/DISH networks filing at the orbital position of 119°

The Netherlands Radio Communications Agency, on behalf of the Netherlands administration, submitted the
fillings SF_BSSS and BSSNET114.5W to the International Telecommunications Union proposing
modifications to the Region 2 Broadcast—Satellite Service Plan ("Region 2 Plan") to accommodate a Direct
Broadcast Satellite ("DBS") system at 114.5° West. The Netherlands has authorized Spectrum Five LLC
{"Spectrum Five") to ufilize these filings to provide DBS from this orbital position.

We noted from the FCC process that a filing has been made at the ITU for the Echostar—14 satellite network
at 119° West. As far as known to my administration, the ITU has not finished its review and the filing has yet
to be accepted for filing. As a result, the Netherlands has not received ITU notification that the USA needs to
coordinate with the Netherlands.

it is our understanding that DISH has aiready built the sateilite and intends to launch in thefirst quarter of
2010 and replace the existing ECHOSTAR—7 satellite with this more powerful ECHOSTAR—14 satellite, If our
understanding is correct DISH will launch prior to the Netherlands administration having the opportunity to
protect its filings through the ITU coordination process. Therefore the Netherlands is requesting coordination
in advance of ITU notification.

We kindly remind you that under the Appendix 30 rules, it is not allowed to modify an existing assignment or
faunch a new satellite without the consent of affected administrations. in this respect our operator informed
us that DISH has requested the USA administration to use the satellite on an interim basis until the
Netherlands will launch its satellite to 114.5° West. We believe this is not the right solution and we
therefore strongly request the FCC to start coordination with us first before bringing the satellite into use,
even on an interim basis, such in line with the ITU rules.

Ministry of Economic Affairs


                                                                                      Agency   Nethoriand

Number of pages    : 2 van 2
Date               : 10 December 2009
Ourreference       : AT—EZ/6349420/S—NE

I would be very grateful if you could send me your reaction to this letter at your earliest convenience. Thank
you very much in advance for your corporation.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. J.G. Kroon of the Radiocommunications Agency of The
Netherlands, Tel +31 50 5877 344, Fax +31 50 5877 400 and email: johan.kroon@at—

Yours sincerely,

on behaif of
The State Secretary of E

M.M. Hoo         Sc.MBA
Head of the Networks Department
Radiocommunications Agency Netherlands

Document Created: 2019-04-06 03:52:02
Document Modified: 2019-04-06 03:52:02

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