Attachment Spectrum Five - Groo

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20050312-00063 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


----- Original Message -----
From: Groot, Suzanne-de <>
To: Edward Lazarus
Cc: Johan Kroon <>; May, Douglas C <>
Sent: Tue Jul 26 11:56:33 2011
Subject: URGENT -- Netherlands Embassy request on Spectrum Five decision planned for today

Dear Mr. Lazarus,

The Netherlands Embassy has been approached by David Wilson, CEO of Spectrum Five, a satellite
operator under Dutch law.

We understand from Mr. Wilson that the FCC International Bureau intends to revoke their U.S. market
authorization for their tweener at 114.5 WL today.

We understand from Mr. Wilson that such a revocation usually only takes place after a procedure in which
the operator can object within a reasonable period of time, and that such a procedure has not been followed
in this particular case.

As Notifying Administration we therefore kindly request you to postpone the abovementioned decision and
inform us of the state of affairs and next steps in this particular case.

Many thanks in advance.

Best regards,

Suzanne de Groot
First Secretary Economic Affairs
Royal Netherlands Embassy
4200 Linnean Avenue N.W. | Washington, D.C. 20008 | U.S.A.
T +1 202 274 2614
F +1 202 966 0737

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Document Created: 2011-07-26 16:12:37
Document Modified: 2011-07-26 16:12:37

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