Attachment ex parte

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20050312-00062 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                           EX PARTE OR LATE FILED

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                      WileyRein& Fielding us

inoxsuemne                                                                                      Chin Kyung Yoo
                  August 29, 2005                                                               202n0 3801
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                  Ms. Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary              SEP 2 1 2005                RECE.VED
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mssous sencvome   Federal Communications Commission
sure o            445 12th Street, SW                                                         AuG 2 9 2005
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                  Re:      File Nos. SAT—LOF—20050312—00062, SAT—LO1—20050312—00063, Norice of
                           Ex Parte Presentation
mt on
                  Dear Ms. Dortch:
                  On August 26, 2005, David Wilson, President of Spectrum Five LLC ("Spectrum
                  Five") and Jennifer Hindin and Chin Yoo of Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP, Counsel
                  for Spectrum Five, met with Emily Willeford, Advisor for International Issues, and
                  Fred Campbell, Attorey Advisor, both of Chairman Martin‘s office. The purpose
                  ofthe meeting was to discuss Spectrum Five‘s pending Petition for Declaratory
                  Ruling to provide DBS service in the United States," During the mecting, Spectrum
                  Five described the Commission‘s procedures for processing market entry petitions
                  for foreign—authorized satellite systems. Spectrum Five also discussed the status of
                  other "weener" applications pending before the FCC.
                  Should you have any questions, please contact the undersigned counsel for
                  Spectrum Five. Thank you
                      1/  Afrer
                      Lcz  ///?/1
                  Chin Kyung Yoo
                  ces      Emily Willeford
                           Fred Campbell

                  [        See Publc Notic, Policy Branch Information, Satelite Space Applications Accepted for
                  Filing, Report No. SAT—00284, ie Nos. SAT—LOH 20050202—00062 and SAT—LOI 2005030200063
                  (Ape. is, 205)
                                                                               No. of Copiasreett            //

Document Created: 2005-09-30 17:59:36
Document Modified: 2005-09-30 17:59:36

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