Attachment reply

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20050312-00062 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     Before the                              RECEIVED
                             Washington, D.C. 20554                              IUN ~ 8 2005
In the Matter of                           P                                     WW”"“""
Spectrum Five LLC                          ; File Nos. SAT—LO1—20050312—00062/63

Petition for Declaratory Ruling To         ;                  Received
sn                                         :                  snPoliey1 Brench
                        REPLY OF SES AMERICOM, INC.
             SES Americom, Inc. (‘SES Americom"), by its attorneys and pursuant
to Section 25.154 of the Commission‘s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 25.145, hereby submits its

reply to the Consolidated Response of Spectrum Five LLC (‘Spectrum Five
Response") in the above—captioned proceeding. In its comments, SES Americom

requested that the Commission impose a coordination requirement as a condition of

any authority Spectrum Five is granted to serve the U.S. market from its proposed
BSS network at 114.5° W.L. Spectrum Five opposes such a condition, claiming that
it would be inconsistent with Commission precedent. In fact, however, when

granting U.S. market access the Commission routinely adopts provisions designed
to protect the rights of systems with ITU priority, and it should do so here.

             As SES Americom explained in its comments, the United Kingdom has

made filings for a BSS network at 114.5° W.L. on behalf of the Gibraltar Regulatory

Authority. These filings are in support of a network to be deployed by SES
Satellites (Gibraltar) Limited (‘SES Gibraltar®), a wholly—owned subsidiary of SES

Americom, and have date priority over the Netherlands filings on which Spectrum
Five relies. SES Americom Comments at 1—2. We noted that Spectrum Five had

acknowledged the U.K. filings and had recognized that operation of its system
would not be possible once the U.K. network commenced service. 1d., citing

Spectrum Five Petition, Technical Appendix, Exh. 1 at 4.

             In order to ensure that the rights of SES Gibraltar are protected, SES

Americom requested that the Commission make clear to Spectrum Five that its

operations would not be entitled to interference protection from networks operating

pursuant to prior ITU filings. SES Americom also asked that the Commission

condition any grant of authority to Spectrum Five to require coordination with
affected systems of other administrations that have date priority under ITU

procedures. 1d. at 3.
             In its Response, Spectrum Five states thatit "will abide by its
obligations to protect other systems as required under international law."
Spectrum Five Response at 8 n.33. Nevertheless, Spectrum Five opposes the
condition requested by SES Americom. Spectrum Five claims that the "FCC does

not condition or delay market entry pending coordination between or among foreign

             Part of Spectrum Five‘s statement is irrelevant, and the remainder is

wrong. SES Americom never suggested that the Commission should defer action on

1     1d. at T (@emphasis in original), citing Telesat Canada Petition for Declaratory
Ruling for Inclusion ofANIK F1 on the Permitted Space Station List, Order, 15 FCC
Red 24828, 24833 (1 14) (Sat. & Radiocomm. Div. 2000).

the Spectrum Five Petition until after coordination of the Netherlands filing with

the prior U.K. submissions had occurred. Instead, we asked that the Commission

make clear that Spectrum Five is not entitled to protection from interference from
networks with ITU date priority.

             Spectrum Five‘s suggestion that the Commission does not impose
conditions on market accoss to ensure compliance with coordination requirements

and ITU priority is simply false. The Commission has made clear thatit will
consider ITU date priority in processing applications secking authority to use
foreign—licensed satellites for U.S. service. For example,in authorizing Loral to
operate the C—band Telstar 13 satellite pursuant to a license from Papua New

Guinea, the FCC adopted conditions designed to ensure that New Skies‘ rights
under a Netherlands filing with date priority were protected. Specifically, the
Bureau stated that:
                      As the Commission has recently affirmed, a lower
                      ITU priority network may be permitted to access
                      the U.S. market ifa higher ITU priority satellite
                      has not been launched, but in such a case the lower
                      ITU priority network is subject to proof of
                      coordination with the higher ITU priority satellite.
                   Absent such demonstration, the lower ITU priority
                      satellite must coase service to the U.S. market
                      immediately upon launch and operation of the
                      higher ITU priority satellite, or be subject to
                      further conditions designed to address potential
                   harmful interference to a satellite with ITU date
                   precedence. We condition Loral‘s authorization
                   accordingly. .. . We also condition Loral‘s authority
                   to serve the U.S. on its compliance with applicable
                   currentand future operationalrequirements as a
                   result of coordination agreements reached with

                      other satellite systems, including the Netherlands‘s
                      NSS—11 system at 120.8° W.L*
               Spectrum Five‘s objection to Commission imposition of a coordination

 condition is puzzling given its commitment to comply with applicable ITU
 requirements. In any event, however, prior cases make clear that the Commission‘s

 policy is to ensure that systems granted access to the U.S. market fulfll their
 obligations to protect networks with ITU priority. The conditions typically imposed
 by the Commission go well beyond the coordination condition requested by SES
 Americom here and include requirements to terminate service upon launch of a

 spacecraft with higher ITU priority. SES Americom respectfully requests that the

 Commission, consistent with past practice, make any grant of authority to

 Spectrum Five subject to the requirement that Spectrum Five coordinate with the
 U.K. and protect the SES Gibraltar network.

                                         Respectfully submitted,
                                         SES AMERICOM, INC.

Nancy J. Eskenazi                         By: Z g Z4&
Vice Prosident &                          Peter A. Rohrbach
 Assoc. General Counsel                   Karis A. Hastings
SES Americom, Inc.                        Hogan & Hartson LLP.
Four Research Way                         555 Thirteenth Street, N.W.
Princeton, NJ 08540                       Washington, D.C. 20004
                                          (202) 637—5600
June 8, 2005

2.     Loral Spacecom Corporation Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Add Telstar 13
to the Permitted Space Station List, 18 FCC Red 16374 (Gat. Div. 2003) at 1 16
(footnotes omitted). See also Amendment of the Commission‘s Space Station
Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report and Order and Further Notice of
Proposed Rulemaking, 18 FCC Red 10760, 10870—71 (¥ 296) (2003).

                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

              1, Cecelia Burnett, do hereby certify that on this 8day of June, 2005,
copies of the foregoing "Reply of SES Americom, Inc." were served to the following

parties by first class mail:

                                               (ogiu a Burete
                                              Cecelia M. Burnett

David Wilson
Spectrum Five LLC
626 5. 25® Street
Arlington, VA 22202
Richard E. Wiley
‘Todd M. Stansbury
Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
1776 K Street, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20006

Document Created: 2005-06-20 12:51:15
Document Modified: 2005-06-20 12:51:15

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