Attachment opposition

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20050312-00062 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                        Before the
                                    ‘ushington D.C. 20584                        MaY 1 6 2005
                                              )                                  OfcectSecy"°"
In the Matter of                              )
Seecrium Five itc                             )      File Nos. SAT—LOL—20050312—00062
                                              )                SAT-LOI-zxfisom_-ooosa
Petition for Declaratory Ruling               )                               leceived
To Serve the U.S. Market Using                )
BSS Spectrum from the 114.5° W.L.             )                            MAY 1 9 2005
    i Locati
          ation                               )
Enrmomnimemmmmemecpmanta                                                 Intermational Bureau

       DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (‘DIRECTV) hereby opposes the above—captioned
Petition for Declaratory Ruling ("S5 Petition") filed by Spectrum Five LLC ("Spectrum
Five"). The SS Petition is but one of a growing number of proposals that would create
new orbitallocations for providing Broadcast Satellite Service (‘BSS") from orbital
locations spaced less than nine degrees from slots currently used to provide such service
to tens of millions of consumers in the United States.

       As DIRECTV has demonstrated in other proceedings, however, implementation
ofsuch "tweener" operations as currently proposed by Spectrum Five would have a
significant impact on current and future services available from the BSS locations
allocated to the United States under the International Telecommunications Union‘s
(‘TTU®) Region 2 Plan. The 5 Petition suffers from the same infirmities. Thus, as a
procedural matter,the SS Petition is subject to dismissal for failure to comply with
Section 25.114(d)(13)() ofthe Commission‘s rules, which requires applicants seeking to
use assets not specified in the BSS Plan to provide a sufficient technical showing that the

  proposed system could operate satisfactorily if all assignments in the BSS Plan were
  implemented. Spectrum Five has not yet even attempted to coordinate its proposed
      system with DIRECTV — and Spectrum Five‘s own technical analysis demonstrates how
  difficult such a coordination would be. More importantly, DIRECTV continues to
  believe that this and other proposals for new "tweener"" BSS slots that provide less than
 the current nine degree spacing upon which U.S. BSS operators have relied should be
 considered, if at all, in a comprchensive rulemaking proceeding."

            Spectrum Five requests authority t provide BSS service in the United States from
 two satelltes icensed by the Netherlands operating at the 114.5° W.L. slot. Tn a very
 fundamental sense, the SS Petition is not new or unique. Rather, it is merely the latest
proposalto ereate a new BSS orbital location near existing locations allocated to the US.
under the Region 2 BSS Plan. As DIRECTV has documented in other proceedings, such
proposals are substantively unworkable, gravely detrimental to the operations and growth
ofU.S. DBS providers, and contrary to the public interest. Rather than repeating all of
those arguments and technical showings, DIRECTV hercby incorporates them by
reference. Nonetheless, a few observations specific to the 55 Petition are in order, and
are made below.
            First, Spectrum Five‘s own technical analysis vividly demonstrates the magnitude
ofthe potentialinterference problem its proposal would create for operational U.S. DBS

!\—     DIRECTV has proposed sucha mlemaking. See DA 022003 (rel.Dec. 16, 2003)(cllingfor comment
        on DIRECTV request forrlemakingand related applcations)
*       DIRECTV and is affliteshave made numerous filings n two other proceedings related to short
        spaced BSS orbial ocations— Rep. No. SPB—196 and FCC File No. SAT—PDi%—20020428—00071 —al
        of whichareincorporated by refeence herein.

 systems. Exhibit 1 to the Technical Appendix liststhe maximum equivalent protection
margin ("EPM®) degradation for each affected DBS satelite network. As a point of
reference, the coordination trigger in AP30 Annex 1, Section 2 (MSPACE) used by the
ITU to analyzesatelite interference in Region 2 is an OEPM (Overall Equivalent
Protection Margin) degradation of 0.25 dB. The data in the SS Petition show 22 beams in
U.S. filings at he 119° W.L. and 110° W.L. orbital locations that would experience
degradation of more than 10 dB, and many more ofbetween 5 dB and 10 dB."
         Spectrum Five attempts to ameliorate the impact ofsuch significant degradation
figures by explaining away a handful ofexamples as anomalous, but even that effort
provides litle comfort* In fict, the U.S. ITU filing that Spectrum Five describes as a
"more representative example ofthe interference situation" — USABSS—18 at 119° W.L.
—illustrates the potential for severe interference. Spectrum Five assertsthat the "worst«
case degradation calculated by MSPACE is 2.6 dB for transponder 4 ofbeam 23."""
However, the MSPACE analysis provided in the S5 Petition shows degradation ofover 4
dB for two beams and over 10 dB for two others in the USABSS—18 filing." Thus, far

*   See S etiion, Exhibit 1 t Technical Appendix, Atachment 2 (Atachment 2), atpp.4—15.
*   For example, Spectrum Fiv focuses on the 167 dB degridation for beam 7563 ofthe USABSS—15
    fiingat110° W.L., laiming is anomalous because the affetedtestpointsare in a Hawaiibeam and
    use only a single DBS channl. See SS Pettion, Exhibit 1 to Technical Appendix, Atachment 1
    (*Atiachment 1tp.6. However, Spectram Five fails o explainthe comparable 16.8 4B
    dearadation for beam 7503 ofUSADSS—15, which usesten DBS channels,or 16.6 B degradation for
    beam 7499 ofUSABSS—15, which wesfive DBS channels— notto mention thnineother beams wit
    more than 10 dB degradation. See Artichment2 at . 1315
*   Atachment1 atp.6
*   ue
* See Atachment 2 atp.7 (1097 dB fo one trnsponder on beam 9044;10.53 dB fo six tansponders
  on bear 9012; .92 d degradation for onetransponder on beam 9045; and 4.79 dB degradation on six
    «rarsponders on beam 9043), ts aso wordh noting that Table 2 ofAtachment 1 indiatesa worst
    case OEPM degradatin for USABSS—18 or11.8 dB.

    from allaying concems, even the example offered by Spectrum Five as a faindicator of
    the interference environment demonstrates the severity ofthe problem.
           Nonetheless, Spectrum Five concludes that "[}hese results indicate a promising
    shating situation"" and that "coordination with affected parties will be readily
    achievable."" Needless to say, DIRECTV does not share Spectrum Five‘s optimism. But
in any event, at present there is no coordination agreement between Spectrum Five and

DIRECTV — indeed, to DIRECTV‘s knowledge, neither Spectrum Five nor its licensing
administration has even requested negotiation. Given the significant interference that
would result from the operations proposed by Spectrum Five, the Commission should not
blithely assume that coordination is likely, or even possible. Rather,unless and until
such an agreement is reached with all U.S. DBS operators, Spectrum Five‘s application is
not ripe and should be denied.
           Second, Spectrum Five asserts that the "provision of BSS from satelltes spaced
substantilly less than nine degrees apart is already common in Europe.""" In support of
this assertion, it cites SES Astra‘s operation of satelites with four tofive degree
spacing."". DIRECTV previously addressed this argument when it was made by SES
Americom last year in support ofanother petition to provide service in the U.S. from a
short—spaced BSS orbital location. DIRECTV first showed that the satellites in question
were not providing co—frequency BSS/DTH service, and then used field measurements to
demonstrate that the interference environment in Europe is not nearly as problematic as
*      AtachmentI atp.7.
*      85 Peitonatp.6.
©      n arp $
*      Technical Appendicat 1213

the environment that would be created by a short—spaced BSS orbital location over the
U.S—" The specious "Buropeans already short—space" argument should be no more
availing for Spectrum Five than it was for SES Americom.
        Third, Spectrum Five has requested a partial waiver of the requirement under
Section 25.1 14(d)3) of the Commission‘s rules to provide a full set of antenna beam
diagrams in ":@xt" format, because doing so "would be unnecessarily burdensome."""

Instead, it has provided a text file with information on its beams, as well as a Microsoft
Access "mdb"file with certain system characteristics. Unfortunately, the information
submitted is not sufficient to allow interested parties such as DIRECTV to perform a
complete analysis ofpotential interference from the proposed satellite. GXT files are the
common format used with the ITU‘s GIMS and MSPACE software packages to analyze
interference scenarios,and in fact Spectrum Five must have generated them in order to
conduct the MSPACE analysis summarized in itsfiling. Providing them here would not
be burdensome, as demonstrated by the fact that DIRECTV submitted .gxt fles(both co—
pol and eross—pol) for each of ts three BSS spot beam satelltes (DIRECTV 48,
DIRECTV 78, and DIRECTV 95). Sinceinterference concernsare likely to be the most

significant issue in this proceeding, such information is particularly important here.

       DIRECTV has repeatedly demonstrated that "tweener" proposals would cause
significant interference to existing and future operations of BSS systems serving millions
of U.S. subscribers. Spectrum Five‘s recent addition to the growing list of such proposals

.. See Leters from Willam M. Wilishie to Marlene . Dortch, Rep. No SPB—196SAT—PDR—200z0t25.
   00071 (dted July23, 2004and Sept.$, 2004)
°85 Peiion, Addenda to Schedule S and Requests for Parial Waivers,atp.4.

is no different. Indeed, the SS Petition itself demonstrates as much. DIRECTV again
wurges the Commission to address the issues related to "tweener" operations, ifatall,in a
comprehensive rulemaking.
          DIRECTV does not oppose the entry of a new source of competition in the
multichannel video programming distribution market — though Spectrum Five apparently
does notitselfintend to offer such services."" But there are other means to achieve such
entry that would not place atrisk the substantial investment that existing U.S. BSS
operators have made in their systems or frustrate the expectations of U.S. consumers that

such systems will, like their cable competitors, continually improve their video offerings.
For example, the Commission has allocated spectrum for BSS service in the "expansion"
frequencies at 17 GHz. Under these circumstances, and for the reasons stated herein,

DIRECTV submits that the public interest would not be served by granting the SS
Petition, and requests that the Commission denyit.
                                                   Respectfully submitted,
                                                   DIRECTV Evrerpmises, tie

                                                           William M. Wiltshire
                                                           Michael D. Nilsson

                                                   Hamus, Wicrsie & Granys uP
                                                   1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.
                                                   Washington, DC 20036

Dated: May 16, 2005

©*—   Spectrum FiveSintends to make is services vailble t other DBS providers" ncluding the
      incurbents. SS Pertion atpp. 14—15.

                        ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION

      The undersigned hereby certifies to the Federal Communications Commission as
      1 am the technically qualified person responsible for the enginecring information
      contained in the foregoing Opposition,
(i)   1 am familiar with Part 25 ofthe Commission‘s Rules, and
Cio   T have either prepared or reviewed the engincering information contained in the
      foregoing Opposition, and it is complete and accurate to the best ofmy
      knowledge and belief.


                                           David Patillo

                                           May 16, 2005

                          CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

      Ihereby certify that, on this 16th day of May, 2005, a copy ofthe foregoing
Opposition of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC was served by hand delivery upon:

             Richard E. Wiley
             Todd M. Stansbury
             Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
             1776 K Street, N.W.
             Washington, DC 20006

                                                  Jennifer Ans¢lmo

Document Created: 2005-05-19 16:12:23
Document Modified: 2005-05-19 16:12:23

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