Attachment letter

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-20050312-00062 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


our ret:        1g2A
pate:          12 May 2005                                      meas
Mr Kevin 3 Mortin                                               soumases
Chaiman           mf              is                _ otMetiemand                     _
Intemational Buresu                                    se          sarioumsssmamms             memsoen
445, 12" Strect, S.                                    Spptamfnstc
Washington, DC 20554                                   #eqmmis. _      e
Urited States                                         smer  sarrormmssmame mssn
                                                      Spectum FeLLC
                                                      seectrum 1a
Dear M Martin
Letter of Intent of Spectrum Five to provide a DBS service
Te Federal Communications Commission (°FCC) of the United States has placed on Pubiic Notice
the Letter of Intent of Spectrum Five to provide DBS service to the United States via to
Netherfands heensed BSS sateites to be located at 114.5° W, Spectrum TA (SAT—LOT—20050312—
00062) and Spectrum 18 (SAT—LOE—20050312—00063).
The Gbratar Reguatory Authorty (GRA®) as the authorising body for USAT S2, would lke to
inform the FGC that the United Kingdom has fled with the International Telecommunications Union
(TTU~), on behalf of Gbratar, requests for Modifcation of the ITU Region 2 BSS and Feeder lnk
Plans as specifed in Appendices 30/50N to the ITU Radio Reguitions (USAT S2 (14.5w) fied 25
Apil 2003 and USAT S2 MOD A(124.3W) fled 23 October 2003).
The GRA would fke to express is concem as to the potential for harmul nterference Into ts
networks from the Netherlands‘ lter—led network of Spectrum Five (SF BSGS submitted 29
October 2004). Te TTU Racio Regultions require the countyy requesting a modifcation of the
BSS Plans to seek and galn agreement of countries whose assignments are identfied as afected in
order for acceptance of the molfcation into the Plan.
As the Netherlands has not yet obtained or sought such agreement fom the United Kingdom for
its network at 114.5° W, any BSS satelite operation at 114.5° W by Spectrum Five must be on a
nor—interference basis with respect to the above referenced Gibratar networks, and any FCC
suthoriy granted to Spectrum Five should reflect this requirement.. Further, as Spectrum Five
recognizes on Page 4 of Exhibt 1 of its Technical Appendy, it is unlkly that suctessful
ecordination could be achieved for networks located at the same orbit location covering the same
service area.
Yours sinc

ces        Mr Bob Phiips, Ofcom

                              CeRtIFICATE OF SERVICE

              1, Debra Hosang, do hereby certiy that on this 16" day of May, 2008,
copies of the foregoing letter ofthe Gibraltar Regulatory Authority were served to the
following parties by fist class mail

                                          i     Debra Hosang                   ;

              David Witson
              Spectium Five LLC
              626 S. 25" Street
              Arlington, VA 22202
              Richard E. Wiey
              Todd M. Stansbury
              Wiley Rein & Fielding LLP
              1776 K Street, NW.
              Washington, D.C. 20006

Document Created: 2005-06-01 15:13:56
Document Modified: 2005-06-01 15:13:56

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