Attachment O&A


DECISION submitted by FCC,IB



This document pretains to SAT-LOI-19980130-00011 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                Federal Communications Commission                DA 04-907

                                            Before the
                                Federal Communications Commission
                                      Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                                  1
Kitcomm Satellite Communications Ltd.                       File No. 85-SAT-LOI-98
Letter of Intent to Provide Mobile
Satellite Services to the United States
Using a Constellation of Satellites in            1
Non-Geo stationary Orbits                         1
Kitcomm Satellite Communications Ltd.                       File No. 123-SAT-MISC-98

Request for Waiver of Section 25.137(c)
of the Commission’s Rules.                        )

                                 ORDER AND AUTHORIZATION

Adopted: March 31,2004                                           Released: March 31,2004

By the Chief, International Bureau:

                                           I. Introduction

        1. In this Order, we dismiss the Letter of Intent (LOI) filed by Kitcomm Satellite
Communications Ltd. (Kitcomm) to use an Australian-licensed satellite system to provide
Mobile Satellite Service (MSS) to users in the United States. We also dismiss as moot
Kitcomm’s request for a waiver of the Commission’s processing round requirement.
Kitcomm’s proposed operations would affect the operations of other MSS systems now
providing service. Consequently, until Kitcomm can demonstrate that its operations will
not impact existing services or that it has successfully coordinated its operations with
these other systems, we will not allow it to serve the U.S. market.

                                           11. Background

       2. Kitcomm is a Bermuda corporation which is indirectly controlled by Mr.
James Kennett, an Australian citizen.’ Kitcomm states that Mr. Kennett also indirectly
controls Kitcomm Pty. Ltd (KPL), an Australian corporation which developed the
technology underlying the Kitcomm satellite network. The Australian Communications
    Kitcomm Letter of Intent (LOI) at 2.

                             Federal Communications Commission                             DA 04-907

Authority (ACA) has issued licenses for the Kitcomm space statiom2 Kitcomm further
states that KPL has, by contract, granted Kitcomm all necessary rights and licenses to
utilize the Kitcomm satellite network and to provide mobile data services. According to
Kitcomm, the ACA and the Australian Government have approved the licensing
arrangements between KPL and Kit~omm.~

         3.        Kitcomm plans to launch a constellation of 21 small, polar-orbiting
satellites in three plane^.^ These satellites will provide two-way communications and
geolocation services between thousands of small, remote terminal units and gateway
earth stations via the public switched telecommunications network. The system will
operate in portions of the “L-band” frequencies, specifically, the 1525-1530 MHz
frequency band in the space-to-Earth direction and the 1626.5-163 1.5 MHz band in the
Earth-to-space direction.’ Kitcomm acknowledges that other MSS systems are operating
in the L-band. These systems are authorized by the United States, Russia, Canada,
Mexico, and the United Kingdom. Three of these systems are authorized to provide
service to customers in the United States! Kitcomm states that it has chosen a
modulation scheme and network design that will not necessarily preclude other systems
fiom sharing Kitcomm’s proposed ~pectrum.~         According to Kitcomm, maintaining the
status quo in the L-band constitutes warehousing of spectrum for an indeterminate
amount of time.8

        4.        Motient, which holds the license for the U.S. L-band MSS system,
opposes a grant of U.S. access to Kitcomm, arguing that doing so would adversely affect
its current and planned operations. Globalstar, LEO One, and Space System License,
Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Motorola, Inc. (Motorola) and Iridium LLC
(Iridium), also oppose Kitcomm’s request. These parties assert that a grant of Kitcomm’s
application would interfere with existing L-band operations and should only be granted in

 See letter fiom Tam K. Giunta, Counsel, to Fern J. Jarmulnek, Deputy Chief, Satellite Division, FCC
(Oct. 17,2003).

    Id. at 3.

  See Amendment of Parts 2, 22 and25 of the Commission’sRules to Allocate Spectrumfor and to
Establish Other Rules and Policies Pertaining to the Use of Radio Frequencies in a Land Mobile Satellite
Servicefor the Provision of Various Common Carrier Services, Memorandum Opinion, Order, and
Authorization, Gen. Docket No. 84-1234,4 FCC Rcd 604 1 (1 989), Final Decision on Remand, 7 FCC Rcd
266 (1992) (AMSC Authorization Order);Satcom Systems, Inc. and T M Communicationsand Co., Order
and Authorization, 14 FCC Rcd 20798 (1999) (TMI Order), afld AMSC Subsidiary Corporation v. FCC,
2 16 F.3d 1 154 (D.C. Cir. 2000); Comsat Corp. et al., Memorandum Opinion, Order, and Authorization, 16
FCC Rcd 21661 (2001)(InmarsatAccessOrder).

    Kitcomm LO1 at 3.

‘ I d . at 5.


                                Federal Communications Commission                               DA 04-907

the context of a processing round. Space Systems License, Inc. also asserts that
Kitcomm’s request fails to comply with the Commission’s out-of-band emissions

                                              III.     Discussion

           A. DISCO 11Framework

       5.        In the DISCO 11Order, the Commission established the framework by
which non-U.S. licensed satellite systems could obtain access to the United States
market. Under this fiamework, non-U.S. licensed satellite systems seeking access to
U.S. spectrum may request, through a letter of intent, that the Commission “reserve”
spectrum for the system in anticipation of earth station applications to be filed to access
the non-U.S. licensed satellite system.

        6.       The Commission set forth a public interest analysis applicable in
evaluating requests to use non-U.S. licensed space stations to provide satellite service in
the United States. This analysis considers the effect on competition in the United
States,” spectrum availability,” eligibility and operating (e.g.,technical) requirements,’2
and national security, law enforcement, foreign policy, and trade concern^.'^ We
consider spectrum availability first and dismiss Kitcomm’s application on this ground. l4

           B. Spectrum Availability
        7.         In DISCO 11,the Commission determined that, given the scarcity of
geostationary orbit locations and spectrum resources, it would consider spectrum
availability as a factor in determining whether to allow a foreign satellite to serve the

 Amendment of the Commission’s Regulatory Policies to Allow Non-U.S. Licensed SateNites Providing
Domestic and International Service in the United States, Report and Order, IB Docket No. 96-1 11, 12 FCC
Rcd 24094,24 174 (para. 186) (1 997) (DISCO II or DISCO II Order).

lo   DISCO IIy 12 FCC Rcd at 24107-56 (paras. 30-145).

I’   DISCO II, 12 FCC Rcd at 24157-59 (paras.146-50).

     DISCO II, 12 FCC Rcd at 24159-69 (paras. 151-74).

l 3 DISCO II,   12 FCC Rcd at 24 169-72 (paras. 175-82).

l4 In light of our dismissal of Kitcomm’s LO1 on spectrum availability grounds, we need not address other
issues raised by Kitcomm or the commenters or complete our DISCO II analysis. However, we note that
Kitcomm’s application fails to comply with other requirements that apply to all space stations seeking to
serve the U.S. market. Kitcomm did not provide space station antenna gain contours as required by Section
25.1 14(c) (7) of the Commission’s rules, or the dimensions of its proposed space stations as required by
Section 25.1 14(c) (12). 47 C.F.R. $0 25.1 14(c) (7), (c) (12). Finally, the application contains no technical
information regarding out-of-band emissions characteristics. See 47 C.F.R. $25.216.


                               Federal Communications Commission                                DA 04-907

United States.” This is consistent with the Chairman’s Note to the Basic Telecom
Agreement, which states that WTO Members may exercise their domestic
spectrurdfrequency management policies when considering foreign entry. Thus, in
DISCO 11,we stated that when grant of access would create interference with U.S.-
licensed systems, we may impose technical constraints on the foreign system’s operations
in the United States or, when conditions cannot remedy the interference, deny access.16

        8.       Under the Radio Regulations of the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU), operators of satellite systems are required to coordinate their spectrum use
to prevent interference to, and receive protection from, other systems. In North America
and nearby international airspace and maritime areas, five satellite systems, which all
operate in geostationary-satellite orbit (GSO), currently provide service in the L-band’s
66 megahertz (33 megahertz in each transmission direction) MSS allocation.
International coordination of the L-band frequencies has been difficult because the stated
requirements of the five systems involved in the coordination far exceed the 66
megahertz of spectrum available.

         9.       In 1996, the operators of the five North American L-band systems
signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU). The MoU specified that ”[s]pectrum
allocations to individual operators will be reviewed annually on the basis of actual usage
and short-tern projections of fbture need.” Unlike most international coordinations that
create permanent assignments of specific spectrum, the operators’ assignments can
change from year to year based on their marketplace needs. Significantly, each of the
five operators received less spectrum than it had requested for its system, for its long-
term use and, in some cases, less spectrum than it had been authorized to use by its
respective administration. This includes Motient, which has not been able to coordinate
all the spectrum for which it is licensed. While the operator-to-operator agreement
expired in 1999, the five parties have continued to coordinate their operations informally
and have been operating interference-fiee.

        10.       Opponents argue that a grant of Kitcomm’s LO1 request would interfere
with existing L-band operations. Motient states that while it does not currently operate in
the portion of the L-band that Kitcomm proposes to use-the “lower L-band”--its
pending application for its second-generation MSS system proposes to use those
Gequen~ies.’~   Moreover, Motient notes that both Inmarsat and the Mexican system
operate on Kitcomm’s proposed frequencies. According to Motient, the additional

Is   DISCO Il, 12 FCC Rcd at 241 59 (para. 150).

I6   Id.

l 7 Motient Opposition at 3. Since the time it filed its comments, Motient received authority to expand its
“upper L-band” operations into the “lower L-band.” See Establishing Rules and Policies for the Use of
Spectrum for Mobile Satellite Service in the Upper and Lower L-band, Report and Order, 17 FCC Rcd
2704 (2002).

** Motient Opposition at 5 .


                                Federal Communications Commission                             DA 04-907

congestion in the L-band would make it less likely that it would ever be able to
coordinate the full complement of spectrum to which it is licensed. Leo One also
contends that Kitcomm’s operation in the bands, even on a non-harmfd interference
basis, would consume spectral resources, thus limiting or precluding the use by other
parties.   ’
        11.       We agree that allowing Kitcomm’s non-geostationary satellite orbit
(NGSO) system would interfere with existing GSO U.S. operations in the lower L-band.
Both Motient and Inmarsat are providing service in the United States in the lower L-
band. The Commission granted Motient a license for an “upper L-band” system in 1989
and a license to expand into the “lower L-band” in 2002.2’ Subsequently, the
Commission authorized Inmarsat, a foreign-authorized system, to provide service in the
United States because its operations had been coordinated with Motient’s and therefore
would not impact Motient’s service.”

        12.      In contrast, Kitcomm has not coordinated its proposed operations with
either Motient or Inmarsat nor has Australia, the licensing administration of Kitcomm’s
system, asked to participate in L-band coordination with the five other operating systems.
Indeed, by Kitcomm’s admission, its operations would impact existing operators.
Kitcomm states that it has chosen a modulation scheme and network design that will “not
necessarily” preclude the use of these frequencies by other users.22 Moreover, Kitcomm
has not provided any technical analyses demonstrating that its operations will not cause
harmful interference to or protect incumbent MSS operators.

        13.       Further, our analysis indicates that Kitcomm’s proposed system is likely
to cause harmful interference to existing L-band operators.23 Specifically, Kitcomm
proposes to use Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum techniques for modulation, which
spreads the transmitted message at very low power across the five megahertz of lower L-
band spectrum in which Kitcomm proposes to operate. This modulation technique
creates the possibility that once a Kitcomm NGSO satellite appears in the view of earth
stations accessing the MSS GSO satellites authorized to provide service in the United
States, brief but unacceptable co-channel interference may be caused to other MSS
     Leo One Petition to Deny at 6.
     See Lower L-band Order, 17 FCC Rcd 2704.
  Inmarsat Access Order, 16 FCC Rcd at 21698 (para. 71). Similarly, the Commission granted TMI, the
Canadian MSS licensee, authority to provide MSS in the U.S. market in the upper L-band because it
operated on spectrum coordinated for the Canadian MSS system and would not interfere with or affect
Motient’s (then AMSC’s) existing operations. T M Order, 14 FCC Rcd at 20810 (para. 25).

22   Kitcomm LO1 at 2.

23 Specifically, Globalstar states that it has been demonstrated that licensing one CDMA system in specific
spectrum reduces the potential to license additional CDMA systems. See Globalstar Opposition at 6
[citingReport of the MSS Above I GHz Negotiated Rulemaking Committee, Final Report of the Majority of
the Active Participants of Informal Working Group 1, at $ 5 (April 6, 1993)].


                        Federal Communications Commission                    DA 04-907

operators that are authorized to provide service in the United States. Consequently,
granting Kitcomm authority to access the United States would adversely impact service
now being provided to U.S. customers. We can think of no technical constraints that we
can readily place on Kitcomm’s operations that would remedy inter-system interference,
nor has Kitcomm suggested any. Thus, until Kitcomm has successfully coordinated its
system or can demonstrate that its operations will not impact existing services, we will
not allow it to serve the U.S. market.

                                 IV.    Conclusion and OrderinP Clauses

        14.      We find that the dismissal of Kitcomm’s request to serve the United
States will ensure that existing L-band operations will continue without interference.

     15.      Accordingly, IT IS ORDERED that Kitcomm Application File Nos. 85-
SAT-LOI-98 and 123-SAT-MISC-98 are DISMISSED.

       16.      IT IS FURTHER ORDERED THAT the petitions to deny and/or
oppositions to Kitcomm’s LO1 and waiver request filed by Globalstar, LEO One, and
Motient, and Space Systems License, Inc. ARE GRANTED to the extent set forth herein.

       17.      This Order is issued pursuant to Section 0.261 of the Commission’srules
on delegated authority, 47 C.F.R. 50.261, and is effective upon release.

                             FEDER44COMMIJMQATIONS COMMlSSION

                             Donald Abelson
                             International Bureau


Document Created: 2004-04-07 11:16:09
Document Modified: 2004-04-07 11:16:09

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