Attachment bond


OTHER submitted by ICO



This document pretains to SAT-LOI-19970926-00163 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


By Hand Delivery
                                                                     JUN 2 3 2005
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
Secretary                                                      Fedoral mmrnunicatbwCommission
Federal Communications Commission                                       Office of Secret3ly
445 Twelfth Street, SW, Room TW-A325
Washington, D.C. 20554

                Re:     File Nos. SAT-LOI-19970926-00163,SAT-MOD-200501 10-00004

Dear Ms. Dortch:

        On May 24,2005, the Commission issued an order granted an application by IC0
Satellite Services G.P. (“ICO”) to modify its Letter of Intent authorization to substitute a
geostationary satellite at the 91” W.L. orbital location for its non-geostationary satellite
system.’ In accordance with paragraph 40 of the ModiJication Order and Section 25.165 of
the Commission’s rules, IC0 hereby files a copy of its $1.5 million performance bond and
related documents. IC0 concurrently is filing a petition for partial reconsideration of the
Modijication Order to the extent that it requires IC0 to post a bond. If the petition is
granted, IC0 requests permission to cancel the bond in its entirety.

        The bond amount reflects a reduction of $1.5 million from the total $3 million
required under the rules. This specific bond amount is authorized pursuant to the
Commission’s Public Notice of May 27,2005, which acknowledges that IC0 may reduce
its bond amount by 25 percent ($750,000) for each of the two milestones that I C 0 has
completed to date.2

        Please direct any questions regarding this matter to the undersigned.


                                          Suzanne Hutchings Malloy

 See I C 0 Satellite Services G.P., DA 05-1504 (Int’l Bur. May 24,2005) (“Modrfication
Order”).                                                                                  2000 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
 See FCC Public Notice, Policy Branch Information, DA 05-1545 (Int’l Bur. May 27,2005).   Suite 4400
                                                                                          Washington, DC 20006

                                                                                          2023304005 phone
dc-4 19641                                                                                202 330 4008 fax

                                                             IC0 GLOBAL CWvlM                                 PAGE   01/03
06123/2005 12;02        4258288021

                                                                         Bond No. 2054304

                                    License Podlot Permit Condnuoss Bond

       WHEREAS. the above baunden Principal has obtained B license or permit from the Federal
       Communications Commission ('FCC) for authority to construct, launch and operate a slngle
       geostwionary-setellie~it pursuant to its application.               SATWD-20-          1O-gePO4.    a
       ~ 1 9 9 7 0 ~ 4 0 in        1 accordance
                                      6 ~         with the terms end conditions set forth in its authorization.
       including the filing of this bond with the FCC;

       WHEREAS. the Principal is required by law TO file with the FCC a bond condhtioned as herainafter set

       NOW, THEREFORE THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the Principal shell well and
       truly perfwrn each and every obligation set forth below at the time and in the manner specified during
       ths term of this bond. then this obligation shell be void. ahenvise to remain in full farce and effect.

       PROVIDED HOWEVER. that this bond is subpct to the following conditions:

       1.    The slngle geastetionary-satellite authorized by the FCC must be constructed. kunched and
       placed in operation in accordance with the technical parameters 8nd terms and conditions Of the grant
       authorization by the following specified time periods fmileSt~es):

                   a.     Commence construction by July 31,2005,
                   b.     hunch and begin operetlons by July 17.2007

       2.    Upon completion of each milestone confirmation of which will be filed with the FCC bv the
       Principal. and issuance of B Public Notice by the FCC confirming same, the maximum penal sum of the
       bond shall be reduced by $75O,OOO via a rldar to thls bond sent to the FCC end the Obligee.
       3.     In the evmt of a Natictr of Default (Le.. an order or public notice revoking the Principal's
       authorization) issued by the FCC to the Principal and the Surety regarding the performance of the
       milestones spsclfled above during the term ofthis bond, the Surety shall be liable only up to the current
       outstanding mtllrirnum penal sum amount after applimble milestone reductions. A Is also undernoad
       and unconditionally agreed that upon receipt of such Natice of Default, the sole remedy under this bond
       will be the tender of payment of the current Qutstanding maximum penal m m of the bmd within thirty
       (30)business days of such Notice of Default.

       Any such Notice of Default made under this Bond shall be made In writing and shalt he given by a
       penanal delivery or expeditad delivery service, postage prepaid, addressed to the pellies at the
       addresees specified below:

       N : W fOrrmUC0 Bond.&                                                                                  -1-


                TO the Suraty:      NMh American Specialty Insurance Company
                                    Att: Surw Claims
                                    1200 Arlingtm b i g h t s Aoad,
                                     Suite 400
                                    Itagce. IL 60143

                To the Principal:
                                    Attn: Suzanne Hutchings Malloy
                                    2000 Pennsylvania Avenue Nw,Sutte 4400
                                    Washington, D.C. 20008

    4.    No right of action shatl accrue on this band to M for the use of arty person 01 corporation orher
    than the Obligee named herein or the heirs. executors,edministtators or successors d the Obligee.

    5.     If any conflict or inconsistency exists beween the Surety's obligation or undertakings as
    described In this bmd end as described in other dccuments. statutes or regulations. then the terms of
    this bond shall preuall.

    PROVIDED FURTHER. that regodless of the number of years this bond shall continue or be continued In
    force and  of the number of premiums that shall k payable or pald the Surety shall nut be liable
    hereunder for EI larger amount in the aggregare. than the current outstanding maximum penal sum of
    this band,

    PRQVlDED FURTHER. that this bond shell be effective on the 24th day of Mrv. 2005, and shaA Cease
    at such time as the FCC confirms that the Prlncipal h8S satlsfied all of the milestones set fot-th in
    paragraph 1 above, unless earlier cancelled 8s prwlded below.

    Signed, reekd and dated the          JUE   ~   2006.

06/23/2005 12: 02   4258288021                      IC0 GLOBAL COMM   PAGE   03/03

                                 KAY A. HULL, ~d GERALD L. JAGROWSW
                                           jointly or m d l y

Document Created: 2005-07-05 13:48:34
Document Modified: 2005-07-05 13:48:34

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