Attachment 2002Commission lette

2002Commission lette

LETTER submitted by IB,FCC



This document pretains to SAT-LOI-19970926-00163 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         Federal Communications Commission

                  y 4
                   i /                           Washington, DC 20554
International Bureau

           August 16, 2002
           VIA U.S. MAIL AND FACSIMILE: (202) 887—0763
           Cheryl A. Tritt, Esq.
           Counsel to ICO Satellite Services G.P.
           Morrison and Foerster, LLP
           2000 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
           Suite 5500
           Washington, DC 20006—1888

           Re:           I1CO Satellite Services G.P.
                         File No. 188—SAT—LOI—97; IBFS File Nos. SAT—LOI—19970926—00163; SAT—AMD—
                         20000612—00107; SAT—AMD—20001103—00155

           Dear Ms. Tritt:

                         On July 17, 2001, the International Bureau ("Bureau") authorized ICO Services Limited
           ("ICO"), the predecessor—in—interest to ICO Satellite Services G.P., to provide mobile—satellite
           service ("MSS") to U.S. consumers from a United Kingdom—licensed satellite in the 2 GHz band.‘
           In this Order, we assigned implementation milestones for the construction, launch, and operation
           of the satellite system. To satisfy the first construction implementation milestone for 2 GHz MSS
           authorizations, the Bureau required ICO to enter into a non—contingent satellite manufacturing
           contract by July 17, 2002‘ The execution of a contract that does not provide for complete
           construction of the satellites in question by a specified date consistent with the authorization‘s
           milestone deadline for making its system fully operational cannot satisfy a construction
           commencement milestone requirement.

                    By your letter dated October 15, 2001, ICO certified that it satisfied the first construction
           milestone by entering into a satellite manufacturing contract with Boeing Satellite Systems
           International, Inc. (formerly Hughes Space and Communications International, Inc.), effective
           October 3, 1995 ("October 1995 Contract"). In order for the Commission to determine whether
           the October 1995 Contract complies with the first construction milestone condition of ICO)‘s
           authorization, please submit a copy of the signed executed October 1995 Contract, verifying that
           construction of ICO‘s satellites will be complete within a time frame consistent with the
           authorization‘s milestone deadline for making ICO‘s system fully operational. This submission

           ‘ ICO Services Limited, Letter of Intent to Provide Mobile—Satellite Service in the 2GHz Bands, Order and
           Authorization, DA 01—1635, 16 FCC Red 13762 (Int‘l Bur./OET 2001).
           > Id. at [ 34.
           3 See Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc., Memorandum Opinion and Order, DA 02—1468, 17 FCC
           Red 11898 at { 11 (Int‘l Bur. 2002); see also Morning Star Satellite Company, LL.C., Memorandum
           Opinion and Order, FCC 01—179, 16 FCC Red 11550 at € 5 (2001), aff‘g DA 00—1265, 15 FCC Red 11350
           at [ 8 (Int‘l Bur. 2000).

should also include a copy of the Statement of Work as well as technical specifications. This
information must be filed with the Commission‘s Secretary by August 26, 2002, with a hand
delivered courtesy copy to Howard Griboff of my staff.

        Please contact Howard Griboff at (202) 418—0657 if you have any questions.


                                                         Firan 8’Ww
                                                         Fern J. Jarmulnek            ,
                                                         Deputy Chief, Satellite Division
                                                         International Bureau

cc: Gerry Salemme
    Lawrence H. Williams
    A. Suzanne Hutchings

Document Created: 2014-12-23 16:56:16
Document Modified: 2014-12-23 16:56:16

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