Attachment 2003Supplemental Orb

2003Supplemental Orb


Supplemental Orbital Debris


This document pretains to SAT-LOI-19970926-00163 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                         MorRrIsoN & FOERSTER ut                                           ORlGlNAL
SAN FRANCISCO                          ATTORNEYS AT LAW                            NEW YORK
LOS ANGELES                                                                        WASHINGTON, D.C.
DENVER                           2000 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, NW                      NORTHERN VIRGINIA
PALO ALTO                          WASHINGTON, D.C. 20006—1888                     LONDON
WALNUT CREEK                        TELEPHONE (202) 887—1500                       BRUSSELS
SACRAMENTO                         TELEFACSIMILE (202) 887—0763                    BEIJING
CENTURY CITY                                                                       HONG KONG
ORANGE COUNTY                                                                      SINGAPORE
SAN DIEGO                                                                          TOKYO
                                            January 29, 2003

                                                                                   Writer‘s Direct Contact
                                                                                (202) 887—1510
                                                                  R EC E !VE l}
 By Hand Delivery

 Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                                              JAN 2 9 2003
 Secretary                                                     FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS cowmmn
 Federal Communications Commission                                   OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY       o
 The Porisis                                                                                  Oceived
 445 12®" Street,   S.W., Room TW—A325                                                  Fikp &8 9y
 Washington, D.C. 20554                                                                                ‘003

            Re: ICO Satellite Services G.P.                          lmenmrg,wa
                Supplemental Orbital Debris Mitigation Statement
                File No. 188—SAT—LOI—97; IBFS Nos. SAT—LOI—19970926—00163 et al.

 Dear Ms. Dortch:

         Pursuant to Paragraph 22 of the order reserving 2 GHz mobile satellite service spectrum
 for the predecessor—in—interest of ICO Satellite Services G.P. ("ICO®"),‘ ICO submits this
 supplemental information regarding mitigation of orbital debris.

          The ICO LOI Order required ICO to "provid[e] greater specificity regarding the range of
 storage orbit parameters selected for disposal ofits satellites.""" ICO believes that it provided
 sufficient information in its orbital debris mitigation statement, which specified that each satellite
 "will be maneuvered into a storage orbit above its operational orbit" and "[i]n this storage orbit,
 the satellite will not interfere with future space operations."" ICO nonetheless supplements its

\See ICO Services Limited, 16 FCC Red 13762, 13770—71 « 22 (IB/OET 2001) ("ICO LOI Order").
* Id.
> See Second Amendment to ICO Services Limited Letter of Intent, App. G, at 10 (Nov. 3, 2000). Under
Section 6—2(b) of the National Aeronautics & Space Administration/Department of Defense Guidelines
regarding assessment procedures for limiting orbital debris, disposal for final mission orbits with perigee
altitudes above low earth orbit ("LEO") at 2,000 kilometers may be accomplished by maneuvering to a
storage orbit anywhere between LEO and geostationary earth orbit. See Guidelines and Assessment
Procedures for Limiting Orbital Debris, NSS 1740.14, § 6—2(b) (Aug. 1995) ("NASA/DoD Guidelines").
Based on Figure 6—1 of the NASA/DoD Guidelines, ICO‘s six—hour MEO may be considered as a "Low—
Altitude Storage Orbit" (i.e., an orbit at least 500 kilometers above LEO). Thus, ICO‘s plan to move each

                            MorrIsON & FOERSTER iur
Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
January 29, 2003
Page Two

debris mitigation statement to specify that it will boost each satellite at the end of its operational
life to a storage orbit of approximately 10,690 kilometers, or 300 kilometers above the nominal
ICO MEO orbit.

         The ICO LOI Order also notes that ICO and other 2 GHz MSS operators should "develop
appropriate operational plans and procedures to minimize the probability of collision with large,
known objects during satellite orbital lifetime."* According to the NASA/DoD Guidelines, the
probability of collision with large, known objects for spacecraft in medium earth orbit ("MEO"),
such as ICO‘s six—hour orbit at 10,390 kilometers, is zero." Under Section 5—1 of the NASA/DoD
Guidelines, when the probability of collision with large, known objects is less than 0.001, the
intent of the guidelines has been met.

        It is unclear whether the ICO LOI Order requires ICO specifically to address plans to
minimize the probability of collision with large, known objects, particularly where that
probability is zero. Nonetheless, in an abundance of caution, ICO supplements its debris
mitigation statement to specify that it will consider maintaining an on—going situational
awareness capability, with a view to providing adequate and timely warning of the risk of
collision posed by tracked objects in space intersecting ICO‘s orbit, to the extent that appropriate
information (i.e., orbit ephemeris data) is available. If necessary, satellite station—keeping
maneuvers will be used to minimize the possibility of collision by avoiding intersecting orbits
with large, known objects during the lifetime of ICO satellites. Because the risk of collision
between ICO spacecraft and large, known objects is virtually non—existent, ICO does not
anticipate any need to conduct avoidance maneuvers.

                                                   Very truly yours,

                                                    %             Z/%
                                                   Cheryl    A. Tritt
                                                   Counsel to ICO Satellite Services G.P.

satellite just above MEO at the end of its operational life is in full compliance with the NASA/DoD
* See ICO LOI Order, 16 FCC Red at 13770 « 22
° Specifically, Section 5—1 (Assessment of Debris Generated by On—Orbit Collisions) of the NASA/DoD
Guidelines provides that the probability, P, of an MEO space system colliding with an intact structure or
large debris object during its mission life is zero. The instructions for computing this probability specifies
that the orbital debris flux, one of the multiplicative terms in the equation for P, is taken to be zero for
altitudes above 2000 kilometers.


Document Created: 2014-12-22 15:58:50
Document Modified: 2014-12-22 15:58:50

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