Attachment submitting info

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-19970926-00161 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


Vinson&Elkins                                                  e
      arao©.tusis musstniamsin
     Teraessoeree recaceoronnce                           AUG 1 2 2005

     August 1, 200

     Marlene H. Dortch
     Federal Communications Commission
     445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
     Washington, DC 20554
     Re:    TMI Communications and Company Limited Partnership
            File Nos.   SAT—LOT—19970926—00161;
                        SAT—AMD—20001 103—60158;
     Dear Ms. Dortch:

            Transmitted herewith, on behalf of TMI Communications and Company Limited
     Partnership (TMD, is a copy ofthe modified approval—in—principalissued by Industry Canada
     on July 26, 2005 for TMI‘s above referenced 2 GHz MSS system. ‘The modified approval
     authorizes TMI t use 2 x 7 MHz of spectrum (instead of 2 x 4 MHz) with an additional 2 x 3
     MHz available subject to certain conditions.

            Please direct any questions regarding this filing to the undersigned.

                                                  Gregory Staple

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      bee:   Robert Power
             Zie Rivers
             Jennifer Manner

Industy Canada     Industre Canada
208tn S
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       Jut26 205                                       Our File: 46215—1 (35381 RBY

Mr. Ted H. Iunacy
Vice—President, Finance
"TMI Communications and Company, LP
1601 Telesat Court
P.0. Box 9826
Ottawa, ON
Dear Mr. Ignacy:
            I refer to your letter ofJune 30, 2005 requesting a modification to the
amount of2 GHz spectrum that is currently assigned to TMI Communications and
Company, Limited Partnership (TM) under ts spproval—in—principle issued by
Industry Canada on May 6, 2002 and as amended on February 21, 2005. More
specifically, you have asked the Department to assign additional spectrum to
better reflect tspectrum demands and design characteristics of the proposed
2 GHz satelit system and to reflect recent developments in the United States
regarding the reallocation ofavailable 2 GHz spectrum‘.
           In reviewing your request, the Department has taken into account that
its May 2002 approval—in—principle was granted on a non—compstitive basis and
that the spectrum assignment was made, consistent with the principles t out in
the Department‘s policy on the implementation and authorization of2 GHz
mobile satellte services (MSS)       Canada‘, and taking nto account the award of
spectrum to MSS systems by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC).
          in October 2003,the Department iniited a public consultation on new
spectrum for advanced wireless services n the 2 GHz range (DGTP—007—03). One
proposal was to change the mobile satelite frequency allocations to the bands

‘ Referenc FCC June29, 2008 Commision invtes comments consering use ofporions of
retumed 2 GHte Mobilestelte servie frquencis 1B Docket No. 08 220 and 1B DocketNo.
* As found in secion 5 ofIduty Canada‘s Spectrm Unlinion Poly, Amendment to the
Microwave Spectrum Unlirtion Poliies in the 1—3 GHt Frequency Range (SP13 GHte)


2000—2020 MHz and 2180—2200 MHz (instead of 1990—2025 MHz and 2160—2200
MEHz). The Department has not yettaken a decision on these proposed allocation
changes, but all considerations would indicate thatit would be beneficial to
harmonize the Canadian allocations and spectrum designation for mobile satllite
services within the North American context. Funhermore, the Depertment intends
to be in a positon to accommodate the greatestnumber ofmobile satelite
networks so as o offer Canadians choice ofservices and suppliers. The
Department reserves the flexibilty t make future allocation and spectrum
designation changes which willadvance the public interest
           The Department has concluded that, while changes to the spectrum
allocation are stll being considered, your request for modifications should be
accepted to support your plans for developing an advanced Canadian mobile
satelite capable ofserving the Canadian market and beyond. With two satelite
operstors, which include TML, having definitve plans toimplement mobile
satelit services in the near term, the Department supports TMI‘s request to
change its assignment ofmobile satelite spectrum from 4 MHz in each direction.
plus the conditional 4 MHzin each direction. TMI will be authorized to use 7
MHz in each direction with additional 3 MHz in each direction available on a
conditional basis. The conditional spectrum would be available to TMI subject to
the final plenning ofthe spectrum for the North American market
           Attached you will find the conditions applicable to the Department‘s
approval of TM‘s2 GHz mobile satelite plan. These conditions consolidate the
original conditions affixed to the May 2002 approval in principle with the
conditions as amended in February 2005 and by this leter
           Please note thatin accordance with the Department‘s commitment to
fair, open and transparent lieensing processes, this ettr will be posted on our
Strategis website. Ifyou have any questions about this letter, please contact
Richard Hicbert at(613) 998—4333.
                                            Yours sincerely,

                                             C. TDok Ask:

                                            Jan Skom
                                            Director General
                                            Radiocomunications and
                                            Broadasting Regulatory Branch


              TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership (TMI)
             Conditions to Obtzin Authority to Operate a 2 GHz Space Station
                      to Provide Mobile Satellite Services in Canada
1.        Eligibility
TMI shall conform on an ongoing basis with Canadian eligibiity requirements as se out for a
radiocommunication canier in section 10(Z)othe Radiocommunicarion Regulations.
A         Licence Transferability
This approval and any consequent licences issued to TMI may not be transferred or assigned
without full eview ofthe application by the Department and authorization ofthe Minister. For
clarification, and without limiting the generality ofthe foregoing. "transfer"includes any leasing.
sub—leasing or other disposition ofth rights and obligations of the liences, and also includes
any change which would have a materil effect on the ownership or control in fact of TML:
a.        Laws, Regulations, and Other Obligations
TMZis subject t and must comply with the ITU Radio Regulations, the Canadian
Radiocommunication Act, Radiocommunication Regulations, and spectrum and radio policies
pertaining to its authorized radio frequency bands and satellite orbital position.
4.        Coverage of Canada
TM! shall make fair and reasonable effors o provide MSS service to all regions ofCanada
within the coverage contour as described in ts application.
s.        Benefits to Public Insttutions
"TML shall direct a minimum oftwo percent ofte gross adjusted revenes from the lifetime
operation ofthis satellite, including any revenue derived from the advanced sale or lease of
satelite capacity, at providing service to public insittions. TMI and Industry Canada shall
work jointlyto develop the terms and conitions for access to this service by public institutions.
Gross adjusted revenue is defined as total revene lessintercarier payments, bad debts, thid
party commissions, and goods and services taxes collected.

                                                                                       Page 1 of 5

6.          Implementation Mitestones
TM] shall meet the following implementation milestones by the respective dates set out in the
following table:
Table of Implementation Milestones
          Milestone                                                        Date
     1|   Submission ofdesign specifications to Department for         June 15, 2002

     2.   Signature ofcontract for the construction ofthe first of     July 15, 2002
          two satellites
     3    Placement ofthe satelite into is assigned orbita           November 30, 2007

64          Submission of Final Design Specifications

Priorto entering into a contract forthe procurement of ts satelite, TME must demonstrate t the
Department that the stellite design 1) will meet the coverage and capacity set out in its
application of May 17, 2001, 2) will comply with all technical and operational requirements as
set out in Articles 21 and 22 ofthe ITU Radio Regulations, 3) willindicate what sub—bands will
\be used for the feederlinks tobe located in Canade, and thatthe use offder link spectrum will
be implemented in accordance with the provisions and procedures ofAppendix 30B ofthe U
Radio Regulations. To this end, TMI shall submit, by the Milestone 1 date above, tdesign
specifiations for the new satelite to the Depertment for approval.
62—         Signatureof Contract
Within 15 days offinalsignature ofthe Milestone 2 contract, TMI must provide evidence
satisfactory to the Department that TMI is bound to a contractual agreement with a satelite
manufacturer for the construction ofthe proposed satelte.
7           Capacity to Mect the Needs ofUsers and Service Providers in Canada
TM! shall operate the satelite as a Canadion radiocommunication carier and shall offer diecily
or through re—sellers the sateliteservices or capacity on a non—discriminatory basis in Canada.

                                                                                       Page2 of 5

8.         Assigned Spectrum for Service to Subscriber Stations

TM! willbe authorized 10 MHz in each ofthe two bands (2000—2020 MHz and 2180—2200
MHz)for service to subscriber stations. This 10 MHwill consist of 7 MHz in each direction,
with an additional 3 MHz in each direction availsble on the condition that it does not constrain
the entry ofaanother MSS operator into the Canadien market. The Department will retain full
fexibilityto adjust TM‘s assignment of2 GHz service band spectrum in order to harmonize the
assignment with other MSS assignments and with allocations for other services (ex., trrestrial
mobile services) in the North American market
TM!‘s specific MSS assignment in these bands will be determined in consulttion with the
Department. After the assignment has beon determined, TMI may request that the Department
initiate notifeation for the potential displacement of fixed systems in Canada in accordance with
condition 9 below
o.         Displacement of Fixed Stations
Should displacement offixed stations operating in the assigned service band spectrum be
required to accommodate the offering of mobile satellite serviees, TMT and Industry Canada shall
work jointly o effect such displacement in accordance with the Department‘s spectrum transition
policy to faciltate the introduction of MSS in the bands 1990—2025 MHz and 2165—2200 MHz."

10.        Use of Feeder Link Spectrum
Feeder ink earth stations shall be coordinated with terestralfixed services and be implemented
in accordance with the Canadian Table ofFrequency Allocations and any relevant spectrum
utilization policis.
"TM! shall endeavour to minimize the amount of feeder link spectrum needed to implement its
satelite, and shall coordinat its use offeeder ink spectrum with Mobile Satellite Ventures
(Caneda) Inc which operates a satllite using the samefeeder link spectrum at 106.5°W.
Use of the feeder link spectrum shall e implemented in accordance with the provisions of
Appendix $30B ofthe ITU Redio Regulations for the 107.3°W orbital position:

11.        Use of Telemetry, Telecommand and Control Spectrum

TM! shall coordinate the use of spectrum fortelemetry, telecommand and control operations with
Telesat Canada which operates a satelite using the same fixed satlliteservice spectrum at

‘ Not that decision has not t been aken on harmonizing the mobilesatelitspectrum with e U:S. per document
* Thispoliciset ouin seion .0 ofIndusty Canada‘s Spectram Uiilaton Poly (SP 1—4 GHsAmendment o
MerowaveSpectrum UiliationPoiie inthe —3 GHzFrequercy Renge
                                                                                           Page3 of 5

12.       International Coordination of Satellite
The satellite must be coordinated intemationally prior to commencement ofoperation, and be
notified to the TU. To this end, TMI must participate at ts own expense in the coordination of
the satelite network with the satelit and terestril networks ofother countries; provide the
Department in form acceptable to the ITU with all stellite coordination, notification, due
diligence and all other information required by the ITU to implement this stellite;and ensure that
the satelite conforms with any arrangements and agreements undertaken by Canada with respect
to the coordination oft satelite.

13.       Lawful Interception
TMZ shall provide and maintain lawful interception capabiltes as suthorized by law. The
requirements for lawul interception capabilites are provided in the Solicitor General publication
entitled Enforcement Standardsfor Lavfil Inerception ofTelecommunications. These standards
may be periodically amended following consaltstion with the Solicitor General ofCanada and the
You may request the Miniser to forbear from enforcing certain assistance capabilty requirements
for a limited period. The Minister, following consultation with the Solicitor General ofCanada,
may exercise his power to forbear from enforcing a requirement orrequirements where in the
opinion ofthe Minister,the requirement(sis (ere) not reasonably achievable. Forbesrance
requests must include specific details and dates when compliance to requirement(s)can be
14.       Requirement to Hold Licences
Prior to commensement ofoperation ofthe satellite and the provision ofmobile satellite service in
Canada, TMI shall obtain all necessary radio authorizations from the Department.

To this end, TMIshall submit the administrative icensing information, set out in Annex B of
Client Procedures Circular 2—6—02 (CPC:2—6—02), Licensing ofSpace Stations in Services other
than the Amateur Satellite Service and the Broadcasting Satellie Service in Planned Rands, t
Teast 90 days in advance ofthe anticipated launch date ofthe satelite. Additionally,all oeder
link and telemetry, telecommand and control earth stations communicating with the satelite must
be licensed prior to operation pursuant to Client Procedures Circular2—6—01 (CPC:2—6—01),
Procedurefor the Submission ofApplications to License Fixed Earth Stations and to Approve the
Use ofForeign Fixed—Satelite Service (PSS) Satelites in Canada.
1s.       Reporting
TMI must submit a detailed annual reportto Industry Canada. This annual report must include:
          — an update indicating progress made in all areas respecting thislicence;
          — an update indicating continued compliance with all licence conditions;
          — an update on any coordination negotiations undertaken pursuent to conditions 10, 11

                                                                                      Page 4 of 5

           and 12;
          — an update on activites related to the provision ofcapacityto public insttutions in
          accordance with condition 5;
          — copies ofany existing annual report for TMI‘sfiscal year with respect to this
          authorization and
          — a current listing ofall satelite capacity being made available through this approval
          and consequent authorizations, the capacity ssigned to Canadian service providers and
          others, including the parties to which i is assigned, and any unused capocity including
          the terms of ts availability.
These annual reportsareto be augmented with sem—annual interim reports providing an update
on all aspects of the design, procurement, construction, coordination and launch ofthe satelite
untilthe satelite has been put ito service._The first interim report is due June 30, 2002, and the
first annual reportis due April 30, 2003. These reports are to be submitted, in writing, to the
Director,Space and Intemational Regultory Activities, Radiocommunication and Broadcasting
Regulatory Branch.
16.       Traffic Reports

TMI must submit atrafic report forthe atelite at the commencement ofoperations and every
three months thereatter,indicating the channel eapaciy ofeach assigned feeder link transmit and
receive frequency in terms oft number ofteephone channels carried on each frequency, or
telephone channel equivalencies as determined by application of section 58 of he
Radiocommunication Regulations including all supporting information used to make this
determination.. These reports are o be submitted, in witing, to the Manager, Authorization
Policy, Space and Intemational Regulatory Activites, Radiocommunication and Broadcasting
Regulatory Branch.
i7         Payment of Licence Fees
TMZ must pay the applicable annual radio authorization fees within 15 days of acceptance in orbit
of the satelite from the manufacturer, and on or before March 31 of each year thereatter."

? Such fees ae exiablshedasapproprite by applicaton ofhe Rediocommunication Repaleion and the initer of
Hnduny‘afr ordr. NatceNo. DGRB—009—39 — RadioAuthoricaion FeesforMobil Stelze Srvces UsingRadio
Spectrum dbove 1 Giiz.
                                                                                           Page S of 5

Document Created: 2005-08-12 14:42:17
Document Modified: 2005-08-12 14:42:17

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