Attachment letter

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-19970926-00161 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


      9eC.Suzle puie@itawcon
      Tarmessmoree recarsesncens                    Received
                                                   mar 0 7 2005
                                                    Poicy Branch

     March 1, 2005                                 nemaloniBre@RECEIVED
                                                                    mar — 1 2005
     via EEctronic peUIveRy                                   feteslConmunestireConnisstn
     Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
     Federal Communications Commission
     445 12th Street, S.W.
     Washington, D.C. 20554
     Re:     TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership
             File No.              189—5AT—LOL97
             IBES Nos.             SAT—LOL—19970926—00161
             ET Docket N        95—18
             Industry Canada Letter Appror          Request for

     Dear Ms. Dortch:

             Transmitted herewith on behalfofTMI Communications and Company, Limited
     Partnership (TMD) is a February 21, 2005 leter to TMI from Industry Canada, modifying the
     Approval in Principle issued by Industry Canada for the above referenced 2 GHz Mobile
     Satellite (MSS) System. This modification was requested by TMI and aligns the 2007
     satellte launch milestone and the authorized service link bandwidth with the terms ofTMT‘s
     Letter of Intent (LOD) authorization, as amended. See Memorandum Opinion and Order,
     FCC 04—144, released June 29, 2004. TMI‘s Approval in Principle from Industry Canada, as
     amended, remains in full force and effect.

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V&E                                                                               Frimayas.mos rageo

      Please direct any questions regarding this submission to the undersigned.

                                                   i.           Sn eYL/
                            Counsel to TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership

      e:     Roderick Porter
             Steven Spacth
             Cassandra Thomas


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     200 Site tw
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                                                                      OurFile: 62153—4
         FEB 21 2005
     Mr. Ted H. Ignacy
     Vice—President, Finance
     TMI Communications and Company, LP
     1601 Telesat Court
     P.0. Box 9826
     Ottawa, ON
     KiG S

     Dear Mr. Ignacy:
            Irefer o your letter ofJuly 30, 2004 and December 8,2004 providing an
     update to your 2 GHz mobile satelite service (MSS) plans and a request to
     modify two conditions associated with the Department‘s May 2, 2002 approval of
     TM!‘plan for a 2 GHz mobile satllite. More specifically, you have asked the
     Department to modify the milestone requiring a placement ofthe satelite into its
     assigned orbital position to November 2007, and to modify the spectrum
     assignment t align with assignments granted by other administrations.
           In reviewing your request, the Department has taken into account that our
     May 2002 approval in principle was granted on a non—competitive basis and that
     the spectrum assignment was made, consistent with the principles set out in the
     Department‘s policy on implementation and authorization of2 GHtz mobile
     satelite services in Canada, taking into account the award ofspectrum to several
     2 GHz MSS systems by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC)¢. We
     now note a more recent FCC decision that awards 4+4 MHz ofspectrum to TMI
     and other MSS satelite operators‘.

            In October 2003, the Department initited a public consultation on new
     spectrum for advanced wireless services in the 2 GHz range (DGTP—007—03). One

            s found in section 5 oIndustyCanida‘s Spectram Uiliaion Policy, Amendnent t the
            Microwave Spoctzam Uilizaon Polile in t 1—3 GHtz Frequency Range(SP 13 Gits)
     f      Reference FCC July 17,2001 announcement, RCC Itematonal Branch Authorizes New Mobile
            Satelit Service Systems n the 2 Git Band.
            Reference FCC June 21, 2004 Memorindim Opinion and Order, RCC 04—144



proposal was to change the mobile satelite requeney allocations such that the
MSS spectrum be reduced from 35 + 40 MHz to 20 + 20 MHz and that the
revised spectrum bands be 2000—2020 MHz and 2180—2200 MHz (instead of
1990—2025 MHz and 2160—2200 MHz), The Department has not yet made a
decision on these proposed allocation changes. However, when it comes to
satelite communications, the Department‘s view has been to align the domestic
allocation within the North American context. Hence, the Department reserves
the fexibility o make allocation changes considered to be in the public interest.
       The Department has concluded that, while changes to the spectrum
allocation are stll being considered, your request for modifications should be
accepted to support your plans for developing an advanced Conadian mobile
satelite capable of serving the Canadian market and beyond. Accortingly,
conditions 6 and 8 ofthe Department‘s May 2002 approval in principle are herchy
modified as set out in out i the attachment to this ltter.
       Please note that in accordance with the Department‘s commitment to fai,
open and transparent liensing processes, this leter will be posted on our Strategis
website. Ifyou have any questions about this leter, please contact Richard
Hicbert at (613) 998—4333.
                                             Yours sincerely,

                                             Chantal Beaumier
                                             Director, Space and Intemational
                                             Regulatory Activites

6.          Implementation Milestones
TMI shall meet the fllowing implementation milestones by the respective dates set out in the
following table:
Table of Implementation Milestones
            Milestone                                                                 Date

     1.—|   Submission ofdesign specifications to Depertment for approval        June 15, 2002

     2.     Signature ofcontract for t construction ofthe first oftwo             July 15, 2002

     3.     Placement ofthe satelite into its assigned orbital position       November 30, 2007

6.1         Submission of Final Design Specifications
Prior to entering into a contract for the procurement of ts satelite, TMI must demonstrate to the
Department that the satellite design 1) will meet the coverage and capacity set out in its
application ofMay 17, 2001, 2) will comply with all technical and operational requirements as
set out in Articles 21 and 22 ofthe ITU Radio Regulations,3) will indicate what sub—bands will
be used for t feeder links to be located in Canada, and that the use of feeder link spectrum will
be implemented in accordance with the provisions and procedures ofAppendix 30B ofthe ITU
Radio Regulations. To this end, TMI shall submit, by the Milestone 1 date above, the design
specifications for the new satelit to the Department for approval.
62.         Signature of Contract
Within 15 days of final signature ofthe Milestone 2 contract, TMI must provide evidence
satisfactory to the Department that TM is bound to a contractual agreement with a satelte
manufacturer for the construction ofthe proposed satellite.

8.          Assigned Spectrum for Service to Subscriber Stations
TMI will be authorized 4 MHz in each of the two bands (1990—2025 MHz and 2165—2200 MHz)
for service to subscriber stations. n addition, TMI may be authorized a second 4 MHz in each of
the bands for as long as it does not constrain entry of another MSS operator into the Canadian

       " Note that modification ofthe mobileastelite bands are currently being proposed in Industry
Canada‘s consultation document DGTP—00703.
                                                                                         Page 1 of 2

market. The Department willretain full fexibility to adjust TMI‘s specific assignment of2 GHz
service band spectrum in order to harmonize the assignment with other MSS assignments and
with allocations for other services (eg, terrestrial mobile services) in the North American market
TMT‘s specific MSS assignment in these bands will be determined in consultation with the
Department. After the assignment has been determined, TMI may request that the Department
initate the displacement offixed systems in Canada in accordance with condition 9.

                                                                                       Page 2 of 2

Document Created: 2005-03-07 18:26:45
Document Modified: 2005-03-07 18:26:45

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