Attachment 2002Carriers objecti

This document pretains to SAT-LOI-19970926-00161 for Letter of Intent on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


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                                                                               w w w . w b kl a w . c o m

   December 11, 2002

   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554

          Re:       TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership; DA 01—1638;
                    File No. 189—SAT—LOI—97; IBFS Nos. SAT—LOI—19970926—00161,

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

          On behalf of AT&T Wireless Services, Inc., Cingular Wireless LLC, and Verizon
   Wireless (jointly, the "Carriers"), we hereby submit the following objections to the claim of TMI
   Communications and Company, Limited Partnership ("TMI") that it has timely met its initial
   milestone requirement to have entered a non—contingent satellite manufacturing contract by July
   17, 2002.‘ As demonstrated below, TMI‘s reliance on a contract to which it is not a party, not a
   beneficiary, and not a guarantor or otherwise liable, does not satisfy the Commission‘s
   requirements. As a result, the Commission should declare the TMI authorization null and void.

           In contrast to other satellite services in which the Commission attempts to make a
   predictive judgment, based on the financial resources of an applicant, as to whether the applicant
   will promptly construct, launch and operate its satellite system, for the 2 GHz MSS licenses
   granted to TMI and others the Commussion decided to forego financial qualifications and instead
   rely upon strict enforcement of the milestones to ensure timely deployment.2 This policy is

   4       See TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership, Order, 16 F.C.C.R. 13808,
   13812 and 13816 (IB 2001). Although the Commussion‘s rules do not have specific procedures
   to address milestone compliance challenges, the Commission in the past has treated objections to
   milestone compliance as informal complaints. See Morning Star Satellite Company LLC,
   Memorandum Opinion and Order, 15 F.C.C.R. 11350, 11351, n.6 (IB 2000), affd, 16 F.C.C.R.
   11550 (2001).

   +      See The Establishment ofPolicies and Service Rules for the Mobile Satellite Service in
   the 2 GHz Band, IB Docket No. 99—81, Report and Order, 15 F.C.C.R. 16127, 16150 (2000).

wWirkinson} BarkEer} KnauER)LLP
    Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
    December 11, 2002
    Page 2

    intended to ensure that the licensee commences service to the public as promised in the
    application, and spectrum does not lie fallow for years while an insincere or unfinanced company
    decides whether or not to proceed with construction, launch and operation of its satellite system.
    The initial milestone deadline for TMI was July 17, 2002, and on July 18, 2002, the Commission
    sent a letter to TMI reminding it of the obligation to have entered a non—contingent contract,
    which "contemplates that there will be neither significant delays between the execution of the
    construction contract and the actual commencement of construction, nor conditions precedent to
    construction.‘"" The Commission requested that TMI submit a copy of the signed, executed
    contract that satisfies TMI‘s obligation under the initial milestone, including the Statement of
    Work as well as the technical specifications.

           On July 26, 2002, TMI submitted a certification that "it is TMI‘s view that TMI has met
    the initial milestone in the FCC authorization.""* In addition, TMI submitted a letter agreement
    between TMI and TerreStar Networks Inc. ("TerreStar," a "proposed investor" in TMI‘s 2 GHz
    MSS system), and a contract between TerreStar and Space Systems/Loral, Inc. for the TerreStar
    1 Satellite Program. TMI requested confidential treatment of several portions of the submission.
    Based on the publicly available information contained in that submission, TMI has failed to meet
    the initial milestone.

            The contract on its face provides no evidence that TMI has entered into a non—contingent
    contract to construct, launch and operate a proposed satellite system. The contract is between
    TerreStar and Space Systems/Loral for construction of the TerreStar 1 satellite, and Section
    37.15 of that contract explicitly states that:

                  This contract is entered into solely between, and may be enforced
                  only by, Purchaser [defined as TerreStar] and Contractor and their
                  permitted assigns, and this contract shall not be deemed to create
                  any rights in third parties, including suppliers, customers and
                  owners (including TMT) of a Party, or to create any obligations of a
                  Party to any such third parties."

    3       Letter from Cassandra C. Thomas, Deputy Chief, Satellite Division, FCC to R. Edward
    Price, Vinson & Elkins, Counsel for TMLI, re: File No. 189—SAT—LOI—97, et al. (July 18, 2002).

    4      Certification of Ted H. Ignacy, Vice President, Finance, TMI, included in the Letter from
    Gregory C. Staple, Vinson & Elkins, Counsel for TMI to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC, re:
    File No. 189—SAT—LOI—97, et al. (July 26, 2002).

    5      See Contract between TerreStar Networks Inc. and Space Systems/Loral, Inc. for The
    TerreStar 1 Satellite Program (Acceptance On—Orbit), at Section 37.15 (July 14, 2002)
    (TerreStar/Loral Contract) (emphasis added).

Wirkinson ) Barker) KnauERr) LLP
    Ms. Marlene H. Doftch
    December 11, 2002
    Page 3

    There is nothing in the contract to indicate that TMI will be able to timely launch and operate its
    proposed satellite as a result of this agreement. The terse agreement between TMI and TerreStar,
    entered into two days before execution of the contract between TerreStar and Space
    Systems/Loral, merely provides that in return for TerreStar executing the contract, TMI intends
    to transfer its FCC and Canadian authorizations (subject to any necessary approvals) to a suitable
    entity.© Thus, in theory at some future point in time there may be an effort to align the licensee
    and the entity that has contracted for the construction and launch of a satellite. Without a
    satellite manufacturing contract to assign, however, the transfer of the 2 GHz MSS license would
    raise questions as to whether (i) there is any license to assign, or (ii) the transaction complies
    with the anti—trafficking rule."

            In the meantime, TMI has no rights under the satellite construction agreement. Equally
    important, TMI has no liability with regard to payment for satellite construction under the TMI—
    TerreStar agreement or the TerreStar—Space Systems/Loral contract, either directly or as a
    guarantor of the obligations of TerreStar. Thus, TMI is seemingly free to walk away from its
    proposed 2 GHz MSS system without penalty, and apparently without having spent any money
    constructing the satellite. It is to avoid such a possibility that the Commission imposed (and has
    long applied) an initial milestone requirement to enter into a binding, non—contingent contract.
    The proffered TerreStar—Space Systems/Loral contract, however, is not binding on TML.

            Subsequent to TMI‘s submission of the satellite construction contract and certification,
    the Carriers submitted a letter to the FCC noting that "there is a serious question whether TMI ..
    . has entered into a non—contingent contract, as it is relying not upon its own contract with a
    manufacturer, but rather upon a contract between a proposed investor, TerreStar Networks Inc.,
    and Loral."* Thereafter, TMI met with Commission Staff, who raised questions concerning the
    relationship between TMI and TerreStar." TMI indicated in response that it presently "only has

    6      See Agreement between TMI Communications and Company, Limited Partnership and
    TerreStar Networks Inc. (July 12, 2002). That agreement also provides that TMI further agrees
    to transfer to TerreStar "all of its right, title and interest in and under the Loral contract, the
    satellite, and all work in progress under the Loral contract," id., but as noted above, TMI has no
    rights or interest under the Loral contract. See TerreStar/Loral Contract at Section 37.15

    7        47 CFR. § 25.143(g)(1).
    8        Letter from Kathryn A. Zachem, Esq. and L. Andrew Tollin, Esq., Wilkinson Barker
    Knauer, LLP, on behalf of AT&T Wireless Services, Inc., Cingular Wireless LLC and Verizon
    Wireless to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC in IB Docket No. 01—185 et al., at 4—5 (Aug. 15,
    2002) (footnote omitted).

    9        See Letter from Gregory C. Staple, Vinson & Elkins, Counsel for TMI, to Marlene H.
    Dortch, Secretary, FCC re: File No. 189—SAT—LOI—97, et al. (Aug. 27, 2002).

WirkINnson j BARKER} KnaAuER)LLP
    Ms. Marlene H. Doftch
    December 11, 2002
    Page 4

    an indirect [minority] interest in TerreStar through its ownership interest in" the parent company
    of TerreStar.‘"" The Commission apparently was not satisfied by TMI‘s response, because on
    October 4, 2002, the Commuission sent a letter to Counsel for TMI requesting additional
    information "to assist in our review of whether TMI entered into a ‘non—contingent satellite
    manufacturing contract‘ by July 17, 2002," and observing that:

                        Specifically, we note that TMI is not a party to the Terrestar/Loral
                        contract, and that the TM/Terrestar agreement does not appear to
                        bind TMI in any way to pay for satellite construction under the
                        Terrestar/Loral contract. Please indicate whether there are any
                        agreements or other arrangements by which TMI is legally
                        obligated to pursue the construction of proposed system, or is in
                        any way liable in the event the satellite system is not

           TMI purported to answer the Commission‘s inquiry in a letter from Gregory C. Staple to
    Marlene H. Dortch, dated October 15, 2002. That letter, however, dodged the Commission‘s
    request to identify any agreements or other arrangements that would bind TMI, so presumably
    there is no such obligation. Instead, TMI merely claimed that TerreStar has rights to a satellite
    and explained that the contract was undertaken by TerreStar because TMI expects to assign its
    FCC authorization to TerreStar in the near future.‘" TMI‘s "response" begs the question — why
    did TMI not simply execute the contract in its own name and provide for the subsequent
    assignment of the contract to TerreStar?"* The only logical explanation for the chosen
    arrangement is that TMI wanted to avoid exposing itself to any liability so as preserve its option
    to walk away from its 2 GHz MSS proposal (while maintaining its authorization in case the right

    10     TId. at 2.

    N      Letter from Thomas S. Tycz, Chief, Satellite Division, FCC to Gregory C. Staple, Vinson
    & Elkins, Counsel for TMI, re: File No. 189—SAT—LOI—97, et al. (Oct. 4, 2002). The
    Commission also asked TMI to explain the discrepancy between the orbital location in the FCC
    authorization and the orbital location specified in the TerreStar/Loral contract and the Canadian

    12      In that response, TMI also asserts that TMI has an "indirect interest" in performance of
    the Loral contract. See Letter from Gregory C. Staple, Vinson & Elkins, Counsel to TMI, to
    Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC re: File No. 189—SAT—LOI—97, et al. (October 15, 2002). As
    noted above, however, the TerreStar/Loral contract explicitly disclaims any interest of TMI in
    the contract. See TerreStar/Loral Contract at Section 37.15.

    13      TMI clearly could have done so, as Loral was willing to accept such a term and
    subsequent assignment. See TerreStar/Loral Contract at Section 37.1.2 (providing TerreStar with
    rights to assign or transfer the contract).

*David E. Horowitz                     *Richard B. Engelman
Attorney Advisor                       Chief Engineer
Office of General Counsel              International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 8—A636     445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A668
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554

*Kathleen O‘Brien Ham                  *Breck J. Blalock
Deputy Bureau Chief                    Deputy Chief , Policy Division
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau     International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 3—C255     445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A764
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554

*David L. Furth                        *Trey Hanbury
Senior Legal Advisor                   Special Counsel, Policy Division
Wireless Telecommunications Bureau     International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 3—C217     445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 7—A640
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554

*Evan R. Kwerel                        *Christopher Murphy
Senior Economist                       Senior Legal Advisor
Office of Plans & Policy               International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 — 12"" Street, SW, Room 7—C365     445 — 12" Street, SW, Room 6—C750
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554

*Thomas S. Tycz                        *William Bell
Chief, Satellite Division              Attorney Advisor, Satellite Division
International Bureau                   International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A665     445 — 12"" Street, SW, Room 6—C467
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554

*James L. Ball                         *Karl A. Kensinger
Chief, Policy Division                 Special Advisor, Satellite Division
International Bureau                   International Bureau
Federal Communications Commission      Federal Communications Commission
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A¢A763   445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A663
Washington, DC 20554                   Washington, DC 20554

*Thomas Sullivan                       C.J. Waylan
Assistant Bureau Chief                 President and Chief Executive Officer
Administrative and Management Office   Constellation Communications Holdings, Inc.
International Bureau                   12020 Sunrise Valley Drive, Suite 100
Federal Communications Commission      Reston, VA 22019
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—C841
Washington, DC 20554                   Robert A. Mazer
                                       Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.
*Cheryl Williams                       1455 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 600
Administrative Management Specialist   Washington, DC 20004
International Bureau                   Counselfor Constellation Communications
Federal Communications Commission       Holdings, Inc.
445 — 12th Street, SW, Room 6—A721
Washington, DC 20554                   Peter A. Rohrbach
                                       Karis A. Hastings
Gregory C. Staple                      Hogan & Hartson, LLP
R. Edward Price                        555 13" Street, NW
Vinson & Elkins L.L.P.                 Washington, DC 20004
1455 Pennsylvania Ave., NW Suite 600   Counselfor GE American Communications, Inc.
Washington, DC 20004
Counselfor TMI Communications and      Gary M. Epstein
Company, Limited Partnership           John P. Janka
                                       James H. Barker
David A. Nall                          Latham & Watkins
Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, LLP         1001 Pennsylvania Ave., NW, Suite 1300
1201 Pennsylvania Ave., NW             Washington, DC 20004
Washington, DC 20044                   Counselfor Hughes Communications Galaxy, Inc.
Counselfor The Boeing Company
                                       Scott B. Tollesfson
David D. Otten                         Senior Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary
Chairman and Chief Executive Officer   Hughes Communications, Inc.
CELSAT America, Inc.                   200 N. Sepulveda Blvd.
532 S. Gertruda Avenue                 El Segundo, CA 90245
Redondo Beach, CA 90277
                                       Cheryl A. Tritt
Brian D. Weimer                        Morrison & Foerster LLP
Skadden Arps Slate Meagher & Flom      2000 Pennsylvania Ave., NW
1440 New York Ave., NW                 Washington, DC 20006
Washington, DC 20005                   Counselfor ICO Services Limited
Counselfor Celstat America, Inc.

Lawrence H. Williams                     Denis Couillard
Suzanne Hutchings                        Eric Schimmel
New ICO Global Communications            Telecommunications Industry Association
 (Holdings), Ltd.                        2500 Wilson Blvd., Suite 300
1730 Rhode Island Ave., NW, Suite 1000   Arlington, VA 22201
Washington, DC 20036
                                         Paul J. Sinderbrand
Jeffrey H. Olson                         Wilkinson Barker Knauer, LLP
Paul Weiss Rifkin Wharton & Garrison     2300 N Street, NW
1615 L Street, NW, Suite 1300            Washington, DC 20037
Washington, DC 20036                     Counselfor Wireless Communications Association
Counselfor Iridium Satellite LLC         International, Inc.

David Castiel                            Andrew Kreig
President and Chief Executive Officer    President
Mobile Communications Holdings, Inc.     Wireless Communications Association
1133 21® Street, NW, 8" Floor            International, Inc.
Washington, DC 20036                     1140 Connecticut Ave., NW, Suite 810
                                         Washington, DC 20036
Tom W. Davidson
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld, LLP
1676 International Drive
Penthouse Level
McLean, VA 22102
Counselfor Mobile Communications
 Holdings, Inc.

                                           ‘Femern C. Atricad
                                                     LaVon E. Stevens

*Via hand delivery

Document Created: 2014-12-22 14:16:39
Document Modified: 2014-12-22 14:16:39

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