Lockheed Martin Corporation hereby seeks launch and operational authority for 230 lunar surface space stations that would communicate with each other; Lockheed Martin's lunar orbit satellites branded Parsec and other authorized satellites; and/or Earth st
Filing: SAT | Satellite Space Stations |
Filing: LOA | Application to Launch and Operate |
Nature of Service | Other |
Status | Accepted for Filing Public Notice |
Status Date | 2023-05-05 |
Date Filed | 2023-03-15 |
Adopted Date | 2023-05-04 |
Released Date | 2023-05-04 |
Filing Accepted Public Notice | 2023-05-05 |
Red Light | N |
Paper/Electronic | E |
Environmental Impact | N |
Lower | Upper |
390 | 405 |
406 | 406 |
410 | 420 |
435 | 450 |
2025 | 2110 |
2200 | 2290 |
2400 | 2480 |
2484 | 2500 |
2504 | 2650 |
3400 | 3700 |
5010 | 5030 |
5150 | 5350 |
5470 | 5725 |
5850 | 5925 |
7190 | 7235 |
8450 | 8500 |
22550 | 23150 |
23150 | 23550 |
25500 | 27000 |
27000 | 27500 |
Service | Type | Report No | Date |
Satellite Space Station | Accepted for Filing Public Notice | SAT01721 | 2023-05-05 |