Attachment Space Exploration Ho

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20161115-00118 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                       National Radio Astronomy Observatory
                       520 Edgemont Road
                       Charlottesville.VA 22903 USA
                      434.296.0211 Fax 434.296.0385

17 February 2018                                                                         $2983               SAT—LOA—20161115—001 18
                                                                                         Space Exploration Holdings, LLC                                 eaored0ns¢0s
Delivered by email                                                                       SpaceX Constellation
Hon. Ajit Pai, Chairman
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20554

Re: Fixed—satellite service operators‘ obligation under US131 to coordinate and reach mutual
agreement with radio astronomy prior to commencing operations in the 10.7 — 11.7 GHz band

Dear Chairman Pai:

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is addressing this note to you after reading in the press
of your desire to approve the license of SpaceX‘s constellation for global satellite broadband
operations, for instance in


and having itself been contacted by the press in regard to the impact of such approval on radio
astronomy operations.

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory and its sister observatories the Green Bank Observatory
(http // and the Long Baseline Observatory ( are
operated by Associated Universities, Inc. (http:/ under a cooperative agreement with
the National Science Foundation. The AUI observatories together operate 12 of the 13 radio
telescopes that are listed in Footnote US131 of the US Table of Frequency Allocations 47 CFR
2.106 after this preamble:

US131 In the band 10.7—11.7 GHz, non—geostationary satellite orbit licensees in the fixed—satellite service
(space—to—Earth), prior to commencing operations, shall coordinate with the following radio astronomy
observatories to achieve a mutually acceptable agreement regarding the protection of the radio telescope
facilities operating in the band 10.6—10.7 GHz:

SpaceX, which plans to use the 10.7 — 12.7 GHz band for its downlink, has not yet fulfilled its obligations
under USI31. Coordination between SpaceX and the AUI observatories (together with NSF) trailed off
inconclusively around the middle of 2017 after a tentative and rather preliminary treatment of radio
astronomy‘s concerns and the manner in which SpaceX planned to address them.

Compatibility between radio astronomy and FSS uses of the Ku band spectrum is not a given but is achievable
so no—one should be deprived of affordable satellite broadband service for the sake of protecting radio
astronomy. But interference, should it occur, could be very difficult to remediate in a constellation
numbered in the thousands of satellites. Successful coordination under US131 should be recognized as a
prerequisite for the commencement of SpaceX operations.

The Nationa! Radio Astronomy Observatory is a facility of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universites, Inc.

Yours truly, from Geneva while attending sessions of the ITU—R,

Harvey S. Liszt
Astronomer and Spectrum Manager
To whom correspondence may be addressed

Cc by email:

Thomas Sullivan
FCC International Bureau

Jose Albuquerque
Chief, Satellite Division,
FCC International Bureau

Patricia Cooper
VP, Satellite Government Affairs

Karl Nebbia
Consultant for SpaceX
Alion Science

The National Radio Astronomy Observatory is a faciity of the National Science Foundation operated under cooperative agreement by Associated Universites, Inc.

Document Created: 2018-03-01 16:37:00
Document Modified: 2018-03-01 16:37:00

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