Audacy Response - FI

REPLY submitted by Audacy Corporation

Audacy Response


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20161115-00117 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                       Before the
                                  Washington, DC 20554

In the Matter of                                      )
AUDACY CORPORATION                                    )
Application for Authority                             )
to Launch and Operate a                               )     File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00117
Non-Geostationary Medium                              )
Earth Orbit Satellite System                          )
in the Fixed- and Inter-Satellite Services            )

                            RESPONSE OF AUDACY CORPORATION

        Audacy Corporation (“Audacy”), pursuant to Section 25.154(c) of the rules of the Federal

Communications Commission (the “FCC” or “Commission”),1 hereby submits this Response to

the Comments filed in the above-captioned proceeding.2 Audacy welcomes the opportunity to

address questions and comments about its proposed non-geostationary satellite (“NGSO”)


        47 C.F.R. § 25.154(c).
         See Comments of Hughes Network Systems, LLC (“Hughes”), File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00117 (filed
July 17, 2017) (“Hughes Comments”); Comments of SES S.A. and O3b Limited (“SES”), File No. SAT-LOA-
20161115-00117 (filed July 17, 2017) (“SES Comments”); Comments of Space Exploration Holdings, LLC
(“SpaceX”), File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00117 (filed July 17, 2017) (“SpaceX Comments”); Comments of
Telesat Canada (“Telesat”), File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00117 (filed July 17, 2017) (“Telesat Comments”); and
Comments of ViaSat, Inc. (“ViaSat”), File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00117 (filed July 17, 2017) (“ViaSat
         Audacy herein refers to its proposed aggregate network of space- and Earth-based infrastructure as the
“Relay Network;” individual satellites as “Relays” or “Satellite Relays;” complementary ground stations as
“Gateways;” and spacecraft using the Network’s communication services as “Users” as further described in the legal
narrative accompanying Audacy’s application. See Audacy Corporation Application for Authority to Launch and
Operate a Non-Geostationary Medium Earth Orbit Satellite System in the Fixed- and Inter-Satellite Services,
Application, IBFS File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00117 (filed Nov. 16, 2016) (“Audacy Narrative Exhibit”).


       Audacy proposes a space-based data relay constellation that will provide operators with

always-on, seamless access to their NGSO spacecraft. End users of the Relay Network include

operators of Earth observation satellites requiring real-time access to photographic and video

data, launch providers needing continuous telemetry from onboard sensors, and operators of

large Low Earth Orbit (“LEO”) constellations requiring continuous command and control of

every satellite simultaneously, wherever they are in their orbit.

       As further described in the Audacy Narrative Exhibit, Audacy’s Relay Network provides

significant public interest benefits, including facilitating commercial access to 24/7 spacecraft

communications and enabling new technologies such as real-time telerobotics and satellite

servicing.4 In addition, Audacy’s Relay Network will dramatically simplify and streamline the

process for coordinating communications between satellites and terrestrial gateway facilities,

which has become increasingly complex and impossible in certain situations due to conflicts

between commercial and scientific missions in already heavily burdened spectrum.

       The Relay Network’s proposed use of V-band frequencies for its feeder link service

triggered participation in the instant processing round. Audacy’s use of such frequencies is

discrete and can be successfully coordinated and introduced without affecting alternative existing

and planned uses of spectrum.


       The comments reflect consensus among interested parties that, with appropriate

conditions and planning, geostationary (“GSO”) and NGSO systems can successfully share the

       See Audacy Narrative Exhibit at 38-43.


V-band. Audacy agrees and addresses certain recommendations for license conditions intended

to prevent unacceptable harmful interference from NGSO networks made by interested parties


         A.        Audacy Concurs with Reasonable Equivalent Power Flux Density Limits

         Certain commenters representing GSO interests express concern about interference

resulting from NGSO systems creating single-entry or aggregated incidence of unacceptable

equivalent power-flux density (“EPFD”).5 To address these concerns, the GSO operators,

including ViaSat, Hughes, and SES, urge the Commission to condition V-band license grants

with EPFD limits.

         ViaSat explains that Article 22.2 of the ITU Radio Regulations already applies to NGSOs

in the V-band and requires such systems not to cause unacceptable interference to GSO systems.6

ViaSat elaborates that appropriate single-entry and aggregate EPFD limits, in both uplink and

downlink directions, could be effective means to protect GSOs.7 Hughes similarly requests

adoption of interim or default EPFD limits comparable to the limits specified in Article 22 of the

ITU Radio Regulations.8 SES argues for NGSO licenses to “incorporate single entry and

aggregate EPFD compliance requirements and be subject to modification as necessary to keep

aggregate interference levels from causing harm to future V-band GSO systems.”9

       Audacy appreciates the need to maintain the utility of the V-band by protecting GSO

networks from EPFD-related interference and anticipates a license condition limiting V-band
        See, e.g., ViaSat Comments at 6-7, recommending single entry and aggregate EPFD limits for uplink and
downlink operations; SES Comments at 4, similarly recommending single entry and aggregate EPFD limits; Hughes
Comments at 2, endorsing ITU Article 22 limits for EPFD and a “realistic and practicable mechanism to ensure that
aggregate EPFD limits are met by all licensed Q/V-band NGSO systems.”
         See ViaSat Comments at 5.
         See Id.
         See Hughes Comments at 2.
         SES Comments at 4.


EPFD. Audacy has already provided the Commission with materials showing full compliance

with existing Article 22 limits for K-band feeder link services10 and, although Article 22 does not

currently list V-band EPFD limits, Audacy is confident that the Relay Network will meet EPFD

limits comparable to those in K-band,11 if and when such limits are adopted by the Commission.

       Audacy also reemphasizes that its Relay Network will use FSS spectrum for feeder link

service only, delivering aggregated traffic using carefully shaped, narrow spot beams to three

planned gateway earth stations that will employ large, highly efficient antennas. Accordingly,

with the exception of the area in immediate proximity to an Audacy gateway (in this hemisphere

Audacy presently plans only a single gateway at a site in California), the Relay Network will not

contribute to an increase in single-entry or aggregate EPFD. Moreover, given that the Relay

Network will communicate exclusively with large (>6.0 meter), highly efficient/high-gain

gateway antennas, even under an Audacy spot beam, EPFD levels will likely fall below the

levels proposed by other NGSO systems in the instant proceeding.

        B.       Audacy Can Avoid In-Line Interference Events without Band Segmentation

        SES argues that in-line interference events can be avoided through coordination, but that

band segmentation may be needed as “a last resort.”12 Audacy respectfully disagrees that band

segmentation may be needed as a last resort to avoid in-line interference with its Relay Network.

        Audacy Relays are interconnected by way of robust inter-satellite links.13 In the event of

        See Letter from Jose P. Albuquerque, Federal Communications Commission, to Ralph Ewig, Audacy
Corporation, IBFS File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00117 (March 10, 2017); Letter from James Spicer, Audacy
Corporation, to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC, File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00117 at 1 (April 3, 2017) (“Audacy
Response to FCC Request for Additional Information”).
          See, e.g., Opposition and Response of Audacy Corporation, File No. SAT-LOA-20161115-00117, at 5
(filed July 7, 2017) (clarifying that the Audacy Relay Network involves discrete feeder links with “EPFD levels fall
significantly below ITU-R recommendations.”).
        SES Comments at 5.
        See Audacy Narrative Exhibit at 15.


an in-line interference event that cannot be coordinated, the affected Relay will preemptively

offload its customer traffic to one of the two other operational Relays and the relevant paired

gateway earth stations. Hand-off between Relays will be seamless and undetectable by Audacy

end users and provides a reliable interference protection mechanism that facilitates full use of the

proposed FSS frequencies for Audacy feeder links.14 The orbital geometry of Audacy Relay

satellite orbits and planned earth station locations is designed to preclude the possibility of

multiple simultaneous in-line interference events with equatorial NGSO or GSO satellites such

as those operated by SES and its affiliate O3b.

         Given this proven and reliable capability, in-line interference can be effectively avoided

and the Commission need not impose additional conditions related to the mitigation of such


         C.      Audacy Supports Reasonable Additional License Conditions to Ensure the
                 Utility of V-Band Spectrum and Compliance with FCC Rules

         SES asks the Commission to apply certain conditions to ensure that planned NGSO

operations will be consistent with Commission policies and rules and not create unacceptable

harmful interference to future GSO satellite operations in the V-band. Audacy agrees with the

need to protect GSO spacecraft and supports certain additional license conditions proposed by


         Specifically, SES requests, and Audacy supports, the following:

        Operations must comport with the legal and technical specifications set forth by the
         applicant absent a waiver request.

        Operations must comply with all coordination agreements.

         Audacy will continually use state-of-the-art satellite modeling and orbit propagation tools to predict
potential interference events with FSS networks well before they occur so that coordination and mitigation
techniques can be employed.


          Operators must maintain and make available to the North American Defense Command
           ephemeris data for each satellite.

          Finalize a methodology by which the system will share spectrum with other NGSO
           constellations issued prior to or as part of this processing round.15


           Several commenters urge the Commission to expand the ongoing NGSO K-band

Rulemaking to the V-band and retroactively apply rules adopted in an expanded rulemaking

indiscriminately to all applicants in the instant processing round.16 The NGSO-K-band

rulemaking, however, was initiated for the purpose of developing service link rules for networks

deploying hundreds (or thousands) of satellites intended to deliver broadband service to small,

inefficient earth stations terminals deployed en masse.17

           Given the meaningful distinctions between Audacy’s Relay Network, which involves the

use of FSS spectrum only for narrowly tailored feeder links between three discrete spacecraft

paired with three gateway earth stations, and other NGSO systems involved in the instant

proceeding which employ FSS spectrum for widespread service links between large fleets of

LEO spacecraft and potentially vast numbers of individual and/or enterprise terminals on the

ground, a blanket application of service rules intended to regulate the latter on the former may

prove untenable depending on the final rule.

           See SES Comments at 6-7.
       See Telesat Comments at 2-3; ViaSat Comments at 6-7; see also Update to Parts 2 and 25 Concerning
Non-Geostationary, Fixed-Satellite Service Systems and Related Matters, Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 31 FCC
Rcd 13651 (2016) (“K-band NPRM”).
          See K-band NPRM at ¶ 3, explaining that “proponents of a new generation of NGSO FSS systems have
emerged and initiated the international coordination process for constellations of hundreds or thousands of satellites.
In this Notice, we primarily explore revisions to specific rules and policies affecting such NGSO FSS systems”
(internal citations omitted).



       SpaceX requests clarification on certain aspects of Audacy’s proposed use of V-band

spectrum. Specifically, SpaceX requests clarification on Audacy’s use of “off-nominal beams,”

including whether such links will comply with likely EPFD limits.18

       Audacy clarifies that it has applied for 4 GHz and 4.5 GHz of V-band FSS spectrum for

its feeder uplink and downlink operations respectively.19 SpaceX is correct that Audacy has

applied for “500 MHz of spectrum in each direction for TT&C links in off-nominal, emergency

situations,” however this proposed use is in the K-band,20 not V-band as suggested by SpaceX.

Audacy has already provided the Commission with showings of full compliance with both FCC

and ITU Article 21/22 PFD and EPFD limits in these K-band frequencies by both space and

earth stations,21 and looks forward to coordinating with individual operators to ensure that there

is no possibility of harmful interference in the event that Audacy has recourse to use these bands.

       See SpaceX Comments at 13-14.
       Audacy Narrative Exhibit at 2.
       Audacy Response to FCC Request for Additional Information at 1.


                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                  AUDACY CORPORATION

                                  By: /s/ James P. W. Spicer

Timothy Bransford                 James P. W. Spicer
Denise Wood                       Chief Engineer
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP       Audacy Corporation
2020 K Street, N.W.               340 S. Lemon Ave., Suite 8787,
Washington, DC 20006              Walnut, CA 91789
(202) 373-6000                    (650) 999-0331

Its Attorneys

July 27, 2017


                                  CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, Denise Wood, hereby certify that on this 27th day of July, 2017, I served a true copy of the foregoing
Response of Audacy Corporation via first-class mail upon the following:

Tim Hughes                                         William M. Wiltshire
Patricia Cooper                                    Paul Caritj
1030 15th Street, N.W., Suite 220E Washington,     1919 M Street, N.W., Suite 800
D.C. 20005                                         Washington, D.C. 20036

                                                   Counsel to Space Exploration Holdings, LLC

Gerald E. Oberst                                   Suzanne Malloy
SES S.A.                                           O3B LIMITED
1129 20th Street, N.W., Suite 1000                 17th Street, N.W., Suite 300
Washington, DC 20036                               Washington, DC 20006

Karis Hastings                                     David Wendling
SATCOM LAW LLC                                     TELESAT CANADA
1317 F Street, N.W., Suite 400                     1601 Telesat Court
Washington, D.C. 20004                             Ottawa, Ontario K1B 5P4
Counsel to SES S.A. and O3b Limited

Christopher J. Murphy                              John P. Janka
Daryl H. Hunter                                    Elizabeth R. Park
VIASAT, INC.                                       Jarrett S. Taubman
6155 El Camino Real                                LATHAM & WATKINS LLP
Carlsbad, CA 92009                                 555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
                                                   Washington, DC 20004

                                                   Counsel to ViaSat, Inc.

Jennifer A. Manner
Brennan Price
11717 Exploration Lane
Germantown, MD 20876

                                                   /s/ Denise Wood
                                                   Denise Wood

Document Created: 2017-07-27 18:29:38
Document Modified: 2017-07-27 18:29:38

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