Attachment Narrative

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20150512-00034 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                      Before the
                                 Washington, D.C. 20554

     In the Matter of

     EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation             File No. SAT-A/O-20150511-_____

     Application for Authority to Operate the
     EchoStar-1 Satellite at 77.25º W.L. as an
     In-orbit Spare


          EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation (together with its affiliates, “EchoStar”)

requests authorization to operate EchoStar-1 (Call Sign S2739), a satellite in the Direct

Broadcast Satellite (“DBS”) service, as an in-orbit spare at 77.25º W.L., an offset of 0.1 degree

from the satellite’s existing orbital location. EchoStar is seeking authorization to conduct TT&C

operations only, and will seek additional authority prior to operating the satellite’s

communications payload. Grant of this application will benefit U.S. consumers and the public

interest by enhancing the reliability of EchoStar’s satellite fleet and ensuring continuity of

satellite television services for the benefit of U.S. consumers.


          On September 17, 2010, the FCC approved the transfer of control of EchoStar-1 from

EchoStar to QuetzSat, S. de R.L. de C.V. (together with its affiliates, “QuetzSat”), along with the

transfer of licensing authority over the satellites from the United States to Mexico.1 Since then,

    See DISH Operating L.L.C., Application, File No. SAT-T/C-20090217-00027 (granted Sept. 17, 2010).

EchoStar I has been operating at 77.15º W.L. under Mexican authority. EchoStar I currently

operates as an in-orbit spare and is not providing commercial service.2

        The satellite’s operation at 77.15º W.L. is subject to an exchange of letters between the

FCC and the Mexican Administration, 3 and is further governed by the Mexican license granted

to QuetzSat, EchoStar’s partner, to use the nominal 77º W.L. orbital location.4 The satellite’s

operation also was governed previously by an agreement among affiliates of EchoStar and

QuetzSat, which provided for the satellite’s relocation to and use at 77.15º W.L., subject to

QuetzSat maintaining control of the satellite at all times during operation under its Mexican

license.5 Since termination of that agreement in 2011, the parties have proceeded under an

interim arrangement allowing QuetzSat to continue maintaining control of the satellite during its

operation under the Mexican license. Upon (and subject to) FCC grant of the proposed re-

licensing of EchoStar-1 as a U.S.-flagged satellite operating as an in-orbit spare at 77.25° W.L.,

QuetzSat will have no obligation or right to maintain control of the satellite, and EchoStar

consequently will acquire control of the satellite, consistent with FCC licensing requirements.


        EchoStar-1s legally and technically qualified to operate EchoStar-1 as an in-orbit spare.

EchoStar holds numerous FCC satellite licenses, and its legal qualifications are a matter of

record before the Commission. EchoStar owns, leases, or operates a fleet of 24 satellites in the

 EchoStar-1 is equipped with 16 primary and 8 spare transponders for Ku-band DBS/BSS service, and is
fully operational.
 See DISH Operating L.L.C., Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-T/C-20090217-00027, Annex A (granted Sept.
17, 2010) (attaching exchange of letters, issued in July and August 2010, between FCC and Mexican
 See id. (attaching letter from FCC noting that the Mexican Administration on February 2, 2005, granted
a concession authorizing QuetzSat’s satellite operations at the nominal 77º W.L. orbital location).
 See Satellite Relocation and Use Agreement for the 77º W.L. Orbital Location, filed in File No. SAT-
STA-20080616-00121, Attachment 3 (granted Oct. 31, 2003).


DBS/Broadcast Satellite Service, Mobile Satellite Service, and Fixed Satellite Service frequency

bands to provide innovative and competitive services, including multi-channel video

programming distribution (through DISH and other third-party providers) and state-of-the-art

fixed and mobile broadband. EchoStar’s satellite network provides satellite television service

(through DISH) to more than 14 million U.S. consumers and approximately two million Mexican

consumers. EchoStar-1s also a leading satellite technology and services company, and employs

more than 2,000 engineers focused on creating hardware and service solutions for cable,

telecommunications, IPTV, and satellite companies worldwide.

          Further, the attached Schedule S and Technical Annex demonstrate EchoStar’s technical

qualifications and provide additional information required under Section 25.114 of the

Commission’s rules, including EchoStar’s plan for mitigating orbital debris.6 Although EchoStar

at this time is seeking only authorization to perform the TT&C functions required to operate

EchoStar-1 at 77.25° W.L., the attached Schedule S and Technical Annex also include

information related to the satellite’s communications functions so as to provide a complete



          Grant of this application will serve the public interest by allowing EchoStar to operate an

additional satellite as an in-orbit spare, thus enhancing the reliability of EchoStar’s satellite fleet

and ensuring continuity of satellite television services for the benefit of U.S. consumers. It also

will provide EchoStar with greater flexibility to manage its larger satellite fleet and deploy in-

orbit spares to wherever they may be needed, thus ensuring the availability of additional capacity

and the continued provision of satellite television programming to U.S. consumers, as efficiently

    See 47 C.F.R. § 25.114.


as possible and without unnecessary service disruption.7 Further, grant of this request to re-flag

EchoStar-1 as a U.S.-flagged in-orbit spare satellite is consistent with Commission precedent.8


        Based upon the foregoing, EchoStar urges the Commission to grant this application to

operate EchoStar-1 at 77.25º W.L. as an in-orbit spare in the public interest.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,

                                                  ECHOSTAR SATELLITE OPERATING

                                          By:     /s/ Jennifer A. Manner
                                                  Jennifer A. Manner
                                                  Vice President, Regulatory Affairs

 See Flexibility for Delivery of Communications by Mobile Satellite Service Providers in the 2 GHz
Band, the L-Band, and the 1.6/2.4 GHz Bands, Report and Order and Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 18
FCC Rcd 1962, ¶ 83 (2003) (“Repairing or even replacing a malfunctioning satellite, for all its
complexity, requires less time than designing and constructing a new system. Even in the worst case
where a satellite is destroyed, a licensee can ordinarily replace a lost satellite with a ground spare at the
next available launch window, or procure a technically identical satellite in an expedient manner since it
would have already completed the complex design process.”).
  See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Application for Authorization to Operate, File No. SAT-A/O-
20120817-00137 (stamp-granted Dec. 21, 2012) (re-licensing DIRECTV 1R to operate as a U.S.-flagged
in-orbit spare).


                                               EXHIBIT 1

                          (Response to Questions 40 & A20)

         EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation, a Colorado corporation, is a wholly owned
subsidiary of EchoStar Satellite Services L.L.C., a Colorado limited liability company, which in
turn is a wholly owned subsidiary of Hughes Satellite Systems Corporation (“Hughes”), a
Colorado corporation. Hughes is a wholly owned subsidiary of EchoStar Corporation
(“EchoStar”), a publicly-traded Nevada corporation.1 The stockholders owning of record and/or
voting 10 percent or more of the voting stock of EchoStar as of March 2, 2015, unless otherwise
indicated below, include the following:

Ownership Interest                       Citizenship             Approx. Equity          Approx. Voting
                                                                 Interest2               Interest

Charles W. Ergen                         USA                     40.6%                   62.6%
EchoStar Corporation
100 Inverness Terrace East
Englewood, CO 80112

Ergen Three-Year 2014 SATS               USA                     10.2%                   19.2%
William R. Gouger, as Trustee
400 Inverness Parkway, Suite 250
Englewood, CO 80112

Putnam Investments LLC                   Canada                  11.6%                   2.2%
One Post Office Square
Boston, MA 021024

    The address for all companies listed is 100 Inverness Terrace E., Englewood, CO 80112.
 Outstanding equity interests include Class A Common Stock, entitled to one vote per share, Class B
Common Stock, entitled to ten votes per share, and Hughes Retail Preferred Tracking Stock, entitled to
one-tenth of one vote per share.
 The trustee for certain trusts established by Mr. Ergen for the benefit of his family, including the Ergen
Three-Year 2014 SATS GRAT, is Mr. William R. Gouger, a U.S. citizen and manager of SC
Management, LLC, whose principal business is management services, including estate planning. In his
capacity as trustee for all of the aforementioned trusts, subject to certain restrictions, Mr. Gouger, is
deemed to beneficially own, and has the ability to exercise voting power over, shares representing 15.5%
of the equity interests and 29.1% of the voting interests in EchoStar (assuming no conversion of Class B
Common Stock).
    Based on Schedule 13G/A filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.


EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation officers and directors as follows:

Charles W. Ergen                Director
Michael T. Dugan                Director
Dean A. Manson                  Director

Michael T. Dugan                President and Chief Executive Officer
Charles W. Ergen                Chairman
David J. Rayner                 Chief Financial Officer
Dean A. Manson                  Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Anders N. Johnson               President, EchoStar Satellite Services L.L.C.

EchoStar Corporation’s officers and directors include the following:5

Executive Officers:
Michael T. Dugan                President and Chief Executive Officer
Charles W. Ergen                Chairman
David J. Rayner                 Executive Vice President, Chief Financial Officer and Treasurer
Kenneth G. Carroll              Executive Vice President of Corporate and Business Development
Mark W. Jackson                 President – EchoStar Technologies L.L.C.
Anders N. Johnson               President – EchoStar Satellite Services L.L.C.
Pradman P. Kaul                 President, Hughes Communications, Inc.
Sandra L. Kerentoff             Executive Vice President, Global Human Resources
Dean A. Manson                  Executive Vice President, General Counsel and Secretary
Kranti Kilaru                   Executive VP of Business Systems IT & Operations

Board of Directors:
Charles W. Ergen                Chairman of the Board
Michael T. Dugan                President, Chief Executive Officer and Director
R. Stanton Dodge                Director
Anthony M. Federico             Director
Pradman P. Kaul                 President, Hughes Communications, Inc. and Director
Tom A. Ortolf                   Director
C. Michael Schroeder            Director

 The address for all officers and directors of EchoStar Corporation is 100 Inverness Terrace E.,
Englewood, CO 80112.


                                             EXHIBIT 2

                           OTHER LICENSES AND APPLICATIONS
                                 (Response to Question 36)

        On July 26, 2011, the FCC declared null and void an authorization of EchoStar
Corporation, the parent company of EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation (together with
their affiliates, “EchoStar”), to construct, launch, and operate a new Direct Broadcast Satellite at
86.5º W.L. for failure to meet the critical design review milestone, and rejected EchoStar’s
request to modify its 86.5º W.L. authorization to allow the in-orbit EchoStar 8 satellite to provide
service from that orbital location. 14

       The FCC also has denied a few of EchoStar’s applications for initial license or
modification. 15

       The FCC has dismissed, but not denied on the merits, a few of EchoStar’s license
applications without prejudice to refiling. 16

     See EchoStar Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 26 FCC Rcd 10442 (IB 2011).
  See Satellite Communications Services Information Re: Actions Taken, Public Notice, Rpt. No. SES-
00847 at 27 (IB rel. Aug. 16, 2006) (denying HNS License Sub, LLC’s, request for extension of
construction milestones regarding File Nos. SES-MOD-20060404-00560 and SES-MOD-20060404-
00561); EchoStar Satellite LLC, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 19 FCC Rcd 7846 (IB Sat. Div. 2004)
(denying applications to launch and operate four geostationary satellites because of interference
concerns); EchoStar Satellite LLC, Order, 20 FCC Rcd 12027 (IB Sat. Div. 2005); EchoStar Satellite
Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 17 FCC Rcd 8831 (IB Sat. Div. 2002) (denying request to
extend construction milestone dates); EchoStar Satellite Corp., Memorandum Opinion and Order, 16
FCC Rcd 14300 (IB 2001).
  See, e.g., Letter from Robert G. Nelson, Chief, Satellite Division, to Pantelis Michalopoulos, Counsel
for EchoStar Corporation, 24 FCC7132 (IB Sat. Div. 2009); EchoStar Corporation, Application to
Operate a C-Band Geostationary Satellite Orbit Satellite in the Fixed-Satellite Service at the 84.9º W.L.
Orbital Location, Memorandum Opinion and Order, 25 FCC Rcd 10193 (IB 2010); Letter from Paul E.
Blais, Chief, Systems Analysis Branch, Satellite Division, to Alison Minea, Corporate Counsel, EchoStar
Broadcasting Corporation, 28 FCC Rcd 10214 (IB Sat. Div. 2013); Letter from Paul E. Blais, Chief,
Systems Analysis Branch, Satellite Division, to Alison Minea, Corporate Counsel, EchoStar Broadcasting
Corporation, 28 FCC Rcd 10216 (IB Sat. Div. 2013).


Document Created: 2019-04-13 04:30:56
Document Modified: 2019-04-13 04:30:56

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