EchoStar 16 - Operat

LETTER submitted by EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation

EchoStar 16 Operational Certification Letter


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20110902-00172 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                                   E LONDONO
                                                                               JAIME       O
                                                                        Direct Dial No. (303) 706-46550

    uary 15, 2013

    d Electronica
Filed           ally and Via
                           a Email

Fern Jarmulnek, Acting
                  A       Chieef
Satellite Division
                 n, Internation
                              nal Bureau
Federral Commun  nications Com mmission
445 12th
    1     Street S.W.
Washhington, D.C C. 20554

Re:     EchoStarr Satellite Operating
                            O         Corporation,, Certificatioon of EchoS
                                                                          Star 16
        Operations, File No. SAT-LOA--20110902-000172 (Calll Sign S28444)

Dear Ms. Jarmuln

          On behalff of EchoStaar Satellite Operating
                                            O          Coorporation (“EchoStar”), this letter
certiffies to the Coommission pursuant
                               p          to condition
                                             c         4 oof the above referenced aapplication
grantt that the EchhoStar 16 sattellite has beeen successfu
                                                          fully placed iinto orbit, iss operationall,
and conforms
     c           to the
                    t terms annd conditionss of its authoorization. Thhe satellite bbecame
operaational at 61.5º W.L. on February 14    4, 2013. EchhoStar will ccontinue to ooperate the
satelllite pursuant to the abovee referenced d authorizatioon and attendant conditions.

        Please con
                 ntact the und
                             dersigned if you have anny questions.

                                                           Yours sincerrely,

                                                             /s/ Jaime L
                                                                       Londono            ______
                                                           JJaime Londoono
                                                           VVice Presideent, Advanceed Programss
                                                           & Spectrum m Managemennt

cc:     Andrea Kelly
        Mark Youung
        Chip Flem

                              EchoStar Technologie
                                        T          es LLC
      100 Inverneess Terrace East
                             E ▪ Advan  nced Program
                                                   ms and Specctrum Managgement ▪
                                  Englewood, CO 800112

Document Created: 2013-02-14 11:51:36
Document Modified: 2013-02-14 11:51:36

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