Attachment Intelsat- Grant exte

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20100726-00167 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                           File#    ~SAM1T—LORA—20100726—COdilGT

                                                           Call Sign $2 34         GrantDate_12 /16 /10

'ile                                                       (or other identifier)
                                                                                   Term Dates
  Rez]         5e
                                                         | From_1&/17 /10                To: O /is / i1

                                               mal d     1| Approved:
                                      * voith condifions _
                                                                             fi@é\?'{ * Db’él”        Jennifer D. Hindin
1776 K STREET NW          November 29, 2010                                  Chief, Sgelle           202.719.4975
                                                                                   Po\{c3 Byonc
PHONE      202.719.7000
FAX        202.719.7049

                          VIA IBFS
McLEAN, VA 22102
PHONE      703.905.2800   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
FAX        703.905.2820   Secretary
                          Federal Communications Commission
                          445 12th Street, S.W.
                          Washington, D.C. 20554

                          Re:    Intelsat North America LLC
                                 IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20100726—00167; Call Sign $2814

                          Dear Ms. Dortch:

                                  Intelsat North America LLC ("Intelsat"), by its attorney, hereby requests a
                          30—day extension of time—from December 17, 2010 through January 15, 2011—to
                          satisfy the bond condition specified in paragraph 18 of the Federal Communications
                          Commission‘s ("Commission") grant of the above—referenced application relating to
                          the Intelsat 17 space station (call sign $2814). The requested extension is consistent
                          with Commission precedent, and will facilitate Intelsat‘s ability to demonstrate
                          compliance with the conditions with minimal administrative burden.

                                 The International Bureau authorized, with conditions, Intelsat to launch and
                          operate the Intelsat 17 satellite on November 17, 2010.‘ Paragraph 18, subpart b, of
                          the grant addresses bond matters relating to Intelsat 17. Specifically, the subpart
                          provides that:

                                         Intelsat must file a bond with the Commission in the
                                         amount of $750,000, pursuant to the procedures set
                                         forth in Public Notice, DA 03—2602, 18 FCC Red 16283
                                         (2003), within 30 days of the date of this grant
                                         (December 17, 2010)

                          1      See Policy Branch Information; Actions Taken, Report No. SAT—00739,
                          IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20100726—00167 (Nov. 19, 2010) (Public Notice).

                          2      Id. at 13.b.

                                  Attachment to Grant
                              Intelsat North America LLC
                       IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20100726—00167

       The request of Intelsat North America LLC (Intelsat North America) for a 30—day
extension of the deadline, from December 17, 2010 through January 15, 2011, to file a
bond in the amount of $750,000 for the Intelsat 17 space station (Call Sign $2814) is
granted. Intelsat 17 was launched on November 26, 2010, is currently undergoing in—
orbit testing at the 63.15° E.L. orbital location (see IBFS File No. SAT—STA—20101012—
00214, granted Dec. 2, 2010), and is expected to commence operations at the assigned
66° E.L. orbital location by January 13, 2011. In light of the launch of the Intelsat 17
space station and the expectation of imminent commencement of operations at the
assigned 66° E.L. orbital location, the requirement to file a bond for Call Sign $2814
pursuant to condition 18.b. of the Intelsat 17 authorization (IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—
20100726—00167, granted November 17, 2010) will no longer apply if the following
events occur before the extended bond filing deadline of January 16, 2011: (a) Intelsat
North America files a certification that the Intelsat 17 space station has begun operations
at its assigned orbital location consistent with the terms and conditions of authorization,
and (b) the Commission determines that the last milestone has been satisfied. This grant
does not otherwise affect in any way any other terms and conditions to the authorization
for the Intelsat 17 space station.

                                              File#     SAT—LORA— 20160726 —00tG]7

                                              Call Sign 92914          Grant Date   14 /i6 /o
                                          |             HapitC
                                              (or other identifier)
                                                                       Term Dates        §
                                    w | From_13/17/6                         To: O!/15/1)
                                      m | mpprovct____eflor)PuaB
                      + with conditions
                                                                      Step)%3’ O ua 1
                                                                      \tef Sdlell ite Pcth GBranch

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 29, 2010
Page 2

        Intelsat launched the Intelsat 17 satellite on November 26, 2010. Following
the launch, Intelsat plans to conduct in—orbit testing on Intelsat 17." Assuming no
anomalies occur, Intelsat expects testing to be completed and the Intelsat 17 space
station to commence operations at its assigned orbital location by January 13, 2011.
An affidavit attesting to the facts relating to the launch and planned commencement
of operations is attached hereto as Annex 1.

       Intelsat requests that the Commission extend the bond due date for 30 days,
from December 17, 2010 until January 15, 2011. The bond requirement was first
incorporated into the satellite licensing process by the Commission to replace its
previous financial qualification requirements." The underlying purposes of the bond
requirement are to "help deter speculative satellite applications, and help expedite
provision of service to the public.‘" Given that the Intelsat 17 satellite has been
launched and is expected to begin operations by January 13, 2011, the requested
extension would be consistent with the stated purposes of the bond requirement.©

       In addition, the requested extension would be consistent with Commission
precedent, in which extensions have been granted under very similar factual
circumstances involving the launch of a satellite shortly following authorization.‘

3     Intelsat North America LLC, Requestfor Special Temporary Authority to
Conduct In—Orbit Testing ofIntelsat 17; Call Sign: $2814, IBFS File No. SAT—
STA—20101012—00214 (filed Oct. 12, 2010).

4       See Amendment of the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and
Policies, First Report and Order and Further Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 18
FCC Red 10760, 10825 [ 167 (2003) ("First Space Station Reform Order").
5      Id.
6      See id. Intelsat also notes that Intelsat 17 contains all of the same
frequencies that were previously authorized on Intelsat 702 in addition to three new
frequency bands, making it akin to a replacement for that satellite. The
Commission has determined that the bond requirement is altogether unnecessary in
the case of replacement satellites, as these applications are "intended to continue
service, and would not be filed for speculative purposes." Id.
7      See SES Americom, Inc. and SES Satellites (Gibraltar) Ltd., Requestfor
Extension of Time, IBFS File No. SAT—ASG—20080609—00120 (stamp grant Sept. 5,

Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
November 29, 2010
Page 3

Consistent with this precedent, Intelsat respectfully requests that the bond posting
requirement will no longer apply if the following events occur before the extended
bond filing deadline of January 15, 2011 : (1) Intelsat North America files a
certification that the Intelsat 17 space station has begun operations at its assigned
orbital location consistent with the terms and conditions of authorization; and (b) the
Commission determines that the last milestone has been satisfied. Toward this end
Intelsat will file the required notice immediately following the satellite‘s
commencement of operations—currently expected on Thursday January 13, 2011—
and respectfully requests that the Commission, no later than Friday January 14,
2011, determine that the last milestone has been satisfied.

        For the foregoing reasons, Intelsat requests a 30—day extension of time to
satisfy the bond requirement of paragraph 18 of the grant.

                                              Respectfully submitted,

                                              /s/ Jennifer D. Hindin

                                              Jennifer D. Hindin
                                              Counselfor Intelsat North America LLC

ce:      Robert Nelson
         Karl Kensinger
         Stephen J. Duall

2008) ("SES Grant"); Intelsat North America LLC, 30—Day Bond Filing Extension
for Intelsat 15; Call Sign $2789, IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20090410—00043 (filed
Dec. 15, 2009) (stamp grant Dec. 23, 2009).

                                         ANNEX 1

                          DECLARATION OF TOBIAS NASSIF

       I, Tobias Nassif, Vice President, Satellite Operations and Engineering, hereby

certify under penalty of perjury as follows:

       The Intelsat 17 space station was successfully launched on November 26, 2010.

The space station is currently being maneuvered to 63.15° E.L. where in—orbit testing of

the satellite is scheduled to begin on December 7, 2010. Assuming no anomalies occur,

testing is expected to be completed, and the satellite drifted to its assigned orbital location

of 66.0° E.L., by January 1, 2011. Operation of Intelsat 17 at 66.0° E.L. is currently

expected to begin on January 13, 2011.

                                                               /s/ Tobias Nassif
                                                               Tobas Nassif
                                                               VP, Satellite Operations and
                                                               Intelsat Corporation

Dated: 29 November, 2010

Document Created: 2019-04-14 08:23:05
Document Modified: 2019-04-14 08:23:05

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