D12 Clarification Le

LETTER submitted by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

Clarification Letter


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20090807-00086 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


             & GRANNIS ur

                                        December 2, 2009


Marlene H. Dortch
Federal Communications Commission
445 Twelfth Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

       Re:     IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20090807—00086 (S2797)

Dear Ms. Dortch:

      In response to inquiries from the Commission staff, DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC
("DIRECTV") submits two minor clarifications with respect to the above referenced application
for authority to launch and operate the DIRECTV 12 Ka—band satellite.

        First, DIRECTV recognizes that, as provided in Section 25.145(g) of the Commission‘s
rules, the operations of DIRECTV 12 in the 18.3—18.8 GHz band are not entitled to protection
from the co—primary operations of terrestrial fixed service systems until after the period during
which terrestrial stations remain co—primary has expired. Because DIRECTV 12 will operate
within the power flux—density limits established in Section 25.208(c) of the Commission‘s rules,
the satellite‘s operations will have no harmful effect on such terrestrial stations and no further
coordination is required.‘

        Second, DIRECTV 12 is a partial replacement for two existing satellites currently
operating at the nominal 103° W.L. orbital location. Specifically, DIRECTV 12 will replace the
spot beam payload operating in the 18.3—18.8 GHz band on the DIRECTV 10 satellite, and will
also replace that portion of the CONUS payload operating in the 19.87—20.2 GHz band on the
SPACEWAY 1 satellite. Because DIRECTV 12 will operate at the same nominal orbital
location and in frequencies already authorized for DIRECTV‘s existing operations, the satellite
should be deemed to be a partial replacement. DIRECTV will continue the operations of
DIRECTV 10 and SPACEWAY 1 until DIRECTV 12 arrives on station to replace portions of
those operations, and will take measures to ensure that the transition of service among the
satellites is as seamless to subscribers as possible.

!   See Redesignation ofthe 17.7—19.7 GHz Frequency Band, 16 FCC Red. 19808, € 52 (2001)
    ("‘the pfd values in place were already designed to ‘pre—coordinate‘ spacecraft transmissions
    and terrestrial fixed service receivers regardless of the elevation angle and azimuth of the
    terrestrial receiver" and were adopted "to avoid the need for FS/FSS coordination").


Marlene H. Dortch
December 2, 2009
Page 2 of 2

           If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.

                                                            Respectfully submitted,


                                                            William M. Wiltshire
                                                            Counsel to DIRECTVY Enterprises, LLC

ce:        Andrea Kelly
           Kathyrn Medley

      1200 18TH STREET, NW | SUITE 1200 | WASHINGTON, DC 20036 | TEL 202—730—1300 | FAX 202—730—1301 | WILTSHIREGRANNIS.COM

Document Created: 2019-04-11 22:25:23
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 22:25:23

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