Ciel Comments2.pdf

COMMENT submitted by Ciel Satellite Limited Partnership

Ciel Comments


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20090807-00085 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                    Before the
                              Washington, D.C. 20554

In the Matter of                              )
DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC                      )   Call Sign S2796 (File No. SAT-LOA-
                                              )   20090807-00085)
Application for Authority to Launch and       )
Operate a 17/24 GHz Broadcasting-             )
Satellite Service Space Station               )


               Ciel Satellite Limited Partnership (“Ciel”), pursuant to Section 1.106 of the

Commission’s Rules, 47 C.F.R. § 1.106, hereby submits its comments concerning the Spectrum

Five LLC (“Spectrum Five”) Petition for Reconsideration1 of the grant of operating authority to

DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (“DIRECTV”) for DIRECTV RB-2A, a 17/24 GHz Broadcasting-

Satellite Service (“BSS”) payload at the 102.765° W.L. orbital location.2

               Ciel has actively participated in the proceedings relating to the DIRECTV RB-2A

license application (the “RB-2A Application”)3 as well as the proceedings concerning Spectrum

Five’s request for authority to serve the U.S. market using the Netherlands-licensed BSSNET2-

103W 17/24 GHz BSS spacecraft at the nominal 103° W.L. orbital location (the “BSSNET2-

     Petition for Reconsideration of Spectrum Five LLC, File No. SAT-LOA-20090807-00085,
Call Sign S2796, filed Feb. 16, 2010 (“Spectrum Five Petition”).
   DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, Stamp Grant, File No. SAT-LOA-20090807-00085, Call Sign
S2796 (granted Jan. 8, 2010) (“January 8 RB-2A Grant”).
     See Comments of Ciel Satellite Limited Partnership, File No. SAT-LOA-20090807-00085,
filed Nov. 2, 2009 (“Ciel RB-2A Comments”); Reply Comments of Ciel Satellite Limited
Partnership, File No. SAT-LOA-20090807-00085, filed Nov. 24, 2009 (“Ciel RB-2A Reply

103W LOI”).4 As Ciel has explained, Ciel holds Canadian authority to provide 17/24 GHz BSS

at 103° W.L., and the underlying Canadian International Telecommunication Union (“ITU”)

filings have date priority over both the U.S. filings relied on by DIRECTV and the Netherlands

filings relied on by Spectrum Five for the 17/24 GHz BSS frequencies at this orbital position.5

               Most recently, Ciel filed comments earlier this month with respect to Spectrum

Five’s Petition for Reconsideration of the grant of construction and launch authority for RB-2A.6

The instant Spectrum Five Petition raises similar arguments challenging the processing of the

RB-2A Application prior to action on the BSSNET2-103W LOI and the adequacy of the

condition imposed relating to Spectrum Five’s prior petition for reconsideration of DIRECTV’s

license for the RB-2 17/24 GHz BSS spacecraft.7

               Rather than repeating its previous discussion of these matters, Ciel incorporates

its February 3 Comments by reference herein. As that filing explains, Ciel’s interest here is

limited to ensuring that the Commission conforms to its obligations under international law and

its standard procedures by requiring DIRECTV to comply with ITU rules on international

    See Comments of Ciel Satellite Limited Partnership, File No. SAT-LOI-20081119-00217,
dated Nov. 9, 2009 (“Ciel Comments on Petition to Deny BSSNET2-103W”); Comments of Ciel
Satellite Limited Partnership, File No. SAT-LOI-20081119-00217, dated Nov. 23, 2009 (“Ciel
BSSNET2-103W Comments”); Reply Comments of Ciel Satellite Limited Partnership, File
No. SAT-LOI-20081119-00217, dated Dec. 10, 2009 (“Ciel BSSNET2-103W Reply
    See Ciel RB-2A Comments at 2; Ciel BSSNET2-103W Comments at 2.
     See Comments of Ciel Satellite Limited Partnership, File No. SAT-LOA-20090807-00085,
filed Feb. 3, 2010 (“February 3 Comments”).
    See Spectrum Five Petition at 1-2.


coordination. Pursuant to those rules, DIRECTV must terminate RB-2A’s operations to

accommodate the higher priority Ciel network if coordination has not been reached.8

               Accordingly, Ciel takes no position with respect to Spectrum Five’s claims that

the January 8 RB-2A Grant should be rescinded. Ciel simply requests that in any decision

addressing the instant Spectrum Five Petition, the Commission take no action that would conflict

with international law and Commission policies with respect to coordination requirements and

the obligation of a U.S. licensee to yield to a foreign-licensed network with ITU priority absent a

coordination agreement.

                                             Respectfully submitted,

                                             CIEL SATELLITE LIMITED PARTNERSHIP

                                             Scott Gibson
                                             Vice President & General Counsel
                                             Ciel Satellite Limited Partnership
                                             275 Slater Street, Suite 810
                                             Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
                                             K1P 5H9

February 26, 2010

     The January 8 RB-2A Grant expressly provides that “DIRECTV must terminate operations”
on RB-2A when a “17/24 GHz BSS space station regularly authorized to provide service to the
United States pursuant to the Commission’s first-come, first-served processing framework
commences operations at the 103° W.L. location, or its offsets” unless DIRECTV “has entered
into a coordination agreement with the operator of the newly launched 17/24 GHz BSS space
station.” January 8 RB-2A Grant at 2 (¶ 2).


                                 CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

               I, Scott Gibson, hereby certify that on this 26th day of February, 2010, I caused to

be served a true copy of the foregoing “Comments of Ciel Satellite Limited Partnership” by first

class mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

Susan Eid, Senior Vice President, Government Affairs
Stacy R. Fuller, Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
901 F Street, N.W., Suite 600
Washington, D.C. 20004

William Wiltshire
Harris, Wiltshire & Grannis LLP
1200 18th Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20036

David Wilson, President
Spectrum Five LLC
1776 K Street, N.W., Suite 200
Washington, DC 20006

Howard W. Waltzman
Adam C. Sloane
Mayer Brown LLP
1999 K Street, N.W.
Washington, DC 20006
Counsel to Spectrum Five LLC

                                             Scott Gibson

Document Created: 2010-02-26 15:58:30
Document Modified: 2010-02-26 15:58:30

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