Opposition to S5 Pet

OPPOSITION submitted by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

Opposition to S5 Petition for Reconsideration


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20090807-00085 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                  Before the
                                         Washington, D.C. 20554

                                                    w Nt Nest Nest Nest Nt Nt Nes Nes Nust
Application of

DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC                                                                     File No. SAT—LOA—20090807—00085

For Authorization to Launch and                                                              Call Sign:   $2796
Operate DIRECTV RB—2A, a Satellite
in the 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite
Service at the 103° W.L. Location


        DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC ("DIRECTV") hereby opposes the petition by Spectrum

Five LLC ("Spectrum Five")‘ for reconsideration of the International Bureau‘s order granting

authority to launch the DIRECTV RB—2A 17/24 GHz BSS payload." Spectrum Five requests

that the authorization be rescinded, or in the alternative, conditioned upon the outcome of

another Spectrum Five petition for reconsideration pending in another proceeding. Given that

DIRECTV RB—2A was successfully launched on December 28, 2009, it would appear that the

request for rescission is now moot — even Spectrum Five cannot seriously expect the satellite to

be "unlaunched." Moreover, its alternative request for relief has no greater merit in the context

of an authorization for launch only — especially where the launch has already occurred.

Accordingly, the Bureau should expeditiously dismiss this petition.

‘   Petition for Reconsideration of Spectrum Five LLC, IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20090807—00085 (filed Jan. 19,
    2010) ("S5 Petition").

*   See Grant Stamp, IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20090807—00085 (Dec. 15, 2009) (granting launch authority but
    deferring consideration of operational authority). The Commission subsequently granted operational authority
    as well. Grant Stamp, IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20090807—00085 (Jan. 8, 2010) ("DRB2A Authorization").

       In its application, DIRECTV sought authority to launch and operate DIRECTV RB—2A.

In response, Spectrum Five filed a petition requesting that any grant of the application be

conditioned on the outcome ofits petition for reconsideration of the prior authorization of

another 17/24 GHz BSS satellite, DIRECTV RB—2, at the same orbital location." In light of an

impending launch date, the Bureau granted DIRECTV authority to construct and launch this

payload, but deferred consideration of authority for operation of the payload.

       Spectrum Five asserts that even this partial grant was in error because it allowed

DIRECTV to jump the first come, first served licensing queue, so that the later—filed DIRECTV

RB—2A application was processed before the earlier—filed Spectrum Five application to serve the

U.S. from the same slot."* This argument totally ignores the fact that DIRECTV currently holds a

Commission authorization to operate a 17/24 GHz BSS satellite at this orbital location. Neither

Spectrum Five‘s fervent desires nor the pendency of its petition for reconsideration alter the

situation." For purposes of this proceeding, the operative fact is that DIRECTV is the

Commission licensee at this slot for 17/24 GHz BSS operations, and the launch of DIRECTV

RB—2A was granted in that context — which is entirely consistent with the Commission‘s

processing rules.

       Moreover, Spectrum Five has not explained why the grant of launch authority without the

condition it had requested would in any way prejudice the interests of anyone. Although the

   iSee Petition of Spectrum Five LLC to Condition Any Approval of DIRECTV‘s Application on Spectrum Five‘s
   Related Pending Petition for Reconsideration, IBFS File No. SAT—LOA—20090807—00085 (Oct. 28, 2009).

   $5 Petition at 1—2.

   See, eg., 47 C.F.R. § 1.102(b) (non—hearing action taken by delegated authority is effective upon release or
   public notice unless stay is granted). Indeed, as DIRECTV has pointed out, under the Commission‘s first come,
   first serve processing rules, Spectrum Five‘s application should already have been dismissed as a consequence
   of the grant of DIRECTV‘s authorization. See Petition to Deny, IBFS File No. SAT—LOI—20081119—00217
   (Oct. 28, 2009).

DIRECTV RB—2A payload was authorized to launch, that has little consequence absent a further

authorization to operate. If the payload were never given operational authority, and simply

remained inert on the spacecraft, its mere existence in space would have no effect whatsoever on

either the operating environment in space or the legal environment at the Commission. And

given that the payload has already been launched, conditioning launch authority on the outcome

of a pending proceeding is meaningless. If Spectrum Five‘s request for condition has any merit,

it is only with respect to DIRECTV‘s application for operational authority for this payload,6

which will have some practical significance beyond merely changing the physical location of the

payload from the Earth to space — and will undoubtedly be the subject of yet another petition for

reconsideration by Spectrum Five.‘ At this point, however, the only issue is launch authority,

and with respect to that authorization Spectrum Five‘s arguments are clearly specious.

   In this regard, DIRECTV would note that while the Bureau did not condition launch authority as requested by
   Spectrum Five, it did condition the operational authorization issued several weeks later such that its grant is
   without prejudice to the pending reconsideration and DIRECTV must terminate its operation of DIRECTV RB—
   2A when a regularly authorized 17/24 GHz BSS space station authorized to serve the U.S. commences
   operation at this slot unless such operations have been coordinated. See DRB2A Authorization, Condition 2. In
   other words, if Spectrum Five is successful in challenging the DIRECTV RB—2 authorization, and if Spectrum
   Five subsequently is authorized to access the U.S. market from 103° W.L., and if Spectrum Five actually
   manages to successfully launch a 17/24 GHz BSS satellite to that orbital location, DIRECTV would have to
   cease operations unless it had a coordination agreement with Spectrum Five. DIRECTV submits that this
   condition more than satisfies Spectrum Five‘s request.

   See $5 Petition at 1 n.4 (reserving the right to file a separate petition with respect to the grant of operational

       DIRECTV is the Commission licensee for 17/24 GHz BSS operations at 103° W.L., and

has already launched DIRECTV RB—2A. Spectrum Five‘s petition for reconsideration

essentially ignores both of these facts. The Commission cannot similarly overlook these facts,

and instead should expeditiously dismiss Spectrum Five‘s petition.

                                            Respectfully submitted,

                                            William M. Wiltshire
                                            Michael D. Nilsson
                                            WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP
                                            1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.
                                            Washington, DC 20036

                                            Counsel to DIRECTVY Enterprises, LLC

January 26, 2010

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that, on this 26th day of January 2010, a copy of the foregoing

Response was served by hand delivery upon:

              Howard W. Waltzman
              Adam C. Sloane
              Mayer Brown LLP
              1909 K Street, N.W.
              Washington, DC 20006

              David Wilson
              Spectrum Five LLC
              1776 K Street, N.W.
              Suite 200
              Washington, DC 20006

                                                     Meagan Lewis

Document Created: 2010-01-26 10:08:18
Document Modified: 2010-01-26 10:08:18

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