Attachment request


REQUEST submitted by Intelsat North America



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20080523-00112 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                     Before the
                               Washington, D.C. 20554                              .,   %.     ~ I ; ~ I I ~ ~ Conimissiori
                                                                                             : ~ f l ~01r p!tic   Sucretary

In the Matter of                                   )
EchoStar Corporation                               )      File No. SAT-LOA-20080523-001 12
Application for a Geostationary C-Band             1
Satellite in the Fixed-Satellite Service at 85”    )
W.L.                                               1


       Intelsat North America LLC (“Intelsat”), by its attorneys, requests leave to file this brief

response to the Surreply filed by EchoStar Corporation (“EchoStar”) with respect to Intelsat’s

Motion to Dismiss Echostar’s above-referenced 85” W.L. FSS application.2 A response is

warranted to correct further the factual record.                       .
       In its Surreply, EchoStar states that the video recording of the FCC’s July 8,2003 public

meeting is “archived and ~navailable”.~In fact, an archived video on the FCC’s website is

readily available to the public. The FCC’s website instructs that a temporary link to the video

                                                   Intelsat requested the video on May 23,
will be provided upon request to

2008 and the link was provided. As of August 1,2008, when Intelsat filed its Motion to Dismiss,
       EchoStar Corp., Request to File Surreply and Surreply (filed Aug. 26,2008) (“Echostar
        Intelsat North America LLC, Motion to Dismiss (filed Aug. 1, 2008) (“Intelsat Motion”).
        EchoStar Surreply at 2.
        Available at     (“Because of the large
amount of computer memory required to store audiohide0 recordings, and the limited amount of
hard disk space available on the FCC web server, we periodically move older audiohide0
recordings of FCC events to off-line storage to conserve space on the FCC web server. The
names of these events and links to related materials are listed below. If you would like to play
the audiohide0 files from one of the events listed below, please e-mail your specific request to, and we will provide you with a temporary link that you can use to access
the selected media file.”).

the video was archived again. Following receipt of Intelsat’s Motion to Dismiss, EchoStar

requested the video and the link was provided. And, upon archiving again, the video will remain

readily available upon request.

       As such, there is no merit to Echostar’s claim that the video recording of the FCC’s July

8,2003 public meeting “could not have served as notice to applicants for the 85 degree orbital

slot.”5 The public record clearly disclosed that a public meeting had been held and applicants

should certainly have been aware that it is general practice for the FCC to record public meetings

and post a link to the video on its website. Once a video is archived, all an applicant had to do is

request it.6 In fact, as clearly shown in the video of the July 8,2003 public meeting, Echostar’s

counsel were present at that public meeting and were thus familiar with its subject matter. While

EchoStar may be a new entrant to the FSS industry, their experienced counsel’s actual

knowledge of the contents of the meeting, including the discussion of the 11:OO AM filing

window, belies any claim of lack of notice.

                                                     Respectfully submitted,

                                                     Intelsat North America LLC

                                                        Bert W. Rein
                                                        Jennifer D. Hindin
                                                        Carl R. Frank
                                                        Wiley Rein LLP
                                                        1776 K Street, NW
                                                        Washington, DC 20006
       Dated: August 28,2008                            Counsel to Intelsat North America L E

       EchoStar Surreply at 2.
       Archived Recordings of Public Forums, New Satellite Application Procedures, from
1:22:22 to 1:23:10 and 1:25:54 to 1:26:40 on the RealPlayerTMvideo player (July 8,2003),
available at (last visited Aug. 27,2008).


                               CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

I, Kim Riddick, do hereby certify that on August 28,2008, I served a copy of the foregoing
Request to File Response to Surreply and Response upon the following parties by U.S. first-class
mail, postage pre-paid:

Pantelis Michalopoulos                       Linda Kinney
Steptoe & Johnson LLP                        EchoStar Corporation
1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW                  90 Inverness Circle E.
Washington, DC 20036                         Englewood, CO 801 12
Counsel to EchoStar Corporation

                                                                        *   h   a

                                                                                    Kim Riddick

Document Created: 2008-08-29 13:31:45
Document Modified: 2008-08-29 13:31:45

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