Attachment Schedule S GXT

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20080509-00101 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                  EXHIBIT 5K: BACK—UP COMMAND BEAM
                        [BICONE/OMNI ANTENNA]

                  Beam Polarization: Right Hand Circular
                       Peak Antenna Gain: —2.3 dBi
                          Peak G/T:; —35.6 dB/K
          Command Threshold Flux Density at Peak G/T: —89.7 dBW/m*
                  (Schedule S Beam Designation: CMDO) _

                                      (a) Elevation Cut Antenna Gain Pattern
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 1)   Gain variation in elevation shown for the azimuth angle of 0°.
 2)   The x—axis represents the elevation angle and spans from —180° to +180°. Each major axis
      division line represents 20° ofelevation.
 3)   The y—axis represents the antenna gain. Each major axis division linerepresents 2 dB of
                                      (b) Azumuth Cut Antenna Gain Pattern _
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1)    Gainvariationin azimuth shown for elevation angles of 0° and £+20°.
2) The x—axis represents the azimuth angle and spans from 180°to +180°. Each major axis
   division line represents 20° of azimuth.
3) The y—axis represents the antenna gain. Each major axis division line represents 2 dB of gain.

                                                               Page 46 of 68

Document Created: 2019-04-15 06:11:49
Document Modified: 2019-04-15 06:11:49

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