Attachment compliance





This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20070314-00051 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                                              555 Eleventh Street, N.W., Suite 1000
                                                                              Washington, D.C. 20004—1304
                                                                              Tel: +1.202.637.2200 Fax: +1.202.637.2201

LATHAMeWATKINS«                                                               FIRM / AFFILIATE OFFICES

                                                                              Barcelona        New Jersey
                                                                              Brussels         New York
                                                                              Chicago          Northern Virginia
                                                                              Doha             Orange County

   March 17, 2009                        F]Lg                                 E“bakif q        gafis
                                                   fi/A@@Efi                     rankfu           ome.
                                                             L            .   Hamburg          San Diego
   VIA HAND DELIVERY                                         ~        TED     Hong Kong        San Francisco
                                               MAR 7 72009                    London           Shanghai
                                                                              Los Angeles      Silicon Valley
                                     Federa)           lag                           .          .
   Ms. Marlene H. Dortch                       c""’";!ffg’csgons CommIsgion   mald”d           fooaee
                                                             Rorg               ilan           Tokyo
   Secretary                                                     tary .       Moscow           Washington, D.C.
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street, SW
   Washington, DC 20554

           Re:    ViaSat, Inc. Milestone Compliance Showing for VIASAT—KA1, Call Sign $2737,
                  File Nos. SAT—LOA—20070314—00051, SAT—MOD—20080718—00144, SAT—AMD—

   Dear Ms. Dortch:

            Pursuant to Section 25.164(d) of the Commission‘s rules, ViaSat, Inc. ("ViaSat") hereby
   submits documentation to demonstrate compliance with the critical design review ("CDR")
   construction milestone set forth in its authorization to launch and operate the VIASAT—KA1
   satellite at the 77.3° W.L. orbital location. The VIASAT—KA1 license provides for ViaSat to
   complete the CDR for this satellite by July 18, 2009.‘

           To demonstrate compliance with this construction milestone, enclosed are: (i) a
   certification of completion of CDR, and (ii) a copy of the minutes from the CDR indicating that
   CDR was completed on January 30, 2009. Based on this evidence, ViaSat respectfully requests
   that the Commission find that the CDR milestone for the VIASAT—KA1 satellite has been
   satisfied and authorize the reduction of ViaSat‘s performance bond accordingly.

   1       See File No. SAT—LOA—20070314—00051 (granted July 18, 2007).


     Ms. Marlene H. Dortch
     March 17, 2009
     Page 2


               Please do not hesitate to contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding this

                                                    Respectfully submitted,

                                                    John P. Janka
                                                    Elizabeth R. Park


     ce:       Robert Nelson
               Stephen Duall



1, Daryl T. Hunter, certify under penalty of perjury that:

1.      I am the Director, Regulatory Affairs of ViaSat, Inc.

2.     Critical Design Review, as defined in the Contract between ViaSat, Inc. and Space
       Systems/Loral, Inc. for the ViaSat "77" Satellite Program, dated as of July 14, 2008 (the
       "Contract‘), for the manufacture of ViaSat‘s licensed Ka—band geostationary fixed—
       satellite service satellite to be launched and operated at the 77.3° W.L. orbital location,
       was completed on January 30, 2009.

                                                  C                    ,
                                                 h/avsl VCz
                                              Daryl T. Hubter

March 12, 2009



                                                                                                        ViaSat, Inc.,
                                                                                                  6155 El Camino Real
                                                                                           Carlsbad, CA 92009 + 1699


                                                                                             Space Systems/Loral
                                                                                                      3825 Fabian Way
                                                                                           Palo Alto, CA 94303 « 4604

This document may contain data and/or information proprietary (competition sensitive) to ViaSat and Space
Systems/Loral. This data/information shall not be disclosed, disseminated or reproduced, in whole or in part, without the
express prior written approval of Space Systems/Loral.

                                              S8/L and ViaSat Proprietary

Section                                                                                                                                                           Page

SUMMARY .2 a02.00 0000 e 2e reeerrsrerrsirerserrersrererrernereersereeees. onerrvrrrverreevesrrvvererrreaerverrrerereeerereeereresereerneesL1
MINUTES..0202000eesserrserrrssvesereeereerssiereresssestsveseesires se rrces issc resisesresessereeereseriererssesiererscrsesererererieerrereees2
          1.0       INTRODUCTION / WELCOME .1222222222022222222¥¥8eererrertetsreeesvereerrrs cesc es ss se re se ces se ee es2
          2.0       SPACECRAFT OVERVIEW AND SYSTEM BUDGETS .......020000000000meeereeeeee2
          3.0       SYSTEM PROCESSES..,220022000020022rrrrersrrrrrerrrrrrsrreeeessersrrererersssrererrrerererrereesserrreres2
                    3.1        INtegrated PFOGTAM PIQM ........1.02022222reeveever se se r es e se err es se rrreserve se es se reererereees2
                      3.2         PrOUUCt ASSUIAMNCE 1202202222222 22022 es 0e se revev es se vesr es se se re sns se e rrsrrerrer es ie c i rerrerrene2
                      3.3         Reli@bility ANAIYS@3....0222020022202022+¥serrsersrerererters es se srerrrerserccererre e is ereerrrrerrer ie2
           4.0        SPACECRAFT LEVEL REQUIREMENTS...222022020222225222¥2204rrterererssesresrrrsr ces sreeee.2
                      4.1         EXRibit B REVi@W ...2,.2202.02222s2esseereeerrser ces es rererve cssc rsrrer css errcersceres ces reccrerreerees2
           5.0        SPACECRAFT CONFIGURATION ........esn re se sns esebrrrevesrenrrresesrecreseesrere esc ersesre ces2.
           6.0        PAYLOAD SYSTEM...222202002002000200rrserrerrrvervreresseresersesrsseersereriesreereecessecrssreciererrr en es 3
                      6.1         ViaSat—77 COMMUNIC@tiONS P&RYIOAG.........2..22022220222 00e¥ ssevevreererrerrrrcerre ce ces 3
                      6.2         LNAS 112222020 ssrsrrversrrvevererereeserresssereereesrerrere se se es erreseereseesesesrrrerses ie cesc ere se cce rrees 3
                      6.3         DOWICONVETTE@TS....20222022222022eseses se se es se se es es r esc rseserrrerrse se se e rers en es e e ns enc ce en se en e es 3
                      6.4         MPM.1222220m0»»+e¥s¥sss¥sserrersssrerssresseeererreserserrereeerrrsres iescs seveeserissseesereerssererecrreres 3
                      6.5         MRO/MLA ..111222222222022222rss¥rerrsersssserstrrresereesesseserecesersesicresreseerecesererrrassesrenes 3
                      6.6         Input Filters/OUtPUt FiIt@erS/SWiItCRN ... 2222222222202 ¥e2e2e zes se rrrrerr se es se esn errrersrereres 3
                      6.7         phuee 3
                      6.8         Radio Frequency AUtOTIACK (RFAT) ..,.12.0220222210¥s2e2er es es se vervsseesev es rrcereeee es3
                                  6.8.1     RFAT Subsystem DeSigN & ReQ........,......220000200eeeere e e en se ces 3
                                  6.8.2     RF SEDSOF D@SI&NM ...........2202202000646ervsververerersteerrrereceereerrerserrrrreres4
                                  6.8.3     RFAT DYNAMIGS & CONIOIS....2..220222202222e2+er se e e e es versr se es se cce esd4
                            6.8 .4 RFAT CONtOIIG@T D@SI&M ......2222222222222e2 0e +ss err e vererrev e e en en es eree es4
           7.0        TC&R SUBSYSTEM AND BEACON ..222200022202222222rer8eveeserecrrree se s es es ereresesrerrrerseres4
           8.0        ATTITUDE CONTROL SUBSYSTEM (ACS) .2222222202 2222200 er e es e errerererereresrerrerereees4
                      8.1         ACS OVETVI@W...02220220002222rerrr es se v es se es ererseeser se se rressresresr se i en cereerecreeerrenrereees4
                      8.2         ACS SUDSYSt@M H/W ....12.0222202222sreresesrseresvesseeserserserserererserseesrerserrrssresserreres4
                      8.3         ACS DYN&MIGCS @AG CONPOIS,..220202020200200200002eererrrve e es erverersrrerrrressecsrerrr en serees4
                      8.4         ACS FDIR OVETVIE@W....222222220202202eserrerr se es e se sererrrrrsserrerrerrerrenerrer esns ee en ereees4
                      8.5  plociaifibesoe e4
           9.0        DATA HANDLING SUBSYSTEM (DHS) ...2.22022222222222222 22202¥ sreere es erserrsrerrerer es se ces4
                      9.1         DHS OVENTVI@W ...1.0022022222222rrrve es es se vr se es ce se rcreserrstrr se se see se es en se n rerereerr esnc en sees4
                      9.2         DHS HAQWATG ..........2,.1220260eree es se re se es ere es rereer ie ceseverrrrrrererirrerrrrerrereeeeeees4
                      9.3         DHS Flight SOFEWATE ....2,.2.10202222es se es verrer se ces ssrs se ressrreer es se se rrreerresrrererrrrrer ces 5
                      9.4         DHS FDIR OVETVI@W ....222.0220222222sr se se se rererererrereeere se se es se cssc rrere sc e esn es ersrenes 5

nif"Aue ByoTemes

L_lC:IT€/AL                                                                           .                                        System CDR — A?:tslélfig;sl?ri?tgi
                       .                                                              1
                                                                                                                                ViaSat77/$S77 CDR Minutes.doc+—01/30/2009
                                    Use or disclosure ofthe data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page.

           10.0       ELECTRICAL POWER SUBSYSTEM (EPS) dnnrrrrreenernrerrerereererrersreerererereerermcees 5
                      10.1  EPS Overview @Nd R@QUIT@MENTS,........20222222020200 002000202 erer se es ee e se e r se es eev ces 5
                      10.2        EPS HAIQWATE.......0..20200.20e22serrrrrvssveeersrrrsrerresrrecrrrresrresresrrsrvesrereser es es e rarerveres 5
                      10.3        BAIEIY .........ccssevrvesrerresrressessesserrerserseereerresertrersersrescersrerererteseesrrrerrrrrrreserrenes 5
                      10.4  SOIAP AITAY ...2.02222000262sevrvrerrerververrrsererrerrerererrereresererrerrerrerererersseerserererrerrreees 5
           11.0       THERMAL CONTROL SUBSYSTEM..............0000c2 eeevevrrerveverserereerrerrererneees 5
           12.0       PROPULSION SUBSYSTEM DESIGN ...2022222222222222222¥84rrrevereererersrrrerr se rseeerrersr es 5
           13.0       STRUCTURE SUBSYSTEM...202022202222222222242¥8¥¥rtr8rerrsrrersesrerrrses ie ts ie ererersrersreersrecaees 5
                      13.1        Structure SUDSYSteM R@QUITEMENES .............0.200.002020ee+rever e es erer es err se se rrer kss 5
                      13.2        StTUCtUIG SUbSYSt@N DESCTIPDHON .........2..2222.2222062ee2seeerseressrrerrerrrersrrrerereseres 5
                      13.3        TOWELf D@SIGM ......2.022000020ee2esevs se r es se es erernerreen cesnrrrrrivrrvrrrrrveerrerrererererereces. 5
                      13.4  Satellite StTUCtUILG@ ANAIYSIS .......2.02.2,02202222¥22rveresvesseveesrersrerererrreserreere se sns ere. 5
           14.0       MECHANISMS SUBSYSTEM ....,220202222222202¥2¥¥rte¥serrrrrsrereserssssetrrrrrsrerere iess erersecceees 6
           15.0       ASSEMBLY, INTEGRATION, AND TEST 12222202020222222222e 44e¥ s se erree se erersrrrrrrrrreeens 6
           16.0       LAUNCH VEHICLE SYSTEMS ..2202020,220222222222208¥rerreerrrirersersersrerrserrrrresersreresserereres6
           17.0       MISSION ANALYSIS 222000200002220222rrrerrrerrrersrerssserierrererseeererersrererrerreceecerererrere ce ce e ce re 6
           18.0       MISSION PLANNING,.2022222022222024rrzrrrerrreverssrerrererreseesierereeserererersrrereerrerserereeresrere es 6
           19.0       IN—ORBIT TEST .020200202202002022rrvsevererrrrrresereerresrse ts es reseserersreessrersiersereneeresrerererserrree es 6
ACTION ITEMS ..202002222222r80sereveeesrtrestsetreesersrrrrereeeseresseese ie tereserseeseerecesversvessersrereresrereeerrr ce es ie ce reres 7


LCAL                                                                                .                                         System CDR — Aifiéhsm?nzl?tgi
                                                                                                                               ViaSat77/V/$77 CDR Minutes.doc/—01/30/2009
                                   Use or disclosure ofthe data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the ritle page.


The ViaSat—77 Critical Design Review (CDR) was held at Space Systems/Loral in Palo Alto on
January 30, 2009. The CDR was completed successfully agreement was reached to continue the
program according to plan. Action Items were generated and are documented herein.
Participants were:

       ViaSat, Inc.
            Marc Agnew
            Mark Miller
            Dave Abrahamian
            Aaron Mendelsohn
            John Tchorz
            Daryl Hunter

      Space Systems/Loral, Inc.
            Greg Bossert
            Michel Baylocq
            Jon Danckwerth
            Jim Sowers
            Greg Harms

smane sysTtems                                                                                                                         SS/L—TRO2092
Lm >           h                                                                                                 System CDR — Actions/Minutes

                                                                                                                    ViaSat77NVS77 CDR Minutes.doc/1/30/2009
                      Use or disclosure ofthe data contained onthis sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page.


The objectives of the CDR were identified and significant program accomplishments were
discussed. The program plan is on—track and progressing smoothly.

The current design status of the satellite and the latest mass, power, thermal, pointing, and OML
budgets were presented and discussed. Budgets demonstrate positive margins.


3.1      Integrated Program Plan

The ViaSat—77 schedule was presented and progress was discussed. Program schedule
contingency remains at 2 months as originally planned.

3.2      Product Assurance
All hardware development and qualification was accomplished on the ViaSat—1 program. The
Product Assurance program for VS—77 was addressed to capture and assess changes from VS—1.

3.3      Reliability Analyses
The updated reliability analysis was presented.                                   Reliability was shown to be compliant to
specifications.                                                                                                      '


4.1      Exhibit B Review
All system level requirements from Exhibit B have been satisfied.

4.2      ERS/Space Environments
The satellite design was shown to be consistent with 18 years of space environment. Venting
profiles were also presented for several LVs.

The external and internal configurations of the VS—77 satellite were presented and discussed.

epmaices mamm&                                                                                                                           SS/L—TRO2092
l&                                                                                                                System CDR — Actions/Minutes
                                                                                                                     ViaSat77/V/$77 CODR Minutes.doc/1/30/2009
                        Use or disclosure ofthe data contained onthis sheet is subject to the restriction onthe title page.


6.1      ViaSat—77 Communications Payload
The payload design and predicted performance was discussed. AI #1 — #3 were generated
regarding the baseline beam mappings and possible variations.

Further detail was provided on each of the Forward and Return Payloads.

6.2      LNAs
The design overview and performance status of the SS/L LNAs was presented.

6.3       Downconverters
The design overview and performance status of the SS/L downconverters was presented.

6.4       MPM
The Tesat MPM build status and design overview were discussed. Performance results were
also addressed.     Separate discussions of the Thales TWTs and Tesat LCAMPs were also

6.5       MRO/MLO
The design overview and performance status of the Lucix MRO/MLO was provided. AI #4 was
generated to investigate options for output detection of the MLO.

6.6      Input Filters/Output Filters/Switch
A design and performance discussion of each filter type was provided. Included were: output
diplexer with harmonic filter; output combiner; output harmonic filter; channel filter; pre—select
filter; and harmonic filter.

6.7      Antennas
A presentation of RF design and performance for the ViaSat—77 antennas was provided. Each
separate sub—component was discussed in detail, including: feeds, splashplates, and reflectors.

The mechanical design of the ViaSat—77 antenna subsystem was then presented.

6.8       Radio Frequency AutoTrack (RFAT)

6.8.1     RFAT Subsystem Design & Req
An overview discussion of the ViaSat—77 RFAT subsystem was provided. AI #5 was generated
regarding ground TCR locations.

space systems                                                                                                                               SS/L—TRO2092
IK@ | 7+A BB                                                                                                          System CDR — Actions/Minutes
                                                                                                                          ViaSat77/V$77 CDR Minutes.doc1/30/2009
                          Use or disclosure of the data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page,

6.8.2      RF Sensor Design
Further detailed information was provided on the RF components of the autotracking system
including the PSN, switches, filters, LNA, and receiver.

6.8.3    RFAT Dynamics & Controls
The RFAT control loop design and performance was presented.

6.8.4      RFAT Controller Design
Presentation of the RFAT subsystem was finished with a discussion of the RAP design and
performance and test philosophy.

A detailed discussion of the TCR subsystem along with component designs and performance was


8.1     ACS Overview             .
An overview presentation of the ACS was provided. No changes were noted from ViaSat—1.

8.2      ACS Subsystem H/AW
The ACS subsystem hardware design and performance was discussed.

8.3      ACS Dynamics and Controls
A discussion of the ACS Dynamics and Controls design was provided.

8.4      ACS FDIR Overview
The Fault Detection Isolation and Recovery approach for the ViaSat—77 ACS was reviewed.

8.5      ACS Flight Software
The ACS Flight Software was presented to be virtually identical to ViaSat—1.


9.1     DHS Overview
An overview of the DHS was provided.

9.2      DHS Hardware
The hardware components of the DHS were discussed from a performance and design

EWA&E EMB                                                                                 >                                              SS/L—TRO2092
Lm           i.                                                                                                   System CDR —— Actions/Minutes
                                                                                                                      ViaSatl77/S77 CDR Minutes.doc1/30/2009
                        Use or disclosure of the data contained onthis sheet is subject to the restriction onthe title page.

9.3     DHS Flight Software
An overview of the flight software modules and performance characteristiecs was provided.

9.4      DHS FDIR Overview
A presentation of the failure detection and recovery for ViaSat—77 was provided.


10.1    EPS Overview and Requirements
The EPS design and requirements for ViaSat—77 were shown to be very similar to ViaSat—1.

10.2     EPS Hardware
The design and performance of EPS hardware components was provided.

10.3     Battery
A briefing on the Lilon battery design and performance was provided.

10.4     Solar Array
The solar array design and performance was provided.

The ViaSat—77 thermal control subsystem was reviewed.

The bipropellant and electrical (Stationary Plasma Thruster) propulsion system design,
operation, and performance were discussed in detail.


13.1     Structure Subsystem Requirements
The requirements for the primary and secondary structure were presented.

13.2      Structure Subsystem Description
The structural design and heritage of the ViaSat—77 satellite was discussed.

13.3      Tower Design
The principal component of the secondary structure, the tower, was described in detail.

13.4     Satellite Structure Analysis
Results of the principal structural analyses were reviewed.

               SME                                                                                                                         SS/L—TRO2092
L—li      &# Al—                                                                                                   System CDR — Actions/Minutes
                                                                                                                       ViaSat77//$S77 CDR Minutes.doc/1/30/2009
                        Use or disclosure ofthe data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page.

A brief design and heritage discussionwas provided for each of the satellite mechanisms.

The key steps and philosophy of the serial—flow system—level assembly, integration, and test
sequence were reviewed in detail.

Anoverview of the SS/Lexperience and history with each applicable launch vehicle for ViaSat—
77 was provided.

The analysis for the ViaSat—77 mission was briefly discussed.

The mission sequence and planning exercises were shown to be very similar to ViaSat—1.

The in—orbit test sequence and philosophy were discussed in an overview sense.

The ViaSat—77 CDR was completed successfully and all approve to move forward as planned.


                                                                                        /Q%[A g%?fi«—«wmfi                                    romiver

                                                                                               Space Systems/Loral

                                                                                                                System CDR — Actions/Minutes

                                                                                                                   ViaSalZ7VST77 COR Minutes.doc1130/2009
                       Use ar disclosuee of the data contained on tis sheet is subjecs to the restricuon on the ditepage,

                                                       ACTION ITEMS

Action   Description                                                                                Actionee                             Due
   1.    p. 89; The user beam and gateway for St John‘s                                              Jim Sowers                          15—March
         are     not   overlayed          exactly.             What            are       the
         implications to overlay exactly?
   2.    |p. 89 The Peurto Rico beam is shown to Mike Djobadze                                                                           15—March
         originate from the NW reflector? What drives it
         to originate from NW versus another reflector?
   3.    p. 90: The number of 2, 3 and 4 color gateways                                              Jim Sowers                          15—March
         is not identical to ViaSat—1. How does this
         effect the objective to have an identical repeater
   4.    Investigate options for output detection of the                                             Jim Sowers                          15—March
   5.    |Is there flexibility in the location of the two                                            Yassir Azziz                        15—March
         TCR ground sites other than St. Louis and
   6.    ViaSat to confirm that collocation of the uplink                                            ViaSat                              15—March
         beacon sites with the TCR ground sites is the
   7.    ViaSat to confirm that the TCR RF frequencies, ViaSat                                                                           15—March
         duplicated from ViaSat—1, are consistent with
         coordination at 77 West Longitude.

loalf          S3 is                                                                                                 System CDR — Actions/Minutes
                                                                                                                         ViaSat77S77 CDR Minutes.doc/1/30/2009
                          Use or disclosure ofthe data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the ritle page.

Document Created: 2009-03-19 15:22:32
Document Modified: 2009-03-19 15:22:32

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