Attachment letter

This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20070105-00003 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                                 ATTORNEYS           AT   LAYW

    Pantelis Michalopoultos                                                                     1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
   202.429.6494                                                                                  Washington, DC 200361795                                                                                    Tel 202.429.3000
                                                                                                             Fax 202.429.3902

   July 2, 2009


   Robert Nelson
   Chief, Satellite Division
   International Bureau
   Federal Communications Commission
   445 12th Street SW .
   Washington, D.C. 20554

   Re:      EchoStar Corporation 17/24 GHz Broadcast—Satellite Service Applications

   Dear Mr. Nelson:

            On behalf of EchoStar Corporation ("EchoStar"), we are writing to update you on EchoStar‘s
   efforts to develop the 17/24 GHz Broadcast—Satellite Service ("BSS") spectrum in order to achieve a
   number of goals: improve service; increase the direct—to—home television programming available to U.S.
   consumers; and meet consumer demand for high—bandwidth programming as well as regulatory
   imperatives for High Definition carriage placed on its customer, DISH Network L.L.C. ("DISH"). In
   the same vein, we want to reconfirm EchoStar‘s intent to pursue the two remaining 17/24 GHz BSS
   applications that are currently pending before the Bureau and urge action on those applications.

            Recently, the Bureau authorized EchoStar to construct, launch and operate three 17/24 GHz BSS
   satellites at 62.15° W.L.,I 75° W.L.,2 and 79° W.L.* EchoStar filed the required three million dollar

          \ See Stamp Grant, File Nos. SAT—LOA—20070105—00001, SAT—AMD—20080114—00021 (Call
   Sign S2723) (granted Mar. 13, 2009).


Robert Nelson
July 2, 2009
Page 2

bonds for each of these authorizations and has begun consulting with satellite and equipment
manufacturers to design a system that will take full advantage of the authority the Bureau has granted.
These discussions have been focused on whether spot beam or CONUS satellites are more suitable for
the power limits and other characteristics of the 17/24 GHz BSS band. Depending on the final outcome
of this analysis, EchoStar may request appropriate modifications and amendments to its 17/24 GHz BSS
authority and applications. These three licenses provide EchoStar the ability to supplement existing
services from nearby BSS operations at 61.5° W.L., 72.7° W.L. and 77° W.L., and long—term flexibility
on future satellite fleet and dish design for DISH‘s Eastern Arc services.

       Importantly, EchoStar‘s plans for that band also include the satellites intended to operate at 107°
W.L.* and 110.4° W.L.," for which EchoStar has requested authority.° These slots play a similarly

      2 See Stamp Grant, File Nos. SAT—LOA—20070105—00003, SAT—AMD—20080114—00022, SAT—
AMD—20080213—00045 (Call Sign $2725) (granted Mar. 18, 2009).
      * See Stamp Grant, File Nos. SAT—LOA—20020328—00050, SAT—AMD—20050118—00247, SAT—
AMD—20080114—00018, SAT—AMD—20080213—00044 (Call Sign $2440) (granted Apr. 20, 2009).

       * File Nos. SAT—LOA—20020328—00051, SAT—AMD—20080114—00019, SAT—AMD—20080213—
00042 (Call Sign $2441).

       5 File Nos. SAT—LOA—20020328—00052, SAT—AMD—20080114—00020, SAT—AMD—20080213—
00043 (Call Sign $2442).
         ° On May 27, 2009, the Bureau dismissed EchoStar‘s application to launch and operate a C—band
satellite at 85° W.L. pursuant to Section 25.159(d) because the Bureau found that EchoStar had missed
three milestones within a three—year period, thereby limiting EchoStar from filing additional satellite
applications. Section 25.159(d) does not apply to EchoStar‘s pending 17/24 GHz BSS applications
because that rule limits the filing of new applications prospectively, after the missing of three
milestones. The pending 17/24 GHz BSS applications predated the relevant milestones by years. The
milestones referred to in the May 27 letter occurred in December 2006 (the first) and October 2007 (the
other two), whereas the pending 17/24 GHz applications were originally filed in March 2002. In any
event, EchoStar has requested a lifting of that presumption. See File No. SAT—LOA—20090528—00060
(filed May 28, 2009). If EchoStar‘s request to lift the presumption is granted, the presumption would be
lifted with respect to all EchoStar applications, even ones filed after the milestones in question. Finally,
to the extent it were deemed necessary, EchoStar requests a determination that the presumption is
rebutted for the pending 17/24 GHz BSS applications too or a waiver of Section 25.159(d) for good
cause. In that regard, EchoStarincorporates by reference the points made in support of its request on
May 28, 2009, which equally apply here. See id. Among other things, EchoStar has not displayed a
"pattern of obtaining licenses and then surrendering them before a milestone deadline," Amendment of
the Commission‘s Space Station Licensing Rules and Policies, First Report and Order and Further
Notice of Proposed Rulemaking, 18 FCC Red 10760, nt. 463 (2003). Rather, EchoStar‘s sister

                                                                                   STEPTOE &JOHNSGN w

Robert Nelson
July 2, 2009
Page 3

critical role in DISH‘s Western Are services from 110° W.L., 119° W.L., and 129° W.L. EchoStar‘s
planning and design efforts for the three existing licenses will carry over for the two additional Western
Arc orbital locations, and EchoStar urges final action on those applications.

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                                              Pan\ré’hs Michalopoulos /;
                                              Petra A. Vorwig
                                              Counselfor EchoStar Corporation

company, DISH, surrendered three discrete authorizations out of dozens of authorizations and
constructed satellites within the DISHfleet. It did so in a timely manner, and moreover, it demonstrated
in each of its surrender letters that the surrender was due to legitimate justifications. Further, with six
operational satellites and its efforts to bring new capacity to the DTH market, the Commission should
conclude that EchoStaris not a speculator.

Document Created: 2019-04-10 19:12:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 19:12:11

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