Opposition to S5 App

OPPOSITION submitted by DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

Opposition to Application for Review


This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20060908-00100 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                   Before the
                             Washington, D.C. 20554

Application of                          )
DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC                ) File Nos.    SAT-LOA-20060908-00100
                                        )              SAT-AMD-20080114-00014
For Authorization to Launch and         )              SAT-AMD-20080321-00077
Operate DIRECTV RB-2, a Satellite       )
in the 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite ) Call Sign:   S2712
Service at the 102.825 W.L. Location   )


William M. Wiltshire                     Susan Eid
Michael Nilsson                          Executive Vice President,
WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP                    Government Affairs
1200 Eighteenth Street, NW               Stacy R. Fuller
Washington, DC 20036                     Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
(202) 730-1300                           DIRECTV, LLC
                                         901 F Street, NW, Suite 600
Counsel for DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC     Washington, DC 20004
                                         (202) 383-6300

July 17, 2012


       Though not easy to discern through the heated rhetoric used by Spectrum Five,

this proceeding involves a disagreement about how to quantify a single parameter in a

newly adopted technical analysis required of an applicant for a 17/24 GHz BSS space

station authorization. Specifically, while every other power flux-density (“PFD”)

limitation contained in Section 25.208 of the Commission’s rules explicitly applies under

free space conditions (i.e., in the absence of any atmospheric effects), the PFD limitation

applicable to 17/24 GHz BSS systems applies under “clear sky” conditions. Although the

Commission stated at the time it adopted the rule in question that “clear sky” included

“atmospheric attenuation due to gasses and water vapor,” it has never specified the

format or content required to demonstrate compliance under clear sky conditions.

       This lack of specificity has led not only to disagreement between DIRECTV and

Spectrum Five, but also to each party changing its own positions on the issue. For

example, after taking the position in one of its own 17/24 GHz BSS applications that

“atmospheric loss (which is always present as a link attenuation) provides an additional

margin for this [PFD] calculation,” Spectrum Five subsequently asserted in this

proceeding that a PFD calculation submitted by DIRECTV in one of its 17/24 GHz BSS

applications could include no atmospheric effects, before switching back to admit that

some effects can be considered (though the precise methodology for quantifying those

effects has varied in Spectrum Five’s filings). For its part, DIRECTV initially included

atmospheric effects in its PFD calculations, but later revised that analysis to remove the

effect of clouds, an element unlikely to be found in clear sky conditions. Ultimately, the

difference in PFD calculated by DIRECTV and Spectrum Five amounted to at most less

than one half of one dB – and likely much less.

       The International Bureau has now resolved the issue, providing authoritative

guidance for future applicants on the extent to which atmospheric effects may be

included in “clear sky” PFD calculations. It also imposed a condition on the

authorization issued to DIRECTV to ensure that the DIRECTV RB-2 satellite would

operate within the limitations imposed by the Commission’s rules as interpreted by the

Bureau. A similar scenario has played out in countless other proceedings, where a bureau

must interpret and apply a new Commission requirement and condition authorizations as

appropriate to ensure compliance going forward. Moreover, because DIRECTV

modified its authorization last year to implement a new downlink beam pattern that

includes a maximum power level 5 dB lower than previously authorized, Spectrum Five’s

alleged concerns that DIRECTV will operate an “overpowered” satellite that will give it a

competitive advantage and cause harmful interference to adjacent systems has been

rendered moot.

       Nonetheless, Spectrum Five continues to argue that (1) the Bureau’s failure to

dismiss DIRECTV’s application as defective violates the first-come, first served

procedures, (2) the Bureau mischaracterized the PFD showing in DIRECTV’s

application, and (3) the Bureau adopted a condition that was totally ineffectual, thus

authorizing DIRECTV to operate a satellite at excessive power levels. Spectrum Five is

wrong on each and every count.

       First, DIRECTV’s application was “substantially complete” when filed, as it

included all information required by the Commission’s rules, including a PFD calculation


showing compliance with applicable limits. Nothing more is required. The fact that

Spectrum Five quibbled with a single parameter in one aspect of that application does not

warrant dismissal. Such an approach would improperly conflate the standard for

accepting an application with an evaluation on the merits.

       Second, the Bureau did not mischaracterize DIRECTV’s PFD showing. It first

determined that the DIRECTV RB-2 satellite could operate within the hard limits on PFD

established in Section 25.208(w) – a conclusion that even Spectrum Five does not now

challenge. Second, it confirmed DIRECTV’s conclusion that, because it would operate

with less than four-degree spacing from an adjacent “on grid” 17/24 GHz BSS orbital

location, the satellite would have to operate at a PFD level approximately 0.5 dB below

the limits set in Section 25.208(w). DIRECTV’s application makes clear that the satellite

has the capability to operate at lower power levels. The Bureau did no more than specify

the levels at which the satellite must operate in order to remain compliant with its rules.

As it had with other authorizations for offset 17/24 GHz BSS space stations, the Bureau

conditioned DIRECTV’s license to require the DIRECTV RB-2 space station to operate

within the lower power levels determined using a methodology specified by the Bureau.

Contrary to Spectrum Five’s contention, the Bureau fully understood and properly

characterized DIRECTV’s PFD submission.

       Third, the condition imposed on DIRECTV will ensure compliance with the

Commission’s technical rules. That condition requires DIRECTV not to exceed the

lower of the PFD level calculated pursuant to a specified formula or the PFD level stated

in DIRECTV’s application, and further specifies that DIRECTV “shall meet the reduced

PFD limits under all atmospheric conditions.” In its discussion of this condition,


Spectrum Five strategically omits that last aspect of the requirement in an effort to create

a potential ambiguity where none exists. The Commission should not be misled; the

condition imposed by the Bureau will ensure that DIRECTV’s satellite operates at

appropriate power levels.

       Spectrum Five has failed to raise any basis for overturning the Bureau’s licensing

and reconsideration orders in this proceeding. Accordingly, the Commission should

dismiss the Application for Review.


                                             TABLE OF CONTENTS


SUMMARY ........................................................................................................................ i

I. BACKGROUND ......................................................................................................... 2

II. DISCUSSION .............................................................................................................. 6

     A. The Bureau Correctly Concluded That the DIRECTV RB-2 Application
        Was “Substantially Complete” and Therefore Acceptable for Processing ..... 7

     B. The Bureau Did Not Mischaracterize DIRECTV’s Showing With
        Respect to Power Reduction for Offset Operations ......................................... 11

     C. The Bureau Imposed An Appropriate Condition to Address Spectrum
        Five’s PFD-Related Concerns ............................................................................ 13

III. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................... 17

                                              Before the
                                     Washington, D.C. 20554

Application of                          )
DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC                ) File Nos.                   SAT-LOA-20060908-00100
                                        )                             SAT-AMD-20080114-00014
For Authorization to Launch and         )                             SAT-AMD-20080321-00077
Operate DIRECTV RB-2, a Satellite       )
in the 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite ) Call Sign:                  S2712
Service at the 102.825 W.L. Location   )


        DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (“DIRECTV”) hereby opposes the Application for

Review filed by Spectrum Five LLC (“Spectrum Five”)1 seeking review of the

International Bureau’s decisions authorizing DIRECTV to launch and operate a 17/24

GHz BSS satellite at the nominal 103° W.L. orbital location and denying reconsideration

of that authorization.2 As demonstrated below, the Bureau (1) correctly concluded that

DIRECTV’s application was substantially complete and complied with the Commission’s

rules in every respect, (2) properly evaluated the technical showings presented by

DIRECTV, and (3) resolved a disagreement relating to the proper methodology for

calculating “clear sky” power flux-density (“PFD”) levels by imposing a condition that

established a methodology for performing such calculations and set the results as an

    Application for Review (filed July 2, 2012) (“S5 Application”).
    See DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, 24 FCC Rcd. 9393 (Int’l Bur. 2009) (“Authorization Order”);
    DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC and Spectrum Five LLC, DA 12-861 (Int’l Bur., rel. May 31, 2012)
    (“Recon Order”).

upper bound on DIRECTV’s operations that even Spectrum Five should view as

satisfactory. Accordingly, the Commission should deny the Application for Review and

put an end to Spectrum Five’s long-running attempt to manufacture an issue for the sole

purpose of gaining an advantage in the Commission’s satellite processing queue.

                                      I.       BACKGROUND

        At this point, the record includes a comprehensive discussion of the facts of this

case, so we present herein only the briefest summary of the most relevant aspects. In

1997, DIRECTV was the first to file space station applications in the 17/24 GHS BSS

band.3 In 2007, the Commission adopted service rules that, among other things, (1)

established a four-degree spacing regime, (2) fixed PFD limits for various regions of the

country, and (3) imposed a requirement for operating at reduced power if a satellite was

located off the grid of positions established in Appendix F of the order.4 As required

under the new rules, DIRECTV amended one of its long-pending applications to propose

operation of the DIRECTV RB-2 satellite at the 102.825º W.L. orbital location, slightly

offset from the 103º W.L. “on-grid” location.5

        In its application, DIRECTV included calculations demonstrating that its

proposed system would comply with the limitations on PFD levels at the Earth’s surface

imposed in Section 25.208(w) of the Commission’s rules. As required under Section

    See IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-19970605-00049, -00050, and -00051.
    See Establishment of Policies and Service Rules for the Broadcasting Satellite Service at the 17.3-17.7
    GHz Frequency Band and at the 17.7-17.8 GHz Frequency Band Internationally, and at the 24.75-
    25.25 GHz Frequency Band for Fixed Satellite Services Providing Feeder Links to the Broadcasting-
    Satellite Service and for the Satellite Services Operating Bi-directionally in the 17.3-17.8 GHz
    Frequency Band, 22 FCC Rcd. 8842 (2007), sua sponte reconsideration, 22 FCC Rcd. 17951 (2007).
    See IBFS File No. SAT-AMD-20080114-00014 (the “DIRECTV RB-2 Application”).


25.140(b)(4)(iii) of the Commission’s rules, the application also provided a showing with

respect to the reduced power required due to its proposed 0.175° offset from the “on-

grid” location established in Appendix F. Those calculations involved only four inputs,

including a 1.1 dB adjustment for clear sky atmospheric attenuation.6 The application

also clearly shows that the satellite has the capability to decrease power by up to 20 dB in

0.5 dB or 1 dB increments.7

          The Bureau accepted the application for filing and placed it on public notice.8 No

party timely filed any comments or petitions in response to this public notice. Over four

months later, in its own application for authority to serve the U.S. market from a 17/24

GHz BSS system licensed by the Netherlands from the same nominal orbital location,9

Spectrum Five criticized DIRECTV’s methodology for calculating PFD levels.

Specifically, Spectrum Five asserted that, because Section 25.208(w) specifies that PFD

limits are to be calculated under “clear sky” conditions, “consideration of atmospheric

loss in calculating PFD limits is directly contrary to the Commission’s rules.”10 Since

DIRECTV included not only free space path losses but also certain atmospheric effects in

its PFD calculation, Spectrum Five argued that DIRECTV’s satellite could potentially

exceed the PFD limit by a very small amount (approximately 0.5 dB) some fraction of the

     Id., Narrative at 12.
     Id. Narrative at 7.
     Public Notice, Rep. No. SAT-00535 (rel. July 2, 2008).
     See Petition for Declaratory Ruling to Serve the U.S. Market from the 103.15 W.L. Orbital Location in
     the 17/24 GHz Broadcasting Satellite Service Band, FCC File No. SAT-LOI-20081119-00217.
     Id. at 9.


time.11 This, argued Spectrum Five, rendered the application defective and subject to


          In a responsive ex parte filing,12 DIRECTV demonstrated that “clear sky”

conditions must include some atmospheric effects; though the Commission has stated that

precipitation may not be considered, it has never specified what additional factors may be

appropriate to include in a clear sky calculation. Nonetheless, upon further review,

DIRECTV conceded that inclusion of a factor for cloud-based attenuation in the PFD

calculation may not have been appropriate. It demonstrated that, even adjusting its PFD

calculation to remove this factor, its proposed satellite would still comply with the

limitations established in Section 25.208(w) and the reduction required for operations at

an offset location under Section 25.140.13

          In response, Spectrum Five filed an ex parte submission in which it abandoned its

prior position and conceded the validity of including atmospheric effects in a “clear sky”

PFD calculation.14 Nonetheless, it continued to challenge the manner in which

DIRECTV had accounted for atmospheric effects, arguing that in order to capture “clear

sky” conditions, the PFD calculation “must include the lowest-temperature, lowest-

humidity conditions which could be experienced,” since those are the conditions under

which atmospheric attenuation is at its lowest.15 Using the lowest values found in Miami

     Id. at 8.
     See Letter from William M. Wiltshire to Marlene H. Dortch, FCC File No. SAT-AMD-20080114-
     00014 (Dec. 8, 2008).
     Id. at 3.
     See Letter from Howard W. Waltzman to Marlene H. Dortch, File Nos. SAT-AMD-20080321-00077,
     et al. (Jan. 12, 2009).
     Id. at 3 n.7.


during December 2008, Spectrum Five calculated that “the atmospheric loss would have

varied between 0.21 and 0.25 dB,” meaning that DIRECTV would “produce excessive

interference of 0.37 dB (~ 7.5%).”16

          The International Bureau granted the DIRECTV RB-2 Application. It concluded

that DIRECTV’s application was substantially complete when filed, as it included all

required information.17 The Bureau also found that DIRECTV had provided a sufficient

demonstration that its proposed space station would comply with the PFD limits set forth

in Section 25.208(w) under “clear sky” conditions, even if adjusted to use lower levels of

atmospheric attenuation than Spectrum Five believes appropriate.18 With respect to the

PFD allowable at the slightly offset location sought by DIRECTV under Section

25.140(b)(4)(iii), the Bureau confirmed DIRECTV’s determination that a power

reduction of approximately 0.5 dB below the limits in Section 25.208(w) would be

required.19 In order to address Spectrum Five’s concerns and assure that the DIRECTV

RB-2 satellite operated within that lower power limit, the Bureau also imposed a

condition that clarified the methodology for calculating maximum power allowable at

such locations, and specifically required that PFD compliance be determined “under all

atmospheric conditions.”20

     Id. at 3 nn. 5 and 7.
     See Authorization Order, ¶¶ 19-25.
     Id., ¶¶ 16-18 and n. 52.
     Id., ¶¶ 29-31.
     Id., ¶ 34.


          On reconsideration, the Bureau summarily affirmed its conclusion that DIRECTV

had satisfied the procedural requirements for filing a “substantially complete”

application.21 It then rejected Spectrum Five’s argument that the authorized space station

would be “over-powered by 0.44 dB,” explaining that the argument incorrectly conflated

the hard limit on PFD established in Section 25.208(w) with the variable reduction in

power required for offset operations under Section 25.140(b)(4)(iii).22 Lastly, it rejected

Spectrum Five’s contention that the authorized space station would cause additional

interference to adjacent satellites, explaining its calculation of the reduced power required

at the offset orbital location chosen by DIRECTV and the condition imposed to require

the DIRECTV RB-2 space station to limit PFD to the power levels determined thereby.23

                                    II.     DISCUSSION

          In its Application, Spectrum Five claims that (1) the Bureau’s failure to dismiss

DIRECTV’s application as defective violates the first-come, first served procedures, (2)

the Bureau mischaracterized DIRECTV’s showing with respect to power reduction

required at its offset orbital location, and (3) the Bureau adopted a condition that was

totally ineffectual, thus authorizing DIRECTV to operate a satellite at excessive power

levels. As demonstrated below, Spectrum Five is wrong on each and every count.

     Recon Order, ¶ 13.
     Id., ¶¶ 14-15.
     Id., ¶ 16.


A.     The Bureau Correctly Concluded That the DIRECTV RB-2 Application Was
       “Substantially Complete” and Therefore Acceptable for Processing

         Spectrum Five asserts that, because DIRECTV’s application did not demonstrate

compliance with all applicable rules, the Bureau’s willingness to process it was a

violation of the Commission’s first-come, first-served procedures.24 As the Bureau

correctly found, this assertion is erroneous.

         Spectrum Five cannot contend that DIRECTV (1) did not provide a PFD analysis,

(2) did not disclose that atmospheric attenuation was part of that analysis, or (3) did not

conclude based on that analysis that the proposed space station would comply with

applicable PFD limits. All of those facts are patently true and beyond dispute.25 Instead,

Spectrum Five quibbles with a single parameter in that PFD analysis and argues that the

failure to use the methodology it favors requires dismissal.

         Yet even if Spectrum Five were correct about the proper methodology for

calculating PFD in “clear sky” conditions, it is surely incorrect that DIRECTV’s failure

to comply with Spectrum Five’s proposed methodology renders the application not

“substantially complete.” As the Bureau found, this argument “conflate[s] the

completeness review with the substantive review of an application on the merits.”26 The

substantial completeness requirement is designed to achieve a different set of objectives –

all of which were achieved in this case. First, the requirement is intended to discourage

speculation and to ensure that licensees are ready and willing to proceed with their

     See S5 Application at 12-14.
     See DIRECTV RB-2 Application, Narrative at 12.
     Authorization Order, ¶ 23.


satellite construction plans.27 DIRECTV has been a driving force behind development of

the 17/24 GHz BSS service in general for over a decade, and has already begun

construction of the DIRECTV RB-2 satellite authorized in this proceeding.28 Clearly, it

has established its bona fide intent to put this spectrum to productive use.

         Second, the requirement is designed to “ensure that a full and complete

application is filed that appropriately allows for public comment on the merits of the

application and provides the Commission staff with sufficient information to make a

decision on the application’s merits.”29 The DIRECTV RB-2 Application forthrightly

stated that its PFD showing included a 1.1 dB reduction based on atmospheric effects.

This was demonstrably sufficient to inform the Commission and the public of

DIRECTV’s methodology – as shown by the fact that it attracted public comment in the

form of a challenge from Spectrum Five, albeit over 4 months after the comment period

had closed.

         The Commission has dismissed applications where a party completely failed to

provide an analysis called for under the Commission’s rules30 or provided conflicting or

confusing information.31 But this case does not fall into either of those categories.

Rather, it is a case involving a slight disagreement about the appropriate methodology to

     See id., ¶ 20.
     DIRECTV will submit its showing of compliance with the “commence construction” milestone for this
     authorization on or about July 27, 2012.
     See Authorization Order, ¶ 23.
     See, e.g., EchoStar Satellite LLC, 21 FCC Rcd. 4060, ¶ 14 (Int’l Bur. 2006) (dismissing application
     that “did not submit a technical analysis at all” or otherwise attempt to demonstrate that its proposed
     space station could comply with a Commission requirement for operations in the band).
     See, e.g., EchoStar Satellite LLC, 19 FCC Rcd. 24953, ¶¶ 11-12 (Int’l Bur. 2004) (application
     dismissed as defective due to inconsistent frequency requests and failure to submit information on
     antenna beam connectivity).


demonstrate compliance with a new technical standard. In such a case, the Bureau will

typically condition grant of the application based on its resolution of the dispute, as it did

in this case.32

          The recent grant of another 17/24 GHz BSS application demonstrates this

principle. 33 Intelsat North America LLC (“Intelsat”) filed an application that included

the interference analysis required for offset operations under Section 25.140(b) of the

Commission’s rules. Intelsat’s analysis relied upon the geocentric angular separation

between orbital locations to determine the PFD reduction required to accommodate its

off-grid orbital location. The Bureau found that, because receiving antennas will be

located on the Earth’s surface rather than its core, topocentric angular separations should

be used in making the PFD reduction calculations. Use of the geocentric angular

separation would systematically result in a smaller PFD reduction, and therefore a

correspondingly higher PFD allowance.34 Although Intelsat did not submit any revised

calculations, the Bureau staff had sufficient information to perform its own PFD analysis

using topocentric angles. Accordingly, the Bureau conditioned Intelsat’s license on a

reduction in PFD corresponding to the result of the methodology it had developed and


     See, e.g., Boeing Co., 16 FCC Rcd. 22645, ¶17 (Int’l Bur., OET 2001) (granting authority to operate
     transmit and receive mobile Earth stations aboard aircraft in the 14.0-14.5 GHz uplink band and the
     11.7-12.2 GHz downlink band, subject to conditions specified in documents submitted to ITU).
     See Intelsat North America LLC, 24 FCC Rcd. 7058 (Int’l Bur. 2009).
     Id., ¶ 10 (“For the analysis required under Section 25.224, a calculation using topocentric angular
     separation will always result in a larger angle, and therefore a greater PFD reduction, than the same
     calculation using a geocentric angular separation”).
     Id., ¶ 11.


         As the Bureau pointed out in the Authorization Order, the change in PFD

methodology imposed on Intelsat “did not undermine the prior determination that

Intelsat’s application was substantially complete when filed nor did it require dismissal or

denial of the application.”36 Rather, because Intelsat’s application had provided a PFD

showing as required under Section 25.140(b), the staff was able to evaluate that showing

and modify it as necessary to implement what the Bureau determined to be a more

appropriate methodology. Similarly, in this case, DIRECTV provided a PFD showing,

and both the staff and Spectrum Five have had ample opportunity to evaluate that

showing. Even if the Commission were to conclude at this point that some adjustment to

that methodology is more appropriate, there would be no reason to dismiss or deny

DIRECTV’s application rather than conditioning the authorization as the Bureau did to

make the necessary adjustment.

         Certainly, there is no legal basis for Spectrum Five’s assertion that atmospheric

effects must be determined using its approach, the most recent iteration of which yields

0.13 dB of atmospheric attenuation in South Florida. Spectrum Five can point to no

instance in which the Commission had applied the term “clear sky” in the way Spectrum

Five now contends is absolutely compelled. Moreover, as DIRECTV has pointed out,

Spectrum Five itself has taken different positions on whether any atmospheric effects

may be considered, and if so, how to quantify those effects.37 Indeed, before making any

of its filings with respect to the 103º W.L. orbital location at issue in this proceeding,

     Authorization Order, ¶ 24.
     See Letter from William M. Wiltshire to Marlene H. Dortch, File Nos. SAT-AMD-20080114-00013
     and -00014, at 2-3 (Feb. 19, 2009) (Spectrum Five varied from demanding no atmospheric losses to
     conceding 0.25 dB of loss).


Spectrum Five filed a request for authorization to provide 17/24 GHz BSS service from

the nominal 119º W.L. orbital location in which its PFD showing recognized that

“atmospheric loss (which is always present as a link attenuation) provides additional

margin for this calculation,” and included the assertion that “[t]he atmospheric loss in the

South Florida area where this maximum occurs is at least 0.35 dB.”38

         DIRECTV’s application included all information and technical showings required

under the Commission’s rules. Spectrum Five obviously disagrees with one aspect of an

analysis submitted in that application, but it cannot deny that the analysis was submitted

and provided sufficient information for interested parties and the Commission to consider

its merits. Moreover, given its evolving views on this matter, Spectrum Five’s contention

throughout this proceeding that DIRECTV’s application should have been dismissed for

failure to quantify atmospheric effects in a manner consistent with one of the various

methodologies proffered by Spectrum Five (including one that even Spectrum Five now

concedes to be wrong) is the worst sort of regulatory gamesmanship. Accordingly, the

Bureau correctly found the application substantially complete and processed it in

accordance with the Commission’s first-come, first-serve procedures.

B.     The Bureau Did Not Mischaracterize DIRECTV’s Showing With Respect to
       Power Reduction for Offset Operations

         Spectrum Five next contends that the Bureau mischaracterized the portion of

DIRECTV’s application in which it discussed compliance with the reduction in power

required under Section 25.140(b)(4)(iii). The issue arises with respect to the following

portion of the Recon Order:

     See IBFS File No. SAT-LOI-20080910-00178, Technical Narrative at 15 (filed Sep. 10, 2008)
     (emphasis added).


         In this regard, the Bureau noted that DIRECTV had provided an
         interference analysis pursuant to Section 25.140(b)(4)(iii) of the
         Commission’s rules, in which DIRECTV calculated that its proposed
         offset operations would create the potential for up to 0.5 dB more
         interference to co-frequency adjacent space stations, and proposed to
         reduce its power to result in lower PFD.39

Spectrum Five takes issue with the Bureau’s statement that DIRECTV “proposed to

reduce its power to result in lower PFD.”40

         DIRECTV’s interference analysis began by noting that the proposed 0.175º offset

spacing would result in 0.5 dB less discrimination with respect to the next closest on-grid

location, and thus would reduce maximum power allowable under Section

25.140(b)(4)(iii) by approximately that amount.41 DIRECTV thus recognized that it

would have to operate within a reduced power level below the limit allowed under

Section 25.208(w), and proceeded to demonstrate its ability to comply.

         In its Authorization Order, the Bureau confirmed both the methodology used by

DIRECTV to determine the required power reduction and the amount of reduction

actually calculated (though with some minor refinements). It then conditioned

DIRECTV’s authorization “on a reduction in PFD corresponding to the methodology

described above.”42

         Thus, the question of how the Bureau characterized DIRECTV’s application is a

red herring. It simply does not matter whether DIRECTV’s application is best described

as having “proposed” to operate at reduced PFD levels or merely acknowledging its

     Recon Order, ¶ 16.
     S5 Application at 8.
     DIRECTV RB-2 Application at 12-13.
     Authorization Order, ¶¶30- 31.


obligation to do so. Regardless, the Commission imposed a condition requiring that it do

so. This, and DIRECTV’s ability to comply with the condition, are the only legally

relevant points here. Moreover, as revealed in its application, the DIRECTV RB-2

satellite as originally proposed had the capability to make the necessary adjustments in

the power level to comply with such a condition,43 and DIRECTV has since modified its

authorization to reduce maximum power levels by 5 dB (i.e., an order of magnitude more

than the 0.5 dB at issue in this proceeding).

C.     The Bureau Imposed An Appropriate Condition to Address Spectrum Five’s
       PFD-Related Concerns

          Last, Spectrum Five contends that because the Bureau failed to address the

methodological error in DIRECTV’s PFD calculation, it “has effectively authorized

DIRECTV to operate a full-power satellite at an offset location, in direct violation of the

Commission’s rules.”44 This, it asserts, would give DIRECTV an “unfair advantage”

over all other 17/24 GHz BSS operators by allowing it to use a satellite with “excess

transmit power” that could also result in harmful interference to adjacent systems.45

Spectrum Five’s assertions are erroneous, both legally and factually.

          As a legal matter, the condition imposed on DIRECTV directly addresses

Spectrum Five’s concern and will limit the operations of the DIRECTV RB-2 satellite to

power levels consistent with the Commission’s rules. The Bureau carefully specified a

methodology for calculating PFD to determine compliance with the condition. As

     See DIRECTV RB-2 Application, Narrative at 7 (discussing satellite capability of lowering its power
     by at least 20 dB in 1.0 increments (in fixed mode) and by at least 15 dB in 0.5 dB increments in ALC
     S5 Application at 7.
     Id. at 4.


characterized by Spectrum Five, “the ‘condition’ permits DIRECTV to operate at ‘the

lower of this calculated power or the power levels stated in its application . . . .’”46 From

this, Spectrum Five concludes that DIRECTV would be free to operate at the power level

stated in its application so long as it was lower than the calculated value when

atmospheric attenuation is taken into account.

         However, Spectrum Five’s partial quotation of this sentence from the order

attempts to create an ambiguity where none in fact exists. The complete sentence,

including the portion strategically omitted by Spectrum Five, reads as follows:

         The PFD levels of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC’s space station
         transmissions shall not exceed the lower of this calculated power or the
         power levels stated in its application, and shall meet the reduced PFD
         limits under all atmospheric conditions.47

Thus, even if Spectrum Five’s strained construction of the first portion of this condition

were correct, the portion it omitted makes clear that any method used to determine

compliant PFD levels must hold under all atmospheric conditions. This point is further

corroborated by the Bureau’s recognition on reconsideration that, “to ensure that

DIRECTV’s offset location operations do not cause any additional interference to a

satellite operating at an adjacent Appendix F location, the Bureau imposed a license

condition limiting DIRECTV RB-2’s operating power to between 0.47 and 0.51 dB less

than full power, the precise amount depending on the surface location on Earth of a given

measurement point.”48

     S5 Application at 12.
     Authorization Order, ¶ 34 (emphasis added).
     Recon Order, ¶ 7.


         As a practical matter, Spectrum Five’s concern that DIRECTV will operate an

“overpowered” satellite that will give it a competitive advantage over other 17/24 GHz

BSS operators or cause harmful interference to adjacent systems is both wrong and moot.

First, as even Spectrum Five does not dispute, DIRECTV RB-2 will operate at no greater

power than could any other 17/24 GHz BSS system under Section 25.208(w). Second, as

part of a redesign of its downlink beam, DIRECTV sought and received authority to

modify its satellite last year. That modification included a reduction in maximum EIRP

of 5 dB49 – many times the 0.44 dB50 advantage that Spectrum Five believes DIRECTV

would enjoy. Third, in this case, the adjacent satellite location potentially affected by

DIRECTV’s offset operations is also licensed to DIRECTV,51 so any “harmful

interference” would be borne by DIRECTV alone.

         More broadly, while Spectrum Five is correct that the Commission’s PFD limits

are designed to ensure that “no satellite would operate with excessive, interference

causing power” and that the “defined limits are absolutely vital to the creation of a ‘level

playing-field’ for all operators,”52 that does not mean that power levels will be absolutely

homogeneous for all 17/24 GHz BSS systems. Indeed, the 0.44 dB advantage DIRECTV

would allegedly enjoy is far less than PFD differences that will occur between adjacent

systems simply as a result of different operators’ beam designs. For example, Spectrum

     See Grant Stamp, IBFS File No. SAT-MOD-20110727-00136 (rel. Oct. 26, 2011) (reducing peak EIRP
     over CONUS from 63 dBW/36 MHz to 58 dBW/36 MHz).
     Indeed, using the atmospheric loss of “at least 0.35 dB” that Spectrum Five asserted in its own 17/24
     GHz BSS application, this figure would be cut to no more than 0.22 dB.
     See Grant Stamp, IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOA-20060908-00099, SAT-AMD-20080114-00013, and
     SAT-AMD-20080321-00076 (rel. July 28, 2009) (granting authority for 17/24 GHz BSS operations at
     the nominal 99º W.L. orbital location).
     S5 Application at 4.


Five applied for a 17/24 GHz BSS system at 118.4° W.L. orbital location, and Pegasus

Development DBS Corporation (“Pegasus”) applied for authority to operate such a

system at the adjacent 115.0° W.L. location.53 Neither operator included atmospheric

losses in its showing of compliance with the applicable PFD limits.54 Figure 1 below

shows the PFD contours of the CONUS beams proposed by Pegasus (on the left) and

Spectrum Five.55 As can be seen in the comparison, the PFD of Spectrum Five’s beam

decreases to -119.6 dBW/m2/MHz along approximately the same contour where

Pegasus’s PFD decreases to just -117.3 dBW/m2/MHz. Accordingly, for much of the

eastern half of the country (including all of the Northeast and Midwest), Pegasus would

             Figure 1. PFD Contour Plots for Pegasus and Spectrum Five CONUS Beams

enjoy as much as a 2 dB PFD advantage (i.e., a 58.5% power advantage) over Spectrum

Five. Conversely, because Spectrum Five also proposes to use high-power spot beams, it

     See IBFS File Nos. SAT-LOI-20081113-00216 (“Spectrum Five 118.4W App”); SAT-AMD-
     20080114-00023 (“Pegasus 115 App”).
     See Spectrum Five 118.4W App, Technical Narrative at 17-18; Pegasus 115 App, Narrative at 9.
     Figures 1 and 2 were generated using the antenna beam gain contour information submitted in GXT
     format by Pegasus and Spectrum Five with their applications. All contours other than -2, -4, -6, -8, -10
     have been removed and the PFD values inserted to simplify the comparison.


          Figure 2. Comparison of Spectrum Five Spot Beam and Pegasus CONUS Beam

would enjoy a nearly 3 dB PFD advantage (i.e., a 100% power advantage) over Pegasus’s

CONUS beam in certain areas as illustrated by the sample beams shown in Figure 2.

These disparities, which are far greater than the (at most) 0.44 dB (i.e., 10.7%) at issue in

this proceeding, result solely from the choices made by the applicants in designing their

systems – yet neither operator objected that the other would cause harmful interference or

would have an unfair competitive advantage. If 2 dB or 3 dB of power differential is not

sufficient to raise these concerns, then Spectrum Five’s assertion that 0.44 dB is

sufficient to do so is patently frivolous.

                                   III.      CONCLUSION

        Spectrum Five has failed to raise any basis for overturning the Bureau’s licensing

and reconsideration orders in this proceeding. Accordingly, the Commission should

dismiss the Application for Review on all counts.


                                      Respectfully submitted,
                                      DIRECTV ENTERPRISES, LLC

                                      By:      ___/s/_______________________
Susan Eid                                      William M. Wiltshire
Executive Vice President,                      Michael Nilsson
  Government Affairs
Stacy R. Fuller                           WILTSHIRE & GRANNIS LLP
Vice President, Regulatory Affairs        1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.
DIRECTV, LLC                              Washington, DC 20036
901 F Street, NW, Suite 600               202-730-1300
Washington, DC 20004
(202) 383-6300                            Counsel for DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

July 17, 2012



       I hereby certify that, on this 17th day of July, 2012, a copy of the foregoing

Opposition to Application for Review was served by hand delivery upon:

              David Wilson
              Spectrum Five LLC
              1776 K Street, N.W.
              Suite 200
              Washington, DC 20006

                                                     Laura Merkey

Document Created: 2019-04-12 08:44:15
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 08:44:15

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