Attachment letter


LETTER submitted by EchoStar



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20051221-00267 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                 STEPTOE &JOHNSON«
                                           artormers at caw

Panels Michalopoulos                                                            1310 Connecteut Avenve. NY
amanene                                                                          Washingon. DC 200361795
prichalotsteproccom                                                                        Tel2024203000

February 22, 2006
Via HAND DELIVERY                                             FEB 2 2 206
Marlene H. Dortch                                       Fedeal Communatem Canias
Secretary                                                       Ofcectsecuy "
Federal Communications Commission
445 12th Street NW
Washington, DC 20554

Re:    EchoStar Satellite Operating Corporation, Reply to Comments Filed by DIRECTV
       Enterprises, LLC — File No. SAT—LOA—20051221—00267 (formerly SAT—MOD—20051221—

Dear Ms. Dortch:
                By this letter and the attached Supplemental Technical Annex, EchoStar Satellte LL.C.
("EchoStar") hereby responds to the substance of two DIRECTV submissions made on February 3,
2006,‘ as well as to a DIRECTV leter filed February 13, 2006.". EchoStar also reports that, while the
partiesstll have not reached agreement with respect to the operation of EchoStar 10 at the 110° W.L.

        " See Response ofDIRECTV Enterprises, LLC,iled in SAT—MOD—20051221—00267 (filed Fob.
3, 2006) (‘DIRECTV Response‘); Letter from William M. Wilishire and Michael D. Nilsson, Counsel
for DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC, to Marlene H. Dortch, Secrctary, FCC,filed in SAT—LOA—20051221—
00267 (formerly SAT—MOD—20051221—00267) (filed Feb. 3, 2006) ("Feb. 3 DIRECTV Letter®).
      * Letter from William M. Wiltshire and Michael D. Nilsson, Counsel for DIRECTV Enterprises,
LLC to Marlene H. Dortch, Secretary, FCC,filed in SAT—LOA—20051221—00267 (formerly SAT—OD—
20051221—00267) (filed Feb. 13, 2006) (‘Feb. 13 DIRECTV Lerter®).

            vasiincron           rnounix        tos ancruts         tonpon         sxussius

                                                                               STEPTOE &JOHNSON
 Marlene H. Dortch
 February 22, 2006
 Page 2

orbital location, EchoStar will make an intensive new effort to reach agreement with DIRECTV over the
next ten days."
                 DIRECTV‘s demand for protection is excessive for the following reasons. Firs,
DIRECTV‘s position is in essence that the eross—polar C/I levels for DIRECTV 5 should be left at the
same level as would resultfrom satellite operations nine degrees away or from a collocated CONUS
satellite.* As the Supplemental Technical Annex explains, this position has an inevitable logical
corollary:. that there can be no spot beam operations on the three frequencies in question. Any spot
beam operation would entail a difference in power with DIRECTV 5‘s CONUS operations that would
esultin eross—polar C/1 below those to which DIRECTV demands protection.". DIRECTV specifically
compares the cross—polar impact of EchoStar 10 to EchoStar 8 asithe ltter were conducting spot beam
operations on channels 27, 29 and 31.°. In fact, as DIRECTV knows, this is not the case. While a spot
beam satellite, EchoStar 8 performs only CONUS operations on these three channels. DIRECTV should
not be heard when it calls for a restrction on spot beam power to the levels appropriate for the operation
ofla CONUS beam." A rule preventing spot beam operations on three channels t 110° W.L. would run
directly counter t the Commission‘s policy ofpromoting efficient and intensive use of DBS spectrum,
the public interest in local—into—local service, and the same—dish mandate of SHVERA.

        * In this regard, EchoStar notes that DIRECTV has distorted the facts surrounding the
negotiations between the parties. DIRECTV claims that it "has received no proposal from EchoStar
other than the parameters provided in a February 3 exparte." Feb. 13 DIRECTV Letter at1. In fact,
EchoStar submitted a confidential settlement proposal to DIRECTV on February 2.
        * See DIRECTV Response at 8 (‘DIRECTV seeks only protection to the level ofinter—system
interference that is the current industry norm ...."); id at 6 ("As the comparison of current and
projected C/I levels in Exhibit 1 clearly shows, DIRECTV 5 achieves typical C/Ilevels in excess of 20
dB under the current inter—system interference environment—— a level that is common throughoutthe
U.S. DBS orbital are.")
       * See Supplemental Technical Annex at4—5 (analyzing necessary spot beam power levels and
concluding that "eross—polar C/I evels [into DIRECTV 5}, when spot beams satellites are used, will
inevitably drop to values in the mid teens."); . at 12 (‘EchoStar has explained and demonstrated here
that it is impossible to provide the high cross—polar C/I levelsindicated by DIRECTV when a spot beam
DBS satelliteis used at the 110° W.L. orbital position.").
       ° DIRECTV Response at Exhibit 1.
         " See, eg., Feb. 13 DIRECTV Letterat 2 ("All DIRECTV asks is that EchoStar decrease the
power of is spot beams using those channels so that they operate atlevels more comparable to
DIRECTV 5.").. However, a "spot beam" operating at the power level of an older model CONUS
satellite (such as DIRECTV 5) is essentially not a spot beam any more.

                                                                               STEPTOE &JOHNSON«
Marlene H. Dortch
February 22, 2006

                Second, DIRECTV is trying to constrain EchoStar based on the low power levels of
DIRECTV 5, an old satelltethat DIRECTV has chosen to consign toitsrelative "Siberia" of three
channels at 110° W.L.® This is a location where DIRECTV has the least amount of spectrum compared
to its 101° W.L. and 119° W.. slots, and it is perfectly understandable for DIRECTV t want to deploy
older satelltes at this slot prior to decommissioning. But such a choice should not become a basis for
hampering the operation of adjacent channels on a state—ofthe—art spot beam satellte.
                Third, the "problem" of which DIRECTV complains is partly of is own creation. The
alleged interference would be significantly ameliorated if DIRECTV were using receive dishes that
comply with the ITU‘s eross—polarization discrimination value of25 dB." This is a respectable decision,
and one that EchoStar too has made. But DIRECTV is now improperly attempting to leverage that
business decision into a reason to restrict the spot beam power levels ofthe EchoStar 10 satellite.
               Fourth, DIRECTV claims incorreetly that EchoStar used the wrong cross—polar
interference and link availability values for the DIRECTV 5 satellite."* As the Supplemental Technical
Annex shows,"" EchoStar used the onlvalues available for the relevant parameters —— those cited by
DIRECTV in itsoriginal application for DIRECTV 5 in 2000. DIRECTV faults EchoStar for not using
the more relevant values used in its 2005 application. The problem is that there are no such values. The
2005 application makes no mention ofassumed link availabilty and does not separately identify the
eross—polar C/1 allowance. IfDIRECTV raised its own expectations for the satellite‘s performance,it
did not tell the Commission. In any event, the asserted increase in required availability to 99.9% is
totally implausible: many of the DIRECTV 5 links produce availabilities well below the 99.9% level
without any additional interference impact from the EchoStar 10 satellite. In other words, if that were
DIRECTV‘s true goal, it would be impossible to achieve regardless ofthe EchoStar 10 satellit.
               Fifth, DIRECTV also claims that the EchoStar 10 satellite would prevent the DIRECTV
5 satellite from using MPEG—4/SPSK compression and modulation technology with code rates up to %.
As the Supplemental Technical Annex shows, a look at the applicable specification for the technology in

       *1d. at$.
       ° See id. at 7—8.
       ‘° See Feb. 3 DIRECTV Letter at 1 ("("First, although EchoStar recognizes that DIRECTV
currently operates the DIRECTV satellite at110° W... under the parameters requested in an application
filed in may 2005 {sic} Nonetheless, its analysis chooses to focus on parameters requested for operation
of the satellie five years earlier at a different orbitallocation.").
       ‘‘ Supplemental Technical Annex at 9—10.

                                                                                 STEPTOE &JOHNSON«

Marlene H. Dortch
February 22, 2006

question shows this is simply not so."* The availabilty results for DIRECTV 5 would allow the satellite
fully to achieve the EbNo value given in the specification.
               Finally, DIRECTV argues that the iterference an operator accepts from its own system
is ielevant, because that operator also receives benefits elsewhere on its system that counter—balance
the harm." An effect from use ofoverlapping frequenciesi either harmfulinterference or it is not,
however. The answer does not change depending on who receives the benefits from that effect.
DIRECTV does not cite any Commission precedent in support ofthis proposition. In fact, DIRECTV is
pressing a new rule on the Bureau: that what an operator tolerates from itselfis irrelevant in evaluating
whether a third—party‘s operation causes it harm. ‘The Bureau does not have authority from the
Commission to enunciate such a rule,"" and nor would it make sense from a policy standpoint. The
levels of interference that an operatoralready accepts are highly relevant to determining what levels of
interference are harmful.
            The Supplemental Technical Annex also addresses and clarifies two points made by
DIRECTV in its Response. Firse, it explains EchoStar‘s reference to a 23.3 dB cross—polar C/I level in
itsoriginal application. DIRECTV quotes that reference out of context in its Response.." The main
point of the discussion in which this C/I figure appears was to demonstrate numericallythat the satelite
antenna cross polar discrimination shortfll would have a negligible impact (0.47 dB) on the overall
eross—polar C/I levels."* The 23.3 dB C/I figure was simply a reference calculation made on the
assumption that the EIRP levels of the wanted and interfering satelites were the same. The purpose of
this ealculation was to put into perspective the relatively small impact ofthe satellite antenna cross—polar
discrimination. Clearly,it was not meant to indicate that the precise situation ofzero EIRP difference
exists across the entire service area. Second, DIRECTV incorreetly asserts that accommodation of
DIRECTV‘s three DBS channels at 110° W.L. would impact only 10% of the EchoStar 10 capacity.""

       " tdac10—411
       " Feb. 3 DIRECTV Letter at 2.
       "* See, e 47 C.FR. § 0.261(bX1)(ii) ("the Chicf, Iternational Bureau, shall not have
authority:(1) to act on any application, petition, pleading, complaint, enforcement matter, oother
request that ... (ii) cannot be resolved under outstanding precedents and guidelines after consultation
with appropriate Bureaus or Offices.").
       "* See DIRECTV Response at 4 (quoting EchoStar Application at Attachment A, p.14, fled in
SAT—MOD—20051221—00267 (filed Dec. 21, 2005)
       ‘* Supplemental Technical Annex at 7.
       ‘" DIRECTV Response at 8—9 (*. .. any accommodation required to protect DIRECTV 5 would
have no effect on 90% of EchoStar 10‘s frequencies.").

                                                                                STEPTOE &JOHNSON=

Marlene H. Dortch
February 22, 2006
Page S

In fact,the EchoStar 10 satelite is only equipped to operate on ten downlink channels, and constraints
on the operation of three of those channels would affect approximately 30% ofthe capacity ofthe
satellite—— a fact acknowledged by DIRECTV in its February 13 letter.""
               In sum, the FCC should balance the real impact on DIRECTV (which is best determined
through a link availability assessment) with the real limitations on EchoStar 10 service that would result
if high C/Irequirements are dictated. EchoStar has already proposed significant reductions in certain
spot beam EIRP levels, which would significantly improve the resulting C/I levels into DIRECTV. For
these additional reasons, EchoStar respectfully requests that the Commission accept this proposal and
allow EchoStar 10 to operate accordingly.
               Please contact the undersigned if you have any questions regarding this filing.
                                                     Respectfully yours,
                                                            Pantote, Mekatrponl= [yea,
                                                     Pantelis Michalopoutos
                                                     Counselfor EchoStar Satellite Operating
Attachment (Supplemental Technical Annex)
Robert Nelson, Intemational Burcau
Andrea Kelly, International Bureau
Chip Fleming, International Bureau
William M. Wiltshire, Counselfor DIRECTV Enterprises, LC

       "* See, e    EchoStar Application at Attachment A, p2. See also Feb, 13 Letter at 2.

                        Supplemental Technical Annex

1.      Background

This Supplemental Technical Annex has been prepared on behalf of EchoStar Satellite
LLC. (*EchoStar")in response tothe Response of DIRECTV Enterprises LL.C.
("DIRECTV")dated February 3, as well as DIRECTV‘ letter to the FCC also dated
February 3, both concerning the levels of cross—polar interference that will be caused by
the EchoStar 10 satellit into DIRECTV‘s closely spaced satellie in the vicinity of

Understandably, DIRECTV would like to have no neighbour at all at the 110° nominal
orbital position, and DIRECTV makes the point that t benefits nothing from any
additional iterference caused by the EchoStar 10 satellte compared to the current
situation of the EchoStar 8 satellite. However, cross—polar effects from a collocated
EchoStar stellite operating on channels 27, 29 and 31 is an inevitable fact oflife, which
was fully known at the time the licenses for this orbital position were granted by the
Commission. The question that both parties, and the Commission, have to address here is
whatis the appropriate level of cross—polar nterference in this unique situation, given the
evolving nature ofthe DBS industry and the need to use spot beam satelltes for local—
into—local service?

In its February 2 submission to the FCC on this matter, EchoStar provided the results of
its detailed availability impact on the DS satellte due to the proposed interference levels
from the EchoStar 10 satelite, and included proposals for significant reductions in the
EIRP levels of many of the EchoStar beams in order to minimize the impact on
DIRECTV. The resultsshowed almost insignificant decreases in the availability of the
DIRECTV links, using DIRECTV‘s own link budget assumptions, and even those
decreases occurzed over very limited geographic areas corresponding to the beam peaks
of the EchoStar 10 spot beams. In almost all cases the resulting availability was in excess

    of the 99.75% level indicated in DIRECTV‘s own link budgetsfor the DS satellte, and
    greater than 99.85% in many cases.
    In itslatest response DIRECTV chose notto address the availabilityimpact of the
    EchoStar 10 interference, but discussed only the cross—polar CA levels.          In this

supplemental technical annex EchoStar will also address only the cross—polar C/I levels
despite the fact thatthe analysis ofthe resulting availabilityis the true way to understand.
the interference impact on DIRECTV. Nevertheless, EchoStar‘s previous availability
analysis sl stands and EchoStar would urge the Commission to continue to take careful
    note of those results.

    2.      C/I Assessment

‘The calculation ofthe cross—polar C/Ilevels is particularly simple. The only two
parameters involved are:

         * the cross—polar discrimination of the DIRECTV receiving earth stations, and

         * the difference in EIRP levels between the DIRECTV and the EchoStar satellite at
            various geographic locations across the service area.

Forthe analysis below we will assume full overlap of the EchoStar and DIRECTV
channels, which implies a 1.05 dB bandwidth factor (due to the guard band between the
The resulting C/1 is therefore given by
            C/1(dB) = XPDomeery + ElRPomscry — ElRProosw + 1.05

‘           "The bandwdth overlp factor is lsorelevant but s a constantatiter 1.05 dB or 4.06 dB.
            depending on whether theris half orfullverlap. This n tur depends on which of th three
            channels (27, 29 and 31) are used in the prticlar beams ohe EchoStar 10 satlite.



         XPDomery is the cross—polar discrimination of the DIRECTV receive earth
         stations, assumed by DIRECTV to be 22 dB,

         ElRPomecry is the EIRP of the DIRECTV satellite which varies across the
         service area, and

         ElRPeauser is the EIRP of the EchoStar satellite which also varies across the
         service area.
The above equation can therefore be writen as
         C/(dB) = 23.05 dB + AEIRP (dB)


         AEIRP is the difference in EIRP, in dB, between the DIRECTV and EchoStar
         satelltes, and which varies across the service area

From this equation a simple truth emerges. Fundamentally, the worst case C/I cannot be
better than 23.05 dB unless the EchoStar satellite EIRP is less than the DIRECTV
satellte EIRP level at all points in the service area.

3.       Current         rational C/I Levels at the 110°W Orbital Position

DIRECTV provides in its Exhibit 1 a summary of its calculation ofthe C/I levels at
110°W. This shows that the current EchoStar 8 satellite causes C/I levels of between
19.4 and 25.1 dB across CONUS, atthe beam peak locations of the EchoStar 10
satellte."" Although the EchoStar 8 satelliteincludes some spot beam capability, it

        Beam locations 46 and 47 are not inclade in thrange cited hereasthey serveareas outsideof
        CONUS (Alaska and Hawai)and therae other specil cosideration ithese parts of the
        service areas

    should be noted that EchoStar 8 is not capable of operating spot beams in the channels
    that overlap in frequency with those licensed to DIRECTV at 110°W, and EchoStar 8
    only operates on the overlapping channels in its CONUS coverage beam. Therefore the
    /1 levels given in DIRECTV‘s Exhibit 1 as cited above, occur only as a result of the
    interaction of EchoStar‘s CONUS beam operations at 110°W, and have nothing to do
    with the use of spot beams. This is a very important point as it demonstrates that, even
    with two CONUS coverage satellites in operation at 1 10°W, the C/ levels drop to below
    20 dB in some geographic locations. This is indicative of the inevitable fluctuations and
    differences in EIRP levels between two different satellites, albeit with a very similar
    CONUS coverage objective.

    4.      Necessary Peak EIRP Levels of Spot Beam DBS Satellites

    Spot beam DBS satellites are the only way to provide comprehensive local DBS
    programming to the US public. These satellites conserve power and re—use frequencies in
    a manner that is totally different from a CONUS coverage satellte. Such satelltes are
    already in use by both DIRECTV and EchoStar and they are an inevitable part of the
future of the US DBS industry. The Commission already recognizes this and should
continue to promote the use of these advanced technology satelltes.
One of the fundamental characteristics of spot beam DBS satellites is the fact that they
have high peak EIRP levels over a relatively small geographic area compared to a
CONUS satellte beam. This is rve regardless of whether the spot beam satellite belongs
to EchoStar or DIRECTV. ‘The two main reasons for this are as follows:

         a) Each spot beam is designed to cover one or more DMAs (Designated Market
            Areas). These DMAs are defined based on local market considerations and the
            result is that the geographic shape of the DMA is often unsuited to being served

C           ‘There wil lkely be other loction n the CONUS service area where the C/ from EchoSta—8 flls
            beiow 194 dB.

        by a near—circular satellite spot beam. This incvitably results in some parts of the
        DMA being at low relative EIRP levels in the spot beam, as much as 9 dB or so
        below beam peak in some instances. Therefore, in order to provide adequate
        service at these low relative EIRP levels, the peak EIRP ofthe spot beam
        incvitably has comparatively high EIRP .
    b) The high level of spatial requency re—use in a spot beam DBS satelite results in
       relatively high levels ofintra—system interference levels resulting from the co—
       frequency operation of many beams. In the EchoStar 10 satellite some channels
       are re—used spatially up to 15 times. This effect results in worstcase intra—system
        C/1levels, which usually occur at the edge of a beam, that are below 10 dB in
        many cases. Additional EIRP, over and above what would be required from a
        CONUS coverage DBS satellit, is required to overcome these high intra—system
        interference levels. This further increases the need for relatively high beam peak
        EIRP levels i a spot beam DBS satellite compared to a CONUS beam one.
The situation described in (a) above is shown by the example in Figure 2—1 below. This
shows EchoStar 10 spot beam 37 superimposed on the DMA map. This beam has been
designed to have the capability o serve five DMAs, labelled here as A, B, C, D and E.
The EIRP contours are shown in 1 dB steps from —3 to 10 dB. The edge of DMA "A"

extends outto approximately the —7.5 dB relative EIRP contour level, but by the time an
allowance for best case beam pointing has been included this is equivalent t the —9.5 dB
relative EIRP level. There are many other similar examples in the different beams of the
EchoStar 10 system.

For the example beam shown in Figure 2—1 the minimum EIRP at the edge of DMA "A"
is approximately 49.5 dBW, taking account of the rain effects atthis location in CONUS
and other link degradations, in order to give an acceptable link availability with modest
throughput. This implies the beam peak EIRP for this beam would need to be 49.5 + 9.5
=59 dBW. This compares with the DIRECTV D5 EIRP at this location which is
approximately 51 dBW. Therefore the AERP in this case (at the beam peak) is —8.0 dB,

and so the resulting C/I (according to the equation presented above) is 23.05 — $.0 = 15.05
dB. This clearly demonstrates that cross—polar C/I levels, when spot beams satellites are
used, will inevitably drop to values in the mid teens.

           Figure 2—1 Example EchoStar 10 Spot Beam 37 Covering Five DMAs

        DMA "A"                                                      DMA "B"

                                                                          DMA "C"

    |    DMA "E"
                                                  Dma D
             #                           mrmnanier

    5.     EchoStar‘s Reference to a 23.3 dB C/I Level

    In itslatest pleading DIRECTV makes much ado about EchoStar‘s reference to a 23.3 dB
    C/tlevel in the EchoStar 10 FCC application. This reference was from a portion of the
    EchoStar application that addresses the waiver request forthe 1.7 dB shortfall in satellte
    anterna cross—polar discrimination." The purpose ofthe discussion atthis point in the
document was to demonstrate numerically that the satellite antenna XPD shortfll has
negligible impact (0.47 dB) on the overall cross—polar C/1 levels, because they are
dominated by the much lower receive earth station XPD levels, A reference calculation
was made assuring that the EIRP levels of the wanted and interfering satelltes were the
same. Clearly this was not meant to indicate that this precise situation of zero EIRP
difference exists across the entire service area. It was justa reference calculation in order
to put in perspective the relative impact of the satellite antenna XPD. EchoStar is
confident that this did not mislead the DIRECTV engineers or the Commission staff, as
DIRECTV has suggested it did.

6.         DIRECTV‘s Receive Earth Station XPD Performance

DIRECTV has indicated a cross—polar discrimination level for ts receive earth stations of

only 22 dB. As noted in Section 2 above, this performance parameteris absolutely key in
determining the cross—polar C/1 levels. ‘The reference receive earth station mask given in
TTU Appendix 30 gives an XPD value of 25 dB. If DIRECTV‘s receive earth stations
met the ITU mask then the cross—polar C/ levels would be 3 dB better than DIRECTV is
currently calculating. Presumably when DIRECTV chose to deploy such non—conforming

£          Such walve equess areperfcily normal with DBS satelies of this ype, both EchoSuar‘s and
           DIRECTV‘s. This walve equest doesnot signifcanty affec the oveal crosspolaintrference
           levels rom EchoStar 10 nto DIRECTV‘s satelit a110°W
&          In the ie text from the EchoStar 10 FCC applicationthe receive eath station XPD was assumed
          to be 25 dB (as per TTU Appendix 30)and itshould be noted that wth DIRECTV‘s even oer
          teceive earth sution XPD performance of 2 dB, he relatve impuct o the stllte XPD shortal
          is even less tan 0.47 dB.

receive earth stations operating with the 110°W satellteit was fully aware of the
consequences in terms of potential cross—polar interference from EchoStar‘s future
satellites. There could not have been the expectation that the EchoStar satellite EIRP
would never be higher than the DIRECTV satellite EIRP at all points in the service area.
In other words, DIRECTVcannot now claim that ts needs high levels of cross—polar

interference protection when it willingly deployed earth stations that do not conform to
ITU standards and hence significantly aggravate this interference situation.

2       DIRECTV‘s DS Satellite is a Very Low Power Satellite

The D5 satelliteis one of DIRECTV‘s lowest EIRP level satelltes. As noted in Section 2
above, the EIRP of the DIRECTV satellite at 110°W is a key factor in determining the
cross—polar C/Ilevels. It would therefore be inappropriate to significantly hamper the
capability of the EchoStar 10 satellite because of DIRECTV‘s continued use of an old—

generation satellite design at this orbital location.

8.     Significant Proportion of EchoStar 10‘s Capacity is Affected

DIRECTV states in itslatest pleading that any constraints on channels 27, 29 and 31 for
EchoStar should not be a problem because, according to DIRECTYV, these three channels
amount to only 10 % of the EchoStar 10 capacity, and EchoStr is otherwise
unconstrained in the remaining 26 channels.This is completely wrong. The EchoStar 10
satellt is only able to operate on ten downlink channels,and constraints in three of those
channels wl affect approximately 30% of the EchoStar 10 capacity.

9.     Additional Points Raised by DIRECTV in its February 3 Letter to the ECC

DIRECTV makes three points in ts February 3 letter to the FCC on this matter. Each of
these points is addressed in the sub—sections below.

    9.1    EchoStar‘s Reference to the Original DS Application

    DIRECTV asserts that EchoStar should have made reference to the May 2005 FCC
    application of DIRECTV concerning the D5 satellite move tothe 1 10°W orbital location
    (from its operation at a Canadian orbital position) rather than the original 2000
    application for the DS satellte. DIRECTV states that its 2008 application uses different
    and more relevant parameters than its 2000 application (for the same satelite), and cites
 the differences in link availabilty and allowance for cross—polar C/I as evidence of this.

Unfortunately, what DIRECTV now states concerning ts 2005 application is not evident
from reading that application. DTV states that its 2005 application assumed a link
availability of 99.9% and a C/I allowancefor cross—polar interference of 22.9 dB. We
have been unable to find these data in the 2005 FCC application for DS. The link budget
given in Table A—1 of that application makes no mention of assumed link availability and
does not separately identify the cross—polar C/I allowance.® It is for this precise reason
that EchoStar chose to use the data from the original 2000 DS application in the previous
EchoStar analysis. Essentially, there were no relevant data available in the 2005
application on which to base the analysis.
The latest data DIRECTV now claims conceming the assumed link availability(99.9%)
and cross—polar C/I allowance (22.9 dB) for the DS satellite appear to be wishful thinking
in more ways than one. As EchoStar demonstrated in its previous analysis of the
availability ofthe D5 links, many of the example links only produce availabilities well
below the 99.9% level without any additional interference impact from the EchoStar 10
satellte. This leads one to question how the availability objective can be as high as

*         "The DIRECTY lnk budget does tte an overll / allowance of 174 dB for "Toreier— and
          intraspstem C/1, dB (inel xpol. ASL, ACL ABIJ*bat doesnotspecity how this overll llowance
          is apportianed between the diferentiteference componens,an therefore does not statethe
          allowaneefor eross—polar / There is no mennion in the 2005 D5 application o analowance of
          229 0B for eross—polar C/t as DIRECTV row sttes

    99.9%." Similar comments apply to DIRECTV‘s idealized 22. dB cross—polar CA
    allowance. DIRECTV‘s own assessment of the existing cross—polar C/1levels from the
    EchoStar 8 satelltat 110°W show that the levels drop to 19.4 dB in some cases, and
    probably lessif a comprehensive analysis was performed.® This appears to be much more
consistent with DIRECTV‘s 2000 application, which allowed for C/Ilevels as low as
18.2 dB, ather than the extraordinarily high level of 22.9 dB now suggested by
DIRECTV. Clearly a minimum cross—polar C/I objective of 22.9 dB is completely
inconsistent with the current operational situation at the 110°W orbital position, and
would not be achievable with any realisti future scenario of DIRECTV and EchoStar
    satelltes a this ocation.

Therefore, EchoStar‘s use ofthe original 2000 DS application as the basis of ts
availability analysis ofthe DIRECTV links was not an attempt to select the data that best
served its purpose. Rather,the data used by EchoStar were the only available and
relevant DS data that was available for this analysis.

9.2        EbMNo Objective for DIRECTY links

Throughout EchoStar‘s entire availability analysis an Eb/No objective of 7 dB (as stated
by DIRECTV in its 2000 DS application) was assumed for the DIRECTV links.
Therefore all of EchoStar‘s availability results forthe DIRECTV links are based on this
Eb/No objective. In addition EchoStar did make one observation in its assessment of the
results, in Section 6 of ts previous Technical Annex, as follows:

           "It should also be noted thatallthe avaiabilits results given in Table 6—1, and Table 5—
           1 in the previous setion, are based on the stated Eb/No requirement in the DTV links of

f          In fact, onlsx of h 18 inksexaminedachieve 99.9% availabilty or greater even wthout the
           addironal Echouir 10 inerfersnce. Mary of th inks that ul to meet 99.9% mvalabilty doso
           by a very large amount, wth values in the 9979 to 9.8% occurring in many of t links
®          DIRECTV‘s analysisthat concladed the minimum GH leel of 194 dB was based only on the
          EchoStar 10 beam peak locations, whichbear no rlationto the wortcase EIRP levels of the
          HEchoSta8 CONUS beam


           7dB. EchoStar believes this value i very conservative and could be improved by
           between 1 and 2 dB for a typical QPSK rate 67 transmission as currently used by
           DIRECTV. Ifthisfactor was taken into account the availabiltescalculated would be
           signifiantly higher than those shown here.
    In response to this DIRECTV has stated that DIRECTV would not be able to operate the
    D5 satellite with MPEG~/SPSK technology with code rates up to %4 in the presence of
    the EchoStar 10 interference. However, DIRECTV fails to support this bold assertion
    with any facts, and we show below that this claim is simply not truc.
The latest available DVB—S2 specification (ETSI EN 302 307 V1.1.1 (2005—03))lists the
error performance in Section 6 (page 33). For 8PSK with rate 3 coding the Es/No value
given in this specification is 7.91 dB for a spectral efficiency of 2.228124. This
corresponds to an Eb/No of 4.43 dB and a CMN of 7.91 dB." This compares very
favorably with the CN objective used in EchoStar‘s availability analysis of the
DIRECTV DS links, which was 8.0 dB, as given in the original DIRECTV D5 link
budget. Therefore, all of EchoStar‘s previous availability results would appear to be
compatible with DIRECTV‘s use of MPEG—/EPSK technology with code rates up to %,
and DIRECTV‘s concems sbout EchoStar 10 "spoiling" the evolution of DBS services on
the D5 satellite are unfounded.

9.3       DIRECTV‘s Philosophical Approach to Intra versus Inter System Interference

"The essence of DIRECTV‘s argument here is that inter—system interference must be kept
to the absolute minimum possible value because the "victim" system sees none of the

benefits of a rationale overall apportionment of interference. Clearly such a unilateral
view of this issue would be inconsistent with overall Commission objectives of
optimizing the overall use of the spectrum.

t         Assuming thatth symbol rate is equal o the noisebandiwdth, which is a common approach in
          dealing with herelaionships betveen thee parametes.

10.    Conclusions

EchoStar has explained and demonstrated here thatit is impossible to provide the high
cross—polar /levels indicated by DIRECTV when a spot beam DBS satellte is used at
the 110°W orbital position. Any DBS operator must accept the reality of thsituation
and the fact thatthe interference environment changes as DBS technology progresses.
DIRECTV has deployed receive earth stations with relatively poor XPD performance and
must accept tconsequences of this. The FCC should balance the real impact on
DIRECTV (which is best determined through a link availability assessment) with the real
limitations on EchoStar 10 service that would result if high Crequirements are dictated.

EchoStar has already proposed significant reductions in certain spot beam EIRP levels
which have significantly improved the resulting C/ levels into DIRECTV. EchoStar
urges the Commission to accept this proposal and allow the EchoStar 10 satellte to
operate accordingly.




        Thereby declare under penalty of perjury that I am the technically qualified person
responsible for preparation of the engineering information contained in the foregoing
submission, that I am familiar with Part 25 ofthe Commission‘s rules, that I have either
prepared or reviewed the enginering information submitted in this pleading, and that t is
true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief.

                                                     Richard J. Bamett, PhD, BSe

                                                     Telecomm Strategies, Inc.
                                                     6404 Highland Drive
                                                     Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
                                                     (301) 656—8950

Dated: February 22, 2006


Document Created: 2006-02-23 17:29:00
Document Modified: 2006-02-23 17:29:00

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