Attachment response





This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20051221-00267 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                         Before the

Application of
               OPERATING                       ) File No. SAT-MOD-20051221-00267
COMPANY                                        )
For Modification of Authorization to           )


       In this proceeding, EchoStar Satellite Operating Company (“EchoStar”) seeks

authority to operate a satellite that will cause significant harmful interference to the signal

received by viewers across the United States from the DIRECTV 5 satellite located at the

same orbital position. EchoStar undoubtedly finalized the design of the EchoStar 10

satellite at least a year ago, and in the interim could have anticipated these issues and

worked with DIRECTV to solve them. Unfortunately, EchoStar appears to have gone out

of its way to avoid these issues, and even today seeks to deny them. Although there is

now less than a week until EchoStar’s satellite is scheduled for launch, these interference

issues remain unresolved - a situation entirely of EchoStar’s making.

        For example, the extent of cross-polar interference was not immediately apparent

from EchoStar’s application. In fact, as discussed below, the application incorrectly

indicates that such interference would be fairly tolerable, leaving DIRECTV 5 with a C/I

in excess of 23.3 dB. It was not until DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC (“DIRECTV”)

discovered the true extent of the cross-polar interference and raised the issue in mid-

January that EchoStar in any way acknowledged it.

        In its Reply to DIRECTV’s initial Comments,’ EchoStar now attempts to justify

the actual interference it would unilaterally impose on DIRECTV’s viewers by

suggesting an interference standard that ignores the way operators deal with inter-system

interference in the real world. EchoStar also seeks to paint EchoStar 10 as crucial to

meeting SHVERA’s “no two-dish” mandate, when in fact EchoStar has many options

available to achieve compliance, as DIRECTV has done with fewer DBS assets. The

Commission should give short s h f i to these arguments, and withhold a grant in this

proceeding until EchoStar has agreed to modify its operations to ensure that viewers of

DIRECTV 5 continue to enjoy signal protection comparable to the current level.
                              *                 *                  *

        At the outset, DIRECTV feels compelled to correct one of the more egregiously

misleading aspects of Echostar’s Reply. On several occasions, EchoStar avers that

DIRECTV has raised only vague and non-specific issues with respect to the proposed

EchoStar 10 satellite, going so far as to assert that DIRECTV’s comments were “intended

only as ‘place holder’ rather than an expression of genuine concern.”2 This is completely

untrue. In its Comments, DIRECTV provided the range of cross-polar interference and

C/I values resulting from its analysis of Echostar’s 10’s impact on DIRECTV 5.3 In

addition, DIRECTV provided EchoStar and the International Bureau staff additional

    Reply Comments of EchoStar Satellite Operating Company (dated Jan. 31,2006) (“Echo Reply”).
    See Echo Reply at 3.
    See Comments of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC at 2 (dated Jan. 20,2006).

                        information, including the exact beams and C/I values at issue, at a January 27 meeting to

                        discuss possible coordination of the satellites. By contrast, EchoStar did not provide any

                        specific analysis at that meeting. In these circumstances, it borders on bad faith for

                        EchoStar to characterize DIRECTV’s position as unsubstantiated or to accuse DIRECTV

                        of regulatory game~manship.~

                                Again, it was EchoStar - not DIRECTV - that chose to submit this application

                        less than two months prior to scheduled launch of the satellite. Given the apparent

                        importance of EchoStar 10 to the company’s business plan, one would have expected

                        EchoStar to make every effort to work through all technical issues with other potentially

                        affected parties well in advance and seek a license with sufficient time to resolve any

                        issues that might arise. Instead, whether for strategic reasons or otherwise, EchoStar

                        remained silent during the many months the satellite was under construction and sought a

                        license only at the last minute. Unlike EchoStar - which either did not recognize the

                        magnitude of the cross-polar interference problem it was creating or was hoping no one

                        else would notice - DIRECTV immediately contacted EchoStar as soon as it had an

                        opportunity to analyze the technical data supplied with the application, and provided the

                        specific analysis underlying its concerns.

                                It is also worth noting that this important issue might not have come to light had

                        DIRECTV taken Echostar’s application at face value. Specifically, in support of a

                        requested waiver to accommodate a 1.7 dB shortfall in the required cross-polar isolation

                            Try as it might, EchoStar will have a difficult time painting DIRECTV as obstructionist in th~scase. In
                            addition to finding the cross-polar interference problem and initiating a dialog with EchoStar well
                            before the comment deadline, DIRECTV also noted that the EchoStar 10 design for some reason uses
                            the same telemetry frequency as DIRECTV 5 , even though that frequency has been known for years.
                            After bringing t h s problem to Echostar’s attention, DIRECTV unilaterally offered to operate with the
                            DIRECTV 5 telemetry transmitter off, leaving h s satellite in a higher risk, non-redundant state
                            without any offsetting benefit to DIRECTV, and without involving the Commission.


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of its satellite antenna, EchoStar includes a discussion of the impact of this shortfall on

the interleaved channels at 110" W .L. used by DIRECTV 5. The application concludes

as follows:

        The 1.7 dl3 shortfall in the cross-polar isolation of the ECHOSTAR- 10
        transmit antennas will therefore result in a 0.47 dB reduction in the cross-
        polar interference received by DIRECTV, and stiZZgive a C/Z level in
        excess of 23.3 dB.5

As stated in DIRECTV's Comments and reflected in Exhibit 1 attached hereto, EchoStar

lo's proposed operation would reduce the actual C/I levels experienced by DIRECTV 5

to the range of about 12 dB to 19 dB, causing as much as ten times more interference

than EchoStar asserted in its application.6 Indeed, were the C/I levels actually as

EchoStar asserted, there would be little to discuss, as cross-polar interference would be

more comparabje to the current interference en~ironment.~

        Forced to look for after-the-fact justifications, EchoStar now attempts to argue

that it has created no problem at all, relying upon a false paradigm that compares levels

of intra-system interference accepted by DIRECTV and EchoStar from their own

satellites with the levels of inter-system interference EchoStar seeks to impose

    See Technical Information to Supplement Schedule S, included as Attachment A to the EchoStar 10
    Application, at p. 14 (emphasis added).
    EchoStar failed to take into account the large EIRP disparity between the operational levels requested
    for EchoStar 10 and the levels actually provided by DIRECTV 5 - as much as 10 dB less in many
    cases - which decreased the CA values in many areas to levels that are insufficient to provide adequate
    protection. In this regard, it is worth noting that - although EchoStar asserts to the contrary (Echo
    Reply at 5 ) - the operators have overlapping channels at 119" W.L. However, there is no similar cross-
    polarization issue because the satellites operate at comparable power levels. It is EchoStar's unilateral
    decision to dramatically increase power on EchoStar 10 that has caused the problem here.
    For example, in its recent application to license DIRECTV 5 at 110" W.L., DIRECTV assumed a
    cross-polar interference level of 22.9 dT3. See Application in FCC File No. SAT-NO-20050504-00093
    (filed May 4, 2005). Although that application was processed at a time when EchoStar 10's design
    was presumably set and construction was nearing completion, EchoStar did not comment or in any
    other way indicate that it planned to radically alter the cross-polar environment.


                  unilaterally upon DIRECTV here.* As DIRECTV has explained to EchoStar before,

                  intra-system interference levels are irrelevant to this proceeding. Both DIRECTV and

                  EchoStar have chosen to operate at certain levels of intra-system interference because

                  they have determined that these levels optimize the overall performance of their own

                  system. For example, EchoStar or DIRECTV might be willing to tolerate self-

                  interference in one aspect of its operations if doing so will create a more than offsetting

                  increase in overall system capacity. In such a case, the operator makes a business

                  decision to trade off some compromises in one area for the greater good of the system.

                          Here, by contrast, EchoStar proposes to increase interference to DIRECTV, and

                  asks DIRECTV to make the required adjustments. The equation works in only one

                  direction: EchoStar alone will reap the benefits of its higher operating power levels,

                  while DIRECTV alone will experience the detrimental impact of the resulting

                  interference. Accordingly, the considerations and equities are entirely different.

                          Moreover, with respect to intra-system interference, if business imperatives

                  change or the anticipated performance trade-offs do not materialize, an operator has the

                  ability to rebalance system power. Not so with respect to inter-system interference - the

                  operator would have to continue to live with whatever handicaps are imposed by

                  operation of a satellite solely within the control of another operator. Thus, the

                  comparison EchoStar seeks to make is entirely inappropriate.

                          Further seeking to deny the problem, EchoStar also asserts that there is no

                  standard against which to evaluate the level of interference that EchoStar 10 would cause

                      See Echo Reply at 4.

f   .   .   *.,

to DIRECTV 5.' That assertion flatly ignores the consistent course of dealing between

the two parties and is belied by EchoStar's own application. As the comparison of

current and projected C/I levels in Exhibit 1 clearly shows, DIRECTV 5 achieves typical

C/I levels in excess of 20 dB under the current inter-system interference environment - a

level that is common throughout the U.S. DBS orbital arc. And as discussed above,

EchoStar asserted in its application that DIRECTV 5 would achieve at least 23.3 dE3 C/I

even with EchoStar 10 in operation, which would also have been consistent with the

current interference environment.

         Finally, the one example of inter-system interference cited by EchoStar is as

misleading in what it does say as it is illuminating in what it does not say. Specifically,

EchoStar cites the peak ElRP levels of approximately 61 dBW in the recent proposal for

a new DIRECTV 13 satellite at 110" W.L. as evidence of the continuing trend in the

industry toward higher power levels that could eventually ameliorate the problem

discussed herein." Even if this were true, it would be cold comfort to viewers of

DIRECTV 5 , which still has many years of useful life at its current power levels.

Moreover, it is not true - at least not as EchoStar describes it. EchoStar fails to mention

(except obliquely in a parenthetical) that DIRECTV 13's peak power is only used when

spread across a channel bandwidth that is more than three times the normal DBS 24 MHz

channel. When converted to an EIRP over 24 MHz to allow a more apt comparison, the

level falls to 55.7 dBW - i.e., less than the level of existing DBS satellites cited by

     See Echo Reply at 4.

     See id.

                  Echostar.’ Unlike EchoStar, DIRECTV carefully engineered its proposed satellite to

                  preserve the inter-system environment and appropriately protect Echostar’s existing

                  operations, choosing to observe certain operational limitations in its design rather than

                  unilaterally impose significant interference upon co-located satellites of another operator.

                  DIRECTV asks only that EchoStar now do the same.

                            EchoStar also argues that, because DIRECTV proposes to operate DIRECTV 13

                  with C/I levels comparable to those EchoStar 10 would impose upon DlRECTV 5, there

                  is no basis for concern.l 2 Again, the Commission should not be thrown off by this

                  apples-to-oranges comparison. To begin with, DIRECTV designed this satellite to

                  operate within the confines of the existing interference environment - i.e., to minimize its

                  impact on EchoStar and others. It strikes DIRECTV as perverse that its reward for

                  having done so should be to have EchoStar claim that all of DIRECTV’s existing

                  satellites must henceforth accept similar C/I levels regardless of the consequences.

                             Moreover, the fact that DIRECTV’s thoughtful design yields an apparently lower

                  C/I for DIRECTV 13 should not be deemed indicative of the C/I levels DIRECTV

                  believes necessary for its core service. DIRECTV does not intend to use DIRECTV 13

                  for “traditional” DBS service. It instead proposes an entirely new service from

                  DIRECTV 13, using much smaller antennas mounted on mobile platforms. In light of the

                  lower C/I levels, DIRECTV proposes to use a much lower code rate to close the links to

                  these     antenna^.'^   Were DIRECTV forced to implement a similar strategy for DIRECTV

                        See id. (most recent satellites have CONUS EIRP peaks of approximately 58 to 59 ,dBW).
                        See 5.
                        The DIRECTV 13 application indicates a code rate of QPSK 1/2, as compared to a code rate of QPSK
                        617 used for DIRECTV 5.


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5 in order to accommodate EchoStar 10, it would significantly reduce the satellite’s

throughput capabilities and thus decrease the amount of programming it can provide from

that satellite. For these reasons, the comparison EchoStar seeks to make is completely


        Moreover, the C/I value anticipated for DIRECTV 13 was based on the

assumption that cross-polar interference levels in the future would approximate current

conditions. If instead the levels are reduced to as little as 12 dB due to EchoStar 10’s

operations, the C/I levels available from DIRECTV 13 would also be dramatically

reduced - perhaps to the point where the service would not be viable. In other words, an

entire new line of DBS service could be compromised to satisfy Echostar’s unilateral

desire for higher operating power. EchoStar conveniently overlooks this fact in its Reply.

                            *                *                 *
        DIRECTV can certainly appreciate the importance of a new satellite to any DBS

operator, and it does not begrudge EchoStar the opportunity to deploy more advanced

technology to serve its subscribers. However, EchoStar has many options available to

meet SHVERA’s “no two-dish” mandate, as DIRECTV has done with fewer DBS orbital

and spectrum assets. Moreover, no matter how important a satellite may be to Echostar’s

business plan, EchoStar has no right to compromise the viewing experience enjoyed by

DIRECTV subscribers across the country. DIRECTV seeks only protection to the level

of inter-system interference that is the current industry norm - and consistent with the

23.3 dB cross-polar levels EchoStar itself indicated in its application. Moreover,

DIRECTV’s concern relates to only three of the twenty-nine DBS channels used by

EchoStar 10, meaning that any accommodation required to protect DIRECTV 5 would


have no effect on 90% of EchoStar 10's fiequencies. In these circumstances, there is

absolutely no justification for the unilateral imposition of the level of cross-polar

interference that EchoStar proposes, and the Commission should not grant this

application until DIRECTV's legitimate concerns have been addressed.

                                               Respectfilly submitted,

                                               DlRECTV ENTERPRISES,


                                                       Michael D. Nilsson

                                               HARRIS,WILTSHIRE   & GRANNIS LLP
                                               1200 Eighteenth Street, N.W.
                                               Washington, DC 20036
                                               202-730- 1300

                                               Counselfor DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC

Dated: February 3,2006

I 1 I I 1

    f            T3h;          Act;;rlO         Current E8
               Stated x-       x-pol into       x-pol into
               pol into         D5,dB            D5, dB
    TO2          23.3             16.1             21.5
    TO5          23.3             17.4             24.2
    TO9          23.3             15.2             21 .I
    T I0         23.3      I
                                  16.7      1
    TI1    I     23.3      I      14.9      I      20.3
    T I5         23.3             15.7      I      22.1
    T I7         23.3             15.4             22.6
    T I9         23.3             14.8             20.1
    T2 1         23.3             13.4             19.4
    T24          23.3             17.0             23.7
    T26          23.3             16.5             24.9
    T29          23.3             13.3             21.7
    T3 1         23.3             13.0             20.9

    T39    I     23.3      I      13.6      I      20.6      I

I   T44    I     23.3      I      16.1      I      22.1      I

    T46    I     23.3      I      11.9      I      29.5
I   T47    I     23.3      I      19.1      I      28.1

                         ENGINEERING CERTIFICATION

        The undersigned hereby certifies to the Federal Communications Commission as

(i)     I am the technically qualified person responsible for the engineering information
        contained in the foregoing Response,

(ii)    I am familiar with Part 25 of the Commission's Rules, and

(iii)   I have either prepared or reviewed the engineering information contained in the
        foregoing Response, and it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge
        and belief.


                                             David Pattillo

                                             February 3,2006

                            CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

       I hereby certify that, on this 3rd day of February, 2006, a copy of the foregoing

Response of DIRECTV Enterprises, LLC was served by electronic mail, with a copy by

hand delivery, upon:

              Pantelis Michalopoulos (
              Steptoe & Johnson LLP
              1330 Connecticut Avenue, N.W.
              Washington, DC 20036

Document Created: 2006-02-07 15:35:44
Document Modified: 2006-02-07 15:35:44

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