Attachment petition


PETITION TO DENY submitted by Ondas Spain SL



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20050311-00061 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                          GRIGINAL                                                      RECEIVED
                                        Before the
                           FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION                              APR 18 2005
                                           Washington, D.C. 20554                  Fodun O
                                                                             Received"s#Swm             —"*‘
    In the Matter of                                  )                      APR 2 0 2005
    Afrispace, Inc.                                   )                     Polcy Branch
                                                      )                 Intormational Sureay
    Application for Authority                         )        SAT—LOA—2008311—0061
    to Launch and Operate Afristar—2                  )

                                             PETITION TO DENY

           Ondas Spain, SL (*Ondas") hereby Petitions to Deny the above—captioned application. A
review of the Afrispace application reveals that t is an application to provide Satellite—Digital
Audio Broadcasting (°S—DAB") service to Europe. Ondas believes that the development of S—
DAB in Europe is best determined by European regulatory authorities and as such urges the FCC
to reject the Afrispace application.. Ondas his a vital interest in the outcome of this proceeding
since it currently is developing a European S—DAB system.
1.         Background
           Afrispace currently operates Aftistar—1, a Broadcasting Sound Service (°BSS") satellte
system in the 1452—1492 MHz band serving the Middle East and Africa. This satellite was

Hicensed by the FCC in 199. On July 7, 2004 Afrispace submitted an application to the FCC to

launch and operate Aftispace—2 and to co—locate it at 21° EL. with its Afristar—1 satellite.
Aftispace filed the application as an application for a replacement satellte. Evidently, after
reviewing the technical specifications of Afristar—2, the FCC determined that the gain contours

for Afristar—2" were quite different than Afristar—1 in that Afristar—2 is optimized to serve Europe

f          See Afrispace,Ins. 15 FCC Red 1632 (1999).          stoee       sarconsmsmniamer       imsssoos
                                                               AiSpace, nc
4          See Aftisar2 Application Figure 3, Exhibit A at 9   armistar2

 not Africa. Consequently, the FCC rejected Afrispace‘s request to be considered a replacement

 satellite. When it was placed on Public Notice on September 24, 2004 the FCC determined "that

this is an application for a new satelite."" On March 4, 2005, the FCC dismissed the Afistar—2

application as technically defective. Affispace subsequently resubmitted its application which
was placed on Public Notice on March 18, 2005A review of this newly filed Aftispace
application reveals quitclearly that it is designed to control S—DAB spectrum over Europe. As
discussed below, Ondas believes the development and implementation of European S—DAB

service should be governed by European regulators not the FCC.
IL.    Afristar—2 is not a Replacement Satellite

       Historically, the FCC has provided a replacement expectancy to replacement satelltes
that had technical characteristics consistent with those of the satelite being retired.. However,

the Commission recently noted that any attempt to expand coverage of a replacement satellte
would not be included in the replacement expectancies." Here, there is no doubt that Afristar—2 is

not a replacement satellite.. Afrispace provides in the Afrista—2 application the contours for the
northwest beam and northeast beam of Afristar—1.. The center of both of these beams are in

central Africa with some limited spillover into souther Europe. On the other hand, the Afristar—

2 gain contours are centered over Westem Europe with limited African coverage. In its attempt
to argue that this is a replacement satellite, Afrispace states that with the launch of Affistar—2,
Aftispace will be able to conserve power on Afistar—1 and thus prolong satellte lifetime. What
is confounding about this argument is that according to Afrispace‘s application, Aftistar—2 will

#      See ECC PubliNotce, Report No. SAT—00243, September 24,2004
5      See FCC Public Notice, Report No. SAT—00279, March 18, 2005.
£      See Amendment othe Commission‘s Space Sttion Licensing Rulesand Poliis, is Repor and Order
       and Further Notee ofProposed Rulemaking, 1B Docker No.02—34, 18 FCC Red 10760 (2003)at para 258

    have very limited capability to serve Africa and is optimized to serve Burope. This is nothing
more than an attempt by Afrispace to use the FCC to get a foothold in Europe. This should be
treated for what it is—a new application to provide S—DAB service to Europe.
IHI.       ‘The FCC has no obligation to consider Afrispace‘s European Proposal

           The Affista—2 application presents the FCC with a novel issue. Should the FCC be
Hicensing BSS systems not serving the United States.. As the Commission is aware, the WTO and
DISCO 11 obligations do not extend to the BSS. Thus, the Commission has no affirmative
obligation to consider a proposal for European S—DAB service. The question then presented is
whether it is sound public policy for the FCC to assert jurisdiction over Afrispace—2.
IV.       European Regulatory Authorities should license and establish S—DAB System

          In 1992 ITU allocated 23 blocks of L—Band spectrum within the 1452—1492 MHz band on
a co—primary basis with terrestrial DAB for the BSS. The frequency blocks designed to a DAB
multiplex (per EIS 300.401) are each 1.536 MHz wide with central frequencies separated by
1.712 MHz.          In 1995 the Conference of European Postal and: Telecommunications
Administrators (*CEPT) adopted an allotment plan for the introduction of terrestrial DAB in the
1457—1467.5 MHz band (#1995 Wiesbaden Agreement"). In 2002 CEPT adopted a second
allotment plan in the introduction of terrestral DAB in the 1467.5—1479.5 MHz band (©2002
Masstrict Agreement").         In October 2003, CEPT adopted a decision that designates the
frequency band 1475.5—1492 MHz for use by S—DAB systems in Europe.® As the above
demonstrates, European regulators have been actively considering S—DAB issues during the last
ten years. They have the knowledge, expertise and jurisdiction to best determine how S—DAB
should be introduced in Burope. Moreover, as the Commission is aware there are a myriad of

&         See ECC Decision on Satelite Audio Broadcasing Systems, ECCIOEC(03) 02, 17 October 2003

broadcast, equipment and related regulations in Burope that will impact the introduction of S—
DAB. Overlapping U.S. and European regulation of this service will not serve anyone‘s interest.
       Aftistar in its application seeks to launch and operate a geostationary satellite to serve
Europe. Ondas has taken a different approach. Based on its research and analysis, Ondas
believes that a geostationary satellite will have limited capabilities in Europe because ofthe high
latitudes of most European countries. These high latitudes result in poor look angles inhibiting
the service area and increasing the need for repeaters. Thus, Ondas proposes to launch a highly
elliptical orbit S—DAB system. However, as a result of the existing priority in RR22.2 ofthe ITU
regulations, the FCC‘s grant of Afrista—2‘s application could preclude the introduction of the
Ondas system." This would essentially put the FCC in a position of making choices regarding
Buropean S—DAB implementation without a full record. The FCC does not have any information
on the service requirements, technical requirements or market needs in Europe to make a
determination as to which is the superior technology.
       Here, Commission grant of the Afrispace application may have devastating impact on
Ondas and the introduction of S—DAB in Europe. ‘The net effect oan FCC decision granting the
Afristar2 application could be to precude implementation of the Ondas system and limit
Europeans to a geostationary S—DAB system. At a minimum, FCC consideration of this
application will create significant jurisdictional issues between the U.. and Europe resulting in
the delay ofthe introduction ofthis important new service to European listeners.
       Based on the above, Ondas urges the FCC to reject the Afristar—2 application. However,
if the FCC determines that it has jurisdiction over this service, Ondas would like the opportunity

&      As the Commision is aware, CEPT has developed alotment plan orterestial DAB in 1452—1479.5
       Mite band. This,only the 1479—1492 MHe is clearly avilableatthis ime foS:DAB in Europe. Based
       on the U.S. experience, 12.5 MBz i minimurm necessiry o implementa visble —DAB system.

to submit its own application and make the case why its technical approach is superior to the
Afrispace approach.
V._    Conclusion
       For all the above reasons, Ondas urges the Commission to reject the Afrispace—2

                                                    Respectfully submitted.

                                                    Celso Azevedo
                                                    President & CEO
                                                    Ondas Spain, SL
                                                    Cascanveces 10F
                                                    Madrid 28043
Date: April 18, 2005

Document Created: 2005-04-21 14:37:05
Document Modified: 2005-04-21 14:37:05

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