Attachment reply


REPLY TO OPPOSITION submitted by Echostar



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20040210-00015 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                   Before the
                                     Washington, DC 20554
                                                                Received RrECEIVED
                                                               AUG a 1 29
In the Matter of                                                            5      wyg 30 200
                                                               Policy Branch       connuncatiesconnisien
                                                            Intornati          ;
EchoStar Satellite LLC                                       "romational Bureatetr®l ie secrint
Application for Authority to Construct,              File No. SAT—LOA—20040210—00015
Launch, and Operate a Geostationary                  File No. SAT—AMD—20040428—00085
Satellite Using the Extended Ku—band
Frequencies in the Fixed—Satellte Service            Call Sign: S2615
at the 101° W.L. Orbital Location
To: International Bureau

                EchoStar Satellte L.L.C. (‘EchoStar") hereby files this Reply to the Opposition
of Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (‘MSV®)to EchoStar‘s Petition for Reconsideration
ofthe International Bureau‘s (‘Bureau‘s") order that denied the above—captioned application ("the
EchoStar Refiled Application") to construct,launch, and operate a satellte at the 101° W.L.
orbital location."
                The Bureau denied the EchoStar Refiled Application solely based upon a finding
that the proposed EchoStar satellte would cause "harmful interference" to the "previously
licensed operations* of MSV.2 The Bureau‘s decision, however, was not well—grounded in fact
and law and should be reconsidered. Indeed, the technical sharing analysis presented by
        ‘ See In the Matter ofEchoStar Satellite LLC, DA 05—1955 (rel. July 6, 2005) ("EchoStar
Order");see also EchoStar Petition for Reconsideration of EchoStar Order (Aug. 5, 2005)
(*EchoStar Petition®); MSV Opposition to EchoStar Petition for Reconsideration of EchoStar
Order (Aug. 18, 2005) (‘MSV Opposition®).

      * EchoStar Order at 94. See In the Matter of Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC,
DA 05—1492 (rel. May 23, 2005) ("MSV Order").

EchoStar in support ofits Petition, which shows how both the MSV and EchoStar satelltes can
operate co—frequency from the same orbital location, gocs virtually unchallenged by MSV.
Accordingly, the EchoStar Refiled Application should be reinstated and prompily granted.


               In denying the EchoStar Refiled Application, the Bureau concludes that operation
of EchoStar‘s proposed satelite "would cause harmfulinterference to MSV‘s previously licensed
operations." Significantly, the Bureau did not cite to any record evidence to support such a
finding, and the MSV Opposition does nothing to bolster the Bureau‘s erroncous conclusion.
               MSV‘s Opposition suggests that dismissal ofthe EchoStar Refiled Application
was appropriate because the "only information in the record as tothe possibility of sharing was
EchoStars bare assertion that is was possible."" To the contrary, the record reflected that MSV,
had supported EchoStar‘s view that co—frequency sharing by both satellites was possible, and
even indicated that it was prepared to work with EchoStar to reach a sharing agreement." Only
after it became clear to MSV thatit no longer needed to support EchoStar‘s sharing proposals,

       * EchoStar Order at § 4 (citing 47 C.F.R. § 25.158b)G)(i)).
       * MSV Opposition at 5.
          See EchoStar Petition at 10—11; see, e.g, Comments of MSV at 6 (‘MSV agrees with
EchoStar that sharing may be possible and is prepared to work with EchoStar to attemptto reach
an agreement on sharing"),fled in SAT—LOA—20040210—00015 (April 26, 2004), In a letter just
prior to the release of the MSF Order,although MSV argued that its application should be
granted and EchoStar‘sapplication dismissed, MSV still did not dismiss the possibility of sharing
and indicated ts "willing{ness] to discuss the potential to share frequencies with EchoStar® even
ifthe EchoStar Refiled Application was dismissed. Letter from Jennifer A. Manner (MSV Vice
President of Regulatory AfTairs) to Marlene H. Dortch (Secretary, FCC),filed in File Nos. SAT—
LOA—19980702—00066 et al. (April 4,2005).

did it reverse course and harden its position.®. Equally important,the record reflects another

dispositive fact. The only use ofthe extended Ku—band frequencies at the orbital slot that MSV
is authorized to make is for feeder link communications with a limited number of sites in the
United States. The idea that sharing is impossible in these circumstances runs against the
Commission‘s most fundamental spectrum policies. This points up the crux ofthe matter. If the
Bureau does not reconsider ts decision, MSV will have gotten away with monopolizing
hundreds of MHz ofnationwide spectrum at a key orbital slot, even though it only needs this
spectrum at a handful ofisolated sites. Thus, the record priorto the Bureau‘s decision could
only be characterized as supporting the possibility of sharing.
               In the ZchoStar Order, the Bureau noted the parties‘ positions with regard to
sharing." Further, in the AMSY Order, the Bureau acknowledged that EchoStar "may be able to
coordinate shared use of"the extended Ku—band frequency bands with MSV.* The Bureau
further stated that "[i}f the parties reach agreement, we will entertain a request that involves co—
frequency operations."" Thus, while the Bureau appears to acceptthe possibility of sharing, and
even appeared to encourage the partiesto reach a private sharing agreement, it never took this

         * See Letter from Jennifer A. Manner, MSV Vice President of Regulatory Affairsto
Donald Abelson, Chiefof the Interational Bureau at1 (June 15, 2005) (claiming that the
EchoStar Refiled Application is "mutually exclusive" with the recently granted MSV
application}; Lete from Bruce D. Jacobs (Counsel to MSV) to Pantelis Michalopoulos and
Philip L. Malet (Counsel to EchoStar)at 2 (June 15, 2005) (*Moreover, your proposal for two
satellites to share the same frequencies at the same orbital location is novel. Any discussions
regarding the feasibility of this untested concept will be highly technical in nature involving
considerable engineering and legal resources. MSV finds it highly unlikely that the parties will
reach any agreement in just two weeks.").
         " See EchoStar Order at § 2 n.7.
         * MSV Order at §16 n. 45. See also EchoStar Order at 1 2 n.7.

possibility into account when it found just over a month laterin the ZchoStar Order that the
proposed EchoStar satellite will cause "harmful interference" to MSV‘s limited feeder link

                MSV now suggests that EchoStar has conceded that ts proposed satellite would
cause "harmful interference" to MSV‘s feeder link operations by the very fact that it is seeking a
coordination agreement with MSV..* However,to accept this argument would requirethe
Bureau to deny all of the satellite applications that it routinely grants on the condition that the
Hicensee enter into a coordination agreement with a previously licensed party. Coordination and
sharing of spectrum between licensed partiesis the realityin today‘s crowded marketplace for
spectrum, especiallyin the satelite industry.""

               In light of MSV‘s fluid and self—serving positions on this critical ssue, EchoStar
submitted a technical analysis explaining how the two operators could share the same orbital
Tocation without causing harmfulinterference to each other. The MSV Opposition fails to
challenge the fundamental premise ofthe EchoStar Petition and its sharing analysis which
concludes that, with EchoStar‘and MSV‘s particular requirements for use of the extended Ku—

band, sharing is possible using co—frequency collocated satellites, without placing undue
constraints on either party. Unable to challenge this conclusion, MSV suggests that te sharing
       ‘° MSV Opposition at6.
        ‘" MSV is well—aware that coordination is a reality in order to maximize the use of
spectrum. See, e«g, Mobile Satellte Ventures Subsidiary LLC Applicationfor Authority to
Launch and Operate an L—band Mobile Satellte Service Satellte at 63.5° W.L., DA 05—50 at 3 49
(2005) (‘MSV shall coordinate with co—primary Space Operations Service stations in the 1525—
1559 MHz band and will not be entiled to protection from interference unti t has completed
coordination."). This includes co—frequency coordination between satellte systems. See, e.g, /n
the Matter ofHughes Communications Galazy, Inc. Application for Authority to Construct,
Launch, and Operate a Ka—band Satellte System in the Pixed—Satellite Service, 13 ECC Red.
1351, 1359 (1997) (requiring Hughes to coordinate with the U.S. Government space systems
operating in the 17.7—18.8 and 19.7—20.2 GHz bands).

analysis offered by EchoStar is "too late" and that EchoStar‘s operations would unfairly "restrict
MSV‘s flexibility to operate feederlink earth stations now and in the future."""
                The Bureau should reject any suggestion by MSV that new information cannot be
presented through a petition for reconsideration. The Commission‘s Rules specifically
contemplate that such a petition may rely on facts not previously presented when it would be in
the public interest to do so."" MSV also mischaracterizes the purpose behind EchoStar‘ssharing

analysis. Itis not being presented by EchoStar to correct a deficiency (which does not exist) in
its original application, as in the precedent cted by MSV, or to somehow restrict the design and
implementation of MSV‘s system; rather, this sharing analysis simply illustrates to the Bureau
what both parties have previously stated on the record —— e., that sharing is possible. EchoStar is
not suggesting thatits analysis sts forth the definitive means by which the parties can operate
successfully. EchoStar understands that without MSV‘s cooperation it will not be able to

complete coordination of the two proposed satelltes. Itis precisely for this reason, that the
Bureau require both parties, as a condition oftheir authorizations, t coordinate the operation of
their respective satelites with one another.""
               MSV finds it significant that EchoStar waited some eighteen months after fling
its application before approaching MSV about coordination, and did not do so until MSV‘s
application was granted."" This delay, however, is nothing unusual. Such coordination rarely
begins in advance of an application being granted by the Commission. After MSV‘s application
       " MSV Opposition at 6.
       " See 47 CR. §1.106().
       "* See EchoStar Petition for Clarification and/or Reconsideration, File No. SAT—LOA~
19980702—00066 er al. t 7—8 (filed June 22, 2005); EchoStar Petition at 15.
      !* MSV Opposition at 6 n.15.

was granted, EchoStar prompily approached MSV about establishing a process for coordinating
satellite operations consistent with what the parties had previously indicated on the record. 1t
was only then, emboldened with its authorization, that MSV conveniently began to back away
from its prior statements concerning sharing and its willingness to discuss coordination. The
Bureau should see MSV‘s actions for what they are —— a ransparent attempt to turn its limited
authorization in the extended Ku—band for two domestic feeder link earth stations into the ability
to preclude any other use of the spectrum from the 101° W.L. orbital location anywhere in the

                MSV only substantive criicism, if one could call it that, of EchoStar‘s sharing
analysis is predicated on the mistaken view that MSV‘s authorization allows it to operate more
than two feeder link earth stations in the United States. It asserts that EchoStar has incorrectly
assumed "no more than four feeder link earth stations and [MSV] would not be permitted to
relocate those earth stations.""* In fact, EchoStar demonstrated that at least twice as many MSV
feeder links as it is currently authorized to operate could be accommodated under EchoStar‘s
sharing proposal. MSV simply cannot rely on the "possibility® of being allowed to operate
additional feeder link earth stations in the United States. As currently authorized, MSV is
Himited to two feeder ink earth stations, and the Bureau has not indicated that MSV is entitledto
any additional feeder link sites.". While MSV may believe thatit has a "nationwide and
exclusive license," the reality is that it has a license to operate a nationwide beam in conjunction

       !* MSV Opposition at6.
       !" See MSY Order at 1 66.

with only two feeder—Link earth stations located in the United States."® s   It does not have a license

to deploy as many feeder link earth stations as it would like.""

                In any event, EchoStar‘s sharing analysis is not predicated on restricting or
limiting MSV‘ssystem design."" Rather, the sharing analysis examined several different
scenarios including both two feeder link earth stations, as MSV is currently authorized and
limited to use, as well as total of four feeder link earth stations,in an effort to demonstrate the
fexibility that MSV would have in designing and deploying it system. The analysis was not
meant as a way to somehow limit MSV‘s intended operations."" Indeed, as the attached
supplement to EchoStar‘s technical analysis demonstrates (see Attachment A},sharing is possible

between EchoStar and MSV even with an MSV system incorporating up to six feeder link earth
stations."" Consistent with the prior statements of EchoStar and MSV, the sharing analysis set

        "* MSV Opposition at 7.
         ‘" MSV suggests that it would be unprecedented to require a licensee to accommodate a
later applicant by modifying or restricting its system design in any way. See MSV Opposition at
7. However, the Commission has done so routinely in an effort to facilitate sharing and
maximizeuse of searcespectral resources. For example, with respect to feeder links operated by
the Big LEO MSS systems, lcensees are limited in the number of feeder link earth stations they
are permitted to deploy in an effort to accommodate sharing with LMDS and other GSO systems.
See 47 C.F.R. § 25.257; Rulemaking to Amend Parts1, 2, 21 and 25 ofthe Commission‘s Rules
to Redesignate the 27.5—29.5 GH Frequency Band, to Reallocate the 29.5—30.0 GHe Frequency
Band, to Establish Rules and Policiesfor Local Multipoint Distribution Service andfor Fixed
Satellie Services, 11 BCRed. 19005, 19033—34 (1996).
       ®" See MSV Opposition at 6.
       *‘ See Attachment A of EchoStar Petition at 11. In fact, EchoStar also assumed that MSV
would ultimately utilice spot beams for its feeder link operations, which it has confirmed in is
Opposition. See MSV Oppositionat 7—8.
       "" EchoStar does not concede that MSV should be allowed to operate any additional
feeder link earth stations in light of potentia interference with the Fixed Service and the added
constraints that such a system would place on EchoStar‘s proposed satellite system.

is possible using co—frequeney collocated satellites, without placing undue constraints on ither
               MSV asserts that EchoStar does not need to have its application reinstated or
granted "in orderto discuss coordination with MSV or any other satellite operator.""" Instead, it
suggests that EchoStar firsty to reach a "private agreement" with MSV and then seek
Commission approval. While EchoStar agrees that private coordination agreements are the
norm, it is difficult to take MSV‘s comments at face value when it was MSV that abruptly
cancelled the scheduled coordination meeting shortly afteit received itslicense and just prioto
the release of the AchoStar Order.""
               EchoStar welcomes the opportunity to enterinto meaningful coordination
discussions with MSV. However, treality is that by dismissing the EchoStar Refiled
Application and granting the MSV Authorization, the Bureau has removed any incentive for
MSV to engage in such discussions. Further, MSV‘s support of a private coordination agreement
in the absence of reinstating EchoStar‘s application ignores the prejudice to EchoStar that may
result by subjecting it t intervening applications for use ofthe same extended Ku—band
frequencies. Without a reversal of the EchoStar Order, coordination discussions are unlikely to

        * The Bureau should dismiss MSV‘sridiculous claims thatits use ofthe Ku—band
"represents far more efficient use than EchoStar‘s proposal." MSV Opposition at 8. EchoStars
proposal is very similar to the extended Ku—band authorizations already approved by the Burcau
at other orbital locations. In granting those authorizations, the Bureau was not persuaded by any
claims of inefficieney and interference, and the Bureau should similarly reject them here. See,
e.g. In the Matter ofEchoStar KuX Corporation Applicationfor Authority to Construct, Launch
and Operate a Geostationary Satellite Using the Extended Ku—band Frequencies in the Fixed—
Satellite Service at the 121° W.L. Orbital Location, DA 04—3164 at 1 14 (rel. Sept. 30, 2004).
       "" MSV Opposition at 8.
       * See EchoStar Petition at 9 n.25.

go anywhere, thereby squandering an opportunity to maximize use ofthe extended Ku—band
frequencies at the 101° W.L. orbital location.
               MSV finally suggests that co—frequency operations is not appropriate in the
absence of sharing rules adopted by the Commission" However, with both parties on the record

stating that sharing is possible, sharing rules are not necessary —— instead, private coordination
discussions mandated by the Bureau should be sufficient. The key to success is not the
development of sharing rules, but requiring MSV to follow through with earlier statements
supporting such discussions. As set forth in the Petition, EchoStar believes that to do so, the
EchoStar Refiled Application should be reinstated and granted, and both parties be required to
enter into coordination discussions as a condition of their licenses.


               In the EchoStar Order, the Bureau found that denial of the EchoStar Refiled
Application is appropriate because "MSV hafs] first—in—line status with respect to the additional
Ku—band spectrum requested by MSV at the 101° W.L. orbital location."""" As set forth in the
EchoStar Petition, EchoStar has two pending Applications for Review which,if ether one is
granted, would undermine this finding by the Bureau."" MSV argues that since the Bureau
explained in the ZchoStar Order that ts decision to dismiss the EchoStar Refiled Application

       "* See MSV Opposition at 9.
       " 14
       "" See EchoStar Petition at 8.

was "without prejudice," there is no merit o EchoStar‘s claim that these Applications for Review
should have been decided prior to the EchoStar Order and the MSF Order.""
               While the Bureau may believe thatits decision in the EchoStar Order and the
MSVOrder is without prejudice tthe pending Applications for Review, in practice, these
decisions have unfairly prejudiced EchoStar by subjecting it to intervening applications for use
of the same extended Ku—band frequencies. The better course of action would have been for the
Bureau to have delayed its decisions in both the EchoStar Order and the MSV Order pending the

outcome of the Applications for Review before the Commission.

HiL.           CONCLUSION

               For the reasons stated above and in EchoStar‘s Petition, the EchoStar Order

should be reversed and the EchoStar Refiled Application reinstated and prompily granted.

                                                  Respectfully submitted,
                                                       Star Satellite LL.C.

David K. Moskowitz                                    felis Michalopoulo
Senior VicePresident and General Counsel          Philip L. Malet
EchoStar Satellite LL.C.                          Mare A. Paul
9601 South Meridian Boulevard                     Steptoe & Johnson Lur
Englewood, CO 80112                               1330 Connecticut Avenue, NW
(303) 723—1000                                    Washington, D.C. 20036
                                                  (202) 429—3000
                                                  Counselfor EchoStar Satellite L L

August 30, 2005

       " MSV Opposition at 10—11.


                                cermiricate or service
       1, QHitcP AGTZwith the law firm of Steptoe & Johnson LLP, hereby certify that on
this 30th day of August, 2008, served a true copy of the foregoing "Reply" by first class mail,
postage pre—paid (or as otherwise indicated) upon the following:

Donald Abslson®                                   Bruce D. Jacobs
International Bureau                              David S. Konczal
Room 6—C750                                       Pillsbury Winthrop Shaw Pittman LLP
Federal Communications Commission                 2300 N Street, N.W.
445 12" Street, S.W.                              Washington, DC 20037—1128
Washington, DC 20554
Cassandra Thomas®                                 Jennifer A. Manner
International Bureau                              Vice President, Regulatory Affairs
Room 6—A666                                       Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC
Federal Communications Commission                 1002 Park Ridge Boulevard
445 12" Street, S.W.                              Reston, Virginia 20191
Washington, DC 20554
Fom Jamulnck®
Satellte Division
International Bureau
Room 6—A523
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

Robert Nelson®
Satellte Division
International Bureau
Room 6—B554
Federal Communications Commission
445 12" Street, S.W.
Washington, DC 20554

* By Hand Delivery


                                            ATTACHMENT A

                    Supplementto MSV—EchoStar Sharing Analysis

A.1        Introduction

        This analysis supplements the MSV—EchoStar Sharing Analysis that was included as an
attachment to EchoStar‘s Petition for Reconsideration in this proceeding dated August 5, 2005.
It has been generated to respond to the information recently provided by MSV in ts Opposition
dated August 18, 2005, in which MSV states its requirement to deploy spot beams "... and as
manyas three or four additional earth stations," in addition to the maximum of two feeder link
earth stations that were a condition of its license.". In the MSV—EchoStar Sharing Analysis we
demonstrated how EchoStar could share the same frequency band with up to four MSV feeder
link earth stations. This Supplement extends that analysis to include up to six MSV feeder link
earth stations and associated spot beams."

A.2—       Possible Use of Six MSV Feeder Link Earth Stations

       Figure 2—1 below shows a scenario where MSV is operating six geographically isolated
spot beams and associated feeder link earth stations (MSV beams showi  red). Because MSV
has not given any indication as to the location of these feeder link earth stations we have

       Itshould be noted. however,that the texitig lensed carth stations aregeographicall oo losetopsther to
       permi sptil fequency reus othe feederink spectrum. "Thereforethassumption of x peouraphically
       separated MSV feader inkearth ttions s an overestiat of what MSV may eventally use
.      EehoStardoes notcancede tht MSV should b allowed o ncreas th nurmber ofedernk locations from the
    curretly authorized two earth stations. Thi anaysii ntended o demonstrate how the two pariescould
    coordinatthe us of he extended Ku—band eveif MSV wereauthoried t operate additional feede inearth

    arbitrarily assumed they are located somewhere in the vicinity of the following metropolitan
    areas: Washington DC, Houston, Chicago, San Diego, Seattle and Denver.. The first four of
    these are the same as used in the previous analysis. ‘The two additional feeder link sites are
    assumed to be in Seattle and Denver. Note that the assumed MSV feeder link beams all achieve

    well in excess of 20 dB beam isolation from the other MSV spot beams, atthe feeder link earth
    station locations.

        The example EchoStar beams are shown in blue in Figure 2—1. . These beams do not
represent the limit on EchoStar‘s beam coverage possibilities, but rather just a representative
example of beams that could easily be operated by EchoStar without causing. harmful
interference to MSV‘s assumed feeder link operations. Note that all ofthe assumed MSV feeder
link earth stations are located outside of the —26 dB gain contour of the EchoStar downlink
beams, which is consistent with the interference analysis provided in the original MSV—EchoStar
Sharing Analysis." Note also that additional EchoStar beams could be added, or these beams
could be moved, without exceeding this assumed condition.

*      See Section A.5 of thoriinal MSV—EchoStar Sharing Analysis

                   Figure 2—1 — Downlink Example      Six MSV Feeder Link Earth Stations


                                   Blue = EchoStarbeams.. Red =MSV beams

A3              Conclusions

       Even with six MSV feeder link spot beams operating with six geographically separated
MSV feeder link earth stations, there are still vast areas of the United States that could be
provided service by EchoStar using the same frequencies and same orbital location as MSV.
With constructive coordination between the parties, EchoStar and MSV would be able to share
the extended Ku—band atthe 101° W.L. orbital position.


                        FOR         PREPARING ENGI              NFORMATE

        I hereby certify that I am the technically qualified person responsible for preparation of
the engineering information contained in this pleading, that I amfamiliar with Part 25 of the
Commission‘s Rules, that T have either prepared or reviewed. the enginecring information
submitted in this pleading, and that it is complete and accurate to the best of my knowledge and

                                                      Richard J. Barnett

                                                     Richard J. Bamett, PhD, BSc
                                                     Telecomm Strategies Inc.
                                                     6404 Highland Drive
                                                     Chevy Chase, Maryland 20815
                                                     (301) 656—8950

          Dated:. August 30, 2008

Document Created: 2005-08-31 18:19:01
Document Modified: 2005-08-31 18:19:01

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