Attachment Comments


COMMENT submitted by Mobile Satellite Ventures



This document pretains to SAT-LOA-20040210-00015 for Application to Launch and Operate on a Satellite Space Stations filing.


                                            Before the                           RECEIVED
                                 Federal Communications Commission
                                       Washington, D.C. 20554                      APR 2 6 2004
In the Matter of                                                             FEUERAL   COMMUNICATIONS COMMISGIOM
                                                                                   OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY

EchoStar Satellite LLC                                     File No. SAT-LOA-2-
Application for Authority to Launch and Operate a )        Call Sign S2615       APR 3 0 7004
GSO Satellite at 101”W Using the Planned Ku-band )
                                                       )                                    Branch

       Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC (“MSV”) hereby files these Comments on the

above-captioned application of EchoStar Satellite LLC (“EchoStar”) requesting authority to

construct, launch, and operate a geostationary (“GSO”) satellite at 101“W using 300 MHz of

Planned Ku-band frequencies.’ The Bureau must defer action on Echostar’s application with

respect to the 250 MHz for which it is second-in-line behind MSV. The Bureau should also

defer action on Echostar’s application with respect to the remaining 50 MHz for which MSV

will be first-in-line if the Bureau reconsiders its recent decision dismissing MSV’s prior-filed

application for these same frequencies. Finally, after MSV’s application is granted, if MSV and

EchoStar are able to reach a sharing agreement, then it may be possible to grant Echostar’s

application, subject to any relevant conditions on Echostar’s license.


        MSV is the successor to Motient Services Inc. (“Motient,” formerly known as AMSC

Subsidiary Corporation), the entity authorized by the Commission in 1989 to construct, launch,

 Application of EchoStar Satellite LLC, File No. SAT-LOA-20040210-00015 (February 10,
2004) (“‘EchoStarApplication”).

and operate a United States Mobile Satellite Service (“MSS”) system in the L-band.2 MSV’s

current satellite was launched in 1995 and operates at 101OW.

       In July 1998, MSV filed an application to launch and operate a higher power,

replacement satellite with substantially greater ~apacity.~
                                                         To accommodate this greater capacity,

the application, as amended in December 2000, requested authority to use an additional 250

MHz of Planned Ku-band spectrum4beyond the 200 MHz for which MSV is already licen~ed.~

Specifically, MSV’s replacement application requested the following 450 MHz of Planned Ku-

band spectrum at 101”W: 10.75-10.95 & 11.2-11.45 GHz (downlink) and 12.75-13.15 & 13.20-

13.25 GHz (uplink). The only segment of the Planned Ku-band for which MSV is not currently

licensed and did not apply in December 2000 was the following 50 MHz: 10.70-10.75 GHz

(downlink) and 13.5-13.20 GHz (uplink). The Bureau placed MSV’s amended application on

Public Notice in March 2001. See Public Notice, Report No. SAT-00066 (March 19,2001). No

party filed a competing application or objected to MSV’s request to operate its replacement

satellite using additional Planned Ku-band spectrum for feeder links. MSV filed a minor

2Memorandum Opinion, Order and Authorization, 4 FCC Rcd 6041 (1989) (“MSV Licensing
Order”);remanded by Aeronautical Radio, Inc. v. FCC, 928 F.2d 428 (D.C. Cir. 1991); Final
Decision on Remand, 7 FCC Rcd 266 (1992); a f d , Aeronautical Radio, Inc. v. FCC, 983 F.2d
275 (D.C. Cir. 1993); see also AMSC Subsidiary Corporation, Memorandum Opinion and
Order, 8 FCC Rcd 4040 (1 993) (“MSV License Modification Order”).
3SeeApplication of AMSC Subsidiary Corporation, File No. SAT-LOA- 19980702-00066 (July
2, 1998) (“July 1998 Application”).
  Throughout these Comments, references to the amount of spectrum are based on its use in both
the uplink and downlink direction. Thus, in this case, for example, there are 250 MHz in each
’See Application of Motient Services Inc., SAT-AMD-2000 1214-0017 1 (December 14, 2000), at
FCC Form 3 12, Question 43 (“MSVDecember 2000 Amendment”). In March 2001, MSV filed a
second amendment in which it requested to operate terrestrial base stations, but did not request
additional frequencies beyond those for which it had already applied. See Application of MSV,
File No. SAT-ASG-20010302-00017 et al. (March 2,2001).


amendment to this application on November 18, 2003 to revise the technical parameters of its

proposed satellite, but did not request additional frequencies beyond those for which it had

already applied.6

        On August 27,2003, EchoStar filed an application for authority to launch and operate a

satellite at 101”W using the 250 MHz that MSV had requested in its replacement application and

the remaining 50 MHz in the Planned Ku band (Le., 10.70-10.75 GHz and 13.15-13.20 GHz).~

Under the new first-come, first-served licensing policies for GSO satellites, EchoStar was

second-in-line behind MSV at 101”W with respect to 250 MHz of the 300 MHz it requested and

first-in-line with respect to the 50 MHz for which MSV is not licensed and did not apply in

December 2000.8 On November 26,2003, EchoStar amended its application.’ On February 9,

2004, the Bureau dismissed EchoStar’s application as incomplete and otherwise not in

compliance with the Commission’s rules.”

       On February 9,2004, upon dismissal of EchoStar’s application, MSV filed an

amendment to its pending application for a replacement satellite to request the remaining 50

 See MSV, Minor Amendment, File No. SAT-AMD-2003 1118-00335 (November 18,2003).
 Application of EchoStar Satellite Corporation, File No. SAT-LOA-20030827-001 79 (filed
August 27,2003).
  On November 17,2003, MSV filed a Petition to Deny this application, noting that (i)
EchoStar’s application was mutually exclusive with MSV’s prior-filed, first-in-line application
for a replacement satellite with respect to all but 50 MHz of the 300 MHz EchoStar had
requested; (ii) the application proposed a GSO satellite for domestic service without requesting a
waiver of footnote NG104 that limits use of the Planned Ku-band by GSO satellites to
“international systems;” and (iii) the unlimited deployment of earth stations that EchoStar
proposed violated the Commission’s policy of limiting the number of earth stations operating in
the Planned Ku-band. See Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Petition to Deny, File No.
SAT-LOA-20030827-00 179 (filed November 17,2003).
’EchoStar Satellite Corporation, Amendment, File No. SAT-AMD-2003 1126-00343 (November
lo See Letter from Thomas S. Tycz, FCC, to David K. Moskowitz, Echostar, File Nos. SAT-
LOA-20030827-00179, SAT-AMD-20031 126-00343 (February 9,2004).


MHz of Planned Ku-band frequencies it had not previously requested (10.70-1 0.75 GHz and

13.15-13.20 GHz). l 1

        On February 10,2004, one day after MSV filed its amendment, EchoStar filed the above-

captioned application for the following 300 MHz of Planned Ku-band frequencies at 101”W:

10.70-10.75 GHz and 11.2-1 1.45 GHz (downlink) and 12.75-13.0 GHz & 13.15-13.2 GHz

(uplink). See EchoStar Application. In its application, EchoStar concedes that MSV is first-in-

line for some of these frequencies. See id., Technical Annex at 25. At the same time, EchoStar

states its view that MSV and EchoStar can share these frequencies at 101”W over the same

geographic area. See id., Technical Annex at 25-26. EchoStar contemplates entering into an

agreement with MSV that would detail the conditions for sharing. See id., Technical Annex at 1,

7, 12 n.3,22,25,26. On March 26,2004, the Bureau placed Echostar’s application on Public

Notice. See Report No. SAT-00203 (March 26,2004).

       On April 23,2004, the Bureau dismissed MSV’s February 9,2004 amendment for

purportedly failing to include an interference analysis.12 The deadline for challenges of this

decision has not yet passed. The Bureau requested MSV to supplement, but did not dismiss, its

l 1 Mobile Satellite Ventures Subsidiary LLC, Amendment, File No. SAT-AMD-20090209-
00014 (filed February 9,2004). On March 10,2004, EchoStar filed a Petition for
Reconsideration of the Bureau’s February 9,2004 decision to dismiss Echostar’s November 26,
2003 amendment. See EchoStar Satellite LLC, Petition for Reconsideration, File Nos. SAT-
LOA-20030827-001 79, SAT-AMD-2003 1126-00343 (March 10,2004). EchoStar asked the
Bureau to reinstate its application nuncpro tunc. Id. In its Reply to MSV’s Opposition to its
Petition for Reconsideration, EchoStar accepts that if its application is reinstated nunc pro tunc,
it will not assume first-in-line status for the 250 MHz of Planned Ku-band frequencies for which
MSV originally filed in December 2000 (1 1.2-11.45 GHz band (downlink) and 12.75-13.00 GHz
band (uplink)). See Echostar, Reply, File Nos. SAT-LOA-20030827-001 79, SAT-AMD-
2003 1 126-00343 (April 5,2004), at 9. Echostar’s Petition for Reconsideration is pending.
l 2 See Letter from Thomas S. Tycz, FCC, to Lon C. Levin, MSV, File No. SAT-AMD-
20040209-0001 5, DA 04-1095 (April 23,2004).


November 18, 2003 amendment.13 Thus, as of this date, MSV is either licensed or first-in-line

for the following 450 MHz of Planned Ku-band frequencies: 10.75-10.95 & 11.2-11.45 GHz

(downlink) and 12.75-13.15 & 13.20-13.25 GHz (uplink). If the Bureau reconsiders its April 23

decision, MSV also will be first-in-line for the remaining 50 MHz of Planned Ku-band

frequencies: 10.70-10.75 GHz (downlink) and 13.15-13.20 GHz (uplink).


I.     The Bureau Must Defer Action on Echostar’s Application with Respect to the 250
       MHz for Which It Is Second-in-Line Behind MSV
       Echostar’s application is mutually exclusive with MSV’s prior-filed replacement

application with respect to the following 250 MHz of Planned Ku-band frequencies at 101”W:

11.2-11.45 GHz (downlink) and 12.75-13.00 GHz (uplink). Under the Commission’s new first-

come, first-served policies which apply to feeder links for GSO MSS satellites, MSV’s

application is first-in-line with respect to these Planned Ku-band frequencies at 101OW. 47

C.F.R. 0 25.158(a), (b). Moreover, in response to the March 2001 Public Notice accepting

MSV’s replacement application for filing, neither EchoStar nor any other party either filed a

competing application or objected to MSV’s use of additional Planned Ku-band frequencies for

feeder links. The Bureau must defer action of Echostar’s second-in-line application with respect

to these 250 MHz until after MSV’s application is processed and granted.

11.    The Bureau Should Defer Action on Echostar’s Application with Respect to the
       Remaining 50 MHz for Which MSV Will Be First-in-Line if the Commission Grants
       MSV’s Request that the Bureau Reconsider the Dismissal of MSV’s Prior-Filed
       Application for the Same Frequencies

       MSV believes that the Bureau’s April 23,2004 decision dismissing MSV’s February 9,

2004 amendment for the remaining 50 MHz of Planned Ku-band spectrum was in error and will

l 3 See Letter from Robert G. Nelson, FCC, to Lon C. Levin, MSV, File No. SAT-AMD-
20031 118-00335 (April 23,2004).


eventually be reversed. When MSV’s amendment is reinstated, MSV will return to first-in-line

status for these frequencies. Accordingly, the Bureau should defer action on Echostar’s

application for these 50 MHz until after the Commission acts on MSV’s challenge to the

dismissal of its February 9,2004 amendment. Should the Bureau nonetheless act on Echostar’s

application prior to acting on MSV’s challenge, then the Bureau must make clear that any grant

of Echostar’s application is subject to modification upon action on MSV’s challenge.

111.   The Bureau Cannot Grant Echostar’s Application Unless and Until MSV and
       EchoStar Conclude a Sharing Agreement

       EchoStar concedes that its proposal to use Planned Ku-band frequencies at 101“W is

dependent upon its conclusion of an agreement with MSV detailing the conditions for sharing.

See id.,Technical Annex at 1,7, 12 n.3,22,25,26. MSV agrees with EchoStar that sharing may

be possible and is prepared to work with EchoStar to attempt to reach an agreement on sharing.

MSV urges the Bureau to refrain from granting this application, however, unless and until MSV

and EchoStar conclude such an agreement. Assuming MSV and EchoStar can reach an

agreement on sharing, then the Bureau must condition any license issued to EchoStar on its

compliance with this agreement.



      MSV requests that the Commission act consistently with the views expressed herein.

                                  Respectfully submitted,

Bruce D. Jacobs                              Lon C. Levin
David S. Konczal                             Vice President
2300 N Street, N.W.                          SUBSIDIARY LLC
Washington, D.C. 20037                       10802 Park Ridge Boulevard
(202) 663-8000                               Reston, Virginia 2019 1
                                             (703) 390-2700

Dated: April 26,2004


                                CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE

        1, Sylvia A. Davis, a secretary with the law firm of Shaw Pittman LLP, hereby certify that
on this 26th day of April 2004, served a true copy of the foregoing “Comments” by first class
United States mail, postage prepaid, upon the following:

Thomas S. Tycz*                                   Pantelis Michalopoulos
International Bureau                              Philip L. Malet
Federal Communications Commission                 Chung Hsiang Mah
445 1 2 ‘ Street,
          ~       S.W.                            Steptoe & Johnson LLP
Washington, DC 20554                              1330 Connecticut Avenue N.W
                                                  Washington, D.C. 20036

                                                  Counsel for EchoStar Satellite LLC

                                                  David K. Moskowitz
                                                  Senior Vice President and General Counsel
                                                  EchoStar Satellite LLC
                                                  9601 South Meridian Blvd.
                                                  Englewood, CO 801 12

*By hand delivery

Document #: 1394980 v.2

Document Created: 2004-05-05 15:46:48
Document Modified: 2004-05-05 15:46:48

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